
Herzlich Willkommen in Braunschweig!

Welcome to TU BS!

We would like to give you a few tips and information to help you get off to a good start at our university.

With the information on this page we would like to support you at the beginning of your studies and make your first steps as pleasant as possible.

For your time in Braunschweig there are two important contacts who will help you to get along here:

  • For all general matters concerning your exchange, there is the IO (International Office).
  • For all questions and information relating to your studies, modules, module selection, credit points, examinations, coursework and certificates, you can contact the Biology Programme Coordinator Dr. Hoda Mohagheghi. Please contact her immediately if you are in Braunschweig.



Dr. Hoda Mohagheghi
Forumsgebäude, 3. Stock, Raum 301

Ansprechpartnerin für individuelle Beratung von Studierenden zur Studiensituation, inhaltliche Fragen zum Studiengang sowie zu Praktika, Prüfungen, Anrechnungen, Auslandsaufenthalten, Zusatzqualifikationen, Organsiation der Modulwahl, etc., Unterstützung des Studiendekans u.a. im Prüfungsausschuss und Studienkommission, Organisation der Erstsemester-Veranstaltungen