
Scholarships, Auslands-BAföG and educational loans

An internship abroad means additional costs for visa and insurance, travel to and from the country and, of course, for accommodation and living abroad. Internships are usually not paid well enough for you to cover all the additional costs. That is why there are scholarship and funding programmes that can help you cover the difference.


Scholarship programmes for internships abroad

Many scholarship programmes primarily provide financial support for your stay abroad. The focus of these programmes varies. They support internships in certain countries, certain fields of studies or certain organisations, and some of them also arrange internships and offer support in preparing for your stay abroad.

Other financing options

Other options for financing an internship abroad are Auslands-BAföG (BAföG abroad) and educational loans. They can be applied for alone, but sometimes also in addition to a scholarship programme. In the case of BAföG, however, the scholarship payments are offset, so that the total BAföG funding is reduced accordingly.


Initial counselling on studying abroad and internships abroad

Nina Schneider

 ☎  +49 531 391 14333

Room 303, 3rd floor Bültenweg 74, 38106 Braunschweig

Tue 14:00 - 16:00
at the Study Service Centre, Desk 5

Wed 13:30 - 14:30
Online office hours


Current changes

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