Office hours any time by previous appointment
I am investigating strategical site and network planning methods applied to hydrogen refueling stations in the context of the transition towards more sustainable transportation. In my research, hydrogen fuel is seen as a potential component of a future, climate-neutral mobility system. The aim of my research is to support decision-making regarding expansion strategies for existing refueling infrastructure, predominantly from the operator's point of view. For this purpose, I am applying optimization models that account for the specific technological, economical, ecological, and social requirements of hydrogen refueling stations.
Semester | Subject |
SS 25 | Seminar: „Softwaretools Operations Research" |
SS 24 | Seminar: "Software Tools: Heuristics with Excel" |
since WS 22/23 | Support of the lecture "Operations Management" |
WS/SS | Mentoring students in the context of scientific theses |
Bätge, T.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): A New Flow-Based Location and Capacity Model for Profit-Oriented Refueling Station Network Transformation, in: Grothe, O., Nickel, S., Rebennack, S., Stein, O. (ed.): Operations Research Proceedings 2022. Lecture Notes in Operations Research., Springer, Cham, pp. 487–493.
Gebhardt, P.; Bätge, T.; Türck, E.; Vietor, T. (2019): Algorithm-based Verification of Manufacturing Constraints for a Loadpath Reinforced Fabric, in: Procedia CIRP, 85, pp. 347–352.
Bätge, T. (2024): Strategische Planung der Transformation von Tankstellennetzwerken – Neuartiges Planungsmodell und Benders Dekomposition als Lösungsverfahren, in: Kolloquium des Instituts für Produktionswirtschaft der Leibnitz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany, 2024-01-23.
Bätge, T. (2024): On How to Plan the Strategic Transformation of Refueling Networks, in: 28th ELA PhD Workshop, Athens, Greece, 2024-06-20, (winning: "Best Presentation Award").
Bätge, T.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): Netzwerkplanung für Wasserstoff-Tankstellensysteme – Modellbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung, in: Abschluss-Symposium der Innovationslabore der Wissenschaftsallianz Wasserstofftechnologien, Hannover, Germany, 2024-11-05.
Bätge, T. (2023): Strategische Planung der Transformation von Tankstellennetzwerken, in: 24. Doktorandenworkshop Nordost, Wittenberg, Germany, 2023-05-04.
Bätge, T. (2022): A New Flow-based Location and Capacity Model for Profit-oriented Refueling Station Network Transformation, in: International Conference on Operations Research - OR 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2022-09-07.