Date: Monday, 09:30 - 12.45 pm
Location: IFL - Seminarraum (HB 35.1)
Begin: 25.04.2022
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. L. Tichy
Information: Course Catalog
Date: t.b.a.
Location: IFL - Seminarraum (HB 35.1)
Begin: t.b.d.
Contact: Malte Woidt, M.Sc.
Information: Stud.IP
Fundamentals of instationary aerodynamics, aeroelastic problems of the complete aircraft, specially flutter, discussion of different flutter cases (rudder buzz, flutter due to flow seperationduring a stall, propeller whirl flutter). Experimental methods to solve aeroelastic problems: ground vibration test, flight vibration test, wind-tunnel tests with dynamically similar test models.