Finding an internship

What is important to you?

Before looking for an internship, you need to be clear about your objectives:

  • Do you want to qualify for starting a career in a certain field?
  • Do you want to stay in a certain country?
  • Do you still need to complete a mandatory internship and would like to do it abroad?

How do I find an internship?

Once you know what you want to do during your internship, you can start looking for the right internship placement.

There are basically two options:

  • You apply through an agency or programme to find an internship abroad for you.
  • You organise your internship abroad yourself. The Internet offers numerous internship platforms and portals with a large selection of internships all over the world.

Placement agencies and programmes

If you do not want to search yourself, you can use the services of placement agencies and programmes.

Services usually include

  • arranging a suitable internship and obtaining a work visa,
  • help in finding accommodation,
  • sometimes also preparatory language courses, intercultural training and support in organising travel.

DAAD country information

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides comprehensive information on each country. Here you will find information on education and scholarship programmes, on visas, finding accommodation and living costs, as well as reports on personal experiences and lots of practical tips on how to prepare for your stay abroad.


Initial counselling on studying abroad and internships abroad

Nina Schneider

 ☎  +49 531 391 14333

Room 303, 3rd floor Bültenweg 74, 38106 Braunschweig

Tue 14:00 - 16:00
at the Study Service Centre, Desk 5

Wed 13:30 - 14:30
Online office hours


Current changes

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