Tim Niemann

Tim Niemann
Universitätsplatz 2, Room 601

Currently no office hours.

Please contact me by email.

Research Interests

  • Discrete Optimization
  • (Two-Stage) Robust Optimization
  • (Mixed) Integer Linear Programming
  • Operations Research
  • Machine Learning
  • Graph Learning

News (Selection)

No news available.

Participation in Research Projects

SOAP - Simulation and Optimization of Air transport Processes

PIs: Dr. Imke Joormann, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stiller
Researchers: Tim Niemann, Frederic Kroner
Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration: 2023 – 2025

Mathematik für Innovationen: LeoPlan

LeoPlan: Lernen und Optimierung mit großen Datenmengen auf Netzwerken

PIs: Prof. Dr. S. Stiller, Prof. Dr. C. Kirches (TU Braunschweig), Prof. Dr. P. Mutzel (Uni Bonn)
Researchers: Dr. A. Tillmann, T. Niemann (TU Braunschweig), L. Schürmann (Uni Bonn), C. Hansknecht (TU Braunschweig), F. Bürgel (TU Braunschweig)
Industry Partners: Logiball GmbH, BASF Schwarzheide GmbH, 4flow AG
Funding: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 2020 – 2023

Workshops and Conferences

Date Subject
09/2022 Vehicle Routing with Heterogeneous Time Windows. International Conference on Operations Research - OR 2022, Karlsruhe.
08/2023 General Polyhedral Approximation of Two-Stage Robust Linear Programming. International Conference on Operations Research - OR 2023, Hamburg.
09/2023 General Polyhedral Approximation of Two-Stage Robust Linear Programming. European Conference on Computational Optimization - EUCCO 2023, Heidelberg.


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