Dr.-Ing. Florian Bürgel

Dr.-Ing. Florian Bürgel
Universitätsplatz 2, room 605

Office hours: by appointment.

Research Interests


  • Nonlinear Optimization
  • Inverse Problems


  • Wind Farm Optimization
  • Scattering Problems

News (Selection)

The new semester begins

Many members of the institute met on 22 October 2024 to welcome the new semester with an entertaining game of mini golf and a meal together.

Participation in Research Projects

Mathematik für Innovationen: LeoPlan

LeoPlan: Lernen und Optimierung mit großen Datenmengen auf Netzwerken

PIs: Prof. Dr. S. Stiller, Prof. Dr. C. Kirches (TU Braunschweig), Prof. Dr. P. Mutzel (Uni Bonn)
Researchers: Dr. A. Tillmann, T. Niemann (TU Braunschweig), L. Schürmann (Uni Bonn), C. Hansknecht (TU Braunschweig), F. Bürgel (TU Braunschweig)
Industry Partners: Logiball GmbH, BASF Schwarzheide GmbH, 4flow AG
Funding: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 2020 – 2023

Mathematik für Innovationen: MOReNet

MOReNet—Modelling, Optimization and Control of Networks of Heterogeneous Energy Systems with Volatile Renewable Energy Production

Researchers: Prof. Kirches and Prof. Stiller (TU Braunschweig), with Prof. Bock, Prof. Kostina, Dr. Potschka (all Heidelberg University) and Dr. Faulwasser, Prof. Hagenmeyer (both Karlsruhe Institut of Technology)
Funding: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) (BMBF Industriemathematik 2017-20)
Duration: Jan 2018 – Dec 2020


Lecture: Introduction to Mathematical Optimization (Nonlinear Optimization) (Winter 2024/25)

The lecture "Introduction to Mathematical Optimization" (Nonlinear Optimization) is for Bachelor's students of programs in Physics, Mathematics as well as Mathematics in Finance and Industry (credit points: 10, credit hours: 4+2). The course will be held in the winter term 2024/25 by Prof. Dr. Christian Kirches and Dr.-Ing. Florian Bürgel in German language.

Lecture: Inverse Problems (Summer 2024)

The lecture "Inverse Problems" is for Master's students of programs in Computational Sciences in Engineering, Data Science, Mathematics as well as Mathematics in Finance and Industry (credit points: 5, credit hours: 2+1). The course will be held in the summer term 2024 by Dr.-Ing Florian Bürgel in English language (or in German if all participants agree).

Lecture: Scattering Problems (Summer 2022)

The lecture "Scattering Problems" is for Master's students of programs in Mathematics as well as Mathematics in Finance and Industry (credit points: 5, credit hours: 2+1). The course will be held in the summer term 2022 by Dr.-Ing. Florian Bürgel in German language.


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