Date: Monday, 8.30 - 10.30 pm
Location: IFL - Seminarraum (HB 35.1)
Begin: 09.04.2019
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. L. Tichy
Information: Course Catalog
Date: Tuesday, 9.45 - 10.30 pm
Location: IFL - Seminarraum (HB 35.1)
Begin: t.b.d.
Contact: M. Woidt, M.Sc.
Information: Stud.IP
Explanation of the physical interrelation, introduction to the analytical treatment of aeroelastic problems, application on flexible supported rigid wing sections in compressible flow, explantion of torsional divergence, rudder effectiveness and flutter, extension of considerations on elastic wings with high aspect ratios and two-dimensional structures.