Date: Wednesday, 9:45 - 11:15
Location: Audimax (AM)
Begin: 01.11.2023
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. M. Haupt
Information: Course Catalog, Stud.ip
After completing the module, students are able to use object-oriented programming languages (Python, C ++) and their environment (development environments, expansion modules) in a goal-oriented manner. The skills learned include working effectively with vectors, matrices and their algebra, visualizing and analyzing data, performing simple simulations and working with symbolic mathematics. The students are able to combine and link efficiently and problem-oriented the various digital tools. Furthermore, the students are able to perform object-oriented software engineering for new problems and to design algorithms on the basis of design patterns and to develop and use corresponding data structures. The students also have initial theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas of optimization and machine learning.
1st semester (WS):
Learning the Python programming language, use of modules, object-oriented modeling
Basics and language structure of Python
Tools for program development
Statistical and numerical calculations (NumPy)
Computer algebra (SymPy)
Data visualization (matplotlib)
Simple simulations (SciPy)
Simple 3D graphics (Vpython)