Rebecca Marx

Bild Rebecca Marx
Rebecca Marx
Universitätsplatz 2, Room 604

Appointments on request. Please contact me via e-mail.

Research Interests

  • Network optimization
  • Optimization under (explorable) uncertainty

Participation in Research Projects

HyNEAT - Hydrogen Supply Networks' Evolution for Air Transport

PIs: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stiller, Dr. Imke Joormann
Researcher: Rebecca Marx, Lisa-Marie Manke
Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Duration: 2022 – 2025


Lecture: Ramp up Course Mathematics (Winter 2023/24)

The lecture "Ramp up Course Mathematics" is for Master's students of program in Data Science (credit points: 10, credit hours: 4+2). The course will be held in the winter term 2023/24 by Prof. Dr. Christian Kirches, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stiller, and others in English language.

Lecture: Ramp up Course Mathematics (Summer 2023)

The lecture "Ramp up Course Mathematics" is for Master's students of program in Data Science (credit points: 10, credit hours: 4+2). The course will be held in the summer term 2023 by Prof. Dr. Christian Kirches, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stiller, and others in English language.

Lecture: Ramp up Course Mathematics (Winter 2022/23)

The lecture "Ramp up Course Mathematics" is for Master's students of program in Data Science (credit points: 10, credit hours: 4+2). The course will be held in the winter term 2022/23 by Prof. Dr. Christian Kirches, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stiller, and others in English language.

Lecture: Discrete Optimization (Summer 2022)

The lecture "Discrete Optimization" is for Master's students of programs in Data Science, Mathematics as well as Mathematics in Finance and Industry (credit points: 10, credit hours: 4+2). The course will be held in the summer term 2022 by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stiller and Rebecca Marx in English language.

Lecture: Ramp up Course Mathematics (Summer 2022)

The lecture "Ramp up Course Mathematics" is for Master's students of program in Data Science (credit points: 10, credit hours: 4+2). The course will be held in the summer term 2022 by Prof. Dr. Christian Kirches, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stiller, and others in English language.

Lecture: RampUp Course Mathematics (Winter 2021/22)

The lecture "RampUp Course Mathematics" in winter semester 2021/22 will be given by Profes. Sebastian Stiller, Christian Kirches, and others. Note that the language of this course is English.


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