Dr. Andreas M. Tillmann

Dr. Andreas M. Tillmann
Dr. Andreas M. Tillmann
Universitätsplatz 2, Room 607B

Currently no fixed office hours. Please contact me via email.

About me

As of February 1, 2025, I am Professor for Discrete Optimization at Clausthal Technical University!

I studied finance and business mathematics (FWM) at TU Braunschweig (Dipl.-Math. Oec., January 2009) and received my doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from TU Darmstadt in December 2013. During the winter term 2014/15 I was an interim professor for mathematical optimization at TU Braunschweig. From January 2017 to September 2019, I was with the Chair of Operations Research and the Visual Computing Institute at RWTH Aachen University, where I headed the "Data" unit of the profile area CompSE (Computational Science and Engineering). During the summer of 2019, I spent three months as a guest researcher at the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Data Science for Real-Time Decision Making, Polytechnique Montréal. In October 2019, I rejoined the Institute for Mathematical Optimization at TU Braunschweig as a PostDoc. In the summer term 2023, I served as interim professor for discrete optimization at TU Clausthal.

In 2013, I received the SPARS Best Student Paper Award for "The Computational Complexity of Spark, RIP, and NSP", and in 2020, the COAP Best Paper Prize 2019 for "Computing the spark: mixed-integer programming for the (vector) matroid girth problem". In the past couple of years, I was also honored several times as one of the best reviewers for NeurIPS and/or ICML.

(A full CV is available upon request.)

Research Interests

My research activities encompass theoretical and practical aspects of (discrete) optimization and complexity in compressed sensing, signal and image processing, machine learning, and operations research.

Participation in Research Projects

SONAR - Simultaneous scenario-based optimization of aircraft flight routes and noise assessment

PIs: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stiller
Researchers: Dr. Andreas M. Tillmann
Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration: 2023 – 2025


KI4ALL – Künstliche Intelligenz für alle


Subproject-PI: Prof. Dr. S. Stiller
Researchers: Dr. A. Tillmann
Partner Universities: TU Braunschweig, TU Clausthal, Ostfalia HAW
Funding: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), State of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen)
Duration: 2021 – 2025

SE²A ICA A3.1 - Advanced ATS Simulation

Advanced ATS Simulation (AdAS)

PIs: Prof. Dr. S. Stiller (IMO TU Braunschweig), Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Hecker (IFF TU Braunschweig), Dr.-Ing. B. Korn (DLR)
Researchers: Dr. A. Tillmann (IMO TU Braunschweig), Dr.-Ing. T. Feuerle, B. Yildiz, P. Förster (IFF TU Braunschweig), F. Knabe (DLR)
Funding: Cluster of Excellence SE²A (Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation), ICA A3.1; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Duration: 2019 – 2022

Mathematik für Innovationen: LeoPlan

LeoPlan: Lernen und Optimierung mit großen Datenmengen auf Netzwerken

PIs: Prof. Dr. S. Stiller, Prof. Dr. C. Kirches (TU Braunschweig), Prof. Dr. P. Mutzel (Uni Bonn)
Researchers: Dr. A. Tillmann, T. Niemann (TU Braunschweig), L. Schürmann (Uni Bonn), C. Hansknecht (TU Braunschweig), F. Bürgel (TU Braunschweig)
Industry Partners: Logiball GmbH, BASF Schwarzheide GmbH, 4flow AG
Funding: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 2020 – 2023

Efficient exact maximum-likelihood decoding and minimum-distance computation for binary linear codes (RWTH Aachen)

PI: Dr. A. Tillmann
Researchers: C. Puchert (RWTH Aachen)
Funding: Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments [StUpPD_350-18]
Duration: 2018 – 2019

CoSIP: EXPRESS (TU Darmstadt, TU Ilmenau)

EXPRESS – EXploiting structure in comPREssed Sensing using Side constraints

PIs: Prof. Dr. M. Pfetsch, Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Pesavento (TU Darmstadt), Prof. Dr. M. Haardt (TU Ilmenau)
Researchers: F. Matter, D. Schenck, M. Hoang, Y. Fan, Dr. T. Fischer, Dr.-Ing. G. Hegde, Dr.-Ing. C. Steffens (TU Darmstadt), Dr. K. Ardah, Dr.-Ing. J. Steinwandt (TU Ilmenau), Dr. A. Tillmann (TU Braunschweig; affiliate member)
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), part of the priority program (SPP) 1798…

SPEAR - Sparse Exact and Approximate Recovery

PIs: Prof. Dr. M. Pfetsch, Prof. Dr. D. Lorenz
Researchers: Dr. A. Tillmann, Dr. C. Kruschel
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Duration: 2011 – 2014

Workshops and Conferences

  • ISMP 2024, Montréal (talk: Sequential Mixed-Integer Programming for Matrix Sparsification)
  • SPARS 2019, Toulouse (poster: Structured Discrete Shape Approximation; poster: Exact Recovery of Partially Sparse Signals)
  • EURO 2019, Dublin (invited talk: Airplane Boarding: Complexity, Approximation and Exact Solution)
  • ISMP 2018, Bordeaux (invited talk: Spark-MIP: Mixed-Integer Programming for the (Vector) Matroid Girth Problem)
  • SPARS 2017, Lisbon (talk: Computing the Spark of a Matrix; poster: L1-HOUDINI: A New Homotopy Method for L1-Minimization)
  • The Aussois C.O.W. 2017, Aussois (invited, talk: Sparse Signal Reconstruction with Integrality Constraints)
  • DWCAA 2016, Alba di Canazei (invited talk: Exploiting hidden sparsity for image reconstruction from nonlinear measurements)
  • Data Science meets Optimization 2016, Aachen (invited talk: New Applications of Sparsity-Based Learning)
  • ICASSP 2016, Shanghai (poster: Dictionary Learning from Phaseless Measurements)
  • CSA 2015, Berlin (poster: Dictionary Learning for Phase Retrieval)
  • ISMP 2015, Pittsburgh (invited talk: Branch & Cut Methods for Exact Sparse Recovery)
  • SPARS 2015, Cambridge (poster: Heuristic Optimality Checks for Noise-Aware Sparse Recovery by L1-Minimization)
  • GAMM 2015, Lecce (invited talk: Computational Aspects of Sparse Recovery)
  • Sparse Tomographic Reconstruction 2015, Heidelberg (invited talk: Computational Aspects of Sparse Recovery)
  • ICASSP 2014, Florence (poster: Projection onto the Cosparse Set is NP-hard)
  • SPARS 2013, Lausanne (highlight talk: The Computational Complexity of Spark, RIP, and NSP; Poster: Projection onto the k-Cosparse Set is NP-hard)
  • MATHEON-W. Sparse Representation [...] 2012, Berlin (invited talk: Branch & Cut for L0-Minimization)
  • ISMP 2012, Berlin (invited talk: Heuristic Optimality Check and Computational Solver Comparison for Basis Pursuit)
  • SIAM Conf. on Applied Linear Algebra 2012, Valencia (invited talk: Solving Basis Pursuit)
  • SPARS 2011, Edinburgh (poster: An Infeasible-Point Subgradient Algorithm and a Computational Solver Comparison for L1-Minimization)
  • SIAM Conf. on Optimization 2011, Darmstadt (poster: An Infeasible-Point Subgradient Method Using Approximate Projections)
  • CSSIP 2010, Braunschweig (talk: An Infeasible-Point Subgradient Method and Computational Comparison for L1-Minimization)

I was a co-initiator and organizer of the Workshop on Optimization, Machine Learning and Data Science 2018 in Braunschweig.

We may also have met at OR 2023 in Hamburg, OR 2022 in Karlsruhe, the International Boarding Workshop 2020 (virtually), NeurIPS 2018 in Montréal, at GMP 2018 in Aachen, at the SCIP Workshop 2018 in Aachen, at the Workshop on Statistical Issues in Compressive Sensing 2013 in Göttingen, at the Workshop Sparsity and Computation 2010 in Bonn or at ISMP 2009 in Chicago.



airPaDE : data set and toolbox for estimating passenger demand volumes in European air traffic

Spark(M)IP : branch & cut SCIP-code to compute the girth of vector matroids (if interested, please send me an email)

L1-Houdini : homotopy method for L1-norm-minimization under max-norm-constraints

DOLPHIn : method for image reconstruction and simultaneous learning of sparse representations from phaseless noise measurement data (if interested, please send me an email)

ISAL1, HOC-Suite, L1-Testset (ascii 313MB, Matlab binaries 1GB), L1-TestPack : subgradient method, collection of heuristic optimality checks, test set and instance generation routines for L1-norm-minimization problems, resp.


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