IfR-Alumni-Meeting 2024

The Alumni of the Institute of Control Engineering in front of the Altgebäude of the TU Braunschweig

If the room temperature remains constant despite fluctuating weather conditions, if the mains voltage and frequency remain stable despite changing demand, or if vehicles drive at a constant safety distance and stay on track, the principle of automatic control is behind all these capabilities.

For the teaching and research of this general science, i.e. control engineering, which uses the most technologically advanced means, the Institute for Control Engineering was founded 1963 in at that time TH Braunschweig's Engineering Department. For the first time this new Institute was chaired with Prof. Werner Leonhard, a young scientist with a strong academic background and industrial experience both in Germany and the USA. He headed the Institute for Control Engineering until his retirement in 1993, which was then continued by Prof. Walter Schumacher. More than one hundred scientists have now completed their doctorates and are themselves working in leading positions in industry and as professors.

Over sixty former institute members/alumni met again on November 15, 2024, in the TU Braunschweig's representative Aula at a colloquium, where President Prof. Ittel refreshingly welcomed them. Afterwards, Prof Leonhard's extensive scientific work was recapitulated with authentic photos and honoured with a vernissage in Wikipedia. The broad spectrum of control technology applications, such as activities of his successor, service in technology transfer, assistance robots and future energy supply, was clearly presented by his students.


Melanie Schaller and Lena Germer from the Alumni & Career Service then took the group on a campus tour to the "Hidden and Forbidden Places" at TU Braunschweig. Together, they discovered hidden corners of the university and shared fascinating stories about the history and development of the campus. The alumni meeting ended with a convivial exchange in the traditional Inn Grüner Jäger.