Office hours any time by previous appointment
Christian Weckenborg is an accomplished researcher specializing in sustainable production and logistics management. He holds a BSc and MSc in industrial engineering and a PhD in business administration. Currently, he is an assistant professor at Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany.
His research focuses on the contributions of technology to sustainable development in production and logistics applications. He characterizes novel technologies and integrates them into corporate planning, evaluating economic, ecological, and social impacts. His current projects include sustainable production planning in the steel industry, designing hydrogen-based mobility solutions, and optimizing production systems in manufacturing. Christian Weckenborg has received multiple awards for his research.
Beyond his academic pursuits, he is a passionate jazz saxophonist and an advocate for reducing food waste.
An academic CV is available here.
Semester | Subject |
Since WS 23/24 | Adjunct lecturer of "Operations Management in the Automotive Industry" |
Since SS 22 | Adjunct lecturer of "Sustainability in Production and Logistics" |
WS 21/22 – WS 22/23 | Lecturer of "Operations Management in the Automotive Industry" |
WS 19/20 | Seminar: "Energy-oriented production management in the experience lab" |
SS 19 | Seminar: "Assembly Line Balancing" |
WS 17/18 | Seminar: "Case Studies of Flexibility in Manufacturing" |
SS 17 | Seminar: "Digitization in the manufacturing sector" |
WS 16/17 | Seminar: "Digitization in Production and Logistics" |
WS 16/17 – WS 20/21 | Support of the lecture "Automotive Production" |
WS 16/17 – WS 19/20 | Seminar: "Discrete-event Simulation in Production and Logistics" |
WS/SS | Mentoring students in the context of scientific theses |
Year | Title |
2023 | Horst Wildemann Award for Innovative Management Concepts from the German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB) |
2023 | Best Paper Award 2022 from the journal Controlling in the Practice category |
2022 | Best Practice Paper Award from VHB |
2021 | Award for Applied Scientific Achievements from the Initiative Science and Automotive Industry |
2019 | Commended Paper Award from the 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control |
2019 | Finalist of the EURO Excellence in Practice Award at EURO 2019 |
Graupner, Y.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): Effects of European emissions trading on the transformation of primary steelmaking: Assessment of economic and climate impacts in a case study from Germany, in: Journal of Industrial Ecology, 28 (6), pp. 1524–1540.
Weckenborg, C.; Graupner, Y.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): Prospective assessment of transformation pathways toward low-carbon steelmaking: Evaluating economic and climate impacts in Germany, in: Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 203, 107434.
Weckenborg, C.; Oetjegerdes, P.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): Energy-oriented crane scheduling in a steel coil storage, in: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, published online.
Weckenborg, C.; Schumacher, P.; Thies, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): Flexibility in manufacturing system design: A review of recent approaches from Operations Research, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 315 (2), pp. 413–441.
Weckenborg, C.; Vorwerk, B.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): A proactive transshipment model for prototype parts logistics in the automotive industry, in: Journal of Business Economics, 94, pp. 1147–1168.
Sikora, C. G. S.; Weckenborg, C. (2023): Balancing of assembly lines with collaborative robots: comparing approaches of the Benders’ decomposition algorithm, in: International Journal of Production Research, 61 (15), pp. 5117–5133.
Wieczorrek, S.; Thies, C.; Weckenborg, C.; Grunewald, M.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): Volkswagen Group Logistics Applies Operations Research to Optimize Supplier Development, in: INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 54 (2), pp. 147–161.
Barke, A.; Bley, T.; Thies, C.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2022): Are sustainable aviation fuels a viable option for decarbonizing air transport in Europe? An environmental and economic sustainability assessment, in: Applied Sciences, 12 (2), 597.
Kinast, A.; Braune, R.; Dörner, K. F.; Rinderle-Ma, S.; Weckenborg, C. (2022): A hybrid metaheuristic solution approach for the cobot assignment and job shop scheduling problem, in: Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 28, 100350.
Weckenborg, C.; Graupner, Y.; Thies, C.; Meyer, C.; Molzberger, M.; Vogeler, U.; Oppermann, J.; Spengler, T. S. (2022): Ökonomisch und ökologisch effiziente Transformation von Produktionsnetzwerken in der Stahlindustrie – ein aktivitätsanalytischer Modellierungsansatz, in: Controlling – Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 34 (2), pp. 18–26.
Weckenborg, C.; Thies, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2022): Harmonizing ergonomics and economics of assembly lines using collaborative robots and exoskeletons, in: Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 62, pp. 681–702.
Weckenborg, C.; Kieckhäfer, K.; Müller, C.; Grunewald, M.; Spengler, T. S. (2020): Balancing of assembly lines with collaborative robots, in: Business Research, 13, pp. 93–132.
Weckenborg, C.; Kieckhäfer, K.; Spengler, T. S.; Bernstein, P. (2020): The Volkswagen Pre-Production Center Applies Operations Research to Optimize Capacity Scheduling, in: INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 50 (2), pp. 119–136.
Oetjegerdes, P.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2022): Entscheidungen in komplexen Produktionssystemen unterstützen, in: Wissen hoch N.
Oetjegerdes, P.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2021): Iterative Optimierungsbasierte Simulation – Entscheidungsunterstützung in der hierarchischen Planung komplexer Produktions- und Logistiksystemen, in: Industrie 4.0 Management, 37 (1), pp. 63–66.
Schumacher, P.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S.; Schneider, D.; Huth, T.; Vietor, T. (2020): Das Potenzial-Modell – Eine Methode zur Unterstützung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen bei der Auswahl geeigneter Industrie 4.0-Lösungen, in: Industrie 4.0 Management, 36 (6), pp. 25–29.
Weckenborg, C.; Kieckhäfer, K.; Spengler, T. S.; Bernstein, P.; Hahn, M. (2020): Improving Resource Utilization in Prototype Vehicle Production, in: Impact, 2020 (2), pp. 13–18.
Weckenborg, C. (2021): Modellbasierte Gestaltung von Fließproduktionssystemen im Spannungsfeld von Ergonomie und Ökonomie, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, Dissertation.
Graupner, Y.; Rausch, F.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2025): Decarbonizing primary steelmaking: Strategic capacity modification and reduction planning, in: Operations Research Proceedings 2023. Lecture Notes in Operations Research., accepted for publication.
Bätge, T.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): A New Flow-Based Location and Capacity Model for Profit-Oriented Refueling Station Network Transformation, in: Grothe, O., Nickel, S., Rebennack, S., Stein, O. (ed.): Operations Research Proceedings 2022. Lecture Notes in Operations Research., Springer, Cham, pp. 487–493.
Graupner, Y.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): Low-carbon primary steelmaking using direct reduction and electric arc furnaces: Prospective environmental impact assessment, in: Procedia CIRP, 116, pp. 696–701.
Oetjegerdes, P.; Schwier, P.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): Energy-oriented crane scheduling in steel coil storages: Evaluation of heuristic approaches, in: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56 (2), pp. 5370–5375.
Oetjegerdes, P.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S.; Vogeler, U.; Molzberger, M. (2023): Iterative optimierungsbasierte Simulation in der Praxis – Simulation der Oberflächenveredelung der Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, in: Bergmann, S.; Feldkamp, N.; Souren, R.; Straßburger, S. (ed.): 20. ASIM Fachtagung Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2023, Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, Ilmenau, pp. 413–422.
Vorwerk, B.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): Benefits of Proactive Transshipments for an Automotive Manufacturer Under Emission Constraints, in: Grothe, O., Nickel, S., Rebennack, S., Stein, O. (ed.): Operations Research Proceedings 2022. Lecture Notes in Operations Research, Springer, Cham, pp. 427–434.
Graupner, Y.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2022): Designing the technological transformation toward sustainable steelmaking: A framework to provide decision support to industrial practitioners, in: Procedia CIRP, 105, pp. 706–711.
Schumacher, P.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2022): The impact of operation, equipment, and material handling flexibility on the design of matrix-structured manufacturing systems, in: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (2), pp. 481–486.
Weckenborg, C. (2022): Disassembly Line Balancing with Collaborative Robots, in: Trautmann, N.; Gnägi, M. (ed.): Operations Research Proceedings 2021. Lecture Notes in Operations Research, Springer, Cham, pp. 389–394.
Schumacher, P.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2021): Economic Design of Matrix-Structured Manufacturing Systems, in: Dolgui, A.; Bernard, A.; Lemoine, D.; von Cieminski, G.; Romero, D. (ed.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems: IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2021, Nantes, France, September 5–9, 2021, Proceedings, Part II, Springer International Publishing, pp. 516–524.
Schneider, D.; Huth, T.; Vietor, T.; Schumacher, P.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2020): DEVELOPMENT OF A POTENTIAL MODEL TO SUPPORT THE ASSESSMENT AND INTRODUCTION OF INDUSTRY 4.0 TECHNOLOGIES, in: Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, pp. 707–716.
Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2019): Assembly Line Balancing with Collaborative Robots under consideration of Ergonomics: a cost-oriented approach, in: Ivanov, D.; Dolgui, A.; Yalaoui, F. (ed.): 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2019, Berlin, Germany, 28–30 August 2019, IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), pp. 1860–1865, Commended Paper Award.
Müller, C.; Weckenborg, C.; Grunewald, M.; Spengler, T. S. (2016): Consideration of redundancies in the configuration of automated flow lines, in: Mattfeld, D. C.; Spengler, T. S.; Brinkmann, J.; Grunewald, M. (ed.): Logistics Management: Contributions of the Section Logistics of the German Academic Association for Business Research, 2015, Braunschweig, Germany, Springer International Publishing, pp. 173–185.
Karig, M.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2022): Transformation von Flotten für eine klimafreundliche Mobilität – Ein Planungsansatz zur Unterstützung von Akteuren des ÖPNV, in: Proff, H. (ed.): Towards the New Normal in Mobility, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp. 675–692.
Weckenborg, C.; Schumacher, P.; Oetjegerdes, P.; Spengler, T. S. (2022): Ganzheitliche Bewertung der Implementierung von Industrie 4.0-Technologien, in: Roth, S.; Corsten, H. (ed.): Handbuch Digitalisierung, Vahlen, pp. 439–462.
Spengler, T. S.; Schumacher, P.; Weckenborg, C. (2021): Methoden und Werkzeuge für die synergetische Konzeption und Bewertung von Industrie 4.0-Lösungen, in: Fritzsche, R.; Winter, S.; Lohmer, J. (ed.): Logistik in Wissenschaft und Praxis: Von der Datenanalyse zur Gestaltung komplexer Logistikprozesse, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, pp. 191–210.
Weckenborg, C. (2025): Nachhaltige Wertschöpfung durch Technologie: Perspektiven für das industrielle Management, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, 2025-02-05, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Antrittsvorlesung im Habilitationsverfahren.
Weckenborg, C. (2025): The Volkswagen Pre-Production Center Applies Operations Research to Optimize Capacity Scheduling, in: 22nd CEMS Research Seminar on Supply Chain Management, Riezlern, Austria, 2025-01-25.
Bätge, T.; Weckenborg, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): Netzwerkplanung für Wasserstoff-Tankstellensysteme – Modellbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung, in: Abschluss-Symposium der Innovationslabore der Wissenschaftsallianz Wasserstofftechnologien, Hannover, Germany, 2024-11-05.
Weckenborg, C. (2024): Resource-constrained multi-project scheduling with project splitting: an application from automotive prototype manufacturing, in: International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2024), Munich, Germany, 2024-09-04.
Weckenborg, C. (2024): Assessment of transformation pathways toward low-carbon steelmaking: Evaluating economic and climate impacts, in: Resources, Conservation & Recycling Webinar Series, 2024-08-15.
Weckenborg, C. (2024): Resource-constrained multi-project scheduling with project splitting: a case study in automotive prototype manufacturing, in: 84. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Lüneburg, Germany, 2024-03-07.
Weckenborg, C. (2023): Resource-constrained multi-project scheduling with project splitting: a case study in automotive prototype manufacturing, in: Operations Management Symposium, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2023-12-15.
Weckenborg, C. (2023): Zur Betrachtung von Flexibilität bei der Gestaltung von Fertigungssystemen – Eine strukturierte Literaturanalyse zu Ansätzen aus dem Operations Research, in: Herbsttagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission für Produktionswirtschaft, Berlin, Germany, 2023-11-03.
Weckenborg, C. (2023): Harmonisierung von Ergonomie und Ökonomie in Montagelinien und der Beitrag neuer Technologien, in: Produktion und Logistik in der (Automobil-)Industrie, Symposium "Theory meets Practice" 2023 an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany, 2023-06-16.
Weckenborg, C. (2022): Harmonizing ergonomics and economics of assembly lines using collaborative robots and exoskeletons, in: Jubiläumstagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB): 100 Jahre VHB, Best Practice Paper Award, Düsseldorf/Braunschweig, Germany, 2022-03-10.
Weckenborg, C. (2021): Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung – was kann ich beitragen?, in: Studium Generale Wintersemester 2021/22, Braunschweig, Germany, 2021-10-26.
Weckenborg, C. (2021): Disassembly Line Balancing with Collaborative Robots, in: International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2021), Bern, Switzerland, 2021-09-03.
Weckenborg, C. (2021): Kapazitätsterminierung im automobilen Prototypenbau am Beispiel des Vorseriencenters der Marke Volkswagen, in: Produktion und Logistik in der (Automobil-)Industrie, Symposium "Theory meets Practice" 2021 an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany, 2021-06-11.
Weckenborg, C. (2020): Modellbasierte Gestaltung von Fließproduktionssystemen im Spannungsfeld von Ergonomie und Ökonomie, in: Disputation an der TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, 2020-10-07.
Weckenborg, C. (2019): Zur menschengerechten Fließbandabstimmung durch Einsatz neuartiger Technologien, in: Gemeinsame Herbsttagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommissionen Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement und Produktionswirtschaft des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Aachen, Germany, 2019-10-24.
Weckenborg, C. (2019): The Volkswagen Pre-Production Center Applies OR to Optimize Capacity Scheduling, in: 30th European Conference on Operational Research (Stream EURO Excellence in Practice Award), University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2019-06-25.
Weckenborg, C. (2019): Grundlagen der Produktionswirtschaft am Fallbeispiel der Bierproduktion, in: Business4School BusinessCollege Sommersemester 2019, WelfenAkademie e.V., Braunschweig, Germany, 2019-03-11.
Weckenborg, C. (2019): Assembly Line Balancing with Collaborative Robots under consideration of Ergonomics: a cost-oriented approach, in: 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2019 (Stream Human Factors in Production and Logistics Systems of the Future), Berlin School of Economics and Law / Lichtenberg Campus, Berlin, Germany, 2019-08-30.
Weckenborg, C. (2018): Industrie 4.0 in Wissenschaft und Praxis, in: Business4School BusinessCollege Sommersemester 2018, WelfenAkademie e.V., Braunschweig, Germany, 2018-06-04.
Weckenborg, C. (2017): Zur Fließbandabstimmung mit kollaborativen Robotern, in: Automotive-Doktoranden-Workshop 2017, Niedersächsisches Forschungszentrum Fahrzeugtechnik, Braunschweig, Germany, 2017-11-17.
Weckenborg, C. (2017): Wirtschaftliche Fertigung im Prototypenbau – Neue Lösungen für Gestaltung und Betrieb, in: 3. NFF-Doktorandentag (Science Pitch), Niedersächsisches Forschungszentrum Fahrzeugtechnik, Braunschweig, Germany, 2017-10-26.
Weckenborg, C. (2017): Planungsprobleme wandlungsfähiger Produktionssysteme vor dem Hintergrund von Industrie 4.0, in: 19. Doktorandenworkshop Nordost, Christian Jensen Kolleg, Breklum, Germany, 2017-05-13.