Prof. Dr. Michael Hust

Prof. Dr. Michael Hust
Michael Hust

Department Director

Room: 106
Phone: +49.531.391.5760
Fax: +49.531.391.5763

Research interests

Antibody Engineering:

- recombinant antibodies

- antibody phage display

- antibody gene libraries

- antibodies for diagnostic and therapy with a focus on pathogens on toxins e.g. AntiBotABE, CDiff, DATMAB, HANTOX, ATAC (Antibody Therapy against Corona) CORAT. and LWNVIVAT (Combating the West Nile virus through immunology)

- CAR-T cells/ CAR-Tregs, geneTIGA

Biomarker and vaccines:

- identification of disease related biomarkers (immunogenic oligopeptides) using phage display

- biomarkers for diagnostic of pathogens

- develoment of an anti-tick vaccine (GO-Bio8 project) (Info Video)

- NutriEV (Development of nutritional vesicles for precision diagnostics and therapeutics for metabolic diseases)


Curriculum vitae
10/1993 - 7/1999 Studies of Biology at the Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg.

4/1998 - 7/1999 Diploma thesis: "Molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur Diversität von Diatomeenarten und Nachweis der Expressionsraten von Diatomeen fcp Genen im Wattsediment" (Molecularbiological analysis of diatom diversity and investigations on expression rates of the diatom fcp genes in the Wadden Sea sediments) in the AG Geomikrobiologie of the Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres under the supervison of Prof. W.E. Krumbein and PD Dr. Erhard Rhiel.

9/1999 - 7/2002 PhD thesis: "Rekombinante Antikörper gegen die NIa-Protease des Plum Pox Virus" (Recombinant antibodies against the NIa protease of the plum pox virus) at the Lehrgebiet Molekulargenetik (now Institut für Pflanzengenetik, Abteilung Pflanzenbiotechnologie), Universität Hannover (now Leibniz Universität Hannover) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. H.-J. Jacobsen and Dr. Thomas Reinard.

12/2002 Group leader at the Institut für Biochemie und Biotechnologie, Abteilung Biotechnologie, Technische Universität Braunschweig headed by Prof. Dr. Stefan Dübel. Lecturer for molecular biotechnology.

5/2011 Habilitation (professorial dissertation, venia legendi for biotechnology), appointed as Privatdozent (PD).

12/2014 Appointed as professor for biotechnology (außerplanmäßiger Professor).

since 2022 Department Director, Medical Biotechnology




  • (195) Baatz, F., Ghosh, A., Herbst, J., Polten, S., Meyer, J., Rhiel, M., Maetzig, T., Geffers, R., Rothe, M., Bastone, A.L., John-Neek, P., Frühauf, J., Eiz-Vesper, B., Falk, C.S., v. Kaisenberg, C., Cathomen, C., Schambach, A., van den Brink, M.R.M., Hust, M. & Sauer, M.G. (accepted). Targeting BCL11B in CAR-engineered lymphoid progenitors drives NK-like cell development with prolonged anti-leukemic activity. Molecular Therapy

  • (194) Zuo, F., Cao, Y. R., Sun, R., Wang, Q., Simonelli, L., Du, L., Bertoglio, F., Schubert, M., Guerra, C., Cavalli, A., Hust, M., Robbiani, D.F., Varani, L., Abolhassani, H., Xie, X., Hammarström, L., Marcotte, H. & Pan-Hammarström, Q. (2025). Ultrapotent IgA dimeric antibodies neutralize emerging Omicron variants. Journal of Virology 99: e0174024


  • (193) Metzdorf, K., Jacobsen, H., Kim, Y., Teixeira Alves, L.G., Kulkarni, U., Brdovčak, M.C., Materljan, J., Eschke, K., Chaudhry, M.Z., Hoffmann, M., Bertoglio, F., Ruschig, M., Hust, M., Šustić, M., Krmpotic, A., Jonjic, S., Widera, M., Ciesek, S., Pöhlmann, S., Landthaler, M. & Čičin-Šain, L. (2024). A single-dose MCMV-based vaccine elicits long-lasting immune protection in mice against distinct SARS-CoV-2 variants. Frontiers Immunology 15: 1383086

  • (192) Ruschig, M., Nerlich, J., Becker, M., Meier, D., Polten, S., Cervantes-Luevano, K., Kuhn, P., Licea Navarro, A.F., Hallermann S., Dübel, S., Schubert M., Brown, J. & Hust, M. (2024). Human antibodies neutralizing the alpha-latrotoxin of the European black widow. Frontiers Immunology 15: 1407398

  • (191) Marcotte, H., Cao, Y., Zuo, F., Simonelli, L., Sammartino, J.C., Pedoti, M., Sun, R., Cassaniti, I., Hagbom, M., Piralla, A., Yang, J., Du, L., Percivalle, E., Bertoglio, F., Schubert, M., Abolhassani, H., Sherina, N., Guerra, C., Borte, S., Rezaei, N., Kumagai-Braesch, M., Xue, Y., Su, C., Yan, Q., He, P., Grönwall, C., Klareskog, L., Calzolai, L., Cavalli, A., Wang, Q., Robbiani, D., Hust, M., Shi, Z., Feng, L., Svensson, L., Chen, L., Bao, L., Baldanti, F., Xiao, J., Qin, C., Hammarström, L., Yang, Y., Varani, L., Xie, X.S. & Pan-Hammarström, Q. (2024). Conversion of monoclonal IgG to dimeric and secretory IgA restores neutralizing ability and prevents infection of Omicron lineages. PNAS 121(3):e2315354120

  • (190) Zuo, F., Cao, Y., Sun, R., Yisimayi, A., Du, L., Bertoglio. F., Schubert, M., Guerra, C., Cavalli, A., Hust, M., Robbiani, D.F., Abolhassani, H., Xie, X.S., Hammarström, L., Marcotte, H. & Pan-Hammarström, Q. (2024). Neutralisation activity of mucosal IgA is more sustainable than serum IgG against XBB sublineages and BA.2.86. Lancet Infectious Diseases 24(19): e7-e9


  • (189) Abassi, L., Bertoglio, F., Mačak-Šafranko, Ž., Schirrmann, T., Grewling-Pils, M., Seifert, O., Khan, F., Katzmarzyk, M., Jacobsen, H., Gödecke, N., Heine, P.A., Frenzel, A., Nowack, H., Dübel, S., Kurolt, I.-C., Kontermann, R.E., Markotić, A., Schubert, M., Hust, M. & Čičin-Šain, L. (2023). Evaluation of the neutralizing antibody STE90-C11 against SARS-CoV-2 Delta infection and its recognition of other variants of concern. Viruses 15: 2153

  • (188) Lutz, S., Klaus, K., Albici, A.-M., Ebinger, L., Sellmer, L., Teipel, H., Frenzel, A., Langner, A., Winterberg, D., Krohn, S., Hust, M., Schirrmann, T., Dübel, S., Scherließ, R., Humpe, A., Gramatzki, M., Kellner, C.& Peipp, M. (2023). Novel NKG2D-Directed Bispecific Antibodies Enhance Antibody-Mediated Killing of Malignant B Cells by NK Cells and T Cells. Frontiers Immunology 14: 1227572

  • (187) Dragon, A.C., Beermann, L.M., Umland, M., Bonifacius, A., Ruhl, L., Kehler, P., Gellert, J., Weiß, L., Mayer-Hain, S., Zimmermann, K., Riese, S., Thol, F., Beutel, G., Maecker-Kolhoff, B., Yamamoto, F., Blasczyk, R., Schambach, A., Hust, M., Hudecek, M. & Eiz-Vesper, B. (2023). CAR-Ts redirected against the Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen CD176 mediate specific elimination of malignant cells from leukemia and solid tumors. Frontiers Immunology 14: 1219165

  • (186) Steinke, S., Roth, K.D.R., Englick, R., Langreder, N., Ballmann, R., Fühner, V., Zilkens, K.J.K., Moreira, G.M.S.G., Koch, A., Russo, G., Schubert, M., Bertoglio, F., Heine, P.A. & Hust, M. (2023). Mapping Epitopes by Phage Display. Methods Molecular Biology 2702, 563-585

  • (185) Heine, P.A., Ballmann, R., Thevarajah, P., Russo, G., Moreira, G.M.S.G. & Hust, M. (2023). Biomarker Discovery by ORFeome Phage Display. Methods Molecular Biology 2702, 543-561

  • (184) Langreder, N., Schäckermann, D., Unkauf, T., Schubert, M., Frenzel, A., Bertoglio, F. & Hust, M. (2023). Antibody Affinity and Stability Maturation by Error-Prone PCR. Methods Molecular Biology 2702, 395-410

  • (183) Heine, P.A., Ruschig, M., Langreder, Wenzel, E.V., Schubert, M., Bertoglio, F. & Hust, M. (2023). Antibody Selection in Solution Using Magnetic Beads. Methods Molecular Biology 2702, 261-274

  • (182) Steinke, S., Roth, K.D.R., Ruschig, Langreder, N., Polten, S., Schneider, K.-T., Ballmann, R., Russo, G., Zilkens, K.J.K., Schubert, M., Bertoglio, F. & Hust, M. (2023). Antibody Selection via Phage Display in Microtiter Plates. Methods Molecular Biology 2702, 247-260

  • (181) Ruschig, M., Heine, P.A., Fühner, V., Zilkens, K.J.K., Steinke, S., Schubert, M., Bertoglio, F. & Hust, M. (2023). Construction of Human Immune and Naive scFv Phage Display Libraries. Methods Molecular Biology 2702, 15-37

  • (180) Nur, A., Schubert, M., Lai, J.Y., Hust, M., Choong, Y.S., Isa, W.Y.H.W. & Lim TS. (2023). Antibody Phage Display. Methods Molecular Biology 2702, 3-12

  • (179) Bertoglio, F., Ko, Y.-P., Thomas, S., Giordano, L., Romana, Scommegna, F.R., Meier, D., Polten, S., Becker, M., Arora, S., Hust, M., Höök, M. & Visai, L. (2023). Antibodies to Coagulase of Staphylococcus aureus crossreact to Efb and reveal different binding of shared Fibrinogen binding repeats. Frontiers Immunology 14: 1221108
  • (178) Pieper, T, Roth, K.D.R., Glaser, V., Riet, T., Buitrago-Molina, L.E., Hagedorn, M., Lieber, M., Hust, M., Noyan, F., Jaeckel, E., Hardtke-Wolenski, M. (2023). Generation of Chimeric Antigen Receptors against Beta Cell Antigen Tetraspanin 7.  Cells 12: 1453
  • (177) Liu, D., Bai, X., Samaddar, M., Helmick, H.D.B., Tenguria, S., Drolia, R., Amalaradjou, M.A.R, Li, X., Gallina, N.L.F, Aryal, U.K., Moreira, G.M.S.G., Hust, M., Seleem, M., Cox, A., Ostafe, R., Klimek, J.F., Kokini, J.L., Noinaj, N., & Bhunia, A.K. (2023). Cell Surface Anchoring of Listeria Adhesion Protein on L. monocytogenes is Fastened by Internalin B. Cell Reports 42: 112515
  • (176) Chung, H.-Y., Wickel, J., Hahn, N., Mein, N., Schwarzbrunn, M., Koch, P., Ceanga, M., Haselmann, H., Baade-Büttner, C., von Stackelberg, N., Hempel, N., Schmidl, L., Groth, M., Andreas, N., Götze, J., Coldewey, S.M., Bauer, M., Mawrin, C., Dargbvainiene, J., Leypoldt, F., Steinke, S., Wang, Z.-Q., Hust, M. & Geis, C. (2023). Microglia mediate neurocognitive deficits by eliminating C1q tagged synapses in sepsis-associated encephalopathy. Science Advances 9: eabq780
  • (175) Zuo, F., Sun, R., Abolhassani, H., Du, L., Wang, Y., Vlachiotis, S., Bertoglio, F., Schubert, M., Rezaei, N., Chavoshzadeh, Z., Guerra, C., Cavalli, A., Andrell, J., Kumagai-Braesch, M., Xue, Y., Cao, Y., Hust, M., Robbiani, D.F., Xie, X., Hammarström, L., Marcotte, H., Pan-Hammarstrom. Q. (2023). Heterologous inactivated virus/mRNA vaccination response to BF.7, BQ.1.1, and XBB.1. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific  33:100762
  • (174) Steinke, S., Kirmann, T., Loi, E.A., Nerlich, J., Weichard, I., Kuhn, P., Bullmann, T., Ritzau-Jost. A., Sila Rizalar, F., Prüss, H., Haucke, V., Geis, C., Hust, M. & Hallermann, S. (2023). NMDA-receptor-Fc-fusion constructs neutralize anti-NMDA receptor antibodies. Brain 146:1812-1820
  • (173) Langreder, N., Schäckermann, D., Meier, D., Becker, M., Schubert, M., Dübel, S., Reinard, T., Figge-Wegener, S., Roßbach, C., Bäumer, W., Ladel, S. & Hust, M. (2023). Development of an inhibiting antibody against equine interleukin 5 to treat insect bite hypersensitivity of horses. Scientific Reports 13:4029


  • (172) Jaron, M., Lehky, M., Zarà, M., Zaydowicz, C.N., Lak, A., Ballmann, R., Heine, P.A., Wenzel, E.V., Schneider, K.-T., Bertoglio, F., Kempter,  S., Köster, R.W., Barbieri, S.S., Van den Heuvel, J., Hust, M., Dübel, S., & Schubert, M. (2022). Baculovirus-Free SARS-CoV-2 Virus Like Particle Production in Insect Cells for Rapid Neutralization Assessment. Viruses 14: 2087
  • (171) Geisen, U.M., Rose, R., Neumann, F., Ciripoi, M., Vullriede, L., Reid, H.M., Berner, D.K., Bertoglio, F., Hoff, P., Hust, M., Longardt, A.C., Lorentz, T., Martini, G.R., Saggau. C. ,Schirmer, J.H., Schubert, M., Sümbül, M., Tran, F., Voß. M., Zeuner. R., Morrison, P.J., Bacher, P., Fickenscher, H., Gerdes. S., Peipp, M., Schreiber, S., Krumbholz, A. & Hoyer, B.F.  (2022). The long term vaccine-induced anti-SARS-CoV-2 immune response is impaired in quantity and quality under TNFα blockade. Journal Medical Virology 94: 5780-5789
  • (170) Ch'ng, A.C.W, Schepergerdes, L., Choong, Y.S., Hust, M. & Lim, T.S. (2022). Antimicrobial antibodies by phage display: Identification of antibody-based inhibitor against mycobacterium tuberculosis isocitrate lyase. Molecular Immunology 155: 47-57
  • (169) Lang, S., Rau, U., Behrendt, C., Syldatk, C., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2022). Vom Gen zum Produkt. Nachrichten Chemie 70, 7/8, 24-26
  • (168) Ballmann, R., Hotop, S.-K., Bertoglio, F., Steinke, S., Heine, P.A., Chaudhry, M.-Z, Jahn, D., Pucker, B., Baldanti, F., Piralla, A., Schubert, M., Čičin-Šain, L., Brönstrup, M., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2022). ORFeome phage display reveals a major immunogenic epitope on the S2 subdomain of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein. Viruses 14: 1326
  • (167) Zuo, F., Abolhassani, H., Du, L., Piralla, A., Bertoglio, F., de Campos-Mata, L., Wan, H., Schubert, M., Wang, Y., Sun, R., Cassaniti, I., Vlachiotis, S., Kumagai-Braesch, M., Andréll, J., Zhang, Z., Xue, Y., Wenzel, E.V., Calzolai, L., Varani, L., Rezaei, N., Chavoshzadeh, Z., Baldanti F., Hust, M., Hammarström, L., Marcotte, H. & Pan-Hammarström, Q. (2022). Heterologous immunization with inactivated vaccine followed by mRNA booster elicits strong humoral and cellular immune responses against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant. Nature Communications 13:2670
  • (166) Jakob, V., Zoller, B.G.E., Rinkes, J., Wu, Y., Kiefer, A.F., Hust, M., Polten, S., White, A.M., Harvey, P.J., Durek, T., Craik, D.J, Siebert, A., Kazmaier, U. & Empting, M. (2022). Phage display-based discovery of cyclic peptides against the broad spectrum bacterial anti-virulence target CsrA. European Journal Medicinal Chemistry 231:114148
  • (165) Moreira, G.M.S.G, Gronow, S., Dübel, S., Mendonça, M., Moreira, A. N., Conceição, F. R., & Hust, M. (2022). Phage display-derived monoclonal antibodies against internalins A and B allow specific detection of Listeria monocytogenes. Frontiers in Public Health 10:712657
  • (164) LIm, T.S., Hust, M., Visai, L. (2022). Editorial: Recent Advances in Recombinant Antibody Therapeutics and Diagnostics For Infectious Diseases. Frontiers Public Health 10:876889
  • (163) Schubert, M., Bertoglio, F., Steinke, S., Heine, P.A., Ynga-Durand, M.A., Maass, H., Sammartino, J.C., Cassaniti, I., Zuo, F., Du, L., Korn, J., Milošević, M., Wenzel, E.V., Krstanović, F., Polten, S., Pribanić-Matešić, M., Brizić, I., Baldanti, F., Hammarström, L., Dübel, S., Šustić, A., Marcotte, H., Strengert, M., Protić, A., Piralla, A., Pan-Hammarström, Q., Čičin-Šain, L. & Hust, M. (2022). Human serum from SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated and COVID-19 patients shows reduced binding to the RBD of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant. BMC Medicine 20:102
  • (162) Kim, Y. , Zheng, X., Eschke, K., Chaudhry, M.Z., Bertoglio, F., Tomić, A., Krmpotić, A., Hoffmann, M., Bar-On, Y., Boehme, J., Bruder, D., Ebensen, T.,  Brunotte, L, Ludwig, S., Messerle, M., Guzman, C., Mandelboim, O, Hust, M., Pöhlmann, S., Jonjić, S., & Čičin-Šain, L. (2022). MCMV based vaccine vectors expressing full-length viral proteins provide long-term humoral immune protection upon a single-shot vaccination. Cellular & Molecular Immunology 19: 234-244
  • (161) Assou, J, Zhang, D, Roth, K.D.R., Steinke, S., Hust, M., Reinard, T., Winkelmann, T. & Boch, J. (accepted). Removing the major allergen Bra j I from brown mustard (Brassica juncea) by CRISPR/Cas9. The Plant Journal 109:649-663
  • (160) Marcotte, H., Piralla, A., Zuo, F., Du, L., Cassaniti, I., Wan, H., Kumagai-Braesh, M., Andréll, J., Percivalle, E., Sammartino, J.C., Wang, Y., Vlachiotis, S., Attevall, J., Bergami, F., Ferrari, A., Colaneri. M., Vecchia, M., Sambo, M., Zuccaro, V., Asperges, E., Bruno, R., Oggionni, T., Meloni, F., Abolhassanni, H., Bertoglio, F., Schubert, M., Calzolai, L., Varani, L., Hust, M., Xue, Y., Hammarström, L., Baldanti. F. & Pan-Hammarström, Q. (2021). Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 up to 15 months after infection. iScience 25:103743
  • (159) Taubert, R., Engel, B., Diestelhorst, J., Hupa-Breier, K.L., Behrendt, P., Baerlecken, N.T., Sühs, K.W., Janik, M.K., Zachou, K., Sebode, M., Schramm, C., Londoño, M.C., Habes, S., UK-AIH Consortium, Oo, Y.H., Lalanne, C., Pape, S., Schubert, M., Hust, M., Dübel, S., Thevis, M., Jonigk, D., Beimdiek, J., Buettner, F.F.R., Drenth, J.P., Muratori, L., Adams, D.H., Dyson, J.K., Renand, A., Graupera, I., Lohse, A.W., Dalekos, G.N., Milkiewicz, P., Stangel, M., Maasoumy, B., Witte, T., Wedemeyer, H., Manns, M.P. & Jaeckel E. (2022). Quantification of polyreactive immunoglobulin G facilitates the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis. Hepatology 75:13-27


  • (158) Malik, K., Duru, C., Stickings, P., Wenzel, E.V., Hust, M. & Matejtschuk, P. (2021). Investigating Alternative Container Formats for Lyophilization of Biological Materials Using Diphtheria Antitoxin Monoclonal Antibody as a Model Molecule. Pharmaceutics 13: 1948
  • (157) Schneider, K.-T., Kirmann, T., Wenzel E.V., Grosch, J.-H., Helmsing, S., Meier, D., Becker, M., Matejtschuk, P., Hust, M., Russo, G. & Dübel, S. (2021). Shelf-life extension of Fc-fused single chain fragment variable (scFv-Fc) antibodies by lyophilization. Frontiers Cellular and Infection Microbiology 11:717689
  • (156) Gilbride, B., Moreira, G.M.S.G, Hust, M., Cao, C. & Steward, L. (2021). Catalytic ferromagnetic gold nanoparticle immunoassay for the detection and differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis. Analytica Chimica Acta 1184: 339037
  • (155) Magalhães. C.G., Moreira, G.M.S.G., Ferreira, M.R.A., Santos, L.M.D., Finger, P.F., Ramos, D.F., Silva, P.E.A.D., Hust, M. & Conceição, F.R. (2021). Novel phage display-derived recombinant antibodies recognizing both MPT64 native and mutant (63-bp deletion) are promising tools for tuberculosis diagnosis. Biologicals 72: 54-57
  • (154) Roth, K.D.R., Wenzel, E.V., Ruschig, M., Steinke, S., Langreder, N., Heine, P.A., Schneider, K.-T., Ballmann, R., Fühner, V., Kuhn, P., Schirmann, T., Frenzel, A., Dübel. S., Schubert, M., Moreira, G.M.S.M., Bertoglio, F., Russo, G. & Hust, M. (2021). Developing recombinant antibodies by phage display against infectious diseases and toxins for diagnostics and therapy. Frontiers Cellular and Infection Microbiology 11:697876
  • (153) Bertoglio, F., Fühner. V., Ruschig, M., Heine, P.A., Abasi, L., Klünemann, T., Rand, U., Meier, D., Langreder, N., Steinke, S., Ballmann, R., Schneider, K.-T., Roth, K.D.R., Kuhn, P., Riese, P., Schäckermann, D., Korn, J., Koch, A., Chaudhry, M.Z., Eschke, K., Kim, Y., Zock-Emmenthal, S., Becker, M., Scholz, M., Moreira, G.M.S.G., Wenzel, E.V., Russo, G., Garritsen, H.S.P., Casu, S., Gerstner, A., Roth, G., Adler, J., Trimpert, J., Hermann, A., Schirrmann, T., Dübel, S., Frenzel, A., Van den Heuvel, J., Čičin-Šain, L., Schubert, M. & Hust, M. (2021). A SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody selected from COVID-19 patients is binding to the ACE2-RBD interface and is tolerant to most known RBD mutations. Cell Reports 36: 109433
  • (152) Sell, J., Haselmann, H., Hallermann, S., Hust, M. & Geis, C. (2021). Autoimmune encephalitis: novel therapeutic targets at the preclinical level. Expert Opinion Therapeutic Targets 25, 37-47
  • (151) Valldorf, B., Hinz., S.C., Russo, G., Pekar, L., Mohr, L., Klemm, J., Doerner, A., Krah, S., Hust, M. & Zielonka, S. (2021). Antibody Display Technologies – Selecting the cream of the crop. Biological Chemistry 403, 455-477
  • (150) Dübel, S., Hermann, A, Schirrmann, T, Frenzel, A. & Hust, M. (2021). COR-101, ein menschlicher Antikörper gegen COVID-19. BIOSpektrum (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg), 27(1), 46-48.
  • (149) Sherina, N., Piralla, A., Du, L., Wan, H., Kumagai-Braesh, M., Andréll, J., Braesch-Andersen, S., Cassaniti, I., Percivalle, E., Sarasini, A., Bergami, F., Di Martino, R., Colaneri, M., Vecchia, M., Sambo, M., Zuccaro, V., Bruno, R., Oggionni, T., Meloni, F., Abolhassani, H., Bertoglio, F., Schubert, M., Byrne-Steele, M., Han, J., Hust, M., Xue, Y., Hammarström, L., Baldanti, F., Marcotte, H. & Pan-Hammarström, Q. (2021). Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 specific B-and T-cell responses in convalescent COVID-19 patients 6-8 months after the infection. Med 2: 281-295
  • (148) Bertoglio, F., Meier, D., Langreder, N., Steinke, S., Rand, U., Simonelli, L., Heine, P. A., Ballmann, R., Schneider, K.-T., Roth, K. D. R., Ruschig, M., Riese, P., Eschke, K., Kim, Y., Schaeckermann, D., Pedotti, M., Kuhn, P., Zock-Emmenthal, S., Wöhrle, J., Becker, M., Grashoff, M., Wenzel, E. V., Russo, G., Kröger, A., Brunotte, L., Ludwig, S., Fühner, V., Krämer, S. D., Dübel, S., Varani, L., Roth, G., Cicin-Sain, L., Schubert, M., & Hust, M. (2021) SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing human recombinant antibodies selected from pre-pandemic healthy donors binding at RBD-ACE2 interface. Nature Communications 12:1577
  • (147) König, J., Hust, M. & Van den Heuvel, J. (2021). Validation of the Production of Antibodies in Different Formats in the HEK 293 Transient Gene Expression System. Methods Molecular Biology 2247: 56-76


  • (146) Korn, J., Schäckermann, D., Kirmann, T., Bertoglio, F., Steinke, S., Heisig, J., Ruschig, M., Rojas, G., Langreder, N., Wenzel, E.V., Roth, K.D.R., Becker, M., Meier, D., van den Heuvel, J., Hust, M., Dübel, S. & Schubert, M. (2020). Baculovirus-free insect cell expression system for high yield antibody and antigen production. Scientific Reports 10: 21393
  • (145) Laureano, A.F.S., Zani, M.B., Sant'Ana, A.M., Tognato, R.C., Lombello, C.B., do Nascimento, M.H.M., Helmsing, S., Fühner, V., Hust, M. & Puzer, L (2020). Generation of recombinant antibodies for human tissue kallikrein 7 to address skin diseases. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 30: 127626
  • (144) Moreira, G. M.S, Köllner, S.M.S., Helmsing, S., Jänsch, L., Meier, A., Gronow, S.,  Boedeker, C.,  Dübel, S,  Mendonça, M.,  Moreira, A. N., Conceição, F. R. & Hust, M. (2020). Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex - enzyme 2, a new target for Listeria spp. detection identified using combined phage display technologies. Scientific Reports 10: 15267
  • (143) Dübel, S., Hust, M., Frenzel, A. & Schirrmann, T. (2020) Rekombinante, vollständig menschliche Antikörper zur Behandlung akuter COVID-19. BIOSpektrum (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg), 26(4), 444-446.
  • (142) Tundidor, Y., Ponce, L., Chao, L., Solozabal, J., Hust, M., Dübel, S. & Rojas, G. (2020). Affinity-matured variants derived from nimotuzumab keep the original fine specificity and exhibit superior biological activity. Scientific Reports 10: 1194
  • (141) Sellmann, C., Pekar, L., Bauer, C., Ciesielski, E., Krah, S., Becker, S., Toleikis, L., Kügler, J., Frenzel, A., Valldorf,. B., Hust, M. & Zielonka S. (2020). A One-Step Process for the Construction of Phage Display scFv and VHH Libraries. Molecular Biotechnology 64: 228-229
  • (140) Wenzel, E.V., Bosnak, M., Tierney, R., Schubert, M., Brown, J., Dübel, S., Efstratiou, A., Sesardic, D., Sticking, P. & Hust, M. (2020). Human antibodies neutralizing diphtheria toxin in vitro and in vivo. Scientific Reports 10: 571
  • (139) Wenzel, E.V., Roth, K.D.R., Russo, G., Fühner, V., Helmsing, S., Frenzel, A. & Hust, M. (2020). Antibody Phage Display: Antibody Selection in Solution Using Biotinylated Antigens. Methods Molecular Biology 2070: 143-155
  • (138) Jakob, V., Helmsing, S., Hust, M. & Empting, M. (2020). Restriction-Free Construction of a Phage-Presented Very Short Macrocyclic Peptide Library. Methods Molecular Biology 2070: 95-113



  • (137) Dübel, S., Breitling, F., Frenzel, A., Jostock, T., Marschall, A.L.J., Schirrmann, T. & Hust, M. (2019). Rekombinante Antikörper. Lehrbuch und Kompendium für Studium und Praxis. Springer Spektrum, Berlin
  • (136) Tenspolde, M., Zimmermann, K., Weber, L.C., Hapke, M., Lieber, M., Dywicki, J., Frenzel, A., Hust, M., Galla, M., Buitrago-Molina, L.E., Manns, M.P., Jaeckel, E. & Hardtke-Wolenski, M. (2019). Regulatory T cells engineered with a novel insulin-specific chimeric antigen receptor as a candidate immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes. J. Autoimmunity 103:102289
  • (135) Russo, G., Fühner, V., Frenzel, A., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2019) Parallelized Microscale Expression of Soluble scFv. Metheds Molecular Biology 2025: 203-211
  • (134) Chauvin, D., Hust, M., Schütte, M., Chesnay, A., Parent, C., Moreira, G.M.S.G, Arroyo, J., Sanz, A.B., Pugnière, M., Martineau, P., Chandenier, J., Heuzé-Vourc’h, N.  & Desoubeaux, G. (2019). Targeting Aspergillus fumigatus Crf Transglycosylases With Neutralizing Antibody Is Relevant but Not Sufficient to Erase Fungal Burden in a Neutropenic Rat Model. Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 600
  • (133) Kopertekh, L., Meyer, T., Freyer, C. & Hust M. (2019). Transient plant production of Salmonella Typhimurium diagnostic antibodies. Biotechnology Reports 21:e00314
  • (132) Ramli, R.S., Moreira, G.M.S.G., Zantow, J., Goris, M.G.A., Nguyen, V.K., Novoselova, N., Pessler, F. & Hust, M. (2019). Discovery of Leptospira spp. seroreactive peptides using ORFeome Phage Display. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 13:e0007131
  • (131) Fühner, V., Heine, P.A., Zilkens, K., Meier, D., Roth, K.D.R., Moreira, G.M.S.G., Hust, M. & Russo, G. (2019). Epitope Mapping via Phage Display from single gene libraries. Methods Molecular Biology 1904: 353-375



  • (130) Fühner, V., Heine, P.A., Helmsing, S., Goy, S., Heidepriem, J., Loeffler, F.F., Dübel, S., Gerhard, R. & Hust, M. (2018). Development of Neutralizing and Non-neutralizing Antibodies Targeting Known and Novel Epitopes of TcdB of Clostridioides difficile. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: 2908
  • (129) Chung, S.Y., Schöttelndreier, D., Tatge, H., Fühner, V., Hust, M., Beer, L.A. & Gerhard, R. (2018). The conserved Cys-2232 in Clostridioides difficile toxin B modulates oligomerization and receptor binding. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: 2314
  • (128) Beer, L.A., Tatge, H., Schneider, C., Ruschig, M., Hust, M., Barton, J., Thiemann, S., Fühner, V., Russo, G. & Gerhard, R. (2018). The binary toxin CDT of Clostridium difficile as tool for intracellular delivery of bacterial glucosyltransferase domains. Toxins 10: 225
  • (127) Froude, J.W., Herbert, A.S., Pelat, T., Miethe, S., Zak, S.E., Brannan, J.M., Bakken, R.R., Steiner, A.R., Yin, G., Hallam, T.J., Sato, A.K., Hust, M., Thullier, P. & Dye, J.M. (2018). Post-Exposure Protection in Mice against Sudan Virus by a Two Antibody Cocktail. Viruses 10: 286
  • (126) Burke, C.W., Froude, J.W., Miethe, S., Hülseweh, B., Hust, M. & Glass, P.J. (2018). Human-Like Neutralizing Antibodies Protect Mice from Aerosol Exposure with Western Equine Encephalitis Virus. Viruses 10: 147

  • (125) Sadana, P., Geyer, R., Pezoldt, J., Helmsing, S., Huehn, J., Hust, M., Dersch, P. & Scrima, A. (2018). The invasin D protein from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis selectively binds the Fab region of host antibodies and affects colonization of the intestine. Journal of Biological Chemistry 293: 8672-8690

  • (124) Russo, G., Theisen, U., Fahr, W., Helmsing, S., Hust, M., Köster R.W. & Dübel, S. (2018). Sequencedefined antibodies improve the detection of Cadherin 2 (N-Cadherin) during Zebrafish development. New Biotechnology 45: 98-112
  • (123) Dübel, S., Hust, M., Kügler, J., Kuhn, P., Frenzel, A., Krah, S. & Zielonka, S. (2018). Trendbericht Biochemie 2018: Menschliche Antikörper für Medikamente. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 66: 284-290
  • (122) Moreira, G.M.S.G., Fühner, V. & Hust, M. (2018). Epitope Mapping by Phage Display. Phage display, Ed: Lim, T.S. and Hust, M., Methods Molecular Biology 1701: 497-518
  • (121) Zantow, J., Moreira, G.M.S.G., Dübel, S. & Hust, M. (2018. ORFeome Phage Display. Phage display, Ed: Lim, T.S. and Hust, M., Methods Molecular Biology 1701: 477-495
  • (120) Unkauf, T., Hust, M. & Frenzel, A. (2018). Antibody Affinity and Stability Maturation by Error-Prone PCR. Phage display, Ed: Lim, T.S. and Hust, M., Methods Molecular Biology 1701: 393-407
  • (119) Russo, G., Meier, D., Helmsing, S., Wenzel, E., Oberle, F., Frenzel, A. & Hust, M. (2018). Parallelized antibody selection in microtiter plates. Phage display, Ed: Lim, T.S. and Hust, M., Methods Molecular Biology 1701: 273-284
  • (118) Avril, A., Miethe, S., Hust, M. & Pelat, T. (2018). Construction of macaque immune libraries. Phage display, Ed: Lim, T.S. and Hust, M., Methods Molecular Biology 1701: 83-112
  • (117) Kügler, J., Tomszak, F., Frenzel, A. & Hust, M. (2018). Construction of Human Immune and Naive scFv Libraries. Phage display, Ed: Lim, T.S. and Hust, M., Methods Molecular Biology 1701: 3-24


  • (116) Frenzel, A., Kügler, J., Helmsing, S., Meier, D., Schirrmann, T., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2017). Designing human antibodies by phage display. Tranfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 44: 312-318
  • (115) Rasetti-Escargueil , C., Avril, A., Miethe, S., Mazuet, C., Derman, Y., Selby, K., Thullier, P., Pelat, T., Urbain, R., Fontayne, A., Korkeala, H., Sesardic, D., Hust, M. & Popoff, M.R. (2017) The European AntibotABE Framework Program and Its Update: Development of Innovative Botulinum Antibodies. Toxins 9: 309
  • (114) Stech, M., Nikolaeva, O., Thoring, L., Stöcklein, W.F.M., Wüstenhagen, D.A., Hust, M., Dübel, S. & Kubick, S. (2017). Cell-free synthesis of functional antibodies using a coupled in vitro transcription-translation system based on CHO cell lysates.  Scientific Reports 7:12030
  • (113) Kuhn, P., Thiem, S., Steinert, M., Purvis, D., Lugmayr, V., Treutlein, U., Plobner, L. , Leiser, R.-M., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2017). Human Anti-Lipopolysaccharid (LPS) antibodies against Legionella with high species specificity. Human Antibodies 26: 29-38
  • (112) Schmitt, L.C., Rau, A., Seifert, O., Honer, J., Schmid, S., Hutt, M., Zantow, J., Hust, M., Dübel, S., Olayioye, M.A. & Kontermann, R.E. (2017). Inhibition of HER3 activation and tumor growth with a human antibody binding to a conserved epitope formed by domain III and IV. mAbs 9: 831-843
  • (111) Froude, J.W., Pelat, T., Miethe, S., Zak, S.E., Wec, A.Z., Chandran, K., Brannan, J.M., Bakken, R.R., Hust, M., Thullier, P. & Dye, J.M. (2017). Generation and characterization of protective antibodies to Marburg virus. mAbs 9: 696-703
  • (110) Frenzel, A., Schirmann, T., Dübel, S. & Hust, M. (2017). Entwicklung von therapeutischen Antikörpern im Reagenzglas. GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, Wiley, 4/2017: 29-32
  • (109) Noyan, F., Zimmermann, K., Hardtke-Wolenski, M., Knoefel, A., Schulde, E., Geffers, R., Hust, M., Huehn, J., Galla, M., Morgan, M., Jokuszies, A., Manns, M.P. & Jaeckel, E. (2017). Prevention of allograft rejection by use of regulatory T cells with a MHC-specific chimeric antigen receptor. American Journal of Transplantation 17: 917-930


  • (108) Postel, S., Deredge, D., Bonsor, D.A., Yu, X., Diederichs, K., Helmsing, S., Vromen, A., Friedler, A., Hust, M., Egelman, E.H., Beckett, D., Wintrode, P.L. & Sundberg, E.J. (2016). Bacterial flagellar capping proteins adopt diverse oligomeric states. eLIFE 5:e18857
  • (107) Zantow, J., Just, S., Lagkouvardos, I., Kisling, S., Dübel, S., Lepage, P., Clavel, T. & Hust, M. (2016). Mining gut microbiome oligopeptides by functional metaproteome display. Scientific Reports 6:34337
  • (106) Derman, Y., Selby, K., Miethe, S., Frenzel, A., Liu, Y., Rasetti-Escargueil, C., Avril, A., Pelat, T., Urbain, R., Fontayne, A., Thullier, P., Sesardic, D., Lindström, M., Hust, M. & Korkeala, H. (2016). Neutralization of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type E by a Humanized Antibody. Toxins 8: 257
  • (105) Miethe, S., Mazuet, C., Liu, Y., Tierney, R., Rasetti-Escargueil, C., Avril, A., Frenzel, A., Thullier, P., Pelat, T., Urbain, R., Fontayne, A., Sesardic, D., Hust, M. & Popoff, M.-R. (2016). Development of Germline-Humanized Antibodies Neutralizing Botulinum Neurotoxin A and B. PLoS ONE 11: e0161446
  • (104) Mendonça, M., Moreira, G.M., Conceição, F.R., Hust, M., Mendonça, K.S., Moreira, Â.N., França, R.C., da Silva, W.P., Bhunia, A.K. & Aleixo, J.A.. (2016). Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphate Aldolase, a Novel Immunogenic Surface Protein on Listeria Species. PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160544
  • (103) Frenzel, A., Schirrmann, T. & Hust, M. (2016). Phage display-derived human antibodies in clinical development and therapy. mAbs 8: 1177-1194
  • (102) Kuhn, P., Fühner, V., Moreira, G.M.S.G., Frenzel, A., Miethe, S. & Hust, M. (2016). Recombinant Antibodies for Diagnostics and Therapy against Pathogens and Toxins generated by Phage Display.  Proteomics - Clinical Applications 10: 922-948
  • (101) Zantow, J., Dübel, S. & Hust, M. (2016). Funktionales Proteom-Display zur Identifikation von Biomarkern. Biospektrum 22: 256-259
  • (100) Schieferdecker, A., Oberle, A., Thiele, B., Hofmann, F., Göthel, M, Miethe, S., Hust, M., Braig, F., Voigt, M., Koch-Nolte, F., Haag, F., Alawi, M., Indenbirken, D., Grundhoff, A., Bokemeyer, C., Bacher, U., Kröger, N. & Binder, M. (2016). A transplant immunome deep sequencing and screening platform defines a unique targetable epitope fingerprint of multiple myeloma. Blood 127: 3202-3214
  • (99) Rohrbeck, A., Fühner, V., Schröder, A., Hagemann, S., Vu, X.-H., Berndt, S., Hust, M., Pich, A. & Just, I. (2016). Detection and Quantification of ADP-Ribosylated RhoA/B by Monoclonal Antibody. Toxins 8: 100
  • (98) Blokzijl, A., Zieba, A., Hust, M., Schirrmann, T., Helmsing, S., Grannas, K., Hertz, E., Moren, A., Chen, L., Soderberg, O., Moustakas, A., Dübel, S. & Landegren, U. (2016). Single chain antibodies as tools to study TGF-β regulated SMAD proteins in proximity ligation-based pharmacological screens. Molecular&Cellular Proteomics 15: 1848-1856
  • (97) Connor, D.O., Zantow, J., Hust, M., Bier, F.F. & von Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. (2016). Identification of Novel Immunogenic Proteins of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by Phage Display. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0148986
  • (96) Kibat, J., Schirrmann, T., Knape, M.J., Helmsing, S., Meier, D., Hust, M., Schröder, C., Bertinetti, D., Pardes, K., Funk, M., Lages, A., Giese, N., Herberg, F. W., Dübel, S. & Hoheisel, J.D.  (2016). Utilisation of antibody microarrays for the selection of specific and informative antibodies from recombinant library binders of unknown quality. New Biotechnology 33: 574-581
  • (94) Unkauf, T., Miethe, S. Fühner, V., Schirrmann, T., Frenzel, A. & Hust, M. (2016). Generation of recombinant antibodies against toxins and viruses by phage display for Diagnostics and Therapy.  Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 917: 55-76


  • (93) Rasetti-Escargueil, C., Avril, A., Tierney, R., Bak, N., Miethe, S., Chahboun, S., Mazuet, C., Popoff, M., Thullier, P., Hust, M., Pelat, T. & Sesardic, D. (2015). Development of human-like scFv-Fc neutralising Botulinum toxin type B. mAbs 6: 1161-1177
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  • (90) Wirsing, L., Klawonn, F., Sassen, W., Lünsdorf, H., Probst, C., Hust, M., Mendel, R., Kruse, T. & Jänsch, L. (2015). Linear discriminant analysis identifies mitochondrially localized proteins in Neurospora crassa. Journal of Proteome Research 14: 3900-3911
  • (89) Droste, P., Frenzel, A., Steinwand, M., Pelat, T., Thullier, P., Hust, M., Lashuel, H. & Dübel, S. (2015). Structural differences of amyloid-β fibrils revealed by antibodies from phage display. BMC Biotechnology 15: 57
  • (88) Becker, M., Felsberger, A., Frenzel, A., Shattuck, W.M.C, Dyer, M., Kügler, J., Zantow, J., Mather, T. & Hust, M. (2015). Application of M13 Phage Display for Identifying Immunogenic Proteins from Tick (Ixodes scapularis) Saliva. BMC Biotechnology 15: 43
  • (87) Kügler, J., Wilke, S. Meier, D., Tomszak, F.,  Frenzel, A. , Schirrmann, T., Dübel, S.,  Garritsen, H.,  Hock, B., Toleikis, L., Schütte, M. & Hust, M. (2015). Generation and analysis of the improved human HAL9/10 antibody phage display libraries. BMC Biotechnology 15: 10



  • (86) Froude, J.W., Pelat, T., Miethe, S., Zak, S., Bakken, R., Hust, M., Thullier, P. & Dye, J.M. (2014). A Multinational Consortium for the Development of Therapeutic Antibodies to Tier 1 Bioterrorism Agents: Protective scFv-Fc Antibody against Marburg Virus derived from Macaque Immune Library. STO Scientific Publications, STO-MP-HFM239-18
  • (85) Miethe, S., Pelat, T., Avril, A., Popoff, M., Molgo, J., Rasetti‑Escargueil, C., Fontayne, A., Korkeala, H., Thullier, P., Sesardic, D. & Hust, M. (2014). Development of recombinant antibodies for biodefense using phage display. STO Scientific Publications, STO-MP-HFM239-16
  • (84) Hust, M., Frenzel, A., Tomszak, F., Kügler, J. & Dübel, S. (2014). Antibody Phage Display. In: Handbook of therapeutic antibodies, 2nd ed., Ed. Dübel, S. and Reichert, J.M., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 43-76 (ISBN 978-3-527-32937-3)
  • (83) Wilke, S. & Hust, M. (2014). Cetuximab (Erbitux). In: Handbook of therapeutic antibodies, 2nd ed., Ed. Dübel, S. and Reichert, J.M., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1501-1520 (ISBN 978-3-527-32937-3)
  • (82) Stech, M., Hust, M., Schulze, C., Dübel, S. & Kubick, S. (2014). Cell-free eukaryotic systems for the production, engineering and modification of scFv antibody fragments. Engineering in Life Sciences 14: 387-398
  • (81) Fuchs, M., Kämpfer, S., Helmsing, S., Spallek, R., Oehlmann, W., Prilop, W., Frank, R., Dübel, S., Mahavir, S. & Hust, M. (2014). Novel human recombinant antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen 85B. BMC Biotechnology 14: 68
  • (80) Marschall, A.L.J., Zhang, C., Frenzel, A., Schirrmann, T., Hust, M., Perez, F. & Dübel, S (2014). Delivery of antibodies to the cytosol - debunking the myths. mAbs 6: 943-956
  • (79) Trott, M., Weiß, S., Antoni, S., Koch, J., von Briesen, H., Hust, M. & Dietrich, U. (2014).  Functional characterization of two scFv-Fc antibodies from an HIV controller selected on soluble HIV-1 Env complexes: a neutralizing V3- and a trimer-specific gp41 antibody. PLoS ONE 9:  e97478
  • (78) Hülseweh, B., Rülker, T., Pelat, T., Langermann, C., Frenzel, A., Schirrmann, T., Dübel, S., Thullier, P. & Hust, M. (2014). Human-like antibodies neutralizing Western equine encephalitis virus. mAbs 6: 717-726
  • (77) Hust, M., Frenzel, A., Schirrmann, T. & Dübel, S. (2014). Selection of recombinant antibodies from antibody gene libraries. Gene Function Analysis, Ed: Ochs, M.F., Methods Molecular Biology 1101: 305-320
  • (76) Miethe, S., Rasetti-Escargueil, C., Liu, Y., Chahboun, S., Pelat, T., Avril, A., Frenzel, A., Schirrmann, T., Thullier, P., Sesardic, D. & Hust, M. (2014). Development of neutralizing scFv-Fc against botulinum neurotoxin A light chain from a macaque immune library. mAbs 6: 446-459
  • (75) Steinwand, M., Droste, P., Frenzel A., Hust, M., Dübel, S. & Schirrmann, T. (2014). The influence of antibody fragment format on phage display based affinity maturation of IgG. mAbs 6: 204-218
  • (74) Frenzel, A., Kügler, J., Wilke, S., Schirrmann, T. & Hust, M. (2014). Construction of human antibody gene libraries and selection of antibodies by phage display. Human Monoclonal Antibodies: Methods and Protocols, Ed: Steinitz, M., Methods Molecular Biology 1060: 215-243


  • (73) Kügler, J., Zantow, J., Meyer, T., & Hust, M. (2013). Oligopeptide M13 Phage Display in Pathogen Research.  Viruses 5:2531-2545
  • (72) Frenzel, A., Hust, M. & Schirrmann, T. (2013). Expression of recombinant Antibodies. Frontiers in Immunology 4:217
  • (71) Jäger, V.,  Büssow, K., Wagner, A., Weber, S., Hust, M., Frenzel, A. & Schirrmann, T. (2013). High level transient production of recombinant antibodies and antibody fusion proteins in HEK293 cells. BMC Biotechnology 13:52
  • (70) Zhou, M., Meyer, T., Koch, S., Koch, J., Brill, B., von Briesen, H., Benito, J.M., Soriano, V., Haberl, A., Bickel, M., Dübel, S., Hust, M. & Dietrich, U. (2013). Identification of an epitope in the membrane proximal external region of gp41 targeted by neutralizing antibodies in plasma from an elite controller using an Env-tailored phage display library. Eur J immunol 43: 499-509
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  • (64) Meyer, T.,  Schirrmann, T., Frenzel, A., Miethe, S., Stratmann-Selke, J., Gerlach, G.F., Strutzberg-Minder, K., Dübel, S. & Hust, M. (2012). Identification of immunogenic proteins and generation of antibodies against Salmonella Typhimurium using phage display. BMC Biotechnology 12:29
  • (63) Rülker, T., Voß, L., Thullier, P., O'Brien, L.M., Pelat, T., Perkins, S.D., Langemann, C., Schirrmann, T., Dübel, S., Marschall, H.-J., Hust, M. & Hülseweh, B. (2012). Isolation and characterisation of a human-like antibody fragment (scFv) that inactivates VEEV in vitro and in vivo. PLoS ONE 7: e37242
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  • (61) Zhang, C., Helmsing, S., Zagrebelsky, M., Schirrmann, T., Marschall, A.L.J., Schüngel, M., Korte, M., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2012). Suppression of p75 Neurotrophin Receptor Surface Expression with Intrabodies Influences Bcl-xL mRNA Expression and Neurite Outgrowth in PC12 Cells. PLoS ONE 7: e30684


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  • (58) Chahboun, S., Hust, M., Liu, Y., Pelat, T., Miethe, S., Helmsing, S., Jones ,R.G., Sesardic, D. & Thullier, P. (2011). Isolation of a nanomolar scFv inhibiting the endopeptidase activity of botulinum toxin A, by single-round panning of an immune phage-displayed library of macaque origin. BMC Biotechnology 11:113
  • (57) Colwill, K., Persson, H., Jarvik, N.E., Wyrzucki, A., Wojcik, J., Koide, A., Kossiakoff, A.A., Koide, S., Sidhu, S., Dyson, M.R., Pershad, K., Pavlovic, J.D., Karatt-Vellat, A., Schofield, D.J., Kay, B.K., McCafferty, J., Mersmann, M., Meier, D., Mersmann, J., Helmsing, S., Hust, M., Dübel, S., Berkowicz, S., Freemantle, A., Spiegel, M., Sawyer, A., Layton, D., Nice, E., Dai, A., Rocks, O., Williton, K., Fellhouse, F.A., Hersi, K., Pawson, T., Nilsson, P., Sundberg, M., Sjöberg, R., Sivertsson, A., Schwenk, J.M., Takanen, J.O., Hober, S., Uhlén, M., Dahlgren, L.G., Flores, A. Johansson, I, Weigelt, J., Crombet, L., Loppnau, P., Kozieradzki, I., Cossar, D., Arrowsmith, C.H., Edwards, A.M. & Gräslund, S. (2011). A roadmap to generate renewable protein binders to the human proteome. Nature Methods 8, 551-558

  • (56) Lüders, S., David, F., Steinwand, M., Jordan, E., Hust, M., Dübel, S. & Franco-Lara, E. (2011). Influence of the hydromechanical stress and temperature on growth and antibody fragment production with Bacillus megaterium. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 91, 81-90
  • (55) Hust, M., Meyer, T., Voedisch, B., Rülker, T., Thie, H., El-Ghezal, A., Kirsch, M.I., Schütte, M., Helmsing, S., Meier, D., Schirrmann, T. & Dübel, S. (2011). A human scFv antibody generation pipeline for proteome research. Journal of Biotechnology 152, 159-170
  • (54) Dammeyer, T., Steinwand, M., Krüger, S.C., Dübel, S., Hust, M. & Timmis, K.N. (2011). Efficient production of soluble recombinant single chain Fv fragments by a Pseudomonas putida strain KT2440 cell factory. Microbial Cell Factories 10: 11
  • (53) Thie, H., Toleikis, L., Li, J., von Wasielewski, R., Bastert, G., Schirrmann, T., Esteves, I. T., Behrens, C. K.,  Fournes, B., Fournier, N., de Romeuf, C., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2011). Rise and fall of an anti-MUC1 specific antibody. PLoS ONE 6: e15921
  • (52) Schirrmann, T., Meyer, T., Schütte, M., Frenzel, A., & Hust, M. (2011). Phage display for the generation of antibodies for proteome research, diagnostics and therapy. Molecules 16, 412-426
  • (51) Meyer, T.,  Stratmann-Selke, J., Meens, J., Schirrmann, T., Gerlach G.F., Frank, R., Dübel, S., Strutzberg-Minder, K. & Hust, M (2011). Isolation of scFv fragments specific to OmpD of Salmonella Typhimurium. Veterinary Microbiology 147, 162-169


  • (50) Bourbeillon, J., Orchard, S., Benhar, I., Borrebaeck, C., de Daruvar, A., Dübel, S., Frank, R., Gibson, F., Gloriam, D., Haslam, N., Hiltker, T., Humphrey-Smith, I., Hust, M., Juncker, D., Koegl, M., Konthur, Z., Korn, B., Krobitsch, S., Muyldermans, S., Nygren, P.-A., Palcy, S., Polic, B., Rodriguez, H., Sawyer, A., Schlapshy, M., Snyder, M.,Stoevesandt, O., Taussig, M.J., Templin, M., Uhlen, M., van der Maarel, S., Wingren, C., Hermjakob, H. & Sherman, D. (2010). Minimum Information about a Protein Affinity Reagent (MIAPAR). Nature Biotechnology 28, 650-653
  • (49) Schirrmann, T. & Hust, M. (2010). Construction of human antibody gene libraries and selection of antibodies by phage display. Immunotherapy of Cancer: Methods and Protocols, Ed. Yotnda, P.,  Methods Molecular Biology 651, 177-209
  • (48) Dübel, S., Stoevesandt, O., Taussig, M.J. & Hust, M. (2010). Generating recombinant antibodies to the complete human proteome. Trends in Biotechnology 28, 333-339
  • (47) Naseem, S., Meens, J., Jores, J., Heller, M., Dübel, S., Hust, M. & Gerlach, G.F. (2010). Phage display-based identification and potential diagnostic application of novel antigens from Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small colony type. Veterinary Microbiology 142, 285-292
  • (46) Steinwand, M., Jordan, S. & Hust, M. (2010). Production of Antibody Fragments in the Gram-positive bacterium B. megaterium. In: Antibody engineering Vol 2, Ed: Kontermann, R. and Dübel, S., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 293-299 (ISBN 978-3-642-01143-6)
  • (45) Mollova, S., Retter, I., Hust, M., Dübel, S. & Müller, W. (2010). Analysis of single chain antibody sequences using the VBASE2 Fab Analysis Tool. In: Antibody engineering Vol 2, Ed: Kontermann, R. and Dübel, S., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 3-10 (ISBN 978-3-642-01143-6)
  • (44) Breitling, F., Broders, O., Helmsing, S., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2010). Improving phage display throughput by using Hyperphage, miniaturized titration and pVIII (g8p) ELISA. In: Antibody engineering Vol 1, Ed: Kontermann, R. and Dübel, S., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 197-206 (ISBN 978-3-642-01143-6)
  • (43) Hust, M. & Mersmann, M. (2010). Phage Display and selection in microtitre plates. In: Antibody engineering Vol 1, Ed: Kontermann, R. and Dübel, S., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 139-150 (ISBN 978-3-642-01143-6)
  • (42) Pelat, T., Hust, M. & Thullier, P. (2010). Immune libraries from non-human primates (NHP). In: Antibody engineering Vol 1, Ed: Kontermann, R. and Dübel, S., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 99-114 (ISBN 978-3-642-01143-6)
  • (41) Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2010). Human antibody gene libraries. In: Antibody engineering, Ed: Kontermann, R. and Dübel, S., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 65-84 (ISBN 978-3-642-01143-6)
  • (40) Mersmann, M., Meier, D., Mersmann, J., Helmsing, S., Nilsson, P., Gräslund S.,  Structural Genomics Consortium, Colwill, K., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2010). Towards "proteome scale" antibody selections using phage display. New Biotechnology 27, 118-128
  • (39) Schirrmann, T., Menzel, C., Hust, M., Prilop, J., Jostock, T. & Dübel, S. (2010). Oligomeric forms of single chain immunoglobulin (scIgG). mAbs 2, 73-76


  • (38) Pelat, T., Hust., M. & Thullier, P. (2009). Obtention and engineering of non-human primate (NHP) antibodies for therapeutics. Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 14, 1633-1638
  • (37) Thie, H., Binius, S., Schirrmann, T., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2009). Multimerization domains for antibody phage display and antibody production. New Biotechnology 26, 314-321
  • (36) Hust, M., Steinwand, M., Al-Halabi, L., Helmsing, S., Schirrmann, T. & Dübel, S. (2009). Improved microtitre plate production of single chain Fv fragments in Escherichia coli. New Biotechnology 25, 424-428
  • (35) Schütte, M., Thullier, P., Pelat, T., Wezler, X., Rosenstock, P., Hinz, D., Kirsch, M.I., Hasenberg, M., Frank, R., Schirrmann, T., Gunzer, M., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2009). Identification of a putative Crf splice variant and generation of recombinant antibodies for the specific detection of Aspergillus fumigatus. PLoS ONE 4:e6625
  • (34) Pelat, T., Hust, M., Hale, M., Lefranc, M.-P., Dübel, S. & Thullier, P. (2009). Isolation of a human-like antibody fragment (scFv) that neutralizes ricin biological activity. BMC Biotechnology 8:66
  • (33) Hust, M., Thie, H., Schirrmann, T. & Dübel, S. (2009). Antibody Phage Display. In: Handbook of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies: From Bench to Clinic, Ed: An, Z. and Strohl, W., Wiley-VCH , 191-212
  • (32) Jordan, E., Al-Halabi, L., Schirrmann, T. & Hust, M. (2009). Antibody production by the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus megaterium. Therapeutic Antibodies, Ed: Dimitrov, A.S.,  Methods Molecular Biology 525, 509-516
  • (31) Thie, H., Voedisch, B., Dübel, S., Hust, M. & Schirrmann, T. (2009). Affinity maturation by phage display. Therapeutic Antibodies, Ed: Dimitrov, A.S.,  Methods Molecular Biology 525, 309-322
  • (30) Strebe, N., Guse, A., Schüngel, M., Schirrmann, T., Haffner, M., Jostock, T., Hust, M., Müller, W. & Dübel, S. (2009). Fuctional knockdown of VCAM-1 at the posttranslational level with ER retained antibodies. Journal of immunological Methods 341, 30-40


  • (28) Kirsch, M.I., Hülseweh, B., Nacke, C., Rülker, T., Schirrmann, T., Marschall, H.-J., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2008). Development of human antibody fragments using antibody phage display for the detection and diagnosis of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV).  BMC Biotechnology 8:66
  • (27) Kügler, J., Nieswandt, S., Gerlach, G.F., Meens, J., Schirrmann, T. & Hust, M. (2008). Identification of immunogenic polypeptides from a Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae genome library by phage display. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 80, 447- 458
  • (26) Thie, H., Schirrmann, T., Paschke, M., Dübel, S. & Hust, M. (2008). SRP and Sec pathway leader peptides for antibody phage display and antibody fragment production in E. coli. New Biotechnology 25, 49-54
  • (25) Schirrmann, T., Al-Halabi, L., Dübel, S. & Hust, M. (2008). Production systems for recombinant antibodies. Frontiers in Bioscience 13, 4576-4594


  • (24) Hust, M., Toleikis, L. & Dübel, S. (2007). Selection Strategies II: Antibody phage display. In: Handbook of therapeutic antibodies, Ed. Dübel, S., Wiley-VCH, 45-68
  • (23) Michalzik, M., Balck, A., Al-Halabi, L., Hust, M., Dübel, S. & Büttgenbach, S. (2007). Massensensitives Sensor-Fließsystem zur CRP-Diagnostik. Mikrosystemtechnikkongress 2007, 939-942
  • (22) Schirrmann, T., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2007). Die Antikörperfabrik: Antikörper für jedes Protein. Biologie in unserer Zeit 37, 348-351
  • (21) Jordan, E., Al-Halabi, L., Schirrmann, T., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2007). Production of single chain Fab (scFab) in Bacillus megaterium.  Microbial Cell Factories 6:38
  • (20) Hust, M., Dübel, S. & Schirrmann, T. (2007). Selection of recombinant antibodies from antibody gene libraries. Gene Function Analysis, Ed: Ochs, M.F.,  Methods Molecular Biology 408, 241-254
  • (19) Pelat, T., Hust, M., Laffly. E.,  Condemine, F., Bottex, C., Vidal, D., Lefranc, M.P., Dübel, S. & Thullier, P. (2007). A high affinity, human like antibody fragment (scFv) neutralising lethal factor (LF) of Bacillus anthracis by inhibiting the PA-LF complex formation. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 51, 2758-2764
  • (18) Schirrmann, T., Hust, M., Konthur, Z., Frank, R., Toleikis, L. & Dübel, S. (2007). Schlüsselreagenzien für die Proteomforschung im Hochdurchsatz. Laborwelt 2/2007, 16-20
  • (17) Hust, M., Jostock, T., Menzel, C., Voedisch, B., Mohr, A., Brenneis, M., Kirsch, M.I., Meier, D. & Dübel, S. (2007). Single chain (scFab) fragment. BMC Biotechnology 7:14
  • (16) Jordan, E., Hust, M., Roth, A., Biedendieck, R., Schirrmann, T., Jahn, D. & Dübel, S. (2007). Production of recombinant antibody fragments in Bacillus megaterium. Microbial Cell Factories 6:2
  • (15) Soltes, G., Hust, M., Ng, K.K.Y., Bansal, A., Field, J., Stewart, D.I.H., Dübel, S., Cha, S. & Wiersma, E. (2007). On the influence of vector design on antibody phage display. Journal Biotechnology 127, 626-637



  • (14) Michalzik, M., Balck, A., Büttgenbach, S., Al-Halabi, L., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2006). Microsensor System for Biochemical and Medical Analysis. Proc. XX Eurosensors, 420-421
  • (13) Hust, M., Meysing, M, Schirrmann, T., Selke, M., Meens, J., Gerlach, G.-F. & Dübel, S. (2006). Enrichment of open reading frames presented on bacteriophage M13 using Hyperphage. Biotechniques 41, 335-342



  • (12) Konthur, Z., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2005). Perspectives for systematic in vitro antibody generation. Gene 364, 19-29
  • (11) Voedisch, B., Menzel. C., Jordan, E., El-Ghezal, A., Schirrmann, T., Hust, M. & Jostock, T. (2005). Heterologe Expression von rekombinanten Proteinpharmazeutika. Laborwelt 3/2005, 31-35
  • (10) Hust, M., Toleikis, L. & Dübel, S. (2005). Antibody Phage Display. Mod. Asp. Immunobiol. 15, 47-49
  • (9) Voedisch, B., Menzel. C., Jordan, E., El-Ghezal, A., Schirrmann, T., Hust, M. & Jostock, T. (2005). Expression rekombinanter Proteinpharmazeutika. transkript 7/2005, 47-51
  • (8) Kirsch, M., Zaman, M., Meier, D., Dübel, S. & Hust, M. (2005). Parameters affecting the display of antibodies on phage. Journal of Immunological Methods 301, 173-185
  • (7) Schirrmann, T., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2005). Schlüsselreagenzien für den nächsten großen Schritt. GenomXpress 2.05, 11-13
  • (6) Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2005). Phage display vectors for the in vitro generation of human antibody fragments. Immunochemical Protocols, 3rd ed., Ed: Burns, R., Methods Molecular Biology 295, 71-95



  • (5) Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2004). Mating antibody phage display with proteomics. Trends in Biotechnology 22, 8-14



  • (4) Meyer, T., Hust, M., Marquardt, J., Krumbein, W.E. & Rhiel, E. (2003). A methodological approach to investigate steady state fucoxanthin chlorophyll a/c binding protein mRNA levels in Wadden Sea sediments. International Microbiology 6, 33-39



  • (3) Hust, M., Maiss, E., Jacobsen, H.-J. & Reinard, T. (2002). The production of a genus specific recombinant antibody (scFv) using a recombinant Potyvirus protease. Journal of Virological Methods 106, 225-233


  • (2) Hust, M., Krumbein, W.E. & Rhiel, E. (1999). An immunochemical in situ approach to detect adaptation processes in the photosynthetic apparatus of diatoms of the Wadden Sea sediment surface layers. Journal of Microbiological Methods 38, 69-80

  • (1) Janssen, M., Hust, M., Rhiel, E. & Krumbein, W.E. (1999). Vertical migration behaviour of diatom assemblages of Wadden Sea sediments (Dangast/Germany): A study using Cryo-scanning electron microscopy. International Microbiology 2, 103-110



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  • Deputy Dean of Biotechnology studies
  • Expertenpools des Nationalen Ausschuss für den Schutz von für wissenschaftliche Zwecke verwendeten Tieren
  • Scientific Coordinator of the EC consortium AntibotABE (-2015)
  • Member of Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland (VBIO)
  • Co-founder of mAb-factory GmbH


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