Who are you and what is your research topic?
My name is Lennart Lobitz and I'm working at the Institute of aircraft design and lightweight
structures. My research topic is structural wing design under hybrid laminar flow conditions.
Which research question are you working on?
The integration of active flow control, as it is investigated here, will drastically affect the
whole aircraft design. With respect to the extend of laminar flow it might for example be
beneficial to even have a forward swept wing. This again leads to different requirements for
structural wing design compared to today's backward swept wings on commercial aircraft.
The design of the suction panel itself also requires a lot of research. I am investigating the
effects of the suction panel on the structural wing design and vice versa.
What makes this topic special/exciting for you?
I like that it is a highly multidisciplinary topic, that may have a significant impact on future
commercial aircraft.
Why is your topic relevant for future aviation?
Laminar flow control could be a key technology in order to reduce the energy demand of
aircraft with respect to the high aims of the flightpath 2020.
What is special about participating in the interdisciplinary research network SE²A?
I enjoy working with experts from different fields of research and learning a lot day by day.
Exzellenzcluster SE²A –
Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 42
38108 Braunschweig
+49 531 391 66661