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Ginster, R.; Blömeke, S.; Popien, J.-L.; Scheller, C.; Cerdas, F.; Herrmann, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): Circular Battery Production in the EU: Insights from integrating Life Cycle Assessment into System Dynamics Modeling on Recycled Content and Environmental Impacts, in: Journal of Industrial Ecology, 28, pp. 1165–1182.
Popien, J.-L.; Barke, A.; Ginster, R.; Striecks, T.; Thies, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): DEALA — A novel economic life cycle impact assessment method for differentiated economic assessments in the context of life cycle sustainability assessments, in: Journal of Industrial Ecology, pp. 1–15.
Popien, J.-L.; Thies, C.; Barke, A.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): Comparative sustainability assessment of lithium-ion, lithium-sulfur, and all-solid-state traction batteries, in: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 28, pp. 462–477.
Barke, A.; Cistjakov, W.; Steckermeier, D.; Thies, C.; Popien, J.-L.; Michalowski, P.; Melo, S. P.; Cerdas, F.; Herrmann, C.; Krewer, U.; Kwade, A.; Spengler, T. S. (2022): Green batteries for clean skies: Sustainability assessment of lithium-sulfur all-solid-state batteries for electric aircraft, in: Journal of Industrial Ecology, 27 (3), pp. 795–810.
Husmann, J.; Popien, J.-L.; Cerdas, F.; Barke, A.; Spengler, T. S.; Herrmann, C. (2024): Sustainability implications of establishing a circular European supply chain of battery materials, in: Procedia CIRP, 122, pp. 121–126.
Popien, J.-L.; Husmann, J.; Echternach, T.; Barke, A.; Cerdas, F.; Herrmann, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): Design of battery supply chains under consideration of environmental and socio-economic criteria, in: Procedia CIRP, 122, pp. 127–132.
Popien, J.-L.; Husmann, J.; Barke, A.; Thies, C.; Cerdas, F.; Herrmann, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): Comparison of lithium-ion battery supply chains – a life cycle sustainability assessment, in: Procedia CIRP, 116, pp. 131–136.
Popien, J.-L.; Thies, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2022): Exploring recycling options in battery supply chains – a life cycle sustainability assessment, in: Procedia CIRP, 105, pp. 434–439.
Barke, A.; Thies, C.; Popien, J.-L.; Melo, S. P.; Cerdas, F.; Herrmann, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2021): Life cycle sustainability assessment of potential battery systems for electric aircraft, in: Procedia CIRP, 98, pp. 660–665.
Ginster, R.; Blömeke, S.; Popien, J.-L.; Scheller, C.; Cerdas, F.; Herrmann, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): System Dynamics Model for the article: Circular Battery Production in the EU: Insights from integrating Life Cycle Assessment into System Dynamics Modeling on Recycled Content and Environmental Impacts, in: Zenodo.
Ginster, R.; Blömeke, S.; Popien, J.-L.; Scheller, C.; Cerdas, F.; Herrmann, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2024): Life cycle inventories for the article: Circular Battery Production in the EU: Insights from integrating Life Cycle Assessment into System Dynamics Modeling on Recycled Content and Environmental Impacts – Dataset, in: Zenodo.
Popien, J.-L. (2024): Design of battery supply chains under consideration of environmental and socio-economic criteria, in: 31th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Turino, Italy, 2024-06-20.
Popien, J.-L. (2024): Designing more sustainable battery supply chains in terms of their environmental, economic, and social impacts, in: Advanced Battery Power - Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, Germany, 2024-04-10.
Blömeke, S.; Ginster, R.; Popien, J.-L.; Cerdas, F.; Scheller, C.; Herrmann, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): A critical evaluation of system implications on the environmental targets of the new EU Battery Regulation, in: International Battery Production Conference 2023, Braunschweig, Germany, 2023-11-08.
Ginster, R.; Blömeke, S.; Popien, J.-L.; Husmann, J.; Scheller, C.; Cerdas, F.; Herrmann, C.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): Environmental potential of circular lithium-ion battery production from an overall European market perspective, in: 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, Leiden, Netherlands, 2023-07-03.
Popien, J.-L. (2023): Bewertung aktueller und zukünftiger Batteriewertschöpfungsketten hinsichtlich ihrer ökologischen und sozioökonomischen Auswirkungen, in: Clausthal Conference on Circular Economy (CCCE), Clausthal, Germany, 2023-11-24, Poster presentation.
Popien, J.-L. (2023): Comparison of battery supply chains regarding theirenvironmental and socio-economic impacts, in: International Battery Production Conference 2023, Braunschweig, Germany, 2023-11-09.
Popien, J.-L. (2023): Comparison of lithium-ion battery supply chains – a life cycle sustainability assessment, in: 30th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 2023-05-15.
Popien, J.-L.; Barke, A.; Spengler, T. S. (2023): Differentiated economic assessment of a battery supply chain in a life cycle-oriented analysis, in: 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, Leiden, Netherlands, 2023-07-02.
Popien, J.-L. (2022): Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung aktueller und zukünftiger Batterietechnologien für den Einsatz in der Elektromobilität, in: 17. Ökobilanzwerkstatt 2022, Darmstadt, Germany, 2022-09-21, (virtual).
Popien, J.-L. (2022): Exploring recycling options in battery supply chains – a life cycle sustainability assessment, in: 29th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, 2022-04-06.
Popien, J.-L. (2022): Exploring recycling options in battery supply chains – a life cycle sustainability assessment, in: PhD Student Day of the Battery Lab Factory Braunschweig (BLB), Braunschweig, Germany, 2022-06-01.
Popien, J.-L. (2022): Bewertung und Gestaltung von primären und zirkulären Rohstoff-Supply Chains für Lithium-Ionen Batterien, in: Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, Germany, 2022-01-19, Poster presentation.
Popien, J.-L. (2021): Life Cycle Sustaianbility Assessment of battery raw material supply chains, in: International Battery Production Conference 2021, Braunschweig, Germany, 2021-11-01, Poster presentation.
Popien, J.-L. (2021): Recirculation of battery raw materials - the effects of allocation within a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment approach, in: The 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Stuttgart, Germany (virtual), 2021-09-06.
Popien, J.-L. (2021): Kreislaufführung von Batterierohstoffen – die Herausforderung der Allokation innerhalb des Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Ansatzes, in: Ökobilanzwerkstatt 2021, Vienna, Austria (virtual), 2021-09-22.
Popien, J.-L. (2021): Ökologische und sozioökonomische Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Festkörperbatterien, in: Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, Germany, 2021-01-20, Poster presentation.
Popien, J.-L. (2020): Environmental and socio economic sustainability assessment of an all-solid-state battery system, in: International Battery Production Conference, Braunschweig, Germany, 2020-11-03, Poster presentation.