Sukhbat O., Steiner D., Bunjes H.
Autoclaving behavior of trimyristin nanoemulsions stabilized with different poloxamers
Int. J. Pharm. 673 (2025) 125376
Meier N., Berten-Schunk L., Roger Y., Hänsch R., Hoffmann A., Bunjes H., Dempwolf W., Menzel H.
Characterization of thin polymer layer prepared from liposomes and polyelectrolytes for TGF-β3 release in tissue engineering
Macromol. Biosci. (2025) 2400447
Baumann N., Baumgarten J., Kunick C., Bunjes H.
Prolonged release from lipid nanoemulsions by modification of drug lipophilicity
J. Control. Rel. 374 (2024) 478-488
Grüne L., Bunjes H.
Solubility of poorly soluble drugs in phosphatidylcholine-based drug delivery systems: Comparison of the loading capacity in the bulk formulation and its dispersed state
Pharmaceuticals 17 (2024) 400
Sundermann J., Sydow S., Burmeister L., Hoffmann A., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
Spatially and temporally controllable BMP-2 and TGF-β3 double release from polycaprolactone fiber scaffolds via chitosan-based polyelectrolyte coatings
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 10 (2024) 89-98
Berten-Schunk L., Roger Y., Bunjes H., Hoffmann A.
Release of TGF-β3 from surface-modified PCL fiber mats triggers a dose-dependent chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stromal cells
Pharmaceutics 15 (2023) 1303
Steiner D., Schumann L.V., Bunjes H.
Processing of lipid nanodispersions into solid powders by spray drying
Pharmaceutics 14 (2022) 2464
Wewers M., Finke J.H., Czyz, S., Van Eerdenbrugh B., John E., Büch G., Juhnke M., Bunjes H., Kwade A.
Evaluation of the formulation parameter-dependent redispersibility of API nanoparticles from fluid bed granules
Pharmaceutics 14 (2022) 1688
Erfle P., Riewe J., Cai S., Bunjes H., Dietzel A.
Horseshoe lamination mixer (HLM) sets new standards in the production of monodisperse lipid nanoparticles
Lab Chip 22 (2022) 3025
Lenz J., Fuest F., Finke J.H., Bunjes H., Kwade A., Juhnke M.
Tablet disintegration and dispersion under in vivo-like hydrodynamic conditions
Pharmaceutics 14 (2022) 208
Steiner D., Emmendörffer J.F., Bunjes H.
Orodispersible films: A delivery platform for solid lipid nanoparticles?
Pharmaceutics 13 (2021) 2162.
Lenz J., Finke J.H., Bunjes H., Kwade A., Juhnke M.
Tablet formulation development focusing on the functional behaviour of water uptake and swelling
Int. J. Pharm. X 3 (2021) 100103.
El-Hawari L., Bunjes H.
Premix membrane emulsification: Preparation and stability of medium-chain triglyceride emulsions with droplet sizes below 100 nm
Molecules 26 (2021) 6029.
Knoke S, Bunjes H.
Transfer investigations of lipophilic drugs from lipid nanoemulsions to lipophilic acceptors: Contributing effects of cholesteryl esters and albumin as acceptor structures
Pharmaceuticals 14 (2021) 865.
Steiner D., Bunjes H.
Influence of process and formulation parameters on the preparation of solid lipid nanoparticles by dual centrifugation
Int. J. Pharm. X 3 (2021) 100085.
Bolze H., Riewe J., Bunjes H., Dietzel A., Burg, T.P.
Continuous production of lipid nanoparticles by ultrasound-assisted microfluidic antisolvent precipitation
Chem. Eng. Technol. 44 (2021) 1641-1650.
Erfle P., Riewe J., Bunjes H., Dietzel A.
Goodbye fouling: a unique coaxial lamination mixer (CLM) enabled by two-photon polymerization for the stable production of monodisperse drug carrier nanoparticles
Lab Chip 21 (2021) 2178.
Sundermann J., Sydow S., Burmeister L., Hoffmann, A., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
ELISA- and activity assay-based quantification of BMP-2 released in vitro can be biased by solubility in “physiological” buffers and an interfering effect of chitosan.
Pharmaceutics 13 (2021) 582.
Francke N.M., Bunjes H.
Drug localization and its effect on the physical stability of poloxamer 188-stabilized colloidal lipid emulsions
Int. J. Pharm. 599 (2021) 120394.
Francke N.M., Schneider F., Baumann K., Bunjes H.
Formulation of cannabidiol in colloidal lipid carriers
Molecules 26 (2021) 1469.
Knoke S., Bunjes H.
Transfer of lipophilic drugs from nanoemulsions into lipid-containing alginate microspheres
Pharmaceutics 13 (2021) 173.
Lenz J., Bunjes H., Kwade A., Juhnke M.
An improved method for the simultaneous determination of water uptake and swelling of tablets
Int. J. Pharm. 595 (2021) 120229.
Bolze H., Riewe J., Bunjes H., Dietzel A., Burg T.P.
Protective filtration for microfluidic nanoparticle precipitation for pharmaceutical applications
Chem. Eng. Technol. 44 (2021) 457-464.
Sundermann J., Oehmichen S., Sydow S., Burmeister L., Quaas B., Hänsch R., Rinas U., Hoffmann A., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
Varying the sustained release of BMP‐2 from chitosan nanogel‐functionalized polycaprolactone fiber mats by different polycaprolactone surface modifications
J. Biomed. Mat. Res. A 109 (2021) 600.
Francke N.M., Bunjes H.
Influence of drug loading on the physical stability of phospholipid-stabilised colloidal lipid emulsions
Int. J. Pharm. X 2 (2020) 100060.
Sundermann J., Zagst H., Kuntsche J., Wätzig H., Bunjes H.
Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (BMP-2) aggregates can be solubilized by albumin—Investigation of BMP-2 aggregation by light scattering and electrophoresis
Pharmaceutics 12 (2020) 1143.
Grüne L., Bunjes H.
Suitability of phosphatidylcholine-based formulations for liquid filling in hard capsules
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 153 (2020) 105470.
Czyz S., Wewers M., Finke J.H., Kwade A., van Eerdenbrugh B., Juhnke M., Bunjes H.
Spray drying of API nanosuspensions: Importance of drying temperature, type and content of matrix former and particle size for successful formulation and process development
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 152 (2020) 63–71.
Grüne L., Bunjes H.
Self-dispersing formulations for the delivery of poorly soluble drugs – Miscibility of phosphatidylcholines with oils and fats
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 151 (2020) 209–219.
Wewers M., Czyz S., Finke J.H., John E., Van Eerdenbrugh B., Juhnke M., Bunjes H., Kwade A.
Influence of formulation parameters during fluidized bed granulation of API nanosuspensions
Pharmaceutics 12 (2020) 363.
Riewe J., Erfle P., Melzig S., Kwade A., Dietzel A., Bunjes H.
Antisolvent precipitation of lipid nanoparticles in microfluidic systems – A comparative study
Int. J. Pharm. 579 (2020) 119167.
Erfle P., Riewe J., Bunjes H.
Dietzel A., Stabilized production of lipid nanoparticles of tunable size in Taylor flow glass devices with high-surface-quality 3D microchannels
Micromachines 10 (2019) 220.
Bolze H., Erfle P., Riewe J., Bunjes H., Dietzel A., Burg T.P.
A microfluidic split-flow technology for product characterization in continuous low-volume nanoparticle synthesis
Micromachines 10 (2019) 179.
Göke K., Roese E., Bunjes H.
Heat treatment of poloxamer-stabilized triglyceride nanodispersions: Effects and underlying mechanism
Mol. Pharmaceutics 15 (2018) 3111–3120.
Göke K., Bunjes H.
Carrier characteristics influence the kinetics of passive drug loading into lipid nanoemulsions
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 126 (2018) 132-139.
Göke K., Bunjes H.
Parameters influencing the course of passive drug loading into lipid nanoemulsions
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 126 (2018) 123-131.
Göke K., Lorenz T., Repanas A., Schneider F., Steiner D., Baumann K., Bunjes H., Dietzel A., Finke J.H., Glasmacher B., Kwade A.
Novel strategies for the formulation and processing of poorly water-soluble drugs
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 126 (2018) 40-56.
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Influence of membrane material on the production of colloidal emulsions by premix membrane emulsification
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 126 (2018) 140-148.
Lorenz T., Bojko S., Bunjes H., Dietzel A.
An inert 3D emulsification device for individual precipitation and concentration of amorphous drug nanoparticles
Lab Chip 18 (2018) 627-638.
Erfle P., Riewe J., Bunjes H., Dietzel A.
Optically monitored segmented flow for controlled ultra-fast mixing and nanoparticle precipitation
Microfluid. Nanofluid. 21 (2017) 179.
Göke K., Bunjes H.
Drug solubility in lipid nanocarriers: Influence of lipid matrix and available interfacial area
Int. J. Pharm. 529 (2017) 617-628.
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Preparation of nanoemulsions by premix membrane emulsification: which parameters have a significant influence on the resulting particle size?
J. Pharm. Sci. 106 (2017) 2068-2076.
Roese E., Bunjes H.
Drug release studies from lipid nanoparticles in physiological media by a new DSC method
J. Control. Rel. 256 (2017) 92-100.
Rosenblatt K.M., Bunjes H.
Evaluation of the drug loading capacity of different lipid nanoparticle dispersions by passive drug loading
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 117 (2017) 49-59.
Göke K., Roese E., Arnold A., Kuntsche J., Bunjes H.
Control over particle size distribution by autoclaving poloxamer-stabilized trimyristin nanodispersions
Mol. Pharmaceutics 13 (2016) 3187-3195
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Preparation of lipid nanoemulsions by premix membrane emulsification with disposable materials
Int. J. Pharm. 511 (2016) 741-744
D'Addio S.M., Bukari A.A., Dawoud M., Bunjes H., Rinaldi C., Prud'homme R.K.
Determining drug release rates of hydrophobic compounds from nanocarriers
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 374 (2016) 20150128
Andermark V., Göke K., Kokoschka M., Abu el Maaty M.A., Lum C.T., Zou T., Sun R. W.-Y., Aguiló E., Oehninger L., Rodríguez L., Bunjes H., Wölfl S., Che C.-M., Ott I.
Alkynyl gold(I) phosphane complexes: evaluation of structure-activity-relationships for the phosphane ligands, effects on key signaling proteins and preliminary in-vivo studies with a nanoformulated complex
J. Inorg. Biochem. 160 (2016) 140-148.
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Instrumented small scale extruder to investigate the influence of process parameters during premix membrane emulsification
Chem. Eng. J. 284 (2016) 716-723
Joseph S., Rappolt M., Schoenitz M., Huzhalska V., Augustin W., Scholl S., Bunjes H.,Stability of the metastable α-polymorph in solid triglyceride drug carrier nanoparticles, Langmuir 31 (2015) 6663-6674.
Strasdat B., Bunjes H., Development of a new approach to investigating the drug transfer from colloidal carrier systems applying lipid nanosuspension-containing alginate microbeads as acceptor, Int. J. Pharm. 489 (2015) 203-209.
Bitterlich A., Laabs C., Krautstrunk I., Dengler M., Juhnke M., Grandeury A., Bunjes H., Kwade A., Process parameter dependent growth phenomena of naproxen nanosuspension manufactured by wet media milling, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 92 (2015) 171-179.
Kupetz E., Bunjes H.
Lipid nanoparticles: drug localization is substance-specific and achievable load depends on the size and physical state of the particles
J. Control. Release 189 (2014) 54-64.
Joseph S., Bunjes H.
Evaluation of Shirasu Porous Glass (SPG) membrane emulsification for the preparation of colloidal lipid drug carrier dispersions
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 87 (2014) 176-186.
Bitterlich A., Laabs C., Busmann E., Grandeury A., Juhnke M., Bunjes H., Kwade A.
Challenges in nanogrinding of active pharmaceutical ingredients
Chem. Eng. Technol. 37 (2014) 840-846.
Schoenitz M., Joseph S., Nitz A., Bunjes H., Scholl S.
Controlled polymorphic transformation of continuously crystallized solid lipid nanoparticles in a microstructured device: A feasibility study
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 86 (2014) 324-331.
Wöhl-Bruhn S., Bertz A., Kuntsche J., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
Variations in polyethylene glycol brands and their influence on the preparation process of hydrogel microspheres
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 85 (2013) 1215-1218.
Kupetz E., Preu L., Kunick C., Bunjes H.
Parenteral formulation of an antileishmanial drug candidate - Tackling poor solubility, chemical instability, and polymorphism
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 85 (2013) 511-520.
Schoenitz M., Joseph S., Bunjes H., Scholl S.
Application of ultrasound in a micro heat exchanger for crystallization of solid lipid nanoparticles
Chem. Eng. Technol. 36 (2013) 1075-1079.
Bode J.C., Kuntsche J., Funari S.S., Bunjes H.
Interaction of dispersed cubic phases with blood components
Int. J. Pharm. 448 (2013) 87- 95.
Joseph S., Bunjes H.
Influence of membrane structure on the preparation of colloidal lipid dispersions by premix membrane emulsification
Int. J. Pharm. 446 (2013) 59-62.
Bertz A., Ehlers J.E., Wöhl-Bruhn S., Bunjes H., Gericke K.H., Menzel H.
Mobility of green fluorescent protein in hydrogel-based drug-delivery systems studied by anisotropy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
Macromol. Biosci. 13 (2013) 215-226.
Segura R., Cierpka C., Rossi M, Joseph S., Bunjes H., Kähler C.J.
Non-encapsulated thermo-liquid crystals for digital particle tracking thermography/velocimetry in microfluidics
Microfluid. Nanofluid. 14 (2013) 445-456.
Bertz A., Stefanie Wöhl-Bruhn S., Miethe S., Tiersch B., Koetz J., Hust M., Bunjes H., Menzel H.
Encapsulation of proteins in hydrogel carrier systems for controlled drug delivery: Influence of network structure and drug size on release rate
J. Biotechnol. 163 (2013) 234-249.
Strasdat B., Bunjes H.
Incorporation of lipid nanoparticles into calcium alginate beads and characterization of the encapsulated particles by differential scanning calorimetry
Food Hydrocolloids 30 (2013) 567-575.
Wöhl-Bruhn S., Heim E., Schwoerer A., Bertz A., Harling S., Menzel H., Schilling M., Ludwig F., Bunjes H.
Fluxgate magnetorelaxometry: A new approach to study the release properties of hydrogel cylinders and microspheres
Int. J. Pharm. 436 (2012) 677-684.
Wöhl-Bruhn S., Badar M., Bertz A., Tiersch B., Koetz J., Menzel H., Mueller P.P., Bunjes, H.
Comparison of in vitro and in vivo protein release from hydrogel systems
J. Control. Rel. 162 (2012) 127-133.
Wöhl-Bruhn S., Bertz A., Harling S., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
Hydroxyethyl starch-based polymers for the controlled release of biomacromolecules from hydrogel microspheres
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 81 (2012) 573-581.
Joseph S., Bunjes H.
Preparation of nanoemulsions and solid lipid nanoparticles by premix membrane emulsification
J. Pharm. Sci. 101 (2012) 2479-2489.
Mengersen F., Bunjes H.
Chemical stability of phospholipid-stabilized supercooled smectic cholesteryl myristate nanoparticles
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 82 (2012) 262-271.
Mengersen F., Bunjes H.
PEGylation of supercooled smectic cholesteryl myristate nanoparticles
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 81 (2012) 409-417.
Bunjes H.
Structural properties of solid lipid based colloidal drug delivery systems
Curr. Opin. Colloid Interf. Sci.16 (2011) 405-411.
Kuntsche J., Horst J.C., Bunjes H.
Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) for studying the morphology of colloidal drug delivery systems
Int. J. Pharm. 417 (2011) 120- 137. Eppler A., Weigandt M., Schulze S., Hanefeld A., Bunjes H.
Comparison of different protein concentration techniques within preformulation development
Int. J. Pharm. 421 (2011) 120-129.
Petersen S., Steiniger F., Fischer D., Fahr A., Bunjes H.
The physical state of lipid nanoparticles influences their effect on in vitro cell viability
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 79 (2011) 150-161.
Bunjes H.
Lipid nanoparticles for the delivery of poorly water soluble drugs
J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 62 (2010) 1637-1645.
Kuntsche J., Koch M.H.J., Steiniger F., Bunjes H.
Influence of stabilizer systems on the properties and phase behavior of supercooled smectic nanoparticles
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 350 (2010) 229-239.
Petersen S., Fahr A., Bunjes H.
Flow cytometry: A new approach to investigate drug transfer
Mol. Pharmaceutics 7 (2010) 350-363.
Eppler A., Weigandt M., Hanefeld A., Bunjes H.Relevant shaking stress conditions for antibody preformulation development
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Jasch K., Barth N., Fehr S., Bunjes H., Augustin W., Scholl S.,
A microfluidic approach for a continuous crystallization of drug carrier nanoparticles,
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Kuntsche J., Koch M.H.J., Fahr A., Bunjes H.,
Supercooled smectic nanoparticles: Influence of the matrix composition and in vitro cytotoxicity,
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 38 (2009) 238-248.
Hornig S., Bunjes H., Heinze T.,
Preparation and characterization of nanoparticles based on dextran-drug conjugates,
J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 338 (2009) 5662.
Rosenblatt K.M., Bunjes H.,
Poly(vinyl alcohol) as emulsifier stabilizes solid triglyceride drug carrier nanoparticles in the α-modification,
Mol. Pharmaceutics 6 (2009) 105-120.
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Interaction of lipid nanoparticles with human epidermis and an organotypic cell culture model,
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Glycosaminoglycan-resistant and pH-sensitive lipid-coated DNA-complexes produced by detergent removal method,
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Bunjes H., Unruh T.,
Characterization of lipid nanoparticles by differential scanning calorimetry, XRay and neutron scattering;
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Wörle G., Drechsler M., Koch M.H.J., Siekmann B., Westesen K., Bunjes H.,
Influence of composition and preparation parameters on the properties of aqueous monoolein dispersions,
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Visualizing the structure of triglyceride nanoparticles in different crystal modifications,
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Drug release from differently structured monoolein/ poloxamer nanodispersions studied with differential pulse polarography and ultrafiltration at low pressure,
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Influence of preparation conditions and heat treatment on the properties of supercooled smectic cholesteryl myristate nanoparticles,
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Transformation of vesicular into cubic nanoparticles by autoclaving of aqueous monoolein/poloxamer dispersions,
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Effect of drug loading on the transformation of vesicular into cubic nanoparticles during heat treatment of aqueous monoolein/poloxamer dispersions,
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Drug permeability across a phospholipid vesicle based barrier 2. Characterization of barrier structure, storage stability and stability towards pH changes,
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Bunjes H., Rades T.,
Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Drugs,
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Investigations on the thermal behavior of omeprazole and other sulfoxides,
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Mitarbeit an der 13. Auflage des Lehrbuchs „Fahr A.: Voigt – Pharmazeutische Technologie für Studium und Beruf"
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart, 2021
Mitarbeit an der englischen Version des Lehrbuchs „Fahr A.: Voigt’s Pharmaceutical Technology"
Wiley, 2018
Finke J.H., Juhnke M., Kwade A., Bunjes H.
Overview of techniques and description of established processes
in: Cornier J., Kwade A., Owen A., Van de Voorde M. (Hrg.), Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Innovation and Production, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2017, 175-230
Bunjes H., Kuntsche J.
Light and electron microscopy
in: Müllertz A., Perrie Y., Rades T. (Hrg.), Analytical Techniques in Delivery Science and Technology, Springer, New York, 2016, 491-522.
Bunjes H., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Microsystems for emulsification
in: Dietzel A. (Hrg.), Microsystems for Pharmatechnology - Manipulation of Fluids, Particles, Droplets, and Cells, Springer, Heidelberg, 2016, 153-175.
Mitarbeit an der 12. Auflage des Lehrbuchs „Fahr A.: Voigt – Pharmazeutische Technologie für Studium und Beruf"
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart, 2015
Joseph S., Bunjes H.
Solid lipid nanoparticles for drug delivery
in: Douroumis D., Fahr A. (Eds.), Drug Delivery Strategies for Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs, John Wiley Sons, Chichester, 2013, 103-149.
Bunjes H.
Structural properties of solid lipid based colloidal drug delivery systems
Curr. Opin. Colloid Interf. Sci.16, 2011, 405-411.
Kuntsche J., Horst J.C., Bunjes H.
Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) for studying the morphology of colloidal drug delivery systems
Int. J. Pharm. 417, 2011, 120- 137.
Bunjes H., Kuntsche J.
Lipid nanoparticles based on liquid crystalline phases
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Bunjes H.
Lipid nanoparticles for the delivery of poorly water soluble drugs
J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 62, 2010, 1637-1645.
Mitarbeit an der 11. Auflage des Lehrbuchs „Voigt R. (Bearbeitung Fahr A.), Pharmazeutische Technologie für Studium und Beruf"
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart, 2010
Bunjes H., Lipidsysteme zur parenteralen Anwendung – Nanoemulsionen und Lipidnanopartikel, in: Mäder K., Weidenauer U., Innovative Arzneiformen
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart, 2009, 187–206.
Bunjes H.,
Multiple Emulsionen in der Pharmazie, in: Muschiolik G., Bunjes H. (Hrg.) Multiple Emulsionen - Herstellung und Eigenschaften,
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Bunjes H., Kuntsche J.,
Supercooled Smectic Nanoparticles, in: Thassu D., Deleers M., Pathak Y. (Hrsg.) Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems,
Informa Health Care, New York, 2007, 129-140.
Bunjes H., Unruh T.,
Characterization of lipid nanoparticles by differential scanning calorimetry, XRay and neutron scattering;
Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 59, 2007, 379-402.
Bunjes H., Siekmann B.,
Manufacture, Characterization and applications of solid lipid nanoparticles as drug delivery systems, in: Microencapsulation, 2. Auflage, Benita S. (Hrg.)
Marcel Dekker, New York, 2006, 213-268.
Mitarbeit an der 10. Auflage des Lehrbuchs „Voigt R. (Bearbeitung Fahr A.), Pharmazeutische Technologie für Studium und Beruf"
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart, 2006
Bunjes H., Rades T.,
Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Drugs,
J. Pharm. Pharmcol. 57, 2005, 807- 810.
Bunjes H.,
Characterization of solid lipid nano- and microparticles, in: Lipospheres in Drug Targets and Delivery, Nastruzzi C. (Hrg.),
CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2005, 41-66.
Bunjes H., Westesen K.,
Influences of colloidal state on physical properties of solid fats, in: Garti N., Sato K. (Hrg.), Crystallization processes in fats and lipid systems,
Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001, 457-483.
Westesen K., Bunjes H., Hammer G., Siekmann B.
Novel colloidal drug delivery systems,
PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 55, 2001, 240-247.
Bunjes H., Siekmann B., Westesen K.,
Emulsions of supercooled melts - a novel drug delivery system, in: Submicron Emulsions in Drug Targeting and Delivery, Benita S. (Hrg.)
Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, 1998, 175-218.
Bauer N., Bunjes H.
SDS affects the physicochemical properties of PVA-stabilized solid triglyceride nanoparticles
Vortrag, 4th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research – SPhERe, online, 15. – 17. September 2021.
Steiner D., Bunjes H.
Embedding solid lipid nanoparticles in orodispersible films – a feasibility study
Vortrag, 4th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research – SPhERe, online, 15. – 17. September 2021.
Steiner D., Bunjes H.
Orodispersible films: A delivery platform for solid lipid nanoparticles?
Poster, 12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Virtual Meeting, 11.-14. Mai 2021.
Bauer N., Kuntsche J., Bunjes H.
Influence of poly(vinyl alcohol) as emulsifier on the polymorphic behavior of tripalmitin nanoparticles
Poster, 12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Virtual Meeting, 11.-14. Mai 2021.
Berten-Schunk L., Roger Y., Hoffmann A., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
Dose adaption of TGF-β3 on implant for the reconstruction of tendon-to-bone junctions
Poster, 12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Virtual Meeting, 11.-14. Mai 2021.
Czyz S., Wewers M., Finke J.H., van Eerdenbrugh B., Juhnke M., Kwade A., Bunjes H.
Spray drying of API nanosuspensions: Important aspects for successful formulation and process development
Poster, 12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Virtual Meeting, 11.-14. Mai
Francke N., Bunjes H.
Influence of drug load on the stability of phospholipid-stabilized lipid nanoemulsions
Poster, 12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Virtual Meeting, 11.-14. Mai 2021.
Knoke S., Bunjes H.
Transfer of lipophilic drugs from nanoemulsions into lipid-containing alginate microspheres
Poster, 12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Virtual Meeting, 11.-14. Mai 2021.
El-Hawari L., Ag Seleci D., Garnweitner G., Bunjes H.
Preparation of superparamagnetic nanoemulsions by premix membrane emulsification
Poster, 12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Virtual Meeting, 11.-14. Mai 2021.
Francke N., Grüne L., Bunjes H.
Formulation of cannabidiol in lipid carriers
Vortrag, 3rd International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research SPhERe, Braunschweig, 25. – 27. September 2019.
El-Hawari L., Bunjes H.
Parameters influencing Ostwald ripening of nanoemulsions produced by premix membrane emulsification
Poster, 3rd International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research SPhERe, Braunschweig (25. – 27. September 2019).
Bauer N., Bunjes H.
Influence of glycerol on the polymorphic behavior of solid triglyceride nanoparticles stabilized with poly(vinyl alcohol)
Poster, 3rd International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research SPhERe, Braunschweig (25. – 27. September 2019).
Grüne L., Bunjes H.
Structural investigations on mixtures of phospholipids with oils and fats in self-dispersing formulations
Poster, 6th Symposium on Phospholipids in Pharmaceutical Research, Heidelberg, 9.–10. September 2019.
Sundermann J., Burmeister L., Hoffmann A., Bunjes H.
Protein-protein interactions with albumin influence electrophoretic behavior and aggregation of rhBMP-2
Poster, International Research Conference on Protein Stability and Interactions, Heidelberg, 1.-2. April 2019.
Bunjes H., Kupetz E., Göke K.
Drug loading capacity of lipid nanoparticles
Vortrag, EUFEPS Annual Meeting, Frankfurt/Main, 6.-8. März 2019.
Sundermann J., Sydow S., Burmeister L., de Cassan D., Hoffmann A., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
Sustainment of BMP-2 release from modified PCL fiber mats
Vortrag, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM), Braunschweig, 8.-10. November 2018.
Sundermann J., Sydow S., Burmeister L., Hoffmann A., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
Pharmaceutical quality aspects in the early development of a novel implant prototype for the restoration of a tendon-to-bone transition
Poster, 6. Galenus-Workshop, Würzburg, 6./7.November 2018.
Grüne L., Bunjes H.
Miscibility study of phospholipids with oils and fats for liquid-fill formulations
Poster, DPhG-Jahrestagung 2018, Hamburg, 2.–5. Oktober 2018.
Francke N., Bunjes H.
Application of an external phase separation technique to investigate drug loading of lipid nanoemulsion droplets
Poster, DPhG-Jahrestagung 2018, Hamburg, 2.–5. Oktober 2018.
El-Hawari L., Jäschke C., Bunjes H.
Premix membrane emulsification: Is it possible to obtain nanoemulsions with particle sizes below 100 nm?
Poster, DPhG-Jahrestagung 2018, Hamburg, 2.–5. Oktober 2018.
Francke N., Bunjes H.
Influence of non-ionic emulsifiers on passive drug loading of lipid nanoemulsions
Poster, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Granada, Spanien, 19.-22. März 2018.
Grüne L., Bunjes H.
Phospholipid-based formulations for the solubilization of fenofibrate
Poster, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Granada, Spanien, 19.-22. März 2018.
Riewe J., Erfle P., Melzig S., Kwade A., Dietzel A., Bunjes H.
Batch and microfluidic precipitation of lipids for the generation of lipid nanoparticles
Poster, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Granada, Spanien, 19.-22. März 2018.
Sundermann J., Burmeister L., Hoffmann A., Bunjes H.
Impact of release media on in vitro release studies of BMP-2 from Implant prototypes
Poster, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Granada, Spanien, 19-22 März 2018.
Sundermann J., Burmeister L., Sydow S., de Cassan D., Menzel H., Hoffmann A., Bunjes H.
In vitro release of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 from modified PCL fiber mats
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM), Würzburg, 9.-11. November 2017.
Bolze H., Riewe J., Bunjes H., Dietzel A., Burg T.P.
Herstellung von Lipidnanopartikeln in einem ultraschallunterstützten multilaminations Mikromischer
Vortrag, MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2017, München, 23.- 25. Oktober 2017.
Göke K., Kupetz E., Bunjes H.
The particle interface as important site of drug localization in colloidal lipid drug delivery systems
Vortrag, Kolloidtagung 2017, Garching, 9.-11. Oktober 2017.
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Premix membrane emulsification for the preparation of colloidal lipid emulsions as drug delivery systems
Poster, Kolloidtagung 2017, Garching, 9.-11. Oktober 2017.
Lorenz T., Bojko S., Bunjes H., Dietzel A.
3D flow-focusing for precipitation of poorly water-soluble drug nanoparticles and evaluation of suitable substance compositions
Poster, 43rd International Conference on Micro and Nanoengineering, Braga, Portugal, 18.-22. September 2017
Grüne L., Bunjes H.
Thermosoftening phospholipid-based formulations as filling mass for hard capsules
Poster, Symposium "Phospholipids in Pharmaceutical Research", Heidelberg, 18./19. September 2017.
Riewe J., Erfle P., Melzig S., Kwade A., Dietzel A., Bunjes H.
Precipitation of castor oil and glycerol monooleate nanoparticles - Challenges of microfluidic set-ups
Poster, International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research SPhERe, Braunschweig, 6.-9. September 2017.
Roese E., Bunjes H.
Investigating drug release from triglyceride nanoparticles into physiological media by DSC
Vortrag, 22. Kalorimetrietage, Braunschweig, 7.-9. Juni, 2017.
Göke K., Bunjes H.
Parameters determining the speed of passive drug loading into lipid nanoemulsions
Poster, 2nd European Conference on Pharmaceutics, Krakau, Polen, 3.-4. April 2017.
Riewe J., Erfle P., Dietzel A., Bunjes H.
Microfluidic precipitation of nanoemulsions in comparison with batch processing
Poster, 2nd European Conference on Pharmaceutics, Krakau, Polen, 3.-4. April 2017.
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Preparation of small-size drug carrier nanoemulsions by premix membrane emulsification
Poster, 2nd European Conference on Pharmaceutics, Krakau, Polen, 3.-4. April 2017.
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Premix membrane emulsification for the preparation of colloidal lipid emulsions as drug delivery systems
Poster, DPhG-Jahrestagung 2016, München, 5.-7. Oktober 2016.
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Preparation of lipid nanoemulsions with disposable materials
Poster, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow, Großbritannien, 4.-7. April 2016.
Riewe J., Bunjes H.
Preparation and characterization of precipitated lipid nanoparticles
Poster, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow, Großbritannien, 4.-7. April 2016.
Göke K., Bunjes H.
Passive loading of drug substances into lipid nanoemulsions: a diffusion-based process
Poster, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow, Großbritannien, 4.-7. April 2016.
Roese E., Bunjes H.
Drug release studies from lipid nanoparticles by DSC
Poster, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow, Großbritannien, 4.-7. April 2016.
Arnold A., Bunjes H.
Release of diazepam from lipid and PLGA particles: A comparative study
Poster, 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow, Großbritannien, 4.-7. April 2016.
Roese E., Bunjes H.
Untersuchung des Wirkstofftransfers in Lipidnanopartikeln - Entwicklung einer neuen Methode mittels dynamischer Differenzkalorimetrie
Poster, Gemeinsames Symposium des Zentrums für Pharmaverfahrenstechnik und der Fachgruppe Arzneimittelkontrolle/Pharmazeutische Analytik der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft - "Mikro- und Nanotechniken für die Pharmazeutische Analytik", Braunschweig, 9./10. März 2016.
Göke K., Bunjes H.
Bestimmung der Beladungsgeschwindigkeit einer Trimyristin-Nanoemulsion mittels dynamischer Differenzkalorimetrie
Poster, Gemeinsames Symposium des Zentrums für Pharmaverfahrenstechnik und der Fachgruppe Arzneimittelkontrolle/Pharmazeutische Analytik der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft - "Mikro- und Nanotechniken für die Pharmazeutische Analytik", Braunschweig, 9./10. März 2016.
Arnold A., Göke K., Roese E., Kuntsche J., Bunjes H.
Investigations on the effect of autoclaving on the properties of lipid nanodispersions by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation
Poster, Gemeinsames Symposium des Zentrums für Pharmaverfahrenstechnik und der Fachgruppe Arzneimittelkontrolle/Pharmazeutische Analytik der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft - "Mikro- und Nanotechniken für die Pharmazeutische Analytik", Braunschweig, 9./10. März 2016.
Bunjes H., Göke K., Roese E., Arnold A., Strasdat B., Treiber U.
Thermoanalytische Charakterisierung von Triglycerid-Nanodispersionen
Invited Lecture, Gemeinsames Symposium des Zentrums für Pharmaverfahrenstechnik und der Fachgruppe Arzneimittelkontrolle/Pharmazeutische Analytik der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft - "Mikro- und Nanotechniken für die Pharmazeutische Analytik", Braunschweig, 9./10. März 2016.
Gehrmann S., Lippe K., Steiner D., Kwade A., Bunjes H.
Influence of membrane material during the production of nanoemulsions by premix membrane emulsification
Vortrag, Braunschweig International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research SPhERe, Braunschweig, 19./20. Oktober 2015.
Riewe J., Erfle P., Dietzel A., Bunjes H.
Preparation of lipid nanoparticles by precipitation - Comparison of batch process and processing in a microsystem
Poster, Braunschweig International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research SPhERe, Braunschweig, 19./20. Oktober 2015.
Göke K., Andermark V., Lum C.T., Zou T., Che C.M., Ott I., Bunjes H.
Formulation of poorly soluble anticancer drug candidate in peanut oil nanoemulsion enables animal study
Poster, Braunschweig International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research SPhERe, Braunschweig, 19./20. Oktober 2015.
Gehrmann S., Lippe K., Steiner D., Kwade A., Bunjes H.
Influence of emulsifier and membrane material during the pro-duction of nanoemulsions by premix membrane emulsification
Poster, Droplets 2015, University of Twente, Enschede, Niederlande, 6.-8. Oktober 2015.
Bunjes H.
Colloidal carrier systems for the formulation of poorly water-soluble drugs
Invited Lecture, DPhG-Jahrestagung 2015, Düsseldorf, 23.- 25. September 2015.
Prochnicka A., Andermark V., Kankowski S., Meyer A., Rubbiani R., Göke K., Bunjes H., Ott I.
Gold(I) complexes with N-heterocyclic carbene, phosphane and alkyne ligands show promising anticancer properties - an overview
Poster, DPhG-Jahrestagung 2015, Düsseldorf, 23.-25. September 2015.
Kristensen S., Bild J.E., Lykke-Pedersen K., Gehrmann S., Bunjes H., Kuntsche J.
Investigations on the extrusion process of liposomes by using an instrumented extrusion device
Poster, Symposium "Phospholipids in Pharmaceutical Research", Heidelberg, 21./22. September 2015.
Menzel H., Bertz A., Poth N., Dempwolf W., Ehlers J.-E., Gericke K.-H., Müller P.P., Gross G., Wöhl-Bruhn S., Bunjes H.
Micro and nano hydrogel carrier systems for controlled drug delivery of therapeutic proteins
Vortrag, 27th European Conference on Biomaterials, Krakau, Polen, 30. August-3. September 2015.
Menzel H., Bertz A., Poth N., Dempwolf W., Ehlers J.-E., Gericke K.-H., Müller P.P., Gross G., Wöhl-Bruhn S., Bunjes H.
Encapsulation of proteins in micro and nano hydrogel carrier systems for controlled drug delivery
Vortrag, European Polymer Federation Congress 2015, Dresden, 21.-26. Juni 2015.
Bunjes H.
Untersuchung pharmazeutisch relevanter Prozesse in kolloidalen Triglycerid-Dispersionen mittels DSC
21. Kalorimetrietage, Braunschweig, 27.-29. Mai 2015.
Göke K., Bunjes H.
Bestimmung der Beladungsgeschwindigkeit einer Trimyristin-Nanoemulsion mittels dynamischer Differenzkalorimetrie
Poster, 21. Kalorimetrietage, Braunschweig, 27.-29. Mai 2015.
Roese E., Bunjes H.
Untersuchung des Wirkstofftransfers in Lipidnanopartikeln - Entwicklung einer neuen Methode mittels dynamischer Differenzkalorimetrie
Poster, 21. Kalorimetrietage, Braunschweig, 27.-29. Mai 2015.<
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Interaction of emulsifier and membrane material during the preparation of nanoemulsions by premix membrane emulsification
Poster, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics - Drug Delivery, Reims, Frankreich, 13. -14. April 2015.
Göke K., Bunjes H.
Influence of colloidal lipid carrier matrix on fenofibrate loading capacity - a passive loading approach
Poster, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics - Drug Delivery, Reims, Frankreich, 13. -14. April 2015.
Roese E., Bunjes H.
Is poloxamer 188 desorbed from the trimyristin nanoparticle interface upon dilution? - A DSC study
Poster, 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics - Drug Delivery, Reims, Frankreich, 13. -14. April 2015.
Bunjes H.
Charakterisierung Hydrogel-basierter Trägersysteme für therapeutische Proteine
Invited Lecture, Gemeinsames Symposium des Zentrums für Pharmaverfahrenstechnik und der Fachgruppe Arzneimittelkontrolle/Pharmazeutische Analytik der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft - "Maßgeschneiderte Proteine als Arzneimittel", Braunschweig, 11-12. März 2015.
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Interaction of emulsion composition and membrane material during the production of nanoemulsions by premix membrane emulsification
Poster, 11. Zsigmondy-Kolloquium, Bielefeld, 2.-4.März 2015.
Göke K., Bunjes H.
Influence of drug surface area and nanoemulsion loading capacity on the speed of passive loading of the model drug fenofibrate
Poster, 11. Zsigmondy-Kolloquium, Bielefeld, 2.-4.März 2015.
Roese E., Bunjes H.
Effect of glycerol concentration on crystallization temperature of trimyristin nanoparticles - a DSC study
Poster, 11. Zsigmondy-Kolloquium, Bielefeld, 2.-4.März 2015.
Keller T., Dietrich T., Bourayou R., Gebker R., Kelle S., Stawowy P., Licha K., Schnackenburg B., Bunjes H., Fleck E.
Optical imaging of myocardial infarction using fluorophore-labeled oil phase of a fluor-containing MRI contrast agent
Vortrag, Molekulare Bildgebung (MoBi) 2014, Jena, 8. - 10. Oktober 2014.
Keller T., Dietrich T., Bourayou R., Wittstock K., Meyborg H., Licha K., Schnackenburg B., Fleck E., Bunjes H.
Imaging of cardiac infarction by labeling the oil phase of a fluor-containing MRI contrast agent
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Frankfurt/Main, 23.-26. September 2014.
Kupetz E., Bunjes H.
Poorly soluble drugs - screening for suitable nanocarriers
Poster, MedTech Pharma 2014, Nürnberg, 2.-3. Juli 2014
Kupetz E., Bunjes H.
Effects of particle size and structure on the drug loading capacity of lipid nanoparticles
Vortrag, 6th International Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering, Graz, Österreich, 16.-17. Juni 2014
Bunjes H.
Structure-function relationships in lipid-based nanoparticulate drug carrier systems
Vortrag, Annual Meeting of the Danish Chemical Society 2014, Odense, Dänemark, 12. Juni 2014.
Roese E., Göke K., Arnold A., Bunjes H.
Structural changes upon autoclaving of poloxamer-stabilized trimyristin nanodispersions
Poster, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lissabon, Portugal, 31. März - 3. April 2014.
Göke K., Roese E., Arnold A., Bunjes H.
Influence of composition on structural changes upon autoclaving of triglyceride nanodispersions
Poster, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lissabon, Portugal, 31. März - 3. April 2014.
Arnold A., Göke K., Roese E., Bunjes H., Kuntsche J.
Effect of autoclaving on the properties of lipid nanodispersions: A flow field-flow fractionation study
Poster, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lissabon, Portugal, 31. März - 3. April 2014.
Gehrmann S., Bunjes H.
Instrumented small scale setup to investigate the process parameters during premix membrane emulsification
Poster, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lissabon, Portugal, 31. März - 3. April 2014.
Joseph S., Stein P., Bunjes H., Kuntsche J.
Investigations on the efficiency of PEGylation of lipid nanoparticles
Poster, Symposium "Phospholipids in Pharmaceutical Research", Heidelberg, 16./17. September 2013.
Bunjes H.
Formulierungs-Screening mit kolloidalen Wirkstoffträgersystemen
Invited Lecture, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Greifswald, 11.-13. Oktober 2012.
Kupetz E., Preu L., Bunjes H.
Chemical stability studies on the antileishmanial drug candidate KuRei300 in lipid based nanocarrier formulations as important prerequisite for in vivo experiments
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Greifswald, 11.-13. Oktober 2012
Laabs F., Bunjes, H.
Air drying of drug nanosuspensions as a simple small scale process for screening and feasibility studies
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Greifswald, 11.-13. Oktober 2012
Komoß C., Bitterlich A., Kwade A., Bunjes H.
Differential scanning calorimetry as a supportive tool for the analysis of nanomilled fenofibrate suspensions
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Greifswald, 11.-13. Oktober 2012
Bunjes H.
Stabilization of metastable crystal modifications in solid lipid nanoparticles prepared via emulsion crystallization
Invited Lecture, 18th Larson Workshop of the Association for Crystallization Technology, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 7.-10. Oktober 2012.
Joseph S., Bunjes H., Kuntsche J.
Evaluation of surface modification of lipid nanoparticles by post-insertion of DSPE-mPEG
Poster, Colloids and Nanomedicine 2012, Amsterdam, Niederlande, 15.-17. Juli 2012.
Wöhl-Bruhn S., Bertz A., Tiersch B., Koetz J., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
Influence of molecular size on the release from hydrogel carrier systems
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2012, Würzburg, 29./30. März 2012.
Wöhl-Bruhn S., Badar M., Bertz A., Menzel H., Müller P., Bunjes H.
Hydrogel drug delivery systems for the controlled release of antibodies - release studies in vitro and in vivo
Vortrag, 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul, Türkei, 19.-22. März 2012.
Joseph S., Rappolt M., Bunjes H.
Simultaneous synchrotron X-ray diffraction / DSC studies on the polymorphic transitions in solid triglyceride drug carrier nanoparticles
Poster, 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul, Türkei, 19.-22. März 2012.
Kupetz E., Ryczak J., Kunick C., Bunjes H.
Solubilization of the new antileishmanial drug KuRei300 with lipid based colloidal carrier systems using a passive loading approach
Poster, 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul, Türkei, 19.-22. März 2012.
Komoß C., Bitterlich A., Kwade A., Bunjes H.
Storage stability of wet-milled drug nanosuspensions
Poster, 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul, Türkei, 19.-22. März 2012.
Laabs F., Komoß C., Bunjes H.
Spray drying of aqueous drug nanosuspensions: Effect of the drying temperature
Poster, 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul, Türkei, 19.-22. März 2012.
Wöhl-Bruhn S., Bertz A., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
Hydrogel drug delivery systems - investigations on the release and the stability of incorporated antibodies
Poster, APV Kurs "Immunogenicity and aggregation of therapeutic proteins", Berlin, 4./5. Oktober 2011.
Bitterlich A., Komoß C., Bunjes H., Kwade A.
Production, stabilization and morphology investigation of nanomilled drugs
Vortrag, 5th International Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering, Graz, Österreich, 29./30. September 2011.
Bunjes H.
Use of phospholipids for the preparation of parenteral fat emulsions and lipid nanoparticles
Invited Lecture, 2nd Symposium on Phospholipids in Pharmaceutical Research, Heidelberg, 12.-13. September 2011.
Petersen S., Steiniger F., Fischer D., Fahr A., Bunjes H.
The physical state of lipid nanoparticles affects their in vitro cell compatibility
Poster, European Colloid and Interface Society Meeting 2011, Berlin, 4.-9. September 2011.
Kupetz E., Bunjes H. http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/cms/files/poster/2011/Kupetz_ECIS_2011.pdf
Passive loading of lipid nanoparticles with poorly water soluble drugs
Poster, European Colloid and Interface Society Meeting 2011, Berlin, 4.-9. September 2011.
Wöhl-Bruhn S., Bertz A., Menzel H., Bunjes H.
Influences on the release profile from hydrogel microparticles and investigations on the stability of incorporated antibodies
Poster, 2011 Colorado Protein Stability Conference, Breckenridge, USA, 19.-21. Juli 2011.
Kuntsche J., Mengersen F., Bunjes H.
Post insertion of DSPE-mPEG into smectic lipid nanoparticles studied by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4)
Vortrag, 15th International Symposium on Field- and Flow-based Separations, 23.-25. Mai 2011.
Kupetz E., Bunjes H.
Passive loading of lipid nanoparticles with poorly water soluble drugs
Vortrag, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2011, Jena, 15./16. März 2011.
Bunjes H., Fehr S., Finke J. H., Schur J., Müller-Goymann C. C., Lesche C., Büttgenbach S., Gothsch, T., Kwade A., Jasch K., Huzhalska V., Kulik A., Augustin W., Scholl S.
Preparation of lipid nanoparticles in microstructured systems
Keynote Lecture, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Braunschweig, 4.-7. Oktober 2010.
Kuntsche J., Sänger S., Mengersen F., Bunjes H.
Analysis of supercooled smectic nanoparticles by Asymmetrical Flow Field Flow Fractionation
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Braunschweig, 4.-7. Oktober 2010.
Bunjes H.
Crystallization and polymorphism in lipid drug carrier nanoparticles
Invited lecture, Hiroshima International Forum on Functionality of Lipids, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, 24.-27. März 2010.
Strasdat B., Laabs F., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/BStrasdat_DPhG2010.pdf
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Braunschweig, October 4th-7th, 2010,
Preparation of Small Hydrogel Microparticles as Acceptor Compartments for Drug Transfer Studies.
Mengersen F., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/FMengersen_DPhG2010.pdf
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Braunschweig, October 4th-7th, 2010,
Investigation of the Chemical Stability of Supercooled Smectic Nanoparticles.
Horst J.C., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/JCHorst_DPhG2010.pdf
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Braunschweig, October 4th-7th, 2010,
Impact of Salts on the Particle Size of Dispersed Cubic Phases.
Fehr S., Schmolke H., Klages C.-P., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/SFehr_DPhG2010.pdf
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Braunschweig, October 4th-7th, 2010,
Preparation of Emulsions and Solid Lipid Particles by Direct Membrane Emulsification.
Wöhl-Bruhn S., Heim E., Bertz A., Menzel H., Ludwig F.,Schilling M., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/SWoehl-Bruhn_DPhG2010.pdf
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Braunschweig, October 4th-7th, 2010,
Release Properties of Hydrogel Drug Carrier Systems Characterized by Magnetorelaxometry.
Fehr, S., Huzhalska, V., Augustin, W., Scholl, S., Bunjes, H.,
Vortrag, 101st AOCS (American Oil Chemists' Society) Annual Meeting & Expo, Phoenix (Arizona), USA, 16-19.05.2010
Investigation of the influence of well-defined cooling rates on the crystallization and polymorphism of triglyceride nanoparticles using a microfluidic approach.
Fehr S., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/SFehr_Malta0310.pdf
Poster, 7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Malta, 08.-11.03.2010
Preparation of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles by Small- and Large-Volume Extrusion.
Horst J.C., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/JCHorst_Malta0310.pdf
Poster, 7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Malta, 08.-11.03.2010
Behavior of Monoolein-based Cubic Nanoparticles in Serum.
Mengersen F., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/FMengersen_Malta0310.pdf
Poster, 7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Malta, 08.-11.03.2010
Influence of PEGylation on the Properties of Supercooled Smectic Cholesteryl Myristate Nanoparticles.
Strasdat B., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/BStrasdat_Malta0310.pdf
Poster, 7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Malta, 08.-11.03.2010
Characterization of Lipid Nanoparticles Incorporated into Ca-Alginate Microbeads.
Wöhl-Bruhn S., Bertz A., Menzel H., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/SWoehl-Bruhn_Malta0310.pdf
Poster, 7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Malta, 08.-11.03.2010
Influences on the Formulation Process of Hydrogel Microparticles for the Controlled Release of Proteins.
Fehr S., Bunjes H., http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/SFehr_Japan1003.pdf
Poster, Hiroshima Forum, Japan, 24.-27.03.2010
Preparation of Nanoemulsions and Solid Lipid Nanoparticles by Extrusion.
Dawoud M., Fahr A., Bunjes H.,
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Jena, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, (Abstract # C23)
Comparison of drug transfer from lipid nanoparticles into different types of acceptor particles.
Fehr S., Bunjes H.,
Vortrag, DPhG Jahrestagung, Jena, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, (Abstract # K12)
Preparation of nanoemulsions and solid lipid nanoparticles by small-volume extrusion.
Horst J.C., Bunjes H.http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/JCHorstJena0910.pdf
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Jena, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, (Abstract # C30)
Isotonization studies on dispersed cubic phases.
Mengersen F., Bunjes H.http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/FMengersenJena0910.pdf
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Jena, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, (Abstract # C33)
Surface Modification of Preformed Supercooled Smectic Nanoparticles with MPEG 2000-DSPE.
Petersen S., Fischer D., Fahr A, Bunjes H.,
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Jena, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, (Abstract # C21)
The physical state of lipid nanoparticles affects the in vitro cell viability.
Strasdat B., Bunjes H.http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/BStrasdatJena0910.pdf
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Jena, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, (Abstract # C37)
A Novel Approach to Study the Release of Lipophilic Drugs from Colloidal Carrier Systems.
Woehl-Bruhn S., Schwoerer A., Harling S., Bertz A., Daniels R., Menzel H., Bunjes H.http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/SWoehl-BruhnJena0910.pdf
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung, Jena, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, (Abstract # C36)
Hydrogel Microparticles as Drug Delivery Systems for the Controlled Release of Biomacromolecules.
Petersen S., Fischer D., Fahr A., Bunjes H.
The physical state of lipid nanoparticles affects their in vitro cell viability.
Poster, 36th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Kopenhagen, Dänemark, 18.-22. Juli 2009 (Transactions #972).
Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.
Partikelgrößenabhängigkeit des thermischen Verhaltens von Triglycerid-Nanopartikeln.
Poster, 248. PTB-Seminar in Braunschweig, 18./19. Mai 2009 (PTB-Bericht PTB-CP-4).
Mengersen F., Bunjes H.
Surface modification of supercooled smectic cholesteryl myristate nanoparticles.
Poster, Symposium Phospholipids in Pharmaceutical Research, 11./12. Mai 2009 (Abstractband).
Bunjes H.
Delivering poorly soluble drugs using solid lipid nanosuspensions.
APS Poorly Soluble Drugs Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, Großbritannien, 15./16. April 2009.
Dawoud M., Fahr A., Bunjes H.
Vortrag, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2009, Halle/Saale, March 19th-20th, 2009, (Abstractband S. 26)
Transfer of a lipophilic drug model from lipid nanoparticles to liposomes studied with two different methods.
Mengersen F., Bunjes H.http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/bunjes/FMengersenHalle0309.pdf
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2009, Halle/Saale, March 19th-20th, 2009, (Abstractband S. 56)
Surface Modification of Supercooled Smectic Cholesteryl Myristate Nanoparticles.
Meyer L., Bunjes H.
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2009, Halle/Saale, March 19th-20th, 2009, (Abstractband S. 59)
Process optimization in drug release studies on colloidal drug carriers.
Petersen S., Fischer D., Fahr A., Bunjes H.
Vortrag, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2009, Halle/Saale, March 19th-20th, 2009, (Abstractband S. 29)
Effect of lipid nanoparticles on in vitro cell viability.
Presselt K., Bunjes H., Nowak G.
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2009, Halle/Saale, March 19th-20th, 2009, (Abstractband S. 67)
Treatment of experimentally induced colitis with silicone oil emulsions.
Jasch K., Augustin W., Fehr S., Bunjes H., Finke J.H., Müller-Goymann C., Scholl S.
Kontinuierliche Kristallisation fester Lipidnanopartikel in Mikrostrukturen.
Vortrag, ProcessNet-Fachausschüsse Kristallisation und Fluidverfahrenstechnik 2009, Dortmund, März 2009.
Meyer L., Bunjes H.
Evaluation of different membranes as filters in release studies on colloidal drug carriers
Poster, DPhG-Jahrestagung 2008, Bonn, 8.-11. Oktober 2008.
Presselt K., Nowak G., Bunjes H.,
Effect of aqueous phase viscosity on the size of silicone oil droplets and lipid nanoparticles.
Vortrag, DPhG-Jahrestagung 2008, Bonn, 8.-11. Oktober 2008 (Abstract # K43). Meyer L., Bunjes H., Evaluation of different membranes as filters in release studies on colloidal drug carriers, Poster, DPhG-Jahrestagung 2008, Bonn, 8.-11. Oktober 2008 (Abstract # B83).
Bode K., Bunjes H., Fehr S., Augustin W., Scholl S.,
A microfluidic approach to study cooling rate dependent crystallisation properties of triglyceride-based drug carrier nanoparticles.
Poster, British Association for Crystal Growth - Conference 2008, Loughborough, Großbritannien, 7.- 9. September 2008 (Abstractband S. 69).
Presselt K., Frant M., Bunjes H., Nowak G.,
Untersuchungen zur Oberflächenspannung und zum Benetzungsverhalten von Siliconölemulsionen.
Vortrag, 14. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium: Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, 22.- 24.September 2008.
Bunjes H.,
Drug delivery by nano-carriers.
Invited CRS lecture, 2nd Midnight Sun Meeting on Drug Transport & Delivery, Tromsø, Norwegen, 25.- 27. Juni 2008 (Abstract # 20).
Rosenblatt K. M., Bunjes H.,
Drug loading studies on lipid nanoparticles.
Poster, 2nd Midnight Sun Meeting on Drug Transport & Delivery, Tromsø, Norwegen, 25.- 27. Juni 2008 (Abstract # 46).
Petersen S., Arendt J.M., Fahr A., Bunjes H.,
Transfer of fluorescent dyes from lipid nanoparticles to O/W emulsions.
Poster, 2nd Midnight Sun Meeting on Drug Transport & Delivery, Tromsø, Norwegen, 25.- 27. Juni 2008 (Abstract # 47).
Petersen S., Arendt J.M., Fahr A., Bunjes H.,
Investigations on the transfer of fluorescent dyes from lipid nanoparticles to O/W emulsions using flow cytometry.
Vortrag, 6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Barcelona, Spanien, 7.-10. April 2008
Rosenblatt K. M., Bunjes H.http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/cms/files/poster/2008/Rosenblatt_Abstract_PBPWorldMeetingBarcelona_2008.pdf
A screening approach to determine the solubilization capacity of lipid nanoparticles for poorly water soluble drugs.
Poster, 6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Barcelona, Spanien, 7.-10. April 2008 (Posterabstract #126).
Eppler A., Weigandt M., Rübe A., Bunjes H.,
Analysis of stress conditions in protein formulation development: Influence of different filling volumes and shaking intensities in a 6 ml vial.
Poster, 6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Barcelona, Spanien, 7.-10. April 2008 (Posterabstract #91).
Petersen S., Arendt J.M., Fahr A., Bunjes H.,
Dye transfer from lipid nanoparticles to lipid acceptor compartments.
Vortrag, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2008, Braunschweig, 4.-5. März 2008 (Abstractband S. 20).
Dawoud M., Fahr A., Kuntsche J., Bunjes H.,
Investigations on the transfer of porphyrin from o/w emulsion droplets to liposomes with two different methods.
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2008, Braunschweig, 4.-5. März 2008 (Abstractband S. 28).
Eichelroth K., Nowak G., Bunjes H.,
Influence of different parameters on the antibacterial activity of silicone oil emulsions.
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2008, Braunschweig, 4.-5. März 2008 (Abstractband S. 31).
Eppler A., Weigandt M., Rübe A., Bunjes H.,
Stress conditions in protein formulation development: A comparison of two antibody solutions in different containers during shaking.
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2008, Braunschweig, 4.-5. März 2008 (Abstractband S. 32).
Petersen S., Arendt J.M., Bunjes H.,
Investigations on the transfer of the dye Nile red from lipid nanoparticles to o/w emulsions using flow cytometry.
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2007, Freiburg, Germany, March 22/23, 2007.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 55.
Eichelroth K., Nowak G., Bunjes H.,
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of silicone oil emulsions.
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2007, Freiburg, Germany, March 22/23, 2007.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 37
Bunjes H.,
Lipid nanoparticles and their interactions with drugs (invited paper),
CRS German Chapter Annual Meeting, Freiburg/Brsg., März 22-23, 2007.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 9.
Bunjes H.,
Einfluss von Emulgatoren auf das Kristallisationsverhalten von Triglycerid-Nanopartikeln,
Vortrag, 17. Ulm-Freiberger Kalorimetrietage, Freiberg/Sa., März 28-30, 2007.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 22.
Rosenblatt K., Bunjes H.,
Poly(vinyl alcohol) stabilizes the alpha-modification in triglyceride nanoparticles.
Poster, 43rd Meeting of the Colloid Society, Mainz, Germany, Oktober 8-10, 2007.
Abstract: Abstractband # P22.
Petersen S., Arendt J.M., Fahr A., Bunjes H.,
Flow cytometric investigations on the transfer of fluorescent dyes from lipid nanoparticles to o/w emulsions.
Poster, 43rd Meeting of the Colloid Society, Mainz, Germany, Oktober 8-10, 2007.
Abstract: Abstractband # P52.
Eichelroth K., Nowak G., Bunjes H.,
Preparation and characterization of silicon oil emulsions for pharmaceutical application.
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2006, Jena, Februar 23/24, 2006.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 26.
Petersen S., Bunjes H.,
Stability of different lipid nanoparticle formulations in various media.
Poster, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2006, Jena, Februar 23/24, 2006.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 37.
Bunjes H., Steiniger, F.,
Visualizing the structure of tristearin nanoparticles in different crystal modifications.
Poster, 5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Genf, Schweiz, März 27-30, 2006.
Abstract: Proc. 5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
Unruh T., Smuda C., Gemmecker G., Bunjes H.,
Molecular dynamics in pharmaceutical drug delivery systems - the potential of QENS and first experimental results.
8th Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering Conference, Bloomington, IN, USA, June 14-17 2006
Veröffentlicht in: Sokol P.E. (Hrg.) Proc. Int. Conf. Quasi Eleastic Neutron Scattering 2006, Materials Science Society, Warrendale, USA, 2007, 137-145.
Bunjes H., Kuntsche J., Drechsler, M., Koch, M.H.J.,
Supercooled smectic nanoparticles - development and characterization of a novel drug delivery system.
"Invited Paper", Particles 2006, Orlando, USA, Mai 13-16, 2006.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 43.
Rosenblatt K., Bunjes H.,
Comparison of drug release from trimyristin nanosuspensions and nanoemulsions with differential puls polarography.
Poster, 33rd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Wien, Österreich, Juli 22-26, 2006.
Abstract: Transactions # 323.
Kuntsche J., Bunjes, H.,
Investigations on the stability of supercooled smectic nanoparticles upon autoclaving and heat treatment.
Poster, 33rd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Wien, Österreich, Juli 22-26, 2006.
Abstract: Transactions # 357.
Lehtinen J., Subrizi A., Bunjes H., Urtti A.,
Protection of cationic gene complexes against glycosaminoglycans by anionic lipid coating.
Poster, 33rd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Wien, Österreich, Juli 22-26, 2006.
Abstract: Transactions # 724.
Kuntsche J., Bunjes H., Urtti A.,
Interaction of Different Kinds of Lipid Nanoparticles with Human Skin and an Organotypic Cell Culture Model.
Poster, 33rd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Wien, Österreich, Juli 22-26, 2006.
Abstract: Transactions # 1081.
Bunjes H., Kuntsche J., Wörle G.,
Investigation of dynamic processes in lipid-based nanoparticulate drug carrier systems with small and wide angle X-ray diffraction.
Vortrag, 23rd European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM23, Leuven, Belgien, August 6-11, 2006.
Abstract: Acta Cryst. (2006). A62, s99A.
Bunjes H.,
Morphology and internal structure of solid triglyceride nanoparticles can be modified by specific combination of matrix lipid, stabilizer and thermal treatment",
Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2005, Marburg, März 14/15, 2005.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 16.
Rosenblatt K., Douroumis D., Bunjes H.,
Drug release studies on colloidal lipid dispersions with different ultrastructure using differential pulse polarography and ultrafiltration at low pressure,
Vortrag, Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2005, Marburg, März 14/15 2005.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 8.
Bunjes H.,
Modification of the crystallization behavior of triglyceride nanoparticles by the type of stabilizing phospholipid.
Vortrag, 42. Hauptversammlung der Kolloidgesellschaft, Aachen, September 26-28, 2005.
Abstract: Abstractband L53B.
Rosenblatt K., Douroumis D., Bunjes H.,
Comparison of two methods for the study of drug release from colloidal lipid dispersions.
Poster, 42. Hauptversammlung der Kolloidgesellschaft, Aachen, September 26-28, 2005.
Abstract: Abstractband P 39.
Bunjes H.,
Kolloidale Lipidpartikel als Arzneistoffträgersysteme.
"Invited paper". GDL-Symposium "Verkapseln, Mikroverkapseln, Coaten", Jena, Februar 12/13, 2004.
Wörle G., Siekmann B., Bunjes H.,
Transformation of vesicular into cubic particles upon autoclaving,
Vortrag, International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nürnberg, März 15-18, 2004.
Abstract: Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March 2004, 845-846.
Kuntsche J., Westesen K., Drechsler M., Bunjes H.,
Crystallization behavior of supercooled smectic nanoparticles: Particularities of phospholipid based systems.
Poster, International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nürnberg, März 15-18, 2004.
Abstract: Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March 2004, 469-470.
Jores K., Mehnert W., Bunjes H., Drechsler M., Mäder K.,
From solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) to nanospoons. Visions and reality of colloidal lipid dispersions.
Vortrag, International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nürnberg, März 15-18, 2004.
Abstract: Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March 2004, 439-440.
Ruponen M., Bunjes, H., Lehtinen J., Tammi M., Honkakoski P., Urtti A.,
Mechanisms of DNA delivery with liposomal and polymeric systems.
Vortrag, The Midnight Sun Meeting on Drug Transport and Drug Delivery, Tromsø, Norwegen, Juli 1-3, 2004.
Abstract: Abstractbuch S. 21
Bunjes H.,
Saturated phospholipids promote crystallization but slow down polymorphism in lipid nanoparticles.
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung - Joint Meeting 2004, Regensburg, Oktober 6-9, 2004.
Abstract: Abstractbuch S. 152
Rosenblatt K., Douroumis D., Bunjes H.,
Drug release studies on monoolein/poloxamer dispersions using differential pulse polarography.
Poster, DPhG Jahrestagung - Joint Meeting 2004, Regensburg, Oktober 6-9, 2004.
Abstract: Abstractbuch S. 161
Wörle G., Siekmann B., Bunjes H., Influence of autoclaving on the ultrastructure of aqueous monoolein/poloxamer dispersions. Poster, EUFEPS 2004, Brüssel, Belgien, Oktober 17-20, 2004. Abstract: Eur. J. Pharm. Sci.23S (2004) S45
Bunjes H.,
Untersuchungen an unterkühlt-smektischen Cholesterolester-Nanopartikeln.
Vortrag, 1. Treffen der Pharmazeutischen Technologie Mitteldeutschlands, Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie, Universität Halle, 22.10.2004.
Bunjes H.,
Physicochemical Aspects of Lipid Nanoparticles,
"Invited paper", The 14th Annual Symposium of Physical Pharmacy, Kuopio, Finnland, Januar 22/23, 2003.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 7-9.
Bunjes H., Kuntsche J., Hammer G., Drechsler M., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.,
Supercooled smectic nanoparticles - a novel carrier system for poorly water soluble drugs.
30th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society, Glasgow, Großbritannien, Juli 19-23, 2003.
Abstract: Proceed. Int. Symp. Control. Bioact. Mater. 30 (2003) #56.
Kuntsche J., Westesen K., Bunjes H.,
Supercooled smectic nanoparticles - Influence of the Matrix Composition on the Phase Behavior.
Poster, 30th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society, Glasgow, Großbritannien, Juli 19-23, 2003.
Abstract: Proceed. Int. Symp. Control. Bioact. Mater. 30 (2003) #182.
Kuntsche J., Westesen K., Bunjes H.,
Supercooled smectic nanoparticles - Influence of the stabilizer system on physicochemical properties.
Poster, 30th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society, Glasgow, Großbritannien, Juli 19-23, 2003.
Abstract: Proceed. Int. Symp. Control. Bioact. Mater. 30 (2003) #199.
Jores K., Mehnert W., Bunjes H., Drechsler M., Mäder K.,
From solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) to nanospoons. Visions and reality of colloidal lipid dispersions.
Poster, 30th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society, Glasgow, Großbritannien, Juli 19-23, 2003.
Abstract: Proceed. Int. Symp. Control. Bioact. Mater. 30 (2003) #181.
Kuntsche J., Westesen K., Bunjes H.,
Crystallization behavior of cholesterol ester nanoparticles in dependence on composition.
Poster, 42. Hauptversammlung der Kolloidgesellschaft/Bayreuth Polymer Symposium, Bayreuth, September 28-30, 2003
Abstract: Abstractband PI 16.
Kuntsche J., Westesen K., Bunjes H.,
Investigations on physicochemical properties of cholesteryl myristate nanoparticles
Vortrag, DPhG-Jahrestagung 2003, Würzburg, Oktober 8-12, 2003.
Abstract: Abstractband S. 55.
Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J.,
Induction of triglyceride crystallization in lipid nanoparticles by interaction with surfactants.
Poster, GRC "Drug Carriers in Medicine and Biology", Ventura, USA, Februar 24 - März 1, 2002.
Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J.,
Induction of triglyceride crystallization in lipid nanoparticles by interaction with surfactants.
Poster, 6. Nachwuchstage der Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung, Berlin, März 21 - 22, 2002.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts # 36
Wörle G., Siekmann B., Bunjes H.,
Einfluß von Herstellungsparametern auf kolloidale Dispersionen des Systems Monoolein/Poloxamer/Wasser,
Poster, 6. Nachwuchstage der Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung, Berlin, März 21-22, 2002.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts # 35
Bunjes H., Westesen K.,
Stabilizers may decrease the amount of supercooling in lipid nanoparticle dispersions.
Vortrag, 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Florenz, Italien, April 8-11, 2002.
Abstract: Proc. 4th World Meeting ADRTELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8/11 April 2002, 671-672.
Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.,
Crystallization of lipid nanoparticles - the influence of stabilizers.
Vortrag ("invited paper"), Particles 2002, Orlando, USA, April 20-23, 2002.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts p. 51
Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J.,
Structure formation in the interface of supercooled triglyceride nanoparticles prior to crystallization.
Vortrag, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Oktober 9-12, 2002.
Abstract: Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 335, Suppl. 1 (2002) 56.
Wörle G., Drechsler M., Koch M.H.J., Siekmann B., Westesen K., Bunjes H.,
Influence of composition and preparation parameters on the properties of aqueous monoolein dispersions.
Vortrag, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Oktober 9-12, 2002.
Abstract: Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 335, Suppl. 1 (2002) 57.
Rosenblatt K., Bunjes H., Seeling A., Oelschläger H.,
Investigations on the melting behavior of omeprazole.
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Oktober 9-12
Abstract: Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 335, Suppl. 1 (2002) 96.
Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J.,
Influence of surfactants on the crystallization of triglyceride nanoparticles.
Poster, EUFEPS 2002 - 7th European Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Stockholm, Schweden, Oktober 21-23, 2002.
Abstract: Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 17S (2002) S95.
Wörle G., Siekmann B., Bunjes H.,
Influence of preparation parameters on monoolein/poloxamer/water-dispersions.
Poster, EUFEPS 2002 - 7th European Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Stockholm, Schweden, Oktober 21-23, 2002.
Abstract: Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 17S (2002) S136.
Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.,
Stabilizer effects on crystallization and polymorphism of solid lipid nanoparticles,
Vortrag, 40. Hauptversammlung der Kolloidgesellschaft, Potsdam, September 24-26, 2001.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, 52.
Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.,
Influence of stabilizers on the crystallization of lipid nanoparticles,
Vortrag, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Halle/Saale, Oktober 10-13, 2001.
Abstract: Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 334, Suppl. 2 (2001) 25.
Westesen K., Bunjes H., Hammer G, Siekmann B.,
Novel colloidal drug delivery systems, Annual Meeting of the PDA, Basel, Schweiz, Februar 2000.
Veröffentlicht in: PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 55 (2001) 240-247.
Bunjes H., Drechsler M., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.,
Interactions of the model drug ubidecarenone (Q10) with triglyceride nanoparticles.
Poster, GRC "Drug Carriers in Medicine and Biology", Ventura, USA, Februar 20-25, 2000.
Westesen K., Drechsler M., Bunjes H.,
Colloidal Dispersions Based on Solid Lipids, Food Colloids 2000: Fundamentals of Formulation, Potsdam, April 2-5, 2000.
Veröffentlicht in: Dickinson E., Miller R. (Eds.),
Food Colloids: Fundamentals of Formulation, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2001, 103-115.
Bunjes H., Drechsler M., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.,
Phase separation within solid lipid nanoparticles loaded with high amounts of ubidecarenone (Q10),
Poster, The 27th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, Paris, Frankreich, Juli 9-13, 2000.
Abstract: Proceed. Int. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater., 27 (2000) # 8127.
Westesen K., Bunjes H., Drechsler M., Hammer G., Mehlem J., Schaal G., Unruh T.,
Colloidal lipidbased carrier systems and drug dispersions,
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Münster, Oktober 4-7, 2000.
Abstract: Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 333, Suppl. 2 (2000) 35.
Westesen K., Bunjes H., Drechsler M., Lauf U., Unruh T., Wörle G.,
Surfactant-based formulations,
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Münster, Oktober 4-7, 2000.
Abstract: Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 333, Suppl. 2 (2000) 35.
Drechsler M., Bunjes H., Hammer G., Westesen K.,
Cryo-TEM and freeze-fracture-TEM of ubidecarenone (coenzyme Q10) containing aqueous colloidal dispersions.
Poster, 29. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie, Dortmund, September 5-10, 1999.
Abstract: Eur. J. Cell Biol. S50 (Vol. 78) 81.
Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.,
Influence of stabilizers on the polymorphism of colloidal triglycerides.
Vortrag, 39. Hauptversammlung der Kolloidgesellschaft, Würzburg, September 27-30, 1999.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, 69.
Bunjes H., Drechsler M., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.,
Vortrag, 39. Hauptversammlung der Kolloidgesellschaft, Würzburg, September 27-30, 1999.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, 70.
Unruh T., Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Investigations on the melting behavior of triglyceride nanoparticles.
39. Hauptversammlung der Kolloidgesellschaft, Würzburg, September 27-30, 1999.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, 68.
Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.,
Influence of stabilizers on the polymorphism of triglyceride nanoparticles.
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Frankfurt/Main, Oktober 6-9, 1999.
Abstract: Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 332, Suppl. 2 (1999) 7.
Unruh T., Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Investigations on the melting behaviour of solid lipid nanoparticles.
Bunsentagung 1998, Münster, Mai 21-23, 1998.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, B114.
Bunjes H., Drechsler M., Westesen K.,
Localization of ubidecarenone in triglyceride nanoparticle dispersions.
Vortrag, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Tübingen, November 6- 8, 1998.
Abstract: Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 331, Suppl. 2 (1998) 53.
Unruh T., Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Investigations on a fundamental melting effect of solid lipid nanoparticles and its potential for drug delivery systems.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Tübingen, November 6-8, 1998.
Abstract: Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 331, Suppl. 2 (1998) 53.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Verhalten kleiner Lipidnanopartikel.
Vortrag, 9. Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft e.V. für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, Würzburg, März 13- 16, 1997.
Abstract: Abstractband, V 23.
Siekmann B., Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J., Westesen K.,
An X-ray study on colloidal monoglyceridewater dispersions.
Poster, Colloidal Drug Carriers - 3rd Expert Meeting, Berlin, Mai 29-31, 1997.
Abstract: in: Müller R.H., Benita S., Böhm B. (Hrg.)
Emulsions and Nanosuspensions for the Formulation of Poorly Water Soluble Drugs, Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart 1998, 318- 319.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Multiple melting behavior of lipid nanoparticles.
Poster, Colloidal Drug Carriers - 3rd Expert Meeting, Berlin, Mai 29-31, 1997.
Abstract: in: Müller R.H., Benita S., Böhm B. (Hrg.)
Emulsions and Nanosuspensions for the Formulation of Poorly Water Soluble Drugs, Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart 1998, 320- 321.
Westesen K., Bunjes H.,
Effect of the physical state of lipid nanoparticles on incorporated drugs - an NMR study.
Poster, Colloidal Drug Carriers - 3rd Expert Meeting, Berlin, Mai 29-31, 1997.
Abstract: in: Müller R.H., Benita S., Böhm B. (Hrg.)
Emulsions and Nanosuspensions for the Formulation of Poorly Water Soluble Drugs, Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart 1998, 322-324.
Siekmann B., Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J., Carlson T., Westesen K.,
Synchrotron X-ray investigation of the structure of colloidal dispersions of liquid crystalline monoolein-water-phases.
Poster, The 24th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, Stockholm, Schweden, Juni 15-19, 1997.
Abstract: Proceed. Int. Symp. Control. Bioact. Mater. 24 (1997) 943-944.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Effect of the particle size on the phase transitions of solid lipid nanoparticles.
Poster, The 24th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, Stockholm, Schweden, Juni 15- 19, 1997.
Abstract: Proceed. Int. Symp. Control. Bioact. Mater. 24 (1997) 945-946.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Size effects in triglyceride nanoparticles.
Poster, Kolloidtagung 1997, Essen, September 29 - Oktober 1, 1997.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, 145-146.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch, M.H.J.,
Incorporation of a model drug into lipid nanoparticle dispersions.
Vortrag, 42. Jahrestagung der APV, Mainz, Germany, März 7-9, 1996.
Abstract: Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 42 (Suppl.) 1996, 33S.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Crystallization of triglyceride nanoparticles.
Vortrag, 11th International Symposium on Surfactants in Solution in Jerusalem, Israel, Juni 9-13, 1996.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, 267.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Effect of particle size on properties of solid lipid nanoparticles.
Poster, 11th International Symposium on Surfactants in Solution in Jerusalem, Israel, Juni 9-13, 1996.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, 267.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Complex fats as matrix constituents in lipid nanoparticles.
Poster, 1st World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Budapest, Ungarn, Mai 9-11, 1995.
Abstract: Proc. 1st World Meeting APGI/APV, Budapest, 9/11 May 1995, 497-498.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Recrystallization tendency and polymorphic transitions in triglyceride nanoparticles.
1st World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Budapest, Ungarn, Mai 9-11, 1995.
Abstract: Proc. 1st World Meeting APGI/APV, Budapest, 9/11 May 1995, 497-498.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Influence of drug-load on solid lipid nanoparticles.
Poster, Colloidal Drug Carriers, 1st Expert Meeting, Berlin, Juni 15-17, 1995.
Westesen K., Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J.,
Do nanoparticles prepared from lipids solid at room temperature always possess a solid lipid matrix?
Poster, Colloidal Drug Carriers, 1st Expert Meeting, Berlin, Juni 15-17, 1995.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Studies on the incorporation of ubidecarenone into tripalmitin nanoparticle dispersions.
Poster, FIP Conference Stockholm, Schweden, August 28 - September 1, 1995.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, 162.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Einfluß der Partikelgröße auf Eigenschaften fester Lipidnanopartikel.
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Jena, September 21-23, 1995.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, 164.
Westesen K., Siekmann B., Bunjes H.,
Untersuchungen zur Partikelgrößenverteilung in kolloidalen Lipiddispersionen.
Poster, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Jena, September 21-23, 1995.
Abstract: Abstractband, 162.
Bunjes H., Westesen K.,
Preparation of solid lipid nanoparticles by two different methods - a comparison.
Poster, 40. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik (APV), Mainz, März 9-12, 1994.
Abstract: Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 40 (Suppl.) 1994, 39S.
Westesen K., Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J.,
Formation of lyotropic liquid crystalline phases of tyloxapol/Triton X100 mixtures with water.
Poster, 40. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik (APV), Mainz, März 9-12, 1994.
Abstract: Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 40 (Suppl.) 1994, 19S.
Westesen K., Bunjes H., Koch M.H.J.,
Phase behaviour of tyloxapol-Triton X100-water-mixtures.
10th International Symposium on Surfactants in Solution, Caracas, Venezuela, Juni 26-30, 1994.
Abstract: Book of Abstracts, 274-275.
Bunjes H., Westesen K., Koch M.H.J.,
Incorporation of ubidecarenone in solid lipid nanoparticles.
Poster, 2nd European Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Berlin, September 29 - Oktober 1, 1994.
Abstract: Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2 (1, 2) 1994, 177.
Bunjes H.,
Einflussnahme unterschiedlicher Faktoren auf Struktur und Eigenschaften von Nanopartikeln aus festen Triglyceriden,
Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 1998
Borrelli M., Witt J., Roth M., Reichl S., Bradenbrink P., Schoppe M., Schrader S., Geerling G.
Exp Eye Res 227:109356.
Keratin films for ocular surface reconstruction: wound healing in an in-vivo model.
Voß S., Behrmann T., Reichl S.
Int J Mol Sci 24:1567.
Development of in vitro dry eye models to study proliferative and anti-inflammatory effects of allogeneic serum eye drops.
Schwab R., Reichl S.
J Mater Sci Mater Med 33:29
Dexamethasone-loaded keratin films for ocular surface reconstruction.
Koch E., Ledwig V., Bendas S., Reichl S., Dietzel A.
Pharmaceutics 14:1451
Tissue barrier-on-chip: A technology for reproducible practice ind drug testing.
Tang B., Bendas S., Krajka V., May T., Moritz A., Constantinou I., Reichl S., Dietzel A.
Front. Sens. 3:974895.
Self-loading microfluidic platform with ultra-thin nanoporous membrane for organ-on-chip by wafer-level processing.
Mareczek L., Riehl C., Harms M., Reichl S.
Pharmaceutics 14:2128.
Understanding the multidimensional effects of polymorphism, particle size and processing for D-mannitol powders.
Hasenzahl M., Müsken M., Mertsch S., Schrader S., Reichl S.
Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 109:1488-1504
Cell sheet technology: Influence of culture conditions on in vitro-cultivated corneal stromal tissue for regenerative therapies of the ocular surface.
Lorenz T., Kirschke M., Ledwig V., Reichl S., Dietzel A.
Bioengineering 8:58
Microfluidic system for in vivo-like drug permeation studies with dynamic dilution profiles.
Ritters L., Tian Y., Reichl S.
Pharmaceutics 13: 1938
Spray-dried paracetamol/polyvinylpyrrolidone amorphous solid dispersions: Part I - stability of powders and tablets.
Mertsch S., Hasenzahl M., Reichl S., Geerling G., Schrader S.
J Tissue Eng Regen Med 14: 1318-1332
Decellularised human corneal stromal cell sheet as a novel matrix for ocular surface reconstruction.
von Deylen D., Dreher C., Seidelmann O., Reichl S.
Pharm Res 36:11
New classes of polycationic compounds as preservatives for ophthalmic formulations.
Schmidt C., Albrecht L., Balasupramaniam S., Misgeld R., Karge B., Brönstrup M., Prokop A., Baumann K., Reichl S., Ott I.
Metallomics 11:533--545
A gold(I) biscarbene complex with improved activity as TrxR inhibitor and cytotoxic drug: comparative studies with different gold metallodrug.
Laubé F., Nouguerede O., Müller-Goymann C., Reichl S., Nardello-Rataj V.
Eur J Pharm Sci 131:208-217
Physicochemical investigations of native nails and two bio-based synthetic models for a better understanding of surface adhesion of nail lacquers.
Hinkel S., Mattern K., Dietzel A., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.
Int J Pharm 566:434-444
Parametric investigation of static and dynamic cell culture conditions and their impact on hCMEC/D3 barrier properties.
Saaber D., Reichl S.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 142:353-363
A unified in vitro test system for the assessment of tight junction modulators.
Beißner N., Zorn-Kruppa M., Reichl S.
Int J Pharm 536:377-387
Parameter study of shipping conditions for the ready-to-use application of a 3D human hemicornea construct in a drug absorption studies.
Mattern K., Beißner N., Reichl S., Dietzel A.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 126:159-165
DynaMiTES - a dynamic cell culture platform for in vitro drug testing PART 1- Engineering of microfluidic system and technical simulations.
Beißner N., Mattern K., Dietzel A., Reichl S.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 126:166-176
DynaMiTES - a dynamic cell culture platform for in vitro drug testing PART 2 – Ocular DynaMiTES for drug absorption studies of the anterior eye.
Bock U., von Deylen D., Jochner M., Doerr M., Stäbler C., Reichl S.
Open Ophthalmol J 12:226-240
Development of in vitro methodologies to investigate binding by sodium hyaluronate in eye drops to corneal surfaces.
Dolberg A., Reichl S.
Eur J Pharm Sci 123:277-294
Expression analysis of human solute carrier (SLC) family transporters in nasal mucosa and RPMI 2650 cells.
Beißner N., Bolea Albero A., Füller J., Kellner T., Lauterboeck L., Liang J., Böl M., Glasmacher B., Müller-Goymann C., Reichl S.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 126:57-66
Improved in vitro models for preclinical drug and formulation screening focusing on 2D and 3D skin and cornea constructs.
Dolberg A., Reichl S.
Mol Pharm 14:1577-1590
Activity of multidrug resistance-associated proteins 1 - 5 (MRP1 - 5) in the RPMI 2650 cell line and explants of human nasal turbinate.
Drechsler C., Kunze A., Kureshi A., Grobe G., Reichl S., Geerling G., Daniels J., Schrader S.
J Tissue Eng Regen Med 11:896-904
Development of a conjunctival tissue substitute on the basis of plastic compressed collagen.
Juretić M., Jurišić B., Krtalić I., Hafner A., Reichl S., Cetina-Čižmek B., Filipović-Grčić J., Lovrić J., Pepić I.
Eur J Pharm Sci 104:23-30
HCE-T cell-based permeability model: well-preserved or highly-variable barrier phenotype?
Suwannoi P., Chomnawang M., Sarisuta N., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.
J Ocul Pharm Ther 10:743-752
Development of acyclovir-loaded albumin nanoparticles and improvement of acyclovir permeation across human corneal epithelial (HCE-T) cells.
Kölln C., Reichl S.
Int J Pharm 506:371-381
Expression of glutathione transferases in corneal cell lines, corneal tissues and a human cornea construct.
Dolberg A., Reichl S.
Int J Pharm 508:22-33
Expression of P-glycoprotein in excised human nasal mucosa and optimized models of RPMI 2650 cells.
Kölln C., Reichl S.
J Pharm Sci 105:2204-2212
Cytochrome P450 activity in ex vivo cornea models and a human cornea construct.
Verstraelen J., Reichl S.
J Pharm Pharmacol 67:605-615
Up-Regulation of P-glycoprotein expression by ophthalmic drugs in different corneal in-vitro models.
Borrelli M., Joepen N., Reichl S., Finis D., Schoppe M., Geerling G., Schrader S.
Biomaterials 42:112-120
Keratin films for ocular surface reconstruction: evaluation of biocompatibility in an in-vivo model.
Pretor S., Bartels J., Lorenz T., Dahl K., Finke J., Peterat G., Krull R., Al Halhouli A., Dietzel A., Büttgenbach S., Behrends S., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.
Mol Pharm 12:34-45
Cellular uptake of coumarin-6 under microfluidic conditions into HCE-T cells from nanoscale formulations.
Pepić I., Lovrić J., Cetina-Čižmek B., Reichl S., Filipović-Grčić J.
Drug Discov Today 19:31-44
Toward the practical implementation of eye-related bioavailability prediction models.
Feng Y., Borrelli M., Reichl S., Schrader S., Geerling G.
Curr Eye Res 39:541-552
Alternative carrier materials for ocular surface reconstruction.
Feng Y., Borrelli M., Meyer-ter-Vehn T., Reichl S., Schrader S., Geerling G.
Curr Eye Res 39:561-570
Epithelial wound healing on keratin film, amniotic membrane and polystyrene in vitro.
Verstraelen J., Reichl S.
Mol Pharm 11:2160-2171
Multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP1, 2, 4 and 5) expression in human corneal cell culture models and animal corneal tissue.
Saaber D., Wollenhaupt S., Baumann K., Reichl S.
Expert Opin Drug Discov 9:367-381
Recent progress in tight junction modulation for improving bioavailability.
Borrelli M., Reichl S., Feng Y., Schargus M., Schrader S., Geerling G.
J Mater Sci Mater Med 24:221-230
In vitro characterization and ex vivo surgical evaluation of human hair keratin films for ocular surface reconstruction after sterilization processing.
Verstraelen J., Reichl S.
Int J Pharm 441:765-775
Expression analysis of MDR1, BCRP and MRP3 transporter proteins in different in vitro and ex vivo cornea models for drug absorption studies
Grobe G., Reichl S.
Cells Tissues Organs 197:283-297
Characterization of vitamin C-induced cell sheets formed from primary and immortalized human corneal keratocytes for tissue engineering applications.
Lusiana, Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 84:599-605
Infected nail plate model for evaluating the efficacy of topical antifungal formulations against Trichophyton rubrum in vitro.
Jaksic I., Lukic M., Malenovic A., Reichl S., Hoffmann C., Müller-Goymann C.C., Daniels R., Savic S.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 80:164-175
Compounding of a topical drug with prospective natural surfactant-stabilized pharmaceutical bases: Physicochemical and in vitro/in vivo characterization - A ketoprofen case study.
Kölln C., Reichl S.
J Ocul Pharm Ther 28:271-277
mRNA expression of metabolic enzymes in human cornea, corneal cell lines and hemicornea constructs.
Reichl S., Becker K.
J Pharm Pharmacol 64:1621-1630
Cultivation of RPMI 2650 cells as in vitro model for human transmucosal nasal drug absorption studies: Optimization of selected culture conditions.
Hahne M., Zorn-Kruppa M., Guzman G., Brandner J., Haltner-Ukomado E., Wätzig H., Reichl S.
J Pharm Sci 101:2976-2988
Prevalidation of a human cornea construct as an alternative to animal corneas for in vitro drug absorption studies.
Grotefend S., Kaminski L., Wroblewitz S., El Deeb S., Kühn N., Reichl S., Limberger M., Watt S., Wätzig H.
J Pharm Biomed Anal 71:127-138
Protein quantitation using various modes of high performance liquid chromatography.
Grobe G., Reichl S.
Curr Eye Res 36:217-231
Examining the suitability of Riboflavin/UVA treatment for strengthening the stromal bioequivalent of a human cornea construct.
Reichl S., Borrelli M., Geerling G.
Biomaterials 32:3375-3386
Keratin films for ocular surface reconstruction.
Reichl S., Kölln C., Hahne M., Verstraelen J.
Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 7:559-578
In vitro cell culture models to study the corneal drug absorption.
Savic S., Lukic M., Jaksic I., Reichl S., Tamburic S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
J Colloid Interface Sci 358:1982-191
An alkyl polyglucoside-mixed emulsifier as stabilizer of emulsion systems: The influence of colloidal structure on emulsions skin hydration potential.
Lusiana, Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 78:432-440
Keratin film made of human hair as a novel model in substituting human nail plate for studying drug permeation.
Hahne M., Reichl S.
Int J Pharm 416:268-279
Development of a serum-free human cornea construct for in vitro drug absorption studies: the influence of varying cultivation parameters on barrier characteristics.
Tasic-Kostov M., Reichl S., Lukic M., Jaksic I., Savic S.
Pharmazie 66:862-870
Does lactobionic acid affect the colloidal structure and skin moisturizing potential of the alkyl polyglucoside-based emulsion systems?
Tasic-Kostov M., Reichl S., Lukic M., Jaksic I., Savic S.
Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse 88:256-264
Two alkyl polyglucoside natural surfactants varying in chain length in stabilization of lactobionic acid containing emulsions: physicochemical characterization and in vitro irritation potential assessment.
Hahne M., Reichl S.
Ophthalmologe 107:529-536
Simulation of corneal epithelial injuries via mechanic and corrosive damage and the influence of fetal bovine serum and dexpanthenol on epithelial regeneration in a cell culture model.
Wengst A., Reichl S.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 74:290-297
RPMI 2650 epithelial model and three-dimensional reconstructed human nasal mucosa as in vitro models for nasal permeation studies.
Reichl S.
Biomaterials 30:6854-6866
Films based on human hair keratin as substrates for cell culture and tissue engineering.
Reichl S.
Pharmazeutische Zeitung (2009) 154:2987-2995
Moderne Arzneiformen für starke Analgetika.
Attama A., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Current Eye Research (2009) 34:698-705
Sustained release and permeation of timolol from surface modified solid lipid nanoparticles through bio-engineered human cornea.
Reichl S.
J Pharm Pharmacol (2008) 60:299-307
Cell culture models of the human cornea - A comparative evaluation of their usefulness to determine ocular drug absorption in vitro.
Werner A., Braun M., Reichl S., Kietzmann M.
Vet Ophthalmol (2008) 11:280-289
Establishing and functional testing of a canine cornea construct.
Attama A., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Int J Pharm (2008) 355 (1-2): 307-313
Diclofenac sodium delivery to the eye: in vitro evaluation of novel solid lipid nanoparticle formulation using human cornea construct.
Aintablian A., Reichl S., Bednarz J.
Augenspiegel 42 (09): 42-44
Entwicklung einer künstlichen Hornhaut für Keratoplastik.
Reichl S., Döhring S., Bednarz J., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm (2005) 60: 305-308
Human Cornea Construct HCC - an alternative for in-vitro permeation studies? A comparison with human donor corneas.
Meyer L., Bednarz J., Müller-Goymann C.C., Reichl S.
Ophthalmologe (2005) 102: 971-980
Esterase activity of human organotypic cornea construct - HCC as in vitro model for permeation studies.
Friedrich I., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Int J Pharm (2005): 305 (1-2): 167-175
Drug release and permeation studies of nanosuspensions based on solidified reverse micellar solutions (SRMS).
Reichl S., Bednarz J., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Br J Ophthalmol (2004) 88: 560-565
Human corneal equivalent as cell culture model for in vitro drug permeation studies.
Tegtmeyer S., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Pharmazie (2004) 59: 464-471
Cultivation and characterization of a bovine in vitro model of the cornea.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Pharmazeutische Zeitung (2004) 149: 1638-1644
Künstliche Hornhaut als In-vitro-Modell.
Friedrich I., Reichl S.
Vet-Med Report (2004) 28 V5: 7
Study on solubility and handling of various veterinary antibiotics.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Int J Pharm (2003) 250: 191-201
The use of a porcine organotypic cornea construct for permeation studies from formulations containing befunolol hydrochloride.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
BIOforum (2003) 10: 629-631
In Vitro Permeations-Modelle in der Pharmazie.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Ophthalmologe (2001) 98: 853-858
Development of an organotypical cornea construct as an in vitro model for permeation studies.
Beißner N., Lorenz T. and Reichl S.
Organ on chip. In: Dietzel A (Hrsg) Microsystems for Pharmatechnology - Manipulation of Fluids, Particles, Droplets, and Cells, Springer, New York
Dietzel A., Leester-Schädel M., Reichl S.
Micro and nano tools in drug discovery. In: Cornier J, Kwade A, Owen A, Van de Voorde M (Hrsg) Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Wiley-VCH
Kölln C. and Reichl S.
Tissue-based in vitro and ex vivo models for ocular permeability studies. In: Sarmento B (Hrsg) Concepts and models for drug permeability studies - Cell and tissue-based in vitro culture models, Elsevier, Oxford
Reichl S. and Becker U.
Cell culture models of the corneal epithelium and reconstructed cornea equivalents for in vitro drug absorption studies. In: Ehrhardt C & Kim KJ (Hrsg) Drug absorption studies - In situ, in vitro and in silico models, Springer, New York
Ledwig V., Reichl S.
10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow
Isolation and characterization of porcine cerebral endothelial cells, pericytes and astrocytes for an in-vitro blood-brain barrier model
Beißner N., Mattern K., Dietzel A., Reichl S.
10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow
Interdisciplinary development of a modular device for dynamic in vitro drug absorption studies to improve the reliability of preclinical safety and efficacy data
Saaber D., Reichl S.
10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow
A unified cellular test system for the assessment of tight junction modulators
Beißner N., Mattern K., Dietzel A., Reichl S.
DECHEMA-Tagung 3D Cell Culture 2016: How close to 'in vivo' can we get? Models, applications & translation, Freiburg
Interdisciplinary development of a dynamic Micro Tissue Engineering System (DynaMiTES) for an improved predictability of in vitro drug absorption studies
Ledwig V., Reichl S.
18. Barriere- und Transportertreffen, Bad Herrenalb
Isolation and characterization of porcine cerebral endothelial cells, pericytes and astrocytes for an in-vitro blood-brain barrier model
von Deylen D., Dreher C., Reichl S.
AAPS Annual Meeting, Denver
Development of new antimicrobial cationic polymers
Beißner N., Mattern K., Dietzel A., Reichl S.
AAPS Annual Meeting, Denver
Ocular DynaMiTES - a novel modular device for improved dynamic in vitro drug absorption studies of the anterior eye
Saaber D., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung, Düsseldorf
A unified in vitro test system for tight junction modulators
Beißner N., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung, Düsseldorf
Modification of an organotypic human hemicornea model for the use in a novel Dynamic Micro Tissue Engineering System (DynaMiTES)
Schmidt C., Reichl S., Ott I.
DPhG Jahrestagung, Düsseldorf
Fluorinated gold(I) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes with anticancer properties - investigation of cytotoxicity, enzyme inhibition, biodistribution and intestine permeability
Beißner N., Zorn-Kruppa M., Reichl S.
Development of a shipping protocol for human hemicornea constructs to facilitate their widespread use in in vitro drug absorption studies
Beißner N., Mattern K., Dietzel A., Reichl S.
SPhERe, Braunschweig
Development of a novel dynamic micro tissue engineering system (DynaMiTES) for the improvement of static in vitro systems
Hinkel S., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.
SPhERe, Braunschweig
Influence of cell culture media on the growth behavior and barrier properties of hCMEC/D3 cells
Reichl S.
AAPS Annual Meeting, Orlando
Drug transporters in the cornea
Kölln C., Reichl S.
9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lissabon
Expression and enzyme activity of glutathione transferase in corneal tissues and human corneal construct
Pretor S., Bartels J., Lorenz T., Dietzel A., Behrends S., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.
9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lissabon
Drug delivery from colloidal systems under flow conditions
Dolberg A., Reichl S.
9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lissabon
Expression analysis of membrane transporters in and RPMI 2650 cell line and excised human nasal mucosa
Kölln C., Reichl S.
AAPS Annual meeting, San Diego
Phase I and phase II metabolism in corneal tissues and corneal construct
Borrelli M., Bradenbrink P., Reichl S., Finis D., Geerling G., Schrader S.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida
Keratin films in Ocular Surface Reconstruction: In Vivo Corneal Wound Healing Study
Dolberg A., Reichl S.
16. Barriere- und Transportertreffen, Bad Herrenalb
Expression analysis of drug transporter proteins in ex vivo and in vitro models of human nasal mucosa
Kölln C., Reichl S.
112. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Leipzig
Cytochrome P450 enzymes and glutathione transferases in corneal tissues, corneal cell lines and human corneal construct
Reichl S., Hahne M., Verstraelen J., Kölln C.
DPhG Jahrestagung, Frankfurt
Valid cell culture models of the human cornea for drug transport investigations - where are we?
Drechsler C., Kureshi A., Reichl S., Geerling G., Daniels J., Schrader S.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington
Development of a conjunctival tissue substitute on the basis of plastic compressed collagen.
Joepen N., Borrelli M., Feng Y., Schoppe M., Reichl S., Schrader S., Geerling G.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington
Keratin films in Ocular Surface Reconstruction:Biocompatibility experiments.
Pretor S., Bartels J., Finke J.H., Behrends S., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Symposium on Phospholipids in Pharmaceutical Research, Heidelberg
Do phospholipid-stabilized nanoparticles enter mammalian cells?
Borrelli M., Joepen N., Feng Y., Schoppe M., Reichl S., Schrader S., Geerling G.
111. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin
Keratinfilme zur Augenoberflächenrekonstruktion: Untersuchung der Biokompatibilität.
Dolberg A., Reichl S.
AAPS Annual meeting, San Antonio
Expression analysis of drug transporter proteins in RPMI 2650 cell line and excised human nasal mucosa.
Verstraelen J., Reichl S.
8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul
Expression analysis of efflux transporters in different in vitro and ex vivo cornea models.
Kölln C., Reichl S.
8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul
Glutathione transferase activity in human corneal construct, corneal cell lines and corneal tissues.
Dolberg A., Reichl S.
8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul
Expression analysis of drug transporter proteins in excised human nasal mucosa and RPMI 2650 cell line.
Grobe G,. Reichl S.
8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul
Vitamin C induced collagen synthesis in primary and immortalized human corneal keratocytes.
Borrelli M., Reichl S., Feng Y., Meyer-ter-Vehn T., Schrader S., Geerling G.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Keratin films in ocular surface reconstruction: Preliminary results of a rabbit in vivo-model.
Grobe G., Reichl S.
3rd International Conference "Strategies in Tissue Engineering", Würzburg
Stimulation of extracellular matrix synthesis in human corneal keratocytes for tissue engineering applications.
Reichl S., Borrelli M., Geerling G.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Biopolymer films based on human hair keratin for corneal surface reconstruction - an in-vitro study
Grobe G., Reichl S.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Comparison of vitamin C induced collagen synthesis in primary and immortalized human corneal keratocytes
Borrelli M., Reichl S., Feng Y., Schargus M., Klink T., Sold J., Guthoff R., Geerling G.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Keratin biopolymer films in ocular surface reconstruction: biomechanical properties and surgical feasibility
Verstraelen J., Reichl S.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Expression analysis of ABCC and ABCG transporters in different in vitro and ex vivo cornea models
Hahne M., Grobe G., Zorn-Kruppa M., Brandner J., Guzman G., Haltner-Ukomadu E., Reichl S.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Prevalidation of a serum free human cornea construct for drug diffusion studies: repeatability, transferability and comparison with isolated porcine and rabbit cornea
Grobe G., Reichl S.
109. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin
Vitamin C induced collagen synthesis in primary and immortalized human corneal keratocytes.
Hahne M., Grobe G., Zorn-Kruppa M., Brandner J., Guzman G., Haltner-Ukomadu E., Reichl S.
FIP/AAPS Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress, New Orleans
Prevalidation of a serum free human cornea construct for drug diffusion studies: development and repeatability
Verstraelen J., Reichl S.
FIP/AAPS Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress, New Orleans
Expression analysis of ABC transporters in an epithelial corneal cell line, an organotypical cornea construct and excised cornea
Dolberg A. M., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung, 2010, Braunschweig
Expression Analysis of Drug Transporter Proteins in Excised Nasal Mucosa and Cell Line RPMI 2650
Grobe G. M., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung, 2010, Braunschweig
Examining the Suitability of Riboflavin/UVA-Treatment for Tissue Engineering Applications
Hahne M., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung, 2010, Braunschweig
Characterisation of a Cornea Construct for Drug Absorption Studies and Comparison with Excised Tissue
Kölln C., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung, 2010, Braunschweig
mRNA Expression of Metabolic Enzymes in Human Cornea, Corneal Cell Lines and Cornea Construct
Verstraelen J., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung, 2010, Braunschweig
Comparison and Evaluation of ABC Transporter Expression in different Cornea Models and a Caco-2 Cell Line
Grobe G. M., Reichl S.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2010, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Examining the Suitability of Riboflavin/UVA-Treatment for Tissue Engineering Applications
Hahne M., Reichl S.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2010, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Development of a Serum Free Human Cornea Construct for In Vitro Drug Absorption Studies
Meyer M., Reichl S., Bauer K., Brunotte I., Zinelis K., Weiß S., Winter R.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2010, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Toxicity of ranibizumab to cultured human corneal endothelial cells in vitro
Lusiana, Reichl S., Müller-Goymann, C. C.
7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 2010, Valetta
Keratin Films made of Human Hair Keratin as a Nail Substitute for Studying Drug Permeation
Reichl S.
7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 2010, Valetta
Biomechanical Testing and Cell Proliferation Studies on Human Hair Keratin Films as Transferable Cell Carriers for Ocular Surface Reconstruction
Grobe G. M., Reichl S.
7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 2010, Valetta
Riboflavin/UVA-Treatment of Human Corneal Keratocytes Leads to Dose Dependent Cell Death via Apoptosis or Necrosis
Hahne M., Reichl S.
7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 2010, Valetta
Influence of Varying Cultivation Conditions on the Barrier Characteristic of a Serum Free Human Cornea Construct for Drug Absorption Studies
Verstraelen J., Reichl S.
7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 2010, Valetta
Expression of efflux transporters in corneal epithelial line, organotypic constructs and excised cornea as in vitro models for drug absorption studies
Dolberg A., Wengst A., Reichl S.
7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 2010, Valetta
mRNA expression analysis of efflux transporters in nasal epithelial cell line RPMI 2650 and excised human nasal mucosa
Reichl S.
AAPS Annual meeting 2009, Los Angeles
Biopolymer films based on human hair keratin as transferable cell substrates for ocular surface reconstruction
Verstraelen J., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung 2009, Jena
mRNA expression analysis of efflux transporters in corneal epithelial cell line (HCE-T) and excised cornea
Lusiana, Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
DPhG Jahrestagung 2009, Jena
The influence of nail penetrant enhancers on novel nail model made of human hair keratin
Hahne M., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung 2009, Jena
Influence of cultivation parameters on the barrier function of a serumfree cornea construct for drug absorption studies
Grobe G., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung 2009, Jena
Analyzing cell viability of immortalized human corneal keratocytes after Riboflavin/UVA-treatment
Reichl S.
107. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft 2009, Leipzig
Die künstliche Hornhaut - Ist ein Ende der Hornhautspende absehbar? - Update künstliches Stroma
Engelke M., Grobe G., Hahne M., Reichl S., Scholz H., Zorn-Kruppa M.
7th World congress on alternatives & animal use in the life sciences 2009, Rom
Prevalidation of a hemi-cornea model for corneal safety and permeability testing
Verstraelen J., Reichl S.
ARVO/ISOCB Meeting 2009, Ericeira, Portugal
mRNA expression analysis of efflux transporters in corneal epithelial cell line (HCE-T) and excised cornea
Lusiana, Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
2nd PharmSciFair 2009, Nizza
Keratin film from human hair as a novel model in replacing human nail plate for studying drug permeation
Grobe G., Reichl S.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2009, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Analyzing cell viability of the stromal bioequivalent of a human cornea construct for drug absorption studies after riboflavin/UVA-treatment
Hahne M., Reichl S.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2009, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Prevalidation of a Human Cornea Construct (HCC): Optimising barrier function and comparing with excised rabbit and porcine cornea
Meyer M., Dryja D., Reichl S., Meyer A., Winter R.
Association of research in vision and ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2009, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Toxicity of bevacizumab to cultured human corneal endothelial cells in vitro
Reichl S.
CRS German Chapter 2008, Braunschweig
Application of biopolymer films based on human hair keratin as a novel substrate for in vitro cell cultivation
Reichl S.
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 2008, Barcelona
In-vitro evaluation of the permeation enhancing effect of reduced hair keratin on cultured corneal epithelium
Grobe G.M., Hahne M., Reichl S.
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 2008, Barcelona
First steps towards the prevalidation of artifical human cornea models for studying trancorneal drug absorption in vitro and safety assessment of cosmetics and ophthalmologics
v Vietinghoff A., Reichl S.
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 2008, Barcelona
Coculture of RPMI 2650 cells and human nasal fibroblasts to form a model construct of the human nasal mucosa for drug absorption studies
Meyer M., Dryja D., Reichl S., Brunotte I., Winter R.
57. Tagung der Vereinigung Norddeutscher Augenärzte 2008, Bremen
Analyse der Toxizität von Bevacizumab (Avastin) auf kultivierte Endothelzellen der Hornhaut
Hahne M., Reichl S.
106. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft 2008, Berlin
Prevalidation of an artificial human cornea construct for in vitro drug absorption studies: Optimisation of the corneal barrier by varying culture conditions
Grobe G.M., Reichl S.
106. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft 2008, Berlin
Influence of riboflavin and UVA-irradiation on cell viability and viscoelastic properties of the stromal bioequivalent of a human cornea construct for drug absorption studies
Meyer M., Dryja D., Reichl S., Brunotte I., Winter R.
106. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft 2008, Berlin
Toxicity of bevacizumab to cultured human corneal endothelial cells in vitro
Hahne M., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung 2008, Bonn
Optimizing barrier function of human cornea constructs by varying cultivation conditions
Wengst A., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung 2008, Bonn
RPMI 2650 cells as a model for studying drug absorption through human nasal mucosa
Grobe G.M., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung 2008, Bonn
Riboflavin/UVA-Treatment of the stromal layer of a human cornea construct
Hahne M., Reichl S.
DOG Jahrestagung 2007, Berlin
Influence of dexpanthenol on regeneration of human corneal epithelial monolayers
v Vietinghoff A., Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung 2007, Nürnberg
Barrier properties of the immortalized human nasal epithelial cell line RPMI 2650
Reichl S.
AAPS Annual Meeting 2007, San Diego
Investigations on a novel substrate coating based on human hair keratin - development and its use as growth substrate for in vitro cell culture methods
Reichl S.
AAPS Annual Meeting 2007, San Diego
Influence of reduced hair keratin on the permeability of sodium fluorescein across cultured corneal epithelium
v Vietinghoff A., Reichl S.
International Conference and workshop on cell culture and In-Vitro models for drug absorption and delivery, Saarbrücken, 2006
Comparison of suitability of different supplements for improvement of viability of primary cultured human nasal epithelial cells.
Döhring S., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Congress of the International Society of Ocular Toxicology, Bonn-Königswinter, 2006
3D human cornea-constructs for cytotoxicity studies
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
10th Congress of the International Society of Ocular Toxicology, Bonn-Königswinter, 2006
Organotypic 3D cell culture models of the cornea for in-vitro permeation studies
Reichl S.
DPhG Jahrestagung Joint-Meeting 2006, Marburg
Comparison of different cell culture models for studying transcorneal drug permeation.
Reichl S.
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva, 27th - 30th March 2006
Comparison of the transepithelial permeability of the two commercially available reconstructed corneal epithelium models Epiocular® (Mattek) and RHCE (Skinethic)
Reichl S.
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva, 27th - 30th March 2006
Keratin coated surfaces as growth substrate - a novel approach to stimulate cell proliferation in culture
v Vietinghoff A., Reichl S.
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva, 27th - 30th March 2006
Influence of media supplements and surface treatments on the viability of human nasal epithelial cells in primary culture
Doehring S., Reichl S., Mueller-Goymann C.C.
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March 2006
Qualification of human permeation models for cytotoxicity assays - A comparison of traditional monolayer studies with human cornea constructs (HCC)
Aintablian A., Reichl S., Bednarz J.
54. Tagung der Vereinigung Norddeutscher Augenärzte (VNA), Hannover, 2005
Auf dem Weg zur künstlichen Hornhaut für Keratoplastik. Ein Zwischenbericht.
Döhring S., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
9. GD-Jahrestagung, Wien, 2005, Eignung humaner organotypischer Permeations-modelle für Zytotoxizitätsuntersuchungen.
Döhring S., Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March, 2004, p. 851-852, Comparison of the in vitro permeation of different ophthalmic drugs through a human cornea construct (HCC) and human donor corneas.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
5th International Conference and workshop on cell culture and In-Vitro models for drug absorption and delivery, Saarbrücken, 2004, Human cornea construct (HCC) for in vitro permeation studies.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
60. ZEBET Seminar: Entwicklung von menschlichen Hornhautmodellen für die Sicherheitstoxikologie, BfR Berlin, 2004, Entwicklung organotypischer cornealer Zellkulturmodelle für in vitro Permeationsuntersuchungen.
Friedrich I., Reichl S.
IPVS 18th Congress of the International Pig Veterinary Society, Hamburg, 2004, Study on solubility and handling of various original and generic veterinary antibiotics.
Meyer L., Reichl S.
Jahrestagung DPhG - Joint Meeting, Regensburg, 2004, Esterase activity of organotypic human cornea construct.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Doktorandentagung der DPhG, 2003, Düsseldorf, Ein humanes Cornea-Konstrukt für in vitro Permeationsuntersuchungen - Einfluss von Endothel und Stroma auf die Barriereeigenschaften des Konstruktes.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 951-952, Befunolol hydrochloride permeation through a porcine organotypical cornea construct.
Reichl S., Bednarz J., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Jahrestagung der DPhG, Berlin, Arch. Pharm. 335, Suppl. 1, 57 (2002), Evaluation of a human cornea equivalent as in vitro model for determination of drug permeability across the cornea.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Jahrestagung der DPhG, Halle/Saale, Arch. Pharm. 334, Suppl. 2, 73 (2001), Cultivation of a porcine organotypic cornea construct and its use for various in vitro permeation studies.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Proceed. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Berlin, 3-6. April, 2000, p. 329-330, Isolation and culture of porcine corneal cells.
Reichl S., Müller-Goymann C.C.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft (DPhG) , Münster, Arch. Pharm. 333, Suppl. 2, 19 (2000), Reconstructed porcine cornea as an in vitro model for permeation studies.
Reichl, S.
Habilitationsschrift TU Braunschweig 2013
Artifizielle Gewebe als In-vitro-Arzneistoffabsorptionsmodelle und Beiträge zur Rekonstruktion der Augenoberfläche
Reichl, S.
Dissertation TU Braunschweig 2003
Entwicklung porciner und humaner organotypischer cornealer Zellkulturmodelle für in vitro Permeationsuntersuchungen
M. Gaid, J. Füller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Planta medica (2019) 85(7), 591-598
The petroleum ether extract from Hypericum perforatum root cultures exhibits potent antiproliferative activity in human keratinocytes and fibroblasts.
F. Laubé, A. Poupon, P. Zinck, C. Mueller-Goymann, S. Reichl, V. Nardello-Rataj
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. (2019) 131, 208-217
Physicochemical investigations of native nails and synthetic models for a better understanding of surface adhesion of nail laquers.
J. Puschmann, M.E. Herbig, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2019) 562, 105-112
Influence of emulsifier concentration on partition behavior and chemical stability of betamethasone dipropiate in emulsion gels.
C. Brammann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2019) 564, 171-179
Incorporation of benzoyl peroxide nanoparticles into adapalene-loaded solid lipid microparticles: Part I – Nanocrystalline benzoyl peroxide.
S. Hinkel, K. Mattern, A. Dietzel, S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2019) 566, 434-444
Parametric investigation of static and dynamic cell culture conditions and their impact on hCMEC/D3 barrier properties.
P. Suwannoi, M. Chomnawang, A. Tunsirikongkon, A. Phongphisutthinan, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, N. Sarisuta
J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Technol. (2019) 52, 624-631
TAT-surface modified acyclovir-loaded albumin nanoparticles as a novel ocular drug delivery system.
J. Puschmann, D.-H. Evers, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, M.E. Herbig
J. Chromatography A (2019) 1599, 136-143
Development of a Design of Experiments optimized method for quantification of polysorbate 80 based on oleic acid using UHPLC-MS.
C. De Groot, M. Müsken, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Technol. (2019) 53, article number 101127
The bidesmosidic triterpene saponins hederacoside C and ginsenoside Rb1 exhibit low affinity to liposomal membranes.
C. De Groot, M. Müsken, M. Bleckmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Vaccine (2019) 37(35), 4975-4986
Novel colloidal associations of soyasaponins and lipid components (DPPC, cholesterol) as potential adjuvants of vaccines.
M. Gelker, J. Mrotzek, A. Ichter, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, W. Vioel
Biochim Biophys Acta General Subjects (2019) 1863(10), 1513-1523
Influence of pulse characteristics and power density on stratum corneum permeabilization by dielectric barrier discharge.
C. Brammann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2019) in press
Incorporation of benzoyl peroxide nanoparticles into adapalene-loaded solid lipid microparticles: Part II – Solid-in-Oil dispersion of nanoparticulate benzoyl peroxide.
M. Gelker, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, W. Vioel
Clinical Plasma Medicine (2018) 9, 34-40
Permeabilization of human stratum corneum and full-thickness skin samples by a direct dielectric barrier discharge.
C. Mueller-Goymann, A. Kwade
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2018) 126, 1
Editorial - Innovative processes for bio-pharmaceuticals and poorly water-soluble API.
M. Gaid, E. Biedermann, J. Füller, P. Haas, S. Behrends, R. Krull, S. Scholl, U. Wittstock, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, L. Beerhues,
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2018) 126, 10-26
Biotechnological production of hyperforin for pharmaceutical formulation.
Beißner N, Bolea Albero A, Füller J, Kellner T, Lauterboeck L, Liang J, Böl M, Glasmacher B, Müller-Goymann CC, Reichl S.
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2018) 126, 57-66
Improved in vitro models for preclinical drug and formulation screening focusing on 2D and 3D skin and cornea constructs.
J. Füller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2018) 126, 108-114
Anti-proliferative and anti-migratory effects of hyperforin in 2D and 3D artificial constructs of human dermal fibroblasts - a new option for hypertrophic scar treatment?
J. Füller, T. Kellner, M. Gaid, L. Beerhues, C.C, Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2018) 126,115-122
Stabilization of hyperforin dicyclohexylammonium salt with dissolved albumin and albumin nanoparticles for studying hyperforin effects on 2D cultivation of keratinocytes in vitro.
C. De Groot, M. Müsken, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Planta Medica (2018) 16, 1219-1227
Novel colloidal microstructures of -escin and the liposomal components cholesterol and DPPC.
J. Puschmann, M.E. Herbig, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2018) 131, 152-161
Correlation of antimicrobial effects of phenoxyethanol with its free concentration in the water phase of o/w emulsion gels.
P. Suwannoi, M. Chomnawang, N. Sarisuta, S. Reichl, C.C. Müller-Goymann
J. of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (2017) 33 (10), 743-752
Development of acyclovir-loaded albumin nanoparticles and improvement of acyclovir permeation across human corneal epithelial (HCE-T) cells.
J. Füller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2017) in press
Anti-proliferative and anti-migratory effects of hyperforin in 2D and 3D artificial constructs of human dermal fibroblasts - a new option for hypertrophic scar treatment?
M. Gaid, E. Biedermann, J. Füller, P. Haas, S. Behrends, R. Krull, S. Scholl, U. Wittstock, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, L. Beerhues,
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2017) in press
Biotechnological production of hyperforin for pharmaceutical formulation.
J.Füller, T. Kellner, M. Gaid, L. Beerhues, C.C, Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2017) submitted
Stabilization of hyperforin dicyclohexylammonium salt with dissolved albumin and albumin nanoparticles for studying hyperforin effects on 2D cultivation of keratinocytes in vitro.
A. Taeuber, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. 505 (2016) 20-23
In vitro evaluation of the antifungal efficacy of poloxamer 407-based formulations in an infected nail plate model
J. Stahl, K. Zessel, J. Schulz, J.-H. Finke, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, M. Kietzmann
BMC Veterinary Journal (2016) 12, 68, doi: https://bmcvetres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12917-016-0688-6
The effect of miscellaneous oral dosage forms on the environmental pollution of sulfonamides in pig holdings.
A.A. Attama, F.C. Kenechukwu, E.B. Onuigbo, P.O. Nnamani, N.Obitte, J.H. Finke, S. Pretor, C.C. Mueller-Goymann,
Eur. J. Nanomedicine (2016) 8(3), 7129-138-804
Solid lipid nanoparticles encapsulating a fluorescent marker (coumarin 6) and antimalarials- Artemether and lumefantrine: Evaluation of cellular uptake and antimalarial activity.
C. de Groot, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Planta Med. (2016) 82, 1496-1512
Saponin interactions with model membrane systems - Langmuir monolayer studies, hemolysis, and formation of ISCOMs.
M. Schoenitz, J.H. Finke, S. Melzig, A. Hohlen, n. Warmeling, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, W.
Augustin, S. Scholl,
Heat Transfer Engineering (2015) 36, 731-740
Fouling in a micro heat exchanger during continuous crystallization of solid lipid nanoparticles.
S. Pretor, J. Bartels, T. Lorenz, K. Dahl, J.H. Finke, G. Peterat, R. Krull, A.T. Al-Halhouli, A. Dietzel, S. Buettgenbach, S. Behrends, S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Mol. Pharm. (2015) 12(1), 34-45
Cellular uptake of coumarin-6 under microfluidic conditions into HCE-T cells from nanoscale formulations.
A. Lauterbach, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2015) 97, 152-163
Applications and limitations of lipid nanoparticles in dermal and transdermal drug delivery via the follicular route.
A. Taeuber, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2015) 489(1-2), 73-82
In vitro permeation and penetration of ciclopirox olamine from poloxamer 407-based formulations - comparison of isolated human stratum corneum, bovine hoof plates and keratin films.
A. Taeuber, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Akt. Dermatologie (2015) 41, 1-7
Simultaneous topical antifungal skin and nail therapy: a prospective treatment option?
R. Benjakul, L. Kongkaneramit, N. Sarisuta, P. Moongkarndi, C.C. Mueller-Goymann Anti-Cancer Drugs (2015) 26, 824-834 Cytotoxic effect and mechanism inducing cell death of α-mangostin liposomes in various human carcinoma and normal cells.
A. Taeuber, C.C. Mueller-Goymann Int. J. Pharm. (2015) 494, 304-311 In vitro model of infected stratum corneum for the efficacy evaluation of poloxamer 407-based formulations of ciclopirox olamine against Trichophyton rubrum as well as differential scanning calorimetry and stability studies.
A. Lauterbach, C.C. Mueller-Goymann Int. J. Pharm. (2015) 494, 445-452Design of lipid microparticle dispersions based on the physicochemicla properties of the lipid and aqueous phase.
A. Taeuber, C.C. Mueller-Goymann atlasofscience.org/one-for-two-one-medicine-against-two-diseases/ One for two - one medicine against two diseases
A. Lauterbach, J. Fueller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann Journal of in silico and in vitro pharmacology (2015) 1, 1-4Stability and in vitro skin compatibility of an adapalene-loaded solid lipid microparticle dispersion.
I. Pantelic, M. Lukic, B. Markovic, Lusiana, C. Hoffmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, J. Milic, R. Daniels, S. Savic
Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm. (2014) 40(7), 960-971
Development of a prospective isopropyl alcohol-loaded pharmaceutical base using simultaneous in vitro/in vivo characterization methods of skin performance.
M. Paranjpe, V. Neuhaus, A. Braun, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technology (2014) 116(9), 1129-1136
Toxicity testing of sildenafil base-loaded liposomes in in vitro and ex vivo models for pulmonary application.
J.H. Finke, C. Richter, T. Gothsch, A. Kwade, S. Büttgenbach, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technology (2014) 116(9), 1234-1246
Coumarin 6 as a fluorescent model drug: How to identify properties of lipid colloidal drug delivery systems via fluorescence spectroscopy?
E.E. Chinaeke, S.A. Chime, F.C. Kenechukwu, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, A.A. Attama, V.C. Okore
J. Drug Del. Sci. Tech. (2014) 24(1), 69-77
Formulation of novel artesunate-loaded solid lipid microparticles (SLMs) based on dika wax matrices: in vitro and in vivo evaluation.
F. Kolditz, Krausze, Heinz DW, Niemann HH, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2014) 86, 277-283
Wound healing potential of a dimeric InlB variant analyzed by in vitro experiments on re-epithelialization of human skin models.
A. Lauterbach, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2014) 88(3), 614-624
Comparison of rheological properties, follicular penetration, drug release, and permeation behavior of a novel topical drug delivery system and a conventional cream.
E.E. Chinaeke, S.A. Chime, J.D.N. Ogbonna, A.A. Attama, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, V.C. Okore
J. Microencapsulation (2014) 31(8), 796-804
Evaluation of dika wax-soybean oil-based artesunate-loaded lipopheres: In vitro-in vivo correlation studies.
J.H. Finke, S. Niemann, C. Richter, T. Gothsch, A. Kwade, S. Büttgenbach, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Chemical Engineering Journal (2014) 248, 107-121
Multiple orifices in customized microsystem high-pressure emulsification: The impact of design and counter pressure on homogenization efficiency.
A. Taeuber, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Molecular Pharmaceutics (2014) 11(7), 1991-1996
Comparison of the antifungal efficacy of terbinafine hydrochloride and ciclopirox olamine containing formulations against the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum in an infected nail plate model.
A. Lauterbach, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2014) 466(1-2), 122-132
Development, formulation, and characterization of an adapalene-loaded solid lipid microparticle dispersion for follicular penetration
M. Paranjpe, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2014) 15(4), 5852-5873
Nanoparticle-mediated pulmonary drug delivery - a review.
T. Paepenmueller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm (2014) 475, 138-146
Influence of Quil A on liposomal membranes.
M. Paranjpe, J.H. Finke, C. Richter, T. Gothsch, A. Kwade, S. Büttgenbach, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2014) 476, 41-49
Physicochemical characterization of sildenafil-loaded solid lipid nanoparticle dispersions (SLN) for pulmonary application.
J. Fokuhl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2013) 444, 89-95
Modified TEWL in vitro measurements on transdermal patches with different additives with regard to water vapour permeability kinetics.
M. Lukic, I. Pantelic, R. Daniels, C. Mueller-Goymann, M. Savic, S. Savic,
J Therm Analysis Cal (2013) 111, 2045-2057
Moisturizing emulsion systems based on the novel long-chain alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier - The contribution of thermoanalytical methods to the formulation development.
M. Paranjpe, V. Neuhaus, J.H. Finke, C. Richter, T. Gothsch, A. Kwade, S. Büttgenbach, A. Braun, C.C. Mueller-Goymann,
Inhalation Toxicology (2013) 25, 536-543
In vitro and ex vivo toxicological testing of sildenafil-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles.
Lusiana, S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2013) 84, 599-605
Infected nail plate model made of human hair keratin for evaluating the efficacy of different topical antifungal formulations against Trichophyton rubrum in vitro.
C. Richter, D. Stegemann, A. Vierheller, T. Gothsch, J.H. Finke, A. Kwade, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, A. Dietzel, S. Büttgenbach
Microelectronic Engineering (2013) 110, 392-397
Innovative process chain for the development of wear resistant 3D metal microsystems.
J.H. Finke, H. Schmolke, C.-P. Klages, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2013) 449, 59-71
Controlling solid lipid nanoparticle adhesion by polyelectrolyte multilayer surface modifications.
J. Liu, M. Harms, , V.M. Garamus, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Soft Matter (2013) 9, 6371-6375
Reentrant structural phase transition in amphiphilic self-assembly.
S. Schmid, C. Hoffmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Dtsch. Apothek. Ztg. (2013) 153(35), 52-56
Under the skin: How to get topical NSAIDs into painful tissue?
Unter die Haut: Wie kommen topische NSAR im schmerzenden Gewebe an?
I. Jaksic, M. Lukic, A. Malenovic, S. Reichl, C. Hoffmann, C. Mueller-Goymann, R. Daniels, S. Savic
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2012) 80, 164-175
Compounding of a topical drug with prospective natural surfactant- stabilized pharmaceutical bases: Physicochemical and in vitro/in vivo characterization - A ketoprofen case study.
M. Lukic, I. Pantelic, R. Daniels, C. Mueller-Goymann, M. Savic, S. Savic
J Therm Analysis Cal (2012) 111, 2045-2057 DOI: 10.1007/s10973-012-2263-0
Moisturizing emulsion systems based on the novel long-chain alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier - The contribution of thermoanalytical methods to the formulation development.
J. Liu, G. Zhang, W. Ao, K. Yang, S. Peng, C. Mueller-Goymann
Appl. Surface Sci. (2012) 258(20), 8083-8089
Hollow mesoporous titania microsphere with low shell thickness/diameter ratio and high photocatalysis.
J. H. Finke, J. Schur, C. Richter, T. Gothsch, A. Kwade, S. Büttgenbach, C. C. Müller-Goymann
Chemical Engineering Journal (2012) 209, 126-137
The influence of customized geometries and process parameters on nanoemulsion and solid lipid nanoparticle production in microsystems.
C. v. Hemelrijck, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2012) 437(1), 120-129
Rheological Characterization and Permeation Behaviour of Poloxamer 407-based Systems Containing 5 Aminolevulinic Acid for Potential Application in Photodynamic Therapy.
K. Dahl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
HPC today (2012) 7(3) 12-15
TiO2-loaded nanosuspensions - Influence of jojoba oil and surfactants on SPF and particle size distribution.
T. Gothsch, J.H Finke, S. Beinert, C. Lesche, J. Schur, S. Büttgenbach, C.C. Müller-Goymann, A. Kwade
Chemical Engineering Technology (2011) 34, 335-343
Effect of microchannel geometry on high pressure dispersion and emulsification.
M. Harms, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
J. Drug Del. Sci. Technol. (2011) 21, 89-99
Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery (invited review).
Lusiana, S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2011) 78, 432-440
Keratin film made of human hair as a nail plate model for studying drug permeation.
Lusiana, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
AAPS Pharm. Sci. Tech. (2011) 12 (2), 496-506
Preparation, characterization and in vitro permeation study of terbinafine HCl in poloxamer 407 based thermogelling formulation for topical application.
M. Lukic, I. Jaksic, S. Reichl, S. Tamburic, C. Müller-Goymann, S. Savic
J Colloid Interf. Sci. (2011) 358, 182-191
An alkyl polyglucoside-mixed emulsifier as stabilizer of emulsion systems: The influence of colloidal structure on emulsions skin hydration potential.
Hüsch, J., Dutagaci, B., Glaubitz, C., Geppert, T., Schneider, G., Harms, M., Müller-Goymann, C.C., Fink, L., Schmidt, M.U., Setzer, C., Zirkel, J., Rebmann, H., Schubert-Zsilavecz, M., Abdel-Tawab, M.
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. (2011) 44, 103-116,
Structural properties of so-called NSAID-phospholipid-complexes.
C. v. Hemelrijck, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int J. Pharm. (2011) 420, 297-303
Characterization of a pseudo ternary phase diagram of poloxamer 407 systems for potential application of 5-aminolevulinic acid in photodynamic therapy.
W. Witoonsaridsilp, B. Panyarachun, N. Sarisuta, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Colloids & Surfaces B (2010) 75, 501-509
Influence of microenvironment and liposomal formulation on secondary structure and bilayer interaction of lysozyme.
M. Nassimi, C. Schleh, H.-D. Lauenstein, R. Hussein, H.-G. Hoymann, W. Koch, G. Pohlmann, N. Krug, K. Sewald, S. Rittinghausen, A. Braun, C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2010) 75, 107-116
A toxicological evaluation of inhaled solid lipid nanoparticles used as a potential drug delivery system for the lung.
G. Fricker, T. Kromp, A. Wendel, A. Blume, J. Zirkel, H. Rebmann, C. Setzer, R. O. Quinkert, F. Martin, C. Müller-Goymann
Pharm Res. (2010) 27, 1469-1486
Phospholipids and lipid-based formulations in oral drug delivery.
L. Wolff, J. Flemming, R. Schmitz, K. Gröger, C. Goso, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Vaccine (2009) 27, 1834-1840 (doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2009.01.037)
Forces determining the adsorption of a monoclonal antibody onto an aluminium hydroxide adjuvant: influence of interstitial fluid components.
S. Savic, C. Weber, S. Tamburic, M. Savic, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
J. Pharm. Sci. (2009) 98, 2073-2090, epub 2008 1st October
Topical vehicles based on natural surfactant/fatty alcohols mixed emulsifier: The influence of two polyols on the colloidal structure and in vitro/in vivo skin performance.
S. Mitriaikina, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol. (2009) 22, 142-150 (doi: 10.1159/000203368)
Comparative permeation studies of non-diluted and diluted betamethasone-17-valerate (BM-17-V) semisolid formulations through isolated human stratum corneum and artificial skin construct (ASC).
L. Wolff, J. Flemming, R. Schmitz, K. Gröger, C. Goso, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Colloids & Surfaces A (2009) 339, 82-93 (doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2009.01.019)
Comparative stability study of lyophilised aluminium hydroxide adjuvanted vaccine formulations containing a monoclonal antibody as a model antigen and methods used for their characterisation.
M. Nassimi, C. Schleh, K.-D. Lauenstein, R. Hussein, K.Luebbers, G. Pohlmann, S.Switalla, S. Sewald, M. Mueller, N. Krug, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, A. Braun
Inhal. Toxicol. (2009) 21 (S1), 104-109
Low cytotoxicity of solid lipid nanoparticles in in vitro and ex vivo lung models.
A. Attama, S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Current Eye Res. (2009) 34, 698-705
Sustained release and permeation of timolol from surface modified solid lipid nanoparticles through bio-engineered human cornea.
C. Weber, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
J. Drug Del. Sci. Technol. (2009) 19, 337-342
Usefulness of a 3D skin construct in the detection of regenerative effects after previous SDS damage
S. Savic, C. Weber, M.Savic, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2009) 381, 220-230
Natural surfactant-based topical vehicles for two model drugs: influence of different lipophilic excipients on in vitro/in vivo skin performance.
A.A. Attama, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects (2008) 315, 189-195
Effect of beeswax modification on the lipid matrix and solid lipid nanoparticle crystallinity.
A.A. Attama, S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2008) 355, 307-313, Epub 2007 Dec 17
Diclofenac sodium delivery to the eye: in vitro evaluation of novel solid lipid nanoparticle formulation using human cornea construct
N. Grüning, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
J. Pharm. Sci. (2008) 97, 2311-2323, Epub 2007 Sep 7
Physicochemical characterization of a novel thermogelling formulation for percutaneous penetration of 5-aminolevulinic acid.
M. Schäfer-Korting, U. Bock, W. Diembeck, H.-J. Düsing, A. Gamer, E. Haltner-Ukomadu, C. Hoffmann, M. Kaca, H. Kamp, S. Kersen, M. Kietzmann, H.C. Korting, H.-U. Krächter, C.-M. Lehr, M. Liebsch, A. Mehling, C. Mueller-Goymann, F. Netzlaff, F. Niedorf, M.K. Rübbelke, U. Schäfer, E. Schmidt, S. Schreiber, H. Spielmann, A. Vuia, M. Weimer
ATLA (2008) 36, 161-187
The use of reconstructed human epidermis for skin absorption testing: results of the validation study.
M. Kaca, U. Bock, M.T. Jalal, M. Harms, C. Hoffmann, C. Mueller-Goymann, F. Netzlaff, U. Schäfer, C.-M. Lehr, E. Haltner-Ukomadu
ATLA (2008) 36, 189-200
The physicochemical parameters of marker compounds and vehicle properties for use in in vitro percutaneous absorption studies.
A.A. Attama, C. Weber, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
J. Drug. Del. Sci. Technol. (2008) 18, 181-188
Assessment of drug permeation from lipid nanoparticles formulated with a novel structured lipid matrix through artificial skin construct bio-engineered from HDF and HaCaT cell lines.
S. Savic, S. Tamburic, A. Kovacevic, R. Daniels, C. Müller-Goymann
J Dispersion Science Technology (2008) 29, 1276-1287
Natural surfactant-based emulsion systems: the influence of common pharmaceutical excipients on colloidal structure and physical stability.
L. Wolff, J. Flemming, R. Schmitz, K. Gröger, C. Mueller-Goymann
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects (2008) 330, 116-126
Protection of aluminum hydroxide during lyophilisation as an adjuvant of freeze-dried vaccines.
J.R. Villalobos-Hernandez, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2007) 65, 122-125, Epub 2006 July 25
In vitro erythemal UV-A protection factors of inorganic sunscreens distributed in aqueous media using carnauba wax-decyl oleate nanoparticles
A.A. Attama, B.C. Schicke, T. Paepenmueller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2007) 67, 48-57, Epub 2006 Dec 16
Solid lipid nanodispersions containing mixed core and polar heterolipid: Characterization
A.A. Attama, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2007) 334, 179-189, Epub 2006 Oct 28
Investigation of surface-modified solid lipid nanocontainers formulated with a heterolipid-templated homolipid
S. Savic, M. Savic, S. Tamburic, G. Vuleta, S. Vesic, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. (2007) 30, 441-450, Epub 2007 Feb 2
An alkylpolyglucoside surfactant as a prospective pharmaceutical excipient for topical formulations: the influence of oil polarity on the colloidal structure and hydrocortisone in vitro/in vivo permeation
A.A. Attama, B.C. Schicke, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
J. Drug Del. Sci. Tech. (2007) 17, 103-112
Novel physically structured lipid matrices of beeswax and a homolipid from Capra hircus (goat fat): a physicochemical characterization
C. Braem, T. Blaschke, G. Panek-Minkin, W. Herrmann, P. Schlupp, T. Paepenmueller, C. Muller-Goymann, W. Mehnert, R. Bittl, M. Schafer-Korting, K.D. Kramer
J. Control. Release (2007) 119(1), 128-135, Epub 2007 Feb 8
Interaction of drug molecules with carrier systems as studied by parelectric spectroscopy and electron spin resonance
I. Wiswedel, J.-U. Grundmann, M. Boschmann, A. Krautheim, R. Boeckelmann, D. Peter, I. Holzapfel, S. Goetz, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, B. Bonnekoh, H. Gollnick
J. Invest. Dermatol. (2007) 127, 1794-1797, Epub 2007 Mar 1
Effects of UVB irradiation and diclofenac on F2-isoprostane/prostaglandin concentrations in keratinocytes and microdialysates of human skin
S. Mitriaikina, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
J. Drug Del. Sci. Technol. (2007) 17, 339-346
Synergetic effects of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and isopropyl myristate (IPM) on the permeation of betamethasone-17-valerate from semisolid Pharmacopoea bases.
J.R. Villalobos-Hernandez, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2006) 63, 115-127
Physical stability, centrifugation tests and entrapment efficiency studies of carnauba wax-decyloleate nanoparticles used for the dispersion of inorganic sunscreens in aqueous media
S.D. Savic, M.M. Savic, S.A. Vesic, G.M. Vuleta, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2006) 320, 86-95
Vesicles based on a sugar surfactant: colloidal strucutre and its impact on in vitro/in vivo hydrocortisone permeation
A.A. Attama, B.C. Schicke, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2006) 64, 294-306
Further characterization of theobroma oil-beeswax admixtures as lipid matrcies for improved drug delivery systems
A.A. Attama, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2006) 322, 67-78
A crititcal study of novel physically structures lipid matrices composed of a homolipid from capra hircus and theobroma oil
J.R. Villalobos-Hernandez, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2006) 322, 161-170
Sun protection enhancement of titanium dioxide crystals by the use of carnauba wax nanoparticles: the synergistic interaction between organic and inorganic sunscreens at nanoscale
J.R. Villalobos-Hernandez, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Curr. Drug. Deliv. (2006) 3, 405-415
Artificial sun protection: sunscreens and their carrier systems
M.A. Schubert, M. Harms, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. (2006) 27, 226-236
Structural investigations on lipid nanoparticles containing high amounts of lecithin
S. Savic, G. Valuta, R. Daniels, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Colloid & Polymer Sci. (2005) 283 (4), 439-451, published online 28.09.2004
Colloidal microstructure of binary systems and model creams stabilized with an alkylpolyglucoside non-ionic emulsifier
C.Hoffmann, C.C.Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (2005) 60, 350-353
Use of artificial skin constructs in permeation studies of clindamycin phosphate.
S. Reichl, S. Döhring, J. Bednarz, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2005) 60, 305-308, published online 18.03.2005
Human Cornea Construct HCC - an alternative for in-vitro permeation studies? A comparison with human donor corneas.
I. Brinkmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (2005) 60, 215-220
An attempt to clarify the influence of glycerol, propylene glycol, isopropyl myristate and a combination of propylene glycol and isopropyl myristate on human stratum corneum.
J.R. Villalobos-Hernandez , C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2005) 60, 113-122
Novel nanoparticulate carrier system based on carnauba wax and decyl oleate for the dispersion of inorganic sunscreens in aqueous media.
M.Harms, S.Mackeben, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Colloids & surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects (2005) 259, 81-87
Thermotropic transition structures in the ternary system lecithin, isopropyl myristate and water.
M.A. Schubert, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2005) 61 (1-2), 77-86
Characterisation of surface modified lipid nanoparticles: influence of lecithin and non-ionic emulsifier.
A. Winkler , C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2005) 60, 427-437, published online 11.04.2005
Influence of topical formulations on the permeation of 5-aminolevulinic acid and its n-butylester through excised human stratum corneum.
M.A. Schubert, B.C. Schicke, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2005) 298, 242-254
Thermal analysis of the crystallization and melting behavoir of lipid matrices and lipid nanoparticles containing high amounts of lecithin.
L. Meyer, J. Bednarz, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, S. Reichl
Der Ophthalmologe (2005) 102: 971-980
Esteraseaktivität eines organotypischen humanen Cornea-Konstrukts - HCC als in-vitro Modell für Permeationsuntersuchungen.
R. Niesner, B. Peker, P. Schlüsche, K.-H. Gericke, C. Hoffmann, D.Hahne, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Res. (2005) 22 (7), 1079-1087
3D-resolved investigation of the pH gradient in artificial skin constructs by means of fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM)
I. Friedrich, S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2005): 305 (1-2): 167-175
Drug release and permeation studies of nanosuspensions based on solidified reverse micellar solutions (SRMS).
G. Schicksnus, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol. (2004) 17, 84-90
Investigation of lateral diffusion of ibuprofen acid within human skin during permeation studies.
S. Reichl, J. Bednarz, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
B. J. Ophthalmol. (2004) 88, 560-565
Human corneal equivalent as cell culture model for in vitro drug permeation studies.
L. Baydoun, A. Düvel, R. Daniels, A. Drust, T. Goldhagen, I. Schwan, C. Zeidler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2004) 274, 157-165
Comparison of different ibuprofen-amino acid compounds respecting emulsifying and cytotoxic properties.
S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazeutische Zeitung (2004) 149, 1638-1644
Künstliche Hornhaut als In-vitro-Modell.
S. Tegtmeyer, S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (2004) 59, 464-471
Cultivation and characterization of a bovine in vitro model of the cornea.
M. Mueller, S. Mackeben, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2004) 274, 139-148
Physicochemical characterisation of liposomes with encapsulated local anaesthetics.
L. Baydoun, P. Furrer, R. Gurny, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2004) 58, 169-175
New surface-active polymers for ophthalmic formulations: evaluation of ocular tolerance
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2004) 58, 343-356
Physicochemical characterisation of colloidal drug delivery systems such as reverse micelles, vesicles, liquid crystals and nanoparticles for topical administration (invited review).
M.A. Schubert, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
J. Drug Del. Sci. Technol. (2004) 14, 423-434
Novel delivery systems for dermal application (invited review).
S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2003) 250, 191-201
The use of a porcine organotypic cornea construct for permeation studies from formulations containing befunolol hydrochloride.
M.A. Schubert, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2003) 55, 125-131
Solvent injection as new approach for manufacturing lipid nanoparticles - evaluation of the method and process parameters.
S. Gottbrath, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
SÖFW Journal (2003) 129 (3), 11-17
Penetration and visualization of titanium dioxide microparticles in human stratum corneum - effect of different formulations on the penetration of titanium dioxide.
I. Brinkmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol. (2003) 16, 393-404
Role of isopropyl myristate, isopropyl alcohol and a combination of both in hydrocortisone permeation across human stratum corneum.
L. Baydoun, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2003) 56, 73-79
Influence of n-octenylsuccinate starch on in vitro permeation of sodium diclofenac across excised porcine cornea in comparison to Voltaren ophtha.
I. Friedrich, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2003) 56, 111-119
Characterization of solidified reverse micellar solutions (SRMS) and production development of SRMS-based nanosuspensions.
S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
BIOforum (2003) 10, 629-631
In Vitro Permeations-Modelle in der Pharmazie.
A. Winkler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2002) 53, 281-287
Comparative permeation studies of delta-aminolevulinic acid and its n-butylester through stratum corneum and artificial skin constructs.
H. Refai, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2002) 54, 143-150
The influence of dilution of topical semisolid preparations on hydrocortisone permeation through excised human stratum corneum.
B. Glombitza, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Chem. Phys. Lipids (2002) 117, 29-44
Influence of different ceramides on the structure of in vitro model lipid systems of the stratum corneum lipid matrix.
S. Tegtmeyer, I. Papantoniou, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (2001)
Reconstruction of an in vitro cornea and its use for drug permeation studies from different formulations containing pilocarpine hydrochloride.
B. Glombitza, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Cosmet. Sci. (2001)
Investigation of interactions between silicones and stratum corneum lipids.
I. Brinkmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Kosmetische Medizin (2001) 22 (2), 60-65
O/W emulsions with hydrophobically coated titanium dioxide - characterisation with regard to particle size distribution and sun protection factor.
S. Mackeben, M. Mueller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Colloids and Surfaces A (2001) 183-185, 699-713
The influence of water on phase transitions of a drug-loaded reverse micellar solution into lamellar liquid crystals.
C. Hoffmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Krankenhauspharmazie (2001) 22, 334-337
Guarkernmehllösung als Adjuvans in der Dünndarmradiologie.
S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Ophthalmologe (2001) 98, 853-858
Entwicklung eines organotypischen Cornea-Konstruktes als ein In-Vitro-Modell für Permeationsstudien.
M.A. Schubert, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (2001) 56 (9), 734-737
Solubilization of bromhexine hydrochloride in aqueous lecithin dispersions - physicochemical characterization of interactions between drug and carrier.
A. Schneeweis, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2000) 196, 193-196
Controlled release of solid-reversed-micellar-solution suppositories containing metoclopramide-HCl.
S. Mackeben, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (2000) 196, 207-210
Solubilization of timolol maleate in reversed micellar systems: measurement of particle size using SAXS and PCS.
C. Bennat, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Cosmet. Sci. (2000) 22, 271-283
Skin penetration and stabilization of formulations containing microfine titanium dioxide as physical UV filter.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, H. Refai
Pharm. Ztg. (2000) 145, 3025-3030
Dermale Rezeptur - Tücken im Apothekenlabor.
I. Friedrich, I. Papantoniou, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (2000) 55, 755-758
Physicochemical characterization of a reverse micellar solution after loading with different drugs.
S. Schmid, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, P.C. Schmidt
Int. J. Pharm. (2000) 197, 35-39
Interactions during aqueous film coating of ibuprofen with Aquacoat ECD.
S. Gottbrath, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
SÖFW Journal (2000) 126 (11), 46-52
Charakterisierung der Gerüststruktur von Vaselin und Wollwachsalkoholsalbe - Versuch einer Korrelation mit dem Wasseraufnahmevermögen von Wollwachsalkoholsalbe.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, U. Alberg
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1999) 47,139-143
Modified water containing hydrophilic ointment with suspended hydrocortisone-21-acetate - the influence of the microstructure of the cream on the in vitro drug release and in vitro percutaneous penetration.
U. Alberg, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
SÖFW (1999) 125, 77-83
Einfluß von Ethanol auf die Gebrauchseigenschaften einer O/W Creme mit mikronisiertem Hydrocortisonacetat.
H. Refai, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (1999) 54, 754-758
Larvated incompatibilities of hydrocortisone cream preparations upon dilution with different cream bases.
W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Res. (1998) 15, 538-543
Phase transformation of a liposomal dispersion into a micellar solution induced by drug-loading.
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1998) 46, 51-59
Interactions between fenoprofen sodium and polyethyleneoxide.
I. Stoye, K. Schroeder, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1998) 46, 191-200
Transformation of a liposomal dispersion containing ibuprofen lysinate and phospholipids into mixed micelles - physicochemical characterization and influence on drug permeation through excised human stratum corneum.
U. Alberg, M. Folger, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. (1998) 8, 53-56
Investigations on the long-term stability of corticosteroids in modified water containing hydrophilic ointment.
Ch. Specht, I. Stoye, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1998) 46, 273-278
Comparative investigations to evaluate the use of organotypic cultures of transformed and native dermal and epidermal cells for permeation studies.
C. Bennat, J. Gruenefeld, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Parfümerie und Kosmetik (1998) 79, 24-26
Penetration von partikulären UV-Filtern in die Haut am Beispiel von mikrofeinem Titandioxid.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
PZ Prisma (1998) 5, 129-140
Flüssigkristalline Systeme in der Pharmazeutischen Technologie.
U. Alberg, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (1998) 53, 631-634
Einfluß von Ethanol auf die Mikrostruktur und die technologischen Eigenschaften von Wasserhaltiger Hydrophiler Salbe DAB 1997.
T. Rades, A. Gerke, W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (1997) 52, 44-50
Characterisation of a commercial liposome spray.
A. Schneeweis, I. Papantoniou, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. (1997) 7, 42-44
Diclofenac sodium plasma concentrations in dogs after peroral application of soft gelatine capsules enabling application induced transformation (AIT) into a semisolid system of liquid crystals (SSLC) compared to in vitro drug release.
G.E. Hildebrand, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
J. Pharm. Sci. (1997) 86, 854-857
Ketoprofen sodium: preparation and ist formation of mixed crystals with ketoprofen.
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Colloid & Polymer Sci. (1997) 275, 1169-1178
Electron and light microscopical investigation of defect structures in mesophases of pharmaceutical substances.
A. Schneeweis, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Res. (1997) 14, 1726-1729
In vivo and in vitro diclofenac sodium evaluation after rectal application of soft gelatine capsules enabling application induced transformation (AIT) into a semisolid system of liquid crystals (SSLC) for controlled release.
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (1997) 159,215-222
Investigations on the micellisation behaviour of fenoprofen sodium.
W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. (1996) 6, 23-26
Small angle x-ray scattering SAXS - application to colloidal systems.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Ztg. (1996) 141(42), 3849-57
Neuere Entwicklungen bei topisch anzuwendenden Arzneimitteln.
T. Rades, Y. Padmadisastra, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (1996) 51(11), 846-51
Thermal behaviour and solubility of fenoprofen calcium.
K. Kriwet, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (1995) 125, 231-42
Diclofenac Release from Phospholipid Drug Systems and Permeation through Excised Human Stratum Corneum.
I. Eder, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. (1995) 5, 14-17
In vivo amino acid extraction from human stratum corneum as indicator for penetration enhancing properties of oleic acid and isopropylmyristate.
I. Papantoniou, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. (1995) 5, 28-31
Influence of the phase transformation from reverse micellar solution into lamellar liquid crystal on sustained drug release
Part I: Physicochemical characterization of systems containing either diclofenac acid or diclofenac sodium.
I. Papantoniou, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. (1995) 5, 49-52
Influence of the phase transformation from reverse micellar solution into lamellar liquid crystal on sustained drug release
Part II: Sustained release of diclofenac sodium from reverse micellar solutions via lamellar mesophases.
R. Hirsch, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (1995) 120, 229-34
Fitting of diffusion coefficients in a three compartment sustained release drug formulation using a genetic algorithm.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, K. Kriwet, I. Eder, I. Papantoniou
Bulletin Technique Gattefossé (1995) 88, 43-54
Microemulsions and related systems for the dermal application of drugs.
C. Mueller-Goymann
Mitteilungen der TU Braunschweig (1995) 30 (1), 27-35
Flüssigkristalline Arzneimittel - Realität oder Fiktion?
S. Baade, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Coll. & Polym. Sci. (1994) 272, 228-235
Lidocaine and soyasterole-PEG-16-ether investigations on the interaction between an amphiphilic drug and a nonionic surfactant in aqueous solution.
K. Kriwet, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (1994) 49, 187-191
Mutual interactions between diclofenac diethylamine and phospholipids - investigations on the microstructure of the arisen systems.
M. Folger, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40, 58-63
Investigations on long-term stability of an o/w cream containing either bufexamac or betamethasone-17-valerate.
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40, 277-282
Melting behaviour and thermotropic mesomorphism of fenoprofen salts.
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Dtsch. Apothek. Ztg. (1994) 134, 1268-1273
Fenoprofen-Natrium - Flüssigkristalline Zustände.
T. Rades, W. Schuetze, R. Hirsch, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (1994) 49, 294-295
Influence of amphiphilic substances on the coil-helix transformation of gelatin.
I. Wilisch, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40, 364-369
Colloidal Structure of Soya Lecithin and its Alteration by Solubilization of Isopropylmyristate, Hexadecane, Oleic Acid, and Fenoprofen Acid.
G. Hildebrand, K. Kriwet, T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. (1994) 3, 202-205
Relationship between cytotoxic and physicochemical properties of some amphiphilic nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, H.-J. Hamann
J. Controlled Release (1993) 23, 165-174
Sustained release from reverse micellar solutions by phase transformation into lamellar liquid crystals.
T. Batzdorf, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Ind. (1993) 55, 857-860
Ketoprofenfreisetzung aus wässrigen Systemen unter Anwesenheit von hydrophilen ß-Cyclodextrinderivaten.
W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Coll. & Polym. Sci. (1993) 271, 992-996
Interactions between nonionic surfactant aggregates and gelatin - rheological measurements.
I.L. Wilisch, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Int. J. Pharm. (1993) 96, 79-84
Correlation of colloidal microstructure, drug release and permeation through excised human skin.
P. Haeusler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
SÖFW-Journal (1993) 119, 851-857
Einfluß von Fenoprofen auf die Struktur ausgewählter Lipidfraktionen der Haut.
T. Rades, W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmazie (1993) 48, 425-432
Interactions between gelatin and amphiphilic substances.
O. Haeusler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
starch/stärke(1993) 45, 183-187
Properties and structure of aqueous solutions of hydroxypropyl-ß-cyclodextrin.
K. Kriwet, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1993) 39, 234-238
Binary diclofenac diethylamine water systems: micelles, vesicles and lyotropic liquid crystals.
W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Colloid & Polymer Sci. (1992) 269, 85-90
Mutual interactions between nonionic surfactants and gelatin - investigations in cubic liquid crystalline systems and micellar systems.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Parfümerie und Kosmetik (1992) 73, 452-460
Neuere Hilfsstoffe für den Einsatz in Dermatika und Kosmetika.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Dtsch. Apothek. Ztg. (1992) 132, 2306-2311
Neuere Hilfsstoffe für den Einsatz in Dermatika und Kosmetika (Zweitveröffentlichung).
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. (1992) 2, 131-134
Structural investigations on the liquid crystalline phases of fenoprofen.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, H.-J. Hamann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1991) 37(2), 113-117
Pharmacosomes - multilamellar vesicles consisting of pure drug.
C. Mueller-Goymann, W. Schuetze
Dtsch. Apothek. Ztg. (1990) 130, 561-562
Mehrschichtige Phasengrenzen in Emulsionen.
B. Usselmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1989) 35, 116-120
Mikrostruktur von 4-Komponenten-Cremes.
H.-J. Hamann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1989) 35, 121-127
Wechselwirkung des mesogenen Arzneistoffs Fenoprofen mit einem flüssigkristallinen Lecithinvehikel.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, B. Usselmann
Acta Pharm. Jugoslavica (1988) 38, 327-339
Solubilization of cholesterol in liquid crystals of aqueous systems of polyoxyethylene-cetyl-ethers (invited paper).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, C. Fuehrer
Die Pharmazie (1987) 42, 173-178
Strukturuntersuchungen an cholesterolhaltigen Cremes.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1987) 33, 60-66
The influence of the microstructure on consistency and physical stability of an o/w cream.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1987) 33, 126-130
Drug solubilization in anisometric micelles and liquid crystals.
H.-J. Hamann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1987) 33, 67-73
Lyotroper Mesomorphismus von Arzneistoffmolekülen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Profene.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, S.G. Frank
Int. J. Pharmaceutics (1986) 29, 147-59
Interaction of lidocaine and lidocaine-hydrochloride with the liquid crystal structure of topical preparations.
C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Ztg. (1985) 130, 682-85
Beitrag zum strukturellen Aufbau topischer Zubereitungen.
C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharmaceutical Research (1984) 1(4), 154-58
Liquid crystals in emulsions, creams and gels, containing ethoxylated sterols as surfactant.
B. Usselmann, C. Mueller-Goymann
Progr. Colloid Polymer Sci. (1984) 69, 56-63
Struktureller Aufbau von Cholesterol-Polyoxyethylenfettalkoholäther-Wasser Mischungen.
C. Mueller-Goymann
Seifen, Öle, Fette, Wachse (1984) 110, 395-400
Halbfeste emulsionsähnliche Zustände.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Fette, Seifen, Anstrichm. (1983) 85(7), 267-73
Das Phasenverhalten von Cholesterol-Fettalkohol-Mischungen und Cholesterol-Fettalkohol-Wasser-Mischungen.
C. Mueller-Goymann, C. Fuehrer
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1982) 28(4), 243-51
Flüssigkristalline Mesophasen in Cholesterol-haltigen Cremes und ihr elektronenmikroskopisches Erscheinungsbild.
K.H. Bauer, K.-H. Frömming, C. Führer, B.C. Lippold, C.C. Müller-Goymann, R. Schubert
Lehrbuch der Pharmazeutischen Technologie, Mit einer Einführung in die Biopharmazie
7. Auflage, Wiss. Verlagsges. MbH Stuttgart, 2002
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, M. Paranjpe
Nanodrugs in Medicine and Healthcare: Pulmonary, Nasal and Ophthalmic Routes, and Vaccination
In: Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Innovation and Production
Eds.: J. Cornier, A. Owen, A. Kwade, M. Van de Voorde, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2017, p. 633-647
H. Bunjes, C.C. Müller-Goymann
Microsystems for Emulsification
in: Microsystems for Pharmatechnology - Manipulation of Fluids, Particles, Droplets, and Cells,
Ed.: A.H. Dietzel, Springer-Verlag, 2016, p. 153-179
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Kolloidale Arzneimittel - auf die "Verpackung" kommte es an
in: Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Jahrbuch 2002, J. Cramer Verlag Braunschweig 2003, p.
S. Gottbrath, J. Grünefeld, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of physical sunscreen filters
in: Trends in Dermatopharmacy, Eds.: J. Wohlrab, R. Neubert, W. Marsch,
in: Trends Clin Exp Dermatol, Ed.: J. Wohlrab, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2003, vol 1, p. 70-79
A. Winkler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
HPLC-analysis for permeation studies of 5-aminolevulinic acid and ist derivatives
in: Trends in Dermatopharmacy, Eds.: J. Wohlrab, R. Neubert, W. Marsch
in: Trends Clin Exp Dermatol, Ed.: J. Wohlrab, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2003, vol 1, p. 118-128
C.C. Mueller-Loymann, C. Specht
Drug Permeation across Organotypic Skin Equivalents
in: Dermatological Treatment: Novel Clinical and Experimental Approaches, Eds.: B. Bonnekuh, H. Gollnick, Bibliomed Verlag Melsungen 2003, p. 61-66
G. Schicksnus, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Lateral drug diffusion in comparison with an artificial skin construct towards excised human stratum corneum
in: The essential stratum cornium, Eds. R. Marks, J.-l. Lévêque, R. Voegeli, Martin Dunitz, ltd, London 2002, p. 183-186
A. Winkler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Comparison of the barrier properties of artificial skin constructs and stratum corneum for 5-aminolevulinic acid and its n-butyl ester
in: The essential stratum cornium, Eds. R. Marks, J.-l. Lévêque, R. Voegeli, Martin Dunitz, ltd, London 2002, p. 195-198
I. Brinkmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Comparison of commercial hydrocortison formulations with regard to their permeation behaviour through excised stratum corneum
in: The essential stratum cornium, Eds. R. Marks, J.-l. Lévêque, R. Voegeli, Martin Dunitz, ltd, London 2002, p. 203-206
S. Gottbrath, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Localization oftitanium dioxide microparticles in the horny layer
in: The essential stratum cornium, Eds. R. Marks, J.-l. Lévêque, R. Voegeli, Martin Dunitz, ltd, London 2002, p. 207-209
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Liquid crystals in drug delivery
in: Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology, Eds.: J.C. Boylan, J.Swarbrick, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, 2001, p. 117-146
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Aerosoly - praskove inhalatory na farmaceitickom trhu
in: Moderni lekove formi ve farmaceuticke technologii, Eds.: R.H. Mueller, G.E. Hildebrand, Slovak Academic Press Bratislava, 2001, p. 47-58
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Lieky s obsahom kvapalnych krystalov
in: Moderni lekove formi ve farmaceuticke technologii, Eds.: R.H. Mueller, G.E. Hildebrand, Slovak Academic Press Bratislava, 2001, p. 121-132
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
in: Grundlagen der Arzneiformenlehre - Galenik 2, Eds.: J. Kreuter, C.-D. Herzfeldt, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 1999, p. 168-190
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Anwendung lyotroper Flüssigkristalle in Pharmazie und Medizin
in: Lyotrope Flüssigkristalle, Ed. H. Stegemeyer, Steinkopff Verlag Darmstadt, 1999 p. 141-167
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Aerosoly - praskove inhalatory na farmaceitickom trhu
in: Moderne lieky vo farmaceutickej technologii, Eds.: R.H. Mueller, G.E. Hildebrand, Slovak Academic Press Bratislava, 1999, p. 47-58
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Lieky s obsahom kvapalnych krystalov
in: Moderne lieky vo farmaceutickej technologii, Eds.: R.H. Mueller, G.E. Hildebrand, Slovak Academic Press Bratislava, 1999, p. 121-132
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Aerozole - inhalatory proszkowe na rynku farmaceutycznym
in: Technologia nowoczesnych postaci leków, Eds.: R.H. Mueller, G.E. Hildebrand, Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL,1998, p.58-69
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arzneimittel mit Flüssigkristallen
in: Pharmazeutische Technologie: Moderne Arzneiformen, Eds.: R.H. Mueller, G.E. Hildebrand, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart, 1997, p. 69-80
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Aerosole - Pulverinhalatoren auf dem Pharmazeutischen Markt
in: Pharmazeutische Technologie: Moderne Arzneiformen, Eds.: R.H. Mueller, G.E. Hildebrand Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart, 1997, p. 19-30
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Emulsionen und Mikroemulsionen
in: Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Auflage, 2. Band, Methoden, Eds.: E. Nuernberg, P. Surmann, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 1991, p. 685-704
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, M. Folger, T. Rades
Salben, Cremes, Gele und Pasten
in: Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Auflage 2. Band, Methoden, Eds.: E. Nuernberg, P. Surmann, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 1991, p. 871-915
C. Mueller-Goymann
Halbfeste emulsionsähnliche Zustände
in: Emulsionen in Kosmetik und Pharmazie, Kosmetik-Jahrbuch 1985 Ed.: B. Ziolkowsky, Verlag für Chemische Industrie, Augsburg 1985, p. 41-54
K. Dahl, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/KDahl_DPhG2010.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, October 4th-7th, 2010, Braunschweig, Germany
Characterization of semisolid SLN dispersions based on Phospholipon 90 H
J. H. Finke, A. Schuldt, J. Schur, T. Gothsch, C. Lesche, A. Kwade, S. Büttgenbach, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/JHFinke_DPhG2010.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, October 4th-7th, 2010, Braunschweig, Germany
Utilization of customized microchannel geometries for solid lipid nanoparticle production
F. Kolditz, J. Krausze, D. W. Heinz, H. H. Niemann, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/FKolditz_DPhG2010.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, October 4th-7th, 2010, Braunschweig, Germany
Investigation of Internalin B 321 CD on immortalized dermal keratinocytes and dermal organotypic co-cultures
Lusiana, C.C. Müller-Goymann
DPhG Jahrestagung, October 4th-7th, 2010, Braunschweig, Germany
The permeation study of Terbinafine HCl from Poloxamer 407 based thermogelling formulations across isolated stratum corneum (oral presentation)
J. H. Finke, J. Schur, T. Gothsch, S. Beinert, C. Lesche, A. Kwade, S. Büttgenbach, C.C. Müller-Goymann
8th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology, September 16th-18th, 2010, Graz, Austria
Evaluation of Micro Fluidic High Pressure Dispersion/Emulsification for SLN Production (oral presentation)
J. H. Finke, C. Lesche, T. Gothsch, S. Büttgenbach, A. Kwade, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/JHFinkeMalta1003.pdf
7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, March 08th-11th, 2010, Valetta, Malta
Investigation of the Efficiency of Different Droplet-Breakup Mechanisms in Microfluidic High Pressure Systems
M. Harms, K. Hohaus, S. Schrader, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/MHarmsMalta1003.pdf
7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, March 08th-11th, 2010, Valetta, Malta
Interaction of Escin with Cholesterol and Phosphatidylcholine and an HPLC Method for its Analysis
Lusiana, S. Reichl, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/LusianaMalta1003.pdf
7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, March 08th-11th, 2010, Valetta, Malta
Keratin Films made of Human Hair Keratin as a Nail Substitute for Studying Drug Permeation
C. van Hemelrijck, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CvanHemelrijckMalta1003.pdf
7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, March 08th-11th, 2010, Valetta, Malta
Rheological Characterization of Poloxamer 407 Formulations for Dermal Application
C. van Hemelrijck, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CHemelrijckPichlarn0911.pdf
DPhG Doktorandentagung, November 18th-21th, 2009, Pichlarn-Aigen, Austria
Physicochemical Characterization of Poloxamer 407 Systems for Potential Dermal Application of 5 Aminolevulinic Acid
J. H. Finke, C. C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/JHFinkeJena0910.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, Jena, Germany
Formulierungs- und temperaturabhängige Effekte auf fluoreszenzmarkierte feste Lipidnanopartikel
J. Fokuhl, C. C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/JFokuhlJena0910.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, Jena, Germany
Combination of crosslinker succinic acid with short chain glycols affecting transdermal permeation enhancement of diclofenacsodium from matrix type patches made of growing raw materials
Lusiana, S. Reichl, C. C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/LusianaJena0910.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, Jena, Germany
The Influence of Nail Penetrant Enhancers on Novel Nail Model Made of Human Hair Keratin
C. van Hemelrijck, C. C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CHemelrijckJena0910.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, September 29th-October 1st, 2009, Jena, Germany
Unterschiede bezüglich der Konsistenz und der Gelierungstemperatur von Systemen aus Poloxamer 407 verschiedener Hersteller
Lusiana, S. Reichl, C. C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/LusianaNizza09.pdf
2nd PharmSciFair, June 8-12th 2009, Nice, France
Keratin film from human hair as a novel model in replacing human nail plate for studying drug permeation
C. van Hemelrijck, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CHemelrijckVersailles09.pdf
Skin and Formulation, 3rd Symposium & Skin Forum, 10th Annual Meeting, March 9-10 2009, Versailles, France
Stability aspects of Poloxamer 407-based drug delivery systems in photodynamic therapy
J. H. Finke, M. Harms, C. Leautey, C. Lesche, S. Büttgenbach, A. Kwade, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/JHFinkeBonn0810.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, October 8-10th, 2008, Bonn, Germany
Mikrokanalblenden als neuer Ansatz zur Herstellung fester Lipidnanopartikel
R. Hussein, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/RHusseinBonn0810.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, October 8-10th, 2008, Bonn, Germany
Variation der Formulierung von festen Lipidnanopartikeln mit Phospholipon 90 H
C. van Hemelrijck, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CHemelrijckBonn0810.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, October 8-10th, 2008, Bonn, Germany
Physikochemische Charakterisierung von Poloxamer 407-haltigen Systemen für die dermale Anwendung
J. Fokuhl, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/JFokuhlBarcelona0804.pdf
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10th April, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Transdermal delivery of lidocaine from matrix-type patches made of growing raw materials
M. Harms, T. Paepenmüller, L. Preu, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/MHarmsBarcelona0804.pdf
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10th April, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Quil A and cholesterol: formation of wormlike micelles with a helical superstructure
R. Hussein, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/RHusseinBarcelona0804.pdf
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10th April, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Formation of mixed crystals in lipid matrices used for nanoscale dispersions
K. Lübbers, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/KLuebbersBarcelona0804.pdf
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10th April, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Stability of solid lipid nanoparticles at different storage conditions
T. Paepenmüller, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/TPaepenmuellerBarcelona0804.pdf
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10th April, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Influence of the Triterpenoid Saponin Quil A on Mixed Monolayers of Phosphatidylcholine and Cholesterol
C. van Hemelrijck, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CHemelrijckBarcelona0804.pdf
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10th April, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Influence of the content of isopropyl alcohol and dimethylisosorbide on the thermogelification of semisolid and liquid poloxamer 407-systems
C. Weber, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CWeberBarcelona0804.pdf
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10th April, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Application of three-dimensional artificial skin constructs as in vitro model for evaluating the regenerative potential of active ingredients and preparations thereof
L. Wolff, J. Flemming, R. Schmitz, K. Gröger, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/LWolffBarcelona0804.pdf
6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 7-10th April, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Development of a formulation protecting aluminum hydroxide adjuvanted vaccines during lyophilisation
J. Fokuhl, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/JFokuhlBraunschweig0803.pdf
Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting, 4-5th March, 2008, Braunschweig, Germany
Effects of different additives on the water vapour permeability of transdermal patches made of growing raw materials
R. Hussein, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/RHusseinBraunschweig0803.pdf
Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting, 4-5th March, 2008, Braunschweig, Germany
Insulin-loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN) based on Phospholipon® 90 H
T. Paepenmüller, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/TPaepenmuellerBraunschweig0803.pdf
Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting, 4-5th March, 2008, Braunschweig, Germany
Characterization of phospholipid/Quil A mixtures using differential scanning calorimetry and static light scattering
C. van Hemelrijck, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CHemelrijckBraunschweig0803.pdf
Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting, 4-5th March, 2008, Braunschweig, Germany
Influence of isopropyl alcohol on a reversed micellar solution containing lecithin and isopropylmyristate
C. Weber, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CWeberSaarb0802.pdf
Proc. 7th International Conference and Workshop on Cell Culture, February 20 - 29th, 2008, Saarbrücken, Germany
Two potential wound healing treatments evaluated by application of three-dimensional artificial skin constructs
J. Fokuhl, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/JFokuErlangen0709.pdf
DPhG-Jahrestagung, September 10-13th , 2007, Erlangen, Germany
Untersuchung der Unversehrtheit von humanem exzidiertem Stratum corneum mittels TEER-Messungen
Christian Weber, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CWeberVersailles0610.pdf
Proc. Skin and Formulation 2nd Symposium, October 9-10, 2006, Versailles, France
Influence of dexpanthenol on cell viability of artificial skin constructs
T. Paepenmüller, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/TPaepenmueller06Marburg.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung, October 4-7, 2006, Marburg, Germany
ISCOMs and related colloidal structures - the influence of composition and manufacturing technique
K. Lübbers, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/KLuebbersLillyHamburg.pdf
Eli Lilly Analytic Symposium, September 28-29, 2006, Hamburg, Germany
Does protein loading of nanoparticles affect their crystallinity?
A.A. Attama, Christian Weber, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/AAttamaVienna0607.pdf
33rd Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Vienna, Austria, 22nd-26th July 2006
Permeation of Some Model Drugs from SLN Formulated with Novel Structured Lipid Matrix Through Artificial Skin Construct
M. Harms, M.A. Schubert, C.C. Müller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/MHarmsOrlando0605.pdf
Particles 2006, Orlando, United States of America, 13-16th July 2006
Surface Modified Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
M. Harms, T. Paepenmueller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/MHarmsBerlin0604.pdf
3. Zsigmondy Kolloquium, Berlin, April 6-7th
Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) of Quil A micelles
K. Luebbers, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/KLuebbersBerlin0604.pdf
3. Zsigmondy Kolloquium, Berlin, April 6-7th
Comparison of unloaded and loaded solid lipid nanoparticles over a prolonged time period
R. Hussein, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/RHusseinBerlin0604.pdf
3. Zsigmondy Kolloquium, Berlin, April 6-7th
Long time Stability of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) based on triglycerides and hydrogenated lecithin (phospholipon® 90 H)
J. R. Villalobos-Hernández, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/RVillaBerlin0604.pdf
3. Zsigmondy Kolloquium, Berlin, April 6-7th
UVB and UVA protection properties of inorganic sunscreens dispersed with carnauba wax-decyl oleate nanoparticles in aqueous media
A.A. Attama, B.C. Schicke, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/AAttamaGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Characterization of theobroma oil-beeswax admixtures as lipid matrices for improved drug delivery systems
L. Baydoun, A. Ludwig, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/LBaydGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Development of an N-Ooctenylsuccinate Starch Formulation with Prolonged Precorneal Residence Time: Fluorophotometric Investigation of Ocular Kinetics
S. Doehring, S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SDoehringGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Qualification of human permeation models for cytotoxicity assays - A comparison of traditional monolayer studies with human cornea constructs (HCC)
N. Grüning, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/NGruenGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Differential scanning calorimetry of human stratum corneum treated with a semisolid system named Thermogel, its components and combinations there of
M.Harms, T. Paepenmueller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/MHarmsGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Investigation on the Pseudo-binary System Cholesterol and Quillaja Saponin
C. Hoffmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CHoffmannGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Permeation of ibuprofen through commercially available epidermis models and artificial skin constructs in contrast to excised human stratum corneum
R. Hussein, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/RHusseinGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Characterisation of nanoscale dispersions based on triglycerides and hydrogenated lecithin (Phospholipon® 90 H)
K. Lübbers, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/KLuebbGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
CPhysicochemical characterization and in vitro drug release of protein loaded solid lipid nanoparticles
S. Mitriaikina, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SMitriaikinaGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Betamethasone-17-valerate (BM-17-V) Permeation through excised human stratum corneum from different topical formulations and their dilutions
T. Paepenmüller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/TPaepGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Fluorescence study of the pseudo-ternary system phospholipid, cholesterol and quillaja saponin
J. R. Villalobos-Hernández, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/RVillaGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Morphological differences and physical stability of titanium dioxide-loaded nanoparticles dispersed in aqueous media
N. Vogt, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/NVogtGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Influence of solubilization effects on the in vitro release of felodipine suppositories
C. Weber, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CWeberGeneva0603.pdf
5th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Geneva/Switzerland, 27th-30th March
Investigation of the regenerative potential of dexpanthenol in an in vitro assessment using traumatized artificial skin constructs (ASC)
C. Weber, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/CWeberSaarbruecken0603.pdf
6th International Conference and Workshop on Cell Culture, Saarbrücken, March 1 - 10
Comparison of the viability of three cell lines derived from human skin using an ATP-measuring assay
A.A. Attama, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/AAttamaJena0603.pdf
Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting, Jena, 23-24 th February
Characterization of solid lipid nanoparticles with mixed lipid core for controlled drug delivery applications
J.Krause, S. Mitriaikina, A. Kundratek, J.Klein, C. C. Mueller-Goymannhttp://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/jkrausejena0602.pdf
Controlled Release Society German Chapter Annual Meeting 2006, Jena , February 23-24
Characterisation of patches containing different carbohydrates from growing raw materials for transdermal delivery of diclofenac sodium
I. Brinkmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IBrinkmannNurnberg0403.pdf
Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March, P 405-406
Prednicarbate permeation through artificial skin construct from different formulations and their dilutions
J.R. Villalobos-Hernández, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/RVillalobosNurnberg0403.pdf
Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March, P 487-488
Evaluation of a novel nanoparticle carrier system for inorganic sunscreens based on carnauba wax and decyl oleate
S. Mitriaikina, J. Krause, A. Kundratek, J. Klein , C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SMitriaikinaNurnberg0403.pdf
Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March, P 415-416
Characterisation of transdermal patches with polymers from growing raw materials
I. Friedrich, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March, P 437-438
Hydrocortisone loaded nanosuspensions based on solidified reverse micellar solutions (SRMS)
L. Baydoun, P. Furrer, R. Gurny, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/LBaydounNurnberg0403.pdf
Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March, P 853-854
New surface-active polymers for ophthalmic formulations: evaluation of ocular tolerance
S.Doehring, S Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SDoehringNurnberg0403.pdf
Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March, P 851-852
Comparison of the in vitro permeation of different ophthalmic drugs through a human cornea construct (HCC) and human donor corneas
B. Schicke, M.A. Schubert, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/BSchicke1Nurnberg0403.pdf
Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March, P 631-632
Thermal analysis of the recrystallisation behaviour of lipid nanodispersions (LND)
M. Harms, M.A. Schubert, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/MHarmsNurnberg0403.pdf
Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March, P 633-634
X-Ray characterization of aqueous lipid nanodispersions
M.A. Schubert, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proc. International Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Nuremberg, 15-18 March, P 759-760
In Vitro evaluation of the cytotoxity of colloidal lipid suspensions (CLS) based on solidified reverse micellar solutions (SRMS)
I. Friedrich, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IFriedrichWurzburg0310.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung Würzburg, Oktober, P T14, P 89
Estradiol release from nanosuspensions based on solidified reverse micellar solutions (SRMS)
G. Schicksnus, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/GSchicksnusWurzburg0310.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung Würzburg, Oktober, P T 46, P 97
Influence of permeation enhancers an lateral diffusion in artificial skin constructs and excised human ski
L. Baydoun, A. Düvel, R. Daniels, A. Drust, T. Goldhagen, I. Schwan, C. Zeidler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/LBaydounWurzburg0310.pdf
DPhG Jahrestagung Würzburg, Oktober, P T 4, P 86
Comparison of different ibuprofen-amid acid compounds respecting emulsifying and cytotoxic properties
A. Winkler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/AWinklerFlorenz0204.pdf
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 1149-1150
Comparative permeation studiesfor different formulations enriched with 5-aminolevulinic acid and its n-butyl ester through excised human stratum corneum (abstract).
G. Schicksnus, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/GSchicksnusFlorenz0204.pdf
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 1237-1238
The influence of urea on lateral diffusion of ibuprofen acid in human skin (abstract).
I. Brinkmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IBrinkmannFlorenz0204.pdf
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 1139-1140
Influence of isopropyl myristate on hydrocortisone permeation through excised human stratum corneum (abstract).
I. Friedrich, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IFriedrichFlorenz0204.pdf
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 767-768
Nanosuspensions based on solid reverse micellar solutions (SRMS) - a homogenization screening (abstract).
M. A. Schubert, C. C. Müller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/MSchubertFlorenz0204.pdf
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 761-762
Solvent Injection - A new approach for manufacturing lipid nanoparticles (abstract).
S. Gottbrath, C. C. Müller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SGottbrathFlorenz0204.pdf
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 1217-1218
Detection of titanium dioxide in deeper layers of stratum corneum - influence of stabilization with hypromellose Ph.Eur. (abstract)
S. Mackeben, C. C. Müller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SMackebenFlorenz0204.pdf
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 955-956
Interactions of Ophthalmic Drugs with Lecithin Reverse Micellar Solutions : Physico-chemical Characterization (abstract).
S. Reichl, C. C. Müller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SReichlFlorenz0204.pdf
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 951-952
Befunolol hydrochloride permeation througha porcine organotypical cornea construct (abstract).
T. Schicksnus, C. C. Müller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/TSchicksnusFlorenz0204.pdf
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 391-392
The influence of hydrotropic substances on the UV detection of 17beta-estradiol (abstract).
S.A. Wissing, A. Lippacher, C.C. Mueller-Goymann, R.H. Mueller
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 811-812
Highly concentrated solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN): production and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigations (abstract).
L. Baydoun, A. Ludwig, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, ADRITELF/APGI/APV, Florence, 8-11. April, 2002, p. 939-940
Influence of amphiphilic starch on in vitro permeation of diclofenac sodium through porcine cornea and investigation of interaction with mucin (abstract).
I. Friedrich, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IFriedrichEurofedlipid2002.pdf
Proceed. 2nd Congress of the European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids (Euro Fed Lipid), Managing Oils and Fats Supplies for Human Needs, Strasbourg, 6-8 Nov., 2002
Thermal analysis of nanosuspensions based on solidified reverse micellar solutions (SRMS).
M. Schubert , C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 2nd Congress of the European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids (Euro Fed Lipid), Managing Oils and Fats Supplies for Human Needs, Strasbourg, 6-8 Nov., 2002
Influence of non-ionic surfactant and lecithin on particle size distribution of lipid nanoparticles.
I. Brinkmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IBrinkmannBasel0109.pdf
Proceed.Stratum Corneum III, Basel, 12-14. September, 2001, p. 124-125
Comparison of commercial hydrocortisone formulations with regard to their permeation behaviour through excised stratum corneum (abstract).
S. Gottbrath, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SGottbrathBasel0109.pdf
Proceed.Stratum Corneum III, Basel, 12-14. September, 2001, p. 116-117
Localization of titanium dioxide microparticles in the horny layer (abstract).
G. Schicksnus, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/GSchicksnusBasel0109.pdf
Proceed.Stratum Corneum III, Basel, 12-14. September, 2001, p. 122-123
Lateral drug diffusion in comparison of an artificial skin construct towards excised human stratum corneum (abstract).
A. Winkler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/AWinklerBasel0109.pdf
Proceed.Stratum Corneum III, Basel, 12-14. September, 2001, p. 120-121
Comparison of the barrier properties of artificial skin constructs and stratum corneum for 5-aminolevulinic acid and ist n-butyl ester (abstract).
L. Baydoun, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/LBaydouBerlin0004.pdf
Proceed. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Berlin, 3-6. April, 2000, p. 801-802
Amphiphilic starch as a new excipient for pharmaceutical applications (abstract).
I. Friedrich, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IFriedricBerlin0004.pdf
Proceed. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Berlin, 3-6. April, 2000, p. 933-934
Physicochemical characterization of a reverse micellar solution after loading with different drugs (abstract).
S. Gottbrath, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SGottbratBerlin0004.pdf
Proceed. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Berlin, 3-6. April, 2000, p. 637-638
Oscillatory analysis of petrolatum Ph. Eur. and Wollwachsalkoholsalbe DAB1999 - correlation between oscillatory data and maximum water absorption (abstract).
S. Mackeben, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SMackebenBerlin004.pdf
Proceed. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Berlin, 3-6. April, 2000, p. 937-938
Preparing and storing reverse micellar solutions loaded with timolol maleate: a study (abstract).
S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SReichlBerlin0004.pdf
Proceed. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Berlin, 3-6. April, 2000, p. 329-330
Isolation and culture of porcine corneal cells (abstract).
H. Refai, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Berlin, 3-6. April, 2000, p. 683-684
The influence of changing the rheological properties of hydrocortisone cream preparation upon dilution with different cream bases on drug release (abstract).
M.A. Schubert, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/MSchubertBerlin0004.pdf
Proceed. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Berlin, 3-6. April, 2000, p. 935-936
Physicochemical characterisation of bromhexine hydrochloride, lecithin and water in binary and ternary systems (abstract).
A. Winkler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/AWinklerBerlin0004.pdf
Proceed. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Berlin, 3-6. April, 2000, p. 615-616
Determination of delta-aminolevulinic acid-N-butyl ester by high performance liquid chromatography (abstract).
B. Glombitza, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 2nd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Paris , 25-28. May, 1998, p. 837-838
Permeation of diclofenac sodium across a human stratum corneum model lipid system (abstract).
U. Alberg, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 2nd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Paris , 25-28. May, 1998, p. 839-840
Effect of ethanol on microstructure, drug liberation and permeation through excised human stratum corneum from water containing hydrophilic ointment (abstract).
C. Bennat, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 2nd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Paris , 25-28. May, 1998, p. 859-860
Characterization of skin penetration of microfine titanium dioxide used in sunscreen formulations (abstract).
A. Schneeweis, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 2nd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Paris , 25-28. May, 1998, p. 943-944
Physicochemical characterization and in vitro drug release of reversed micellar solutions containing metoclopramide-HCl for controlled rectal release (abstract).
S. Tegtmeyer, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 2nd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Paris , 25-28. May, 1998, p. 977-978
Comparison of the permeation of pilocarpine hydrochloride through excised bovine cornea and a cornea construct (abstract).
C. Specht, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 2nd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, APGI/APV, Paris , 25-28. May, 1998, p. 1039-1040
The effect of the epidermal layer on the barrier function of organotypic epidermal cultures of HaCaT cells (abstract).
C. Bennat, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
in: Minutes of the Symposium on Transdermal Administration, A Case Study, Iontophoresis, Paris, 3/4 March 1997, p. 230-233
Testing of percutaneous absorption of physical UV filters used in sunscreen formulations.
B. Glombitza, P. Haeusler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
in: Minutes of the Symposium on Transdermal Administration, A Case Study, Iontophoresis, Paris, 3/4 March 1997, p. 161-165
Characterization of human stratum corneum model lipid systems.
Ch. Specht, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
in: Minutes of the Symposium on Transdermal Administration, A Case Study, Iontophoresis, Paris, 3/4 March 1997, p. 166-169
Permeation studies of NSAID through organotypic cultures of human epidermal cells.
I. Stoye, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
in: Minutes of the Symposium on Transdermal Administration, A Case Study, Iontophoresis, Paris, 3/4 March 1997, p. 170-173
Permeation coefficient of ibuprofen lysinate in ternary systems with phospholipids.
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceedings Microscopy New Zealand Conference, Auckland 1997, New Zealand, p. L 14
Electron- and light-microscopic investigation of defect structures in mesophases of pharmaceutical substances (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceedings of the Forum Cosmeticum Conference, Salzburg 17.-19.4.1996, Austria, p. 20-21
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie an halbfesten Zubereitungen (abstract).
G.E. Hildebrand, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. Int. Symp. Contr. Rel. Bioact. Mater. (1996) 23, 206-207, Controlled Release Society
In vitro controlled release of ketoprofen sodium from transdermal delivery systems (abstract).
I. Eder, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceedings of the 1st World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology APGI/APV, Budapest 9.-11.5.1995, Hungaria, p. 721-722
Influence of a microemulsion containing diclofenac diethylamine on the permeability of human stratum corneum (abstract).
G.E. Hildebrand, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceedings of the 1st World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology APGI/APV, Budapest 9.-11.5.1995, Hungaria, p. 301-302
Diffusion coefficients of ketoprofen sodium in ternary systems with HPC (abstract).
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceedings of the 1st World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology APGI/APV, Budapest 9.-11.5.1995, Hungaria, p. 14-15
Interactions between fenoprofen sodium and hydrophilic polymeric excipients (abstract).
T. Rades, Y. Padmadisastra, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceedings of the 1st World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology APGI/APV, Budapest 9.-11.5.1995, Hungaria, p. 48-49
Investigations on the melting behaviour, thermotropic mesomorphism and solubility of fenoprofen calcium (abstract).
K. Kriwet, G.C. Mueller-Goymann
in: Minutes of the APGI-Symposium on In Vitro and Ex Vivo Test Systems to RationaIize Drug Design and Delivery, Edition de Sante, Paris 1994, p. 285-288
Cytotoxicity of diclofenac and liposomes in human keratinocyte cultures (Ha Ca T-cell line).
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 10th International Symposium on Surfactants in Solution, Caracas, Venezuela, June 26-30,1994, p. 237-238
Thermotropic mesomorphism of fenoprofen salts (abstract).
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 10th International Symposium on Surfactants in Solution, Caracas, Venezuela, June 26-30,1994, p. 70-71
Interactions between fenoprofen sodium and hydrophilic polymers (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceedings In-Cosmetics Conference, London, March 3-5, 1993, vol. III, p. 33-47
Transmission electron microscopy study of liposomes in cosmetics.
K. Engehausen, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 2nd Liposome Research Days, 17-19 June 1992, NL-Leiden, p.P
Diclofenac diethylamine permeation from microemulsions and liposomes through human stratum corneum (abstract).
T. Rades, C. C. Mueller-Goymann
Abstracts 9th Internat. Symp. on Surfactants in Solution, June 10-15 1992, Varna, Hungaria, p. 109
Structural investigations on the ternary system of fenoprofen sodium, fenoprofen acid and water (abstract).
M. Folger, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 6th Internat. Conf. Pharmaceut. Technol., Paris 1992, vol. V, p. 111-120
The influence of the manufacturing process on microstructure and stability of an o/w cream.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, H.-J. Hamann
Proceed. Intern. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater., (1991) 18, 421-422, Controlled Release Society, Inc.
Controlled release from micellar solutions by phase transformation into liquid crystals.
I. Wilisch, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceed. 10th Pharmaceutical Technology Conference (1991) 2, 424-425
Correlation between transdermal diffusion and liquid crystalline microstructure of topical formulations.
T. Batzdorf, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceedings of the 5th Int. Symp. Cyclodextrins, Paris, 28.-30.3.1990, p. 105
Modified ß-cyclodextrins as additives for sustained release formulations - study of the interaction between drug and additive (abstract).
T. Batzdorf, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
in: Minutes of the Fifth International Symposium on Cyclodextrins, Ed.. D. Duchene, Editions de Sante, Paris 1990, p. 317-321
Modified ß-cyclodextrins as additives for sustained release formulations, study of the interaction between drug and additive.
H.-J. Hamann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Proceedings of the 5th Internat. Conf. Pharmaceut. Technol., Paris 1989, vol. 1, p. 99-109
Incorporation and diffusion of mesogenic drug molecules in a liquid crystalline lecithin vehicle demonstrated with fenoprofen.
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, S.G. Frank
Proceedings of the 4th Internat. Conf. Pharmaceut. Technol., Paris 1986, vol. 1, p. 241-249
Drug release from topical preparations with liquid crystalline microstructure.
C. Mueller-Goymann, C. Fuehrer
Proceedings of the 3rd Internat. Conf. Pharmaceut. Technol., Paris 1983, vol. 1, p. 345-51
Participation of liquid crystals in emulsions, creams and gels.
C. Mueller-Goymann, C. Fuehrer
Proceedings of the 2nd Internat. Conf. Pharmaceut. Technol., Paris 1980, vol. 3, p. 210-214
Etudes des structures dans les preparations eau/huile qui contiennent le cholesterol et l'alcool aliphatique.
J. Puschmann, M. Herbig, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Correlation between free aqueous preservative concentration in emulsion gels measured by equilibrium dialysis and antimicrobial efficacy (poster and presentation), 22nd GD-Jahrestagung, Berlin/Germany, 11-13 March 2018
C. de Groot, M. Müsken, C. C. Müller-Goymann, ß-Escin, a triterpene saponin with high affinity to liposomal membranes, PBP World Meeting, Granada/Spain, 19-22 March 2018
S. Hinkel, K. Mattern, A. Dietzel, S. Reichl, C. C. Müller-Goymann, Evaluation of the Novel Cerebral DynaMiTES for dynamic cultivation of different barrier-forming cells (poster), 11th PBP World Meeting, Granada/Spain, 19-22 March 2018
T. Kellner, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Hyperforin stabilization by solid lipid nanoparticles processed in microsystems (poster), 11th PBP World Meeting, Granada/Spain, 19-22 March 2018
J. Puschmann, M. Herbig, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Micellar and non-micellar transport with various membranes (poster and presentation), 21st GD-Jahrestagung, Munich/Germany, 20-22 March 2017
T. Kellner, K. Baumann, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Optimized production of solid lipid nanoparticles in microsystems (poster), DPhG Annual Meeting, Saarbrücken/Germany, 26-29 September 2017
S. Hinkel, K. Mattern, A. Dietzel, S. Reichl, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Optimization and Evaluation of the Cerebral Dynamic Micro Tissue Engineering System (Cerebral DynaMiTES) (poster), 2nd PVZ Research Workshop, (St. Andreasberg/Germany) 15.-16. February 2017
S. Hinkel, K. Mattern, A. Dietzel, S. Reichl, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Evaluation of a novel Dynamic Micro Tissue Engineering System as blood-brain barrier model: Cerebral DynaMiTES (poster), 19th Barrier- and Transporter-Meeting, Bad Herrenalb/Germany, 15-17 May 2017
S. Hinkel, K. Mattern, A. Dietzel, S. Reichl, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Evaluation of a novel cell culture platform for dynamic cultivation of barrier-forming cells (poster), 2nd Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research SPhERe, Braunschweig/Germany, 6.-8. September 2017
C. Brammann, D. Steiner, A. Kwade, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Phospholipids for the stabilization of wet milled nanosuspensions (poster), 5th international Symposium on "Phospholipids in Pharmaceutical Research", Heidelberg/Germany, 18 - 19 September 2017
C. Brammann, D. Steiner, A. Kwade, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Nanoparticulate Benzoyl Peroxide - Characterization of a Phospholipid-Stabilized Intermediate for the manufacture of Solid Lipid Microparticles (poster), DPhG-Jahrestagung 2017, Saarbrücken/Germany, 26 - 29 September 2017
T. Kracht, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Evaluation of the antifungal efficacy of sertaconazole nitrate containing formulations against Trichophyton rubrum in an infected nail plate model and comparison to ciclopirox-olamine containing formulations (poster), International Conference on Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology, Rome/Italy, 14-16 December 2017
C. de Groot, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Langmuir film balance studies of the influence of ß-Escin on DPPC and Cholesterol, 5th international Symposium on "Phospholipids in Pharmaceutical Research", Heidelberg/Germany, 18-19 September 2017
C. Brammann, D. Steiner, A. Kwade, C. C. Müller-Goymann, Wet media milling of benzoyl peroxide in the presence of liposomes (poster), 5th Galenus Workshop, Berlin, 16-18 November 2016
C. Brammann, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Physicochemical characterization of the melting behaviour of a ternary system of hydrated coco glycerides, hydrated palm oil and phosphatidylcholine (poster), 10th PBP world Meeting, Glasgow/UK, 4 - 7 April 2016
J. Dietsch, M. Herbig, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Equilibrium Dialysis with various membranes for API transport studies (poster and presentation), 20th GD-Jahrestagung, Berlin/Germany, 14-16 March 2016
T. Kellner, C.C. Müller-Goymann, Hyperforin loading of albumin (BSA) nanoparticles (poster), 10th PBP world Meeting, Glasgow/UK, 4 - 7 April 2016
I. Brinkmann and C. C. Müller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IBrinkmannParis0310.pdf
Symposium Skin and Formulation, Paris, 23-24 October 2003
Influence of adjuvants on human stratum corneum microstructure, a DSC- and X-ray-study (abstract).
S. Reichl, J. Bednarz, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2002) 335, Suppl. 1, 57
Evaluation of a human cornea equivalent as in vitro model for determination of drug permeability across the cornea (abstract).
I. Brinkmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2002) 335, Suppl. 1, 57
Influence of isopropyl myristate, isopropyl alcohol and a combination of both on hydrocortisone permeation across human stratum corneum (abstract).
S. Gottbrath, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2002) 335, Suppl. 1, 58
Penetration and visualization of titanium dioxide microparticles in human stratum corneum (abstract).
L. Baydoun, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2002) 335, Suppl. 1, 58
Investigation of diclofenac sodium permeation behaviour through porcine cornea from different preparations in comparison to Voltaren ophtha (abstract).
A. Winkler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2002) 335, Suppl. 1, 58
Comparison of cytotoxic effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid and its N-butyl ester on keratinocytes (abstract).
C. Hoffmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2002) 335, Suppl. 1, 113
Comparison of the barrier properties of human stratum corneum and artificial skin construct for clindamycin (abstract).
M. Mueller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2002) 335, Suppl. 1, 117
Comparison of the properties of drug-loaded and drug-free liposomes (abstract).
I. Friedrich, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IFriedrichEurofedlipid2002.pdf
Proceed. 2nd Congress of Euro. Fed. Lipid., Managing Oils and Fats Supplies for Human Needs, Strasbourg, 6-8 Nov., 2002
Thermal analysis of nanosuspensions based on solidified reverse micellar solutions (SRMS) (abstract).
K. Wassermann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/KWassermann0103.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2001) 334, Suppl. 1, 35
Use of artificial skin constructs for rapid investigation of drug cytotoxicity by an easy in vitro assessment (abstract).
L. Baydoun, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/LBaydounHalle0110.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2001) 334, Suppl. 2, 76
Amphiphilic starch: a stabilizing polymer for medicinal emulsions (abstract).
I. Friedrich, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IFriedrichHalle0110.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2001) 334, Suppl. 2, 78
Solid reverse micellar solutions - the influence of lecithin on solid lipid properties (abstract).
S. Mackeben, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2001) 334, Suppl. 2, 24
Characterization of different drug delivery systems with small angle x-ray techniques (abstract).
M. Mueller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/MMuellerHalle0110.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2001) 334, Suppl. 2, 79
Influence of temperature on the manufacturing of liposomes (abstract).
S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/SReichlHalle0110.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2001) 334, Suppl. 2, 73
Cultivation of a porcine organotypic cornea construct and its use for various in vitro permeation studies (abstract).
T. Schicksnus, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2001) 334, Suppl. 2, 66
Estradiol degradation products in aqueous solutions (abstract).
K. Wassermann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2000) 333, Suppl. 1, 34
Standardized cultivation of artificial skin constructs for drug permeation studies (abstract).
K. Wassermann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2000) 333, Suppl. 2, 17
Artificial skin constructs for permeation studies - influence of prior nitrogen freezing (abstract).
S. Reichl, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2000) 333, Suppl. 2, 19
Reconstructed porcine cornea as an in vitro model for permeation studies (abstract).
I. Brinkmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/IBrinkmannMuenster0010.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2000) 333, Suppl. 2, 62
Variation of o/w emulsions with hydrophobically coated titanium dioxide as physical sunscreen (abstract).
B. Koester, S. Gottbrath, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/BKoesterMuenster0010.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2000) 333, Suppl. 2, 64
Oscillatory data and maximum water absorption of Wollwachsalkoholsalbe DAB 1999 (abstract).
M. Mueller, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/MMuellerMuenster0010.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2000) 333, Suppl. 2, 66
Lidocaine-HCl and prilocaine-HCl encapsulation in liposomes (abstract).
T. Peters, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/TSchicksnusMuenster0010.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2000) 333, Suppl. 2, 66
17ß-Estradiol solubility in aqueous systems - influence of ionic strength, pH and adsorption to packaging material (abstract).
H. Refai, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/HRefaiMuenster0010.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2000) 333, Suppl. 2, 66
Effect of diluting a cream base containing an enhancer on permeation through stratum corneum (abstract).
A. Winkler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann http://www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/files/muegoy/AWinklerMuenster0010.pdf
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (2000) 333, Suppl. 2, 67
Comparison of the diffusion properties of delta-aminolevulinic acid and ist N-butyl ester through human stratum corneum (abstract).
B. Glombitza, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1999) 332, Suppl. 1, 20
Investigation of interactions between silicones and stratum corneum lipids (abstract).
H. Refai, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1999) 332, Suppl. 1, 58
Larvated incompatibilities of hydrocortisone cream preparations upon dilution with different cream bases (abstract).
B. Glombitza, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1999) 332, Suppl. 2, 12
Influence of the microstructure on the permeability of different human stratum corneum model lipid systems (abstract).
H. Refai, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1999) 332, Suppl. 2, 37
Effect of diluting hydrocortisone cream preparation with different cream bases on permeation through excised human stratum corneum (abstract).
S. Schmid, C. Mueller-Goymann, P.C. Schmidt
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1999) 332, Suppl. 2, 41
Interactions during auqueous film coating of ibuprofen with Aquacoat ECD (abstract).
S. Tegtmeyer, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1999) 332, Suppl. 2, 47
Immunohistochemical examination and permeation studies for the characterization of an in vitro cornea (abstract).
I. Stoye, C. Specht, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1998) 331, Suppl.2, 53
Permeation of ibuprofen - excised human stratum corneum versus organotypic cell cultures (abstract).
A. Schneeweis, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1998) 331, Suppl.2, 56
Controlled rectal release via application induced phase transformation of suppositories containing metoclopramide-HCl and lecithin (abstract).
C. Bennat, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1998) 331, Suppl.2, 57
Development and stability of different sunscreen formulations containing microfine titanium dioxide as physical UV filter (abstract).
B. Glombitza, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1998) 331, Suppl.2, 57
Permeation of diclofenac sodium across different human stratum corneum model lipid systems (abstract).
S. Tegtmeyer, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. (1998) 331, Suppl.2, 58
Permeation of different formulations containing pilocarpine hydrochloride through excised bovine cornea and an in vitro cornea (abstract).
U. Alberg, M. Folger, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol. (1998) 11, 171
Investigations on the long-term stability of corticosteroids in modified water containing hydrophilic ointment (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol. (1998) 11, 177
Drug delivery systems - colloidal microstructure and interaction with human skin (abstract).
C. Specht, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol. (1998) 11, 178
The organotypic culture of human epidermis cells: a model for permeation studies of topically applicated drugs (abstract).
I. Stoye, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol. (1998) 11, 171
Correlation of in vitro release and in vitro permeation of aqueous ibuprofen lysinate solutions (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Sci. Pharm. (1997) 65 (Suppl. 1/2), S 16-17
Neue Entwicklungen bei topischen Arzneiformen (abstract, invited plenary lecture).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Der Hautarzt (1997) 48 (Suppl.), S 30
Mikrostruktur topischer Zubereitungen (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, T. Rades
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1996) 42, 30 S
Electron microscopy of defect structures in lyotropic and thermotropic mesophases (abstract).
T.Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Australian J. Hospital Pharmacy (1996) 26, S 49-50
Influence of poyethylenoxide and pluronics on the micellisation and liquid crystal formation of fenoprofen (abstract).
T.Rades, A. Gerke, W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Australian J. Hospital Pharmacy (1996) 26, S 19-20
Characterisation of a liposomal spray formulation (abstract).
G.E. Hildebrand, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1996) 42(Suppl.), 51 S
In vitro permeation of ketoprofen salts through human stratum corneum (abstract).
G.E. Hildebrand, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. (1996) 4 (Suppl.), 43
Characterisation of ketoprofen sodium solutions, HPC gels & liquid crystals as potential topical formulations (abstract).
G.E. Hildebrand, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. (1996) 4 (Suppl.), 164
Fluorescence polarisation for the characterisation of micellar structures - comparison to macroscopic techniques (abstract).
I.Eder, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1996) 42 (Suppl.), 51 S
Effect of the microstructure of an ibuprofene-lysinate containing system on drug permeation through human stratum corneum (abstract).
Ch. Specht, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1996) 42 (Suppl.), 52 S
Influence of culture conditions on the growth of human epidermal cells (abstract).
T. Rades, W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 6 S
Influence of anionic and nonionic surfactants on gelatin (abstract).
R. Hirsch, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 8 S
Fitting of diffusion coefficients in a three-compartment sustained release drug formulation (abstract).
M. Folger, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 11 S
Investigations on a model cream type o/w containing either hydrocortisone acetate, betamethasone-17-valerate or salicylic acid (abstract).
P. Haeusler, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 11 S
Mutual interactions between selected lipid fractions of stratum corneum and liquid crystalline microstructure of semisolid formulations (abstract).
St. Baade, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 13 S
Effects of lidocaine base and hydrochloride on nonionic surfactant micelles in aqueous systems (abstract).
I. Papantoniou, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 16 S
Interactions of diclofenac acid and diclofenac sodium with reverse micelles consisting of lecithin and isopropylmyristate (abstract).
R. Hirsch, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 18 S
Diffusion in a three-compartment drug formulation (abstract).
T. Rades, W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 19 S
Investigation of the coil helix transformation of gelatin by microcalorimetry (abstract).
G.E. Hildebrand, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 21 S
Phase behaviour of ketoprofen sodium and ketoprofen acid in aqueous solution (abstract).
K. Kriwet, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 26 S
Interactions of diclofenac diethylamine with phospholipids and with human stratum corneum (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, I. Wilisch
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1994) 40 (Suppl.), 56 S
Influence of NSAID and penetration enhancer on microstructure of human stratum corneum components with regard to colloidal microstructure of the vehicle and drug permeability (abstract).
T. Rades, G.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. (1993) 326(9), 604
Thermotroper Mesomorphismus von Fenoprofensalzen (abstract).
G.E. Hildebrand, C.G. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. (1993) 326(9), 734
Mischkristallbildung von Ketoprofen-Natrium mit Ketoprofensäure (abstract).
W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1992) 38, 12 S
Untersuchungen zu Wechselwirkungen zwischen nichtionischen Tensiden und Gelatine in kubisch flüssigkristallinen und mizellaren Systemen (abstract).
T. Batzdorf, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1992) 38, 13 S
Assoziatbildung von modifizierten ß-Cyclodextrinen in wässrigen Ketoprofenlösungen und ihr Einfluß auf die Arzneistofffreisetzung (abstract).
T. Rades, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. (1992) 38, 29 S
Fenoprofen liquid crystals in aqueous and oily dispersions (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, H.-J. Hamann, T. Rades
Arch. Pharm. (1991) 324(9) 634
Pharmacosomes - multilamellar vesicles consisting of pure drug (abstract).
M. Folger, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. (1991) 324(9), 691
Microstructure of emulsifying cetostearyl alcohol DAB 9 in presence of ethanol (abstract).
I. Wilisch, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. (1991) 324(9), 703
Liquid crystalline microstructure and transdermal diffusion (abstract).
H.J. Hamann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1990) 36 (Suppl.), 16 S
Phasenumwandlungskontrollierte Arzneistofffreisetzung aus kolloiden Lecithinassoziaten (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann, H.-J. Hamann, S. Kulkarni
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1990) 36 (Suppl.), 20 S
Wirkstoff-Hilfsstoff-Interaktionen im flüssigkristallinen Zustand (abstract).
W. Schuetze, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1990) 36 (Suppl.), 35 S
Beeinflussung flüssigkristalliner Tensidstrukturen durch den polymeren Hilfsstoff Gelatine (abstract).
Th. Batzdorf, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. (1990) 323(9), 689
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Ketoprofen und modifizierten Cyclodextrinen (abstract).
C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Nord. (1989) 1, 238-239
Liquid crystal systems (abstract).
H.-J. Hamann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1988) 34 (Suppl.), 3 S
Interaktionen des mesogenen Arzneistoffs Fenoprofen mit einem mesomorphen Vehikel (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1988) 34 (Suppl.), 5 S
In-vitro release experiments as a complementary tool for studying the interaction between drug and colloidal structures of a vehicle (abstract).
B. Usselmann, C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Acta Pharm. Technol. (1988) 34 (Suppl.), 21 S
Mikrostruktur von 4-Komponenten-Cremes (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Arch. Pharm. (1988) 321, 609
Arzneistoffdiffusion in flüssigkristallinen Grundlagen (abstract).
C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Ztg. (1988) 133, 500-501
Mikrostruktureller Aufbau topischer Zubereitungen (abstract).
C. Mueller-Goymann
Pharm. Ztg. (1988) 133, 30-31
Flüssigkristalliner Aufbau von Cremes und Emulsionen (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Dtsch. Apothek. Ztg. (1987) 127, 1411
Lyotrope Flüssigkristalle als Strukturelemente in topischen Zubereitungen (abstract).
C. Mueller-Goymann, B. Usselmann, C. Fuehrer
Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica (1983) 20(1), 45-46
Multilamellar vesicles in topical preparations (abstract).
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Habilitationsschrift TU Braunschweig 1989
Flüssigkristalline Strukturen in topischen Zubereitungen und ihre Wechselwirkungen mit Arzneistoffen
C.C. Mueller-Goymann
Dissertation TU Braunschweig 1981
Strukturuntersuchungen an 4-Komponenten-Mischungen als Beitrag zur Aufklärung des W/O Creme-Zustandes.
Sabrina Knoke
Wirkstofffreisetzung aus kolloidalen Arzneistoffträgersystemen in für die parenterale Applikation relevante Medien
Prof. Dr. Heike Bunjes
Julius Sundermann
Growth factor release from PCL-based implant prototypes for the restoration of tendon-to-bone connections
Prof. Dr. Heike Bunjes
Thorsten Keller
Entwicklung eines lagerstabilen fluorbasierten 19F-MRT-Kontrastmittels zur nicht-invasiven Darstellung inflammatorischer Ereignisse
Prof. Dr. Heike Bunjes
Nadine Francke
Influence of drug loading and the localisation of drugs on the physical stability of colloidal lipid emulsions
Prof. Dr. Heike Bunjes
Linda Grüne
Phosphatidylcholinbasierte Drug Delivery Systeme für schwer wasserlösliche Wirkstoffe – Entwicklung von selbstdispergierenden Formulierungen zur Flüssigbefüllung von Hartkapseln
Prof. Dr. Heike Bunjes
Anne Maren Dolberg
Expression and activity of ABC and SLC transporters in differently cultured RPMI 2650 cells and specimens of human nasal mucosa
Prof. Dr. Stephan Reichl
Kathrin Julia Puschmann
Partition behavior of betamethasone dipropionate and phenoxyethanol and impact on stability and skin penetration
Prof. Dr. C. Müller-Goymann
Elin Roese
Freisetzung schwer wasserlöslicher Wirkstoffe aus Lipidnanopartikeln – Entwicklung einer realitätsnahen Untersuchungsmethode
Prof. Dr. Heike Bunjes
Thomas Kellner
Entwicklung kolloidaler Arzneistoffträgersysteme zur Stabilisierung von Hyperforin
Prof. Dr. Christel Müller-Goymann
Dörte von Deylen
Polykationische Oligomere und Polymere als Breitband-Konservierungsstoffe für Arzneimittel zur Anwendung am Auge
Prof. Dr. Stephan Reichl
Sarah Hinkel
Parametrische Untersuchung des Einflusses verschiedener Kultivierungsbedingungen auf die Barriereeigenschaften von hCMEC/D3 Zellen unter Verwendung eines dynamischen Zellkulturmodells
Prof. Dr. Christel Müller-Goymann
Jendrik Füller
Contribution to the influence of hyperforin dicyclohexylammonium salt on human skin cells of the epidermis and dermis in 2D and 3D cell cultures
Prof. Dr. Christel Müller-Goymann
Christian Kölln
Untersuchungen zur Expression metabolisierender Enzyme in humanen cornealen Zellkulturmodellen und exzidierter Hornhaut
Prof. Dr. Stephan Reichl
Christoph Oliver Brammann
Development of a manufacturing process for adapalene-loaded lipid microparticle dispersions based on solidified solid-in-oil dispersions of nanoparticulate benzoyl peroxide
Prof. Dr. Christel Müller-Goymann
Meike Hasenzahl
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines in-vitro kultivierten humanen cornealen Stroma-Ersatzes zur Augenoberflächenrekonstruktion
Prof. Dr. Stephan Reichl
Tobias Kracht
Optimierung flüssiger Poloxamer 407-haltiger Formulierungen zur simultanen Behandlung von Haut- und Nagelpilz
Prof. Dr. Christel Müller-Goymann
Gesa Maria Grobe
Untersuchungen zum Aufbau der Stroma-Biomatrix cornealer Zellkulturmodelle für In-vitro-Arzneistoffabsorptionsuntersuchungen und zur Geweberekonstruktion
PD Dr. Stephan Reichl
Joana Fokuhl
Einfluss von Hilfsstoffen auf die Arzneistoffpermeation aus Transdermalpflastern auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Eva Kupetz
Passive Beladung lipidbasierter kolloidaler Dispersionen mit schwer wasserlöslichen Substanzen - Studien zur praktischen Nutzung und zu physikochemischen Aspekten
Prof. Dr. Bunjes
Birthe Strasdat
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Untersuchung der Wirkstofffreisetzung aus kolloidalen Arzneistoffträgersystemen in lipophile Akzeptorsysteme
Prof. Dr. Bunjes
Jennifer Christine Bode
Kubische Lipidnanopartikel auf Basis von Monoolein und Poloxamer - Charakterisierung und Bewertung eines möglichen parenteralen Arzneistoffträgersystems
Prof. Dr. Bunjes
Anja Jessica Täuber
Poloxamer 407-based formulations with antimycotic ciclopirox olamine for onychomycosis and skin mycosis therapy
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Stefanie Schmid
Optimierung Poloxamer 407-basierter Mehrkomponentensysteme mit Ibuprofen als Arzneistoff zur kutanen Anwendung
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Sonja Joseph
Use of microstructures for the preparation and crystallization of colloidal drug carrier particles based on non-polar lipids
Prof. Dr. Bunjes
Andreas Lauterbach
Development and characterization of a novel lipid microparticle dispersion platform for follicular penetration
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Matthias Rolf Hahne
Cell culture models of the human cornea: Simulation of epithelial traumata, optimisation of the corneal barrier characteristics, and prevalidation as alternative to animal tissue for in vitro drug absorption studies
PD Dr. Stephan Reichl
Sascha Pretor
Einfluss von Lipidnanopartikeln auf humane Epithelzellen in Mikrosystemen
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Jessica Verstraelen
Molecular evidence and functional expression of efflux transporters in human in vitro corneal models and animal corneal tissue
Prof. Dr. Stephan Reichl
Nicole Beißner
In vitro drug absorption studies of the anterior eye - Improving validity and availability of a human corneal cell culture model
Prof. Dr. Stephan Reichl
Carolin de Groot
Physicochemical characterization of saponin-based colloidal associations as potential antigen delivery systems
Prof. Dr. C. Müller-Goymann
Ariane Schwoerer
Hydroxyethylstärke-Hydroxyethylmethacrylat-Hydrogele als Freisetzungssystem für Proteine
Prof. Henning Menzel
Matthias Nassimi-Ebrahimi
Lipidnanopartikel als Arzneistoffträger für die pulmonale Applikation
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Burkhard Schicke
Anwendung der isothermalen Mikrokalorimetrie zur physikochemischen Charakterisierung molekularer Interaktionen in pharmazeutischen Formulierungen
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Guido Schicksnus
Investigation of lateral diffusion as process for drug depot building in an artificial skin construct and human skin
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
In vitro evaluation of poloxamer 407-based formulations for topical antifungal administration of terbinafine HCl and assessment of keratin film from human hair as a nail plate model
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Annette Eppler
Die Auswirkung physikalischen Stresses auf monoklonale Antikörper in der Formulierungsentwicklung
Prof. Dr. Bunjes
Carlos van Hemelrijck
Physikochemische Charakterisierung von Poloxamer 407-haltigen Systemen für den potentiellen Einsatz von 5-Aminolävulinsäure in der photodynamischen Therapie
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Stefanie Wöhl-Bruhn
Hydrogels based on modified hydroxyethyl starch for the controlled release of antibodies
Prof. Dr. Bunjes
Anette Wengst
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von nasalen Zellkulturmodellen basierend auf der immortalisierten humanen nasalen Epithelzelllinie RPMI 2650 für in-vitro-Permeationsuntersuchungen
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Friederike Mengersen
Oberflächenmodifizierung unterkühlt-smektischer Nanopartikel
Prof. Dr. Bunjes
Jan Henrik Finke
Manufacturing colloidal drug delivery systems in customized microsystems: characterizastion of process efficiency and interactions
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Mukta Paranjpe
Sildenafil-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles and liposomes for pulmonary administration - Physicochemical characterization, nebulization performance, in vitro and ex vivo evaluation
Prof. Dr. Müller-Goymann
Ingo Friedrichhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2005/665/
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von Nanosuspensionen auf Basis erstarrter invers mizellarer Lösungen (SRMS) als ophthalmologisches Drug Delivery System
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Martin Alexander Schubert
Development and characterisation of surface-modified lipid nanoparticles for protein delivery
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Ilka Brinkmannhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2006/837/
Einfluss von Hilfsstoffen auf die Permeation von Hydrocortison und Prednicarbat durch excidiertes humanes Stratum corneum und ein organotypisches Hautkonstrukt
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Axel Winklerhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2005/726
Untersuchungen zur Permeation von 5-Aminolävulinsäure (ALA) und ALA-n-butylester durch exzidiertes humanes Stratum corneum und organotypisches Hautkonstrukt
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Andreas Melhornhttp://bib1lp1.rz.tu-bs.de/docportal/servlets/MCRQueryServlet?mode=ObjectMetadata&status=0&type=alldocs&hosts=local&query=%2Fmycoreobject[%40ID%3D%27DocPortal_document_00000016%27]
Untersuchung von polymerstabilisierten Repellentsuspensionen auf Hartfettbasis
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Juan Ramon Villalobos Hernandez
Nanopartikuläre Systeme zum medizinischen bzw. kosmetischen Sonnenschutz
Nanoparticulate systems for medical and cosmetical sun protection
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Christine Hoffmannhttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00018025
Charakterisierung organotypischer Hautmodelle für In-vitro-Permeationsuntersuchungen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Johannes Wengsthttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00020719
Tensidfreie multiple W/O/W-Emulsionen als Drug Delivery Systeme - Entwicklung, Herstellung und Charakterisierung
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Fadwa Husseinhttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00020959
Untersuchung verschiedener Einflüsse auf die Proteinadsorption an Primärpackmitteln
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Svetlana Mitryaykinahttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00022045
Einfluss von Hilfsstoffen auf die Permeation von Betamethason-17-valerat durch humanes Stratum corneum und organotypisches Hautkonstrukt
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Monika Katarzyna Kacahttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00021022
Entwicklung eines Ablaufschemas zur miniaturisierten, biopharmazeutischen und galenischen Charakterisierung halbfester Arzneiformen am Beispiel der Corticosteroide
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Nadja Grüninghttp://bib1lp1.rz.tu-bs.de/docportal/servlets/MCRZipServlet?id=DocPortal_derivate_00004626
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines halbfesten Systems zur Verbesserung der Permeation von 5-Aminolävulinsäure durch exzidiertes humanes Stratum corneum
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Meike Harmshttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00022064
Röntgenuntersuchungen an kolloidalen Arzneiformen am Beispiel von oberflächenmodifizierten Lipidnanopartikeln und Quil A-Assoziaten
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Luma Baydounhttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00022300
Amphiphilic Starch - a New Excipient for Ophthalmic Application
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Kristin Scheibehttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00023017
Hydrogele auf der Basis von Hydroxyethylstärke als Drug Delivery Systeme für die kontrollierte Freisetzung von Proteinen
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Birgitta Pausch
Permeation Nichtsteroidaler Antirheumatika durch Tierhäute
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Susen Oliczewskihttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00023912
Formulierung von Öl-in-Wasser Emulsionen mit Hypromellose-Mischungen und Charakterisierung ihrer Aufrahm-, Koaleszenz- und Flockungskinetik mit einem neuartigen Laser-Photometer
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Markus Müllerhttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00027953
Liposomale Verkapselung von Lidocain-HCl und Prilocain-HCl zur intravenösen Anwendung
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Riem Husseinhttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00025679
Charakterisierung von Hartfettmatrices und Lipidnanosuspensionen mit Phospholipon 90 H
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Christian Weberhttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00024528
Evaluierung wundheilungsfördernder Therapieoptionen durch in-vitro-Prüfung an 3D-Zellkulturmodellen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Stephanie Döhringhttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00027918
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von organotypischen Cornea-Konstrukten mit unterschiedlichen Epithelien für In-vitro-Permeations- und Zytotoxizitätsuntersuchungen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Lena Wolffhttp://www.digibib.tu-bs.de/?docid=00027601
Stabilisierung und Charakterisierung von Protein- und Vakzinrezepturen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Eva Melzerhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2000/146
Herstellung und physikochemische Charakterisierung von W/O-Emulsionen unter Verwendung von Ethylcellulose als nichtionischem Polymeremulgator
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Thomas Rillmannhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2000/138
Untersuchungen an einfachen Modell-W/O-Systemen.
Prof. Claus Führer
Stefanie Tegtmeyerhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2000/155
Kultivierung und Charakterisierung von bovinen in vitro Cornea-Modellen für Permeationsuntersuchungen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Hanan Refaihttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2001/213
Dilution of Semisolid Preparations : Studies on the parameters affecting hydrocortisone release and permeation through excised human stratum corneum with emphasis on the influence of dilution
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Bettina Glombitzahttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2001/237
Lipidsysteme als Stratum corneum Modelle.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Stephan Reichlhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2003/410/
Entwicklung porciner und humaner organotypischer cornealer Zellkulturmodelle für in vitro Permeationsuntersuchungen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Stefan Mackebenhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2003/467/
Inverse Lecithin-Spaghettimizellen als Arzneistoffträger: Eine physiko-chemische Charakterisierung durch diffuse Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Sabine Stillerhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2003/510/
Pickering-Emulsionen auf der Basis anorganischer UV-Filter
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Fabiana Ganz
Cholesteryl-Phosphoglycerine: neue Hilfsstoffe für liposomale Trägersysteme
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Stefan Gottbrathhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2004/570/
Lichtschutz mit Mikropigmenten Untersuchungen zur Penetration von Titandioxid Mikropartikeln in humanes Stratum corneum
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Alexander Brämerhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2004/609/
Direktdampfinjektion: Ein Verfahren zur Herstellung Halbfester Zubereitungen
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Ioannis Papantoniou
Invers mizellare Lösungen mit modifizierter Wirkstofffreisetzung durch applikationsinduzierte Transformation in lyotrope Mesophasen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Gesine Eva Hildebrand
Ketoprofen-Natrium und Hydroxypropylcellulose: Mizellatre und flüssigkristalline Strukturen, Wechselwirkungen, Arzneistoffliberation aus topischen Delivery-Systemen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Rudolf Klaus Wansorra
Wirkstoff-Komplexierung durch Retrogradation der Stärke zur Herstellung von Mikrokapseln am Beispiel des Hexadecylphosphocholins
Prof. Steffens
Birigt Kudlek
Kolloidstruktur und Entstehungsmechanismus von Produktvarianten einer halbfesten Zubereitung
Prof. Claus Führer
Richard Hirsch
Diffusion aus einer Arzneiform mit autogener Diffusionsbarriere
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Inken Stoye
Permeabilitätsuntersuchungen von humanem Stratum corneum nach Applikation nicht-steroidaler Antirheumatika in verschiedenen kolloidalen Trägersystemen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Wolfgang Schütze
Diffuse Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung an kolloidalen Drug Delivery Systemen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Ulrike Alberg
Wasserhaltige Hydrophile Salbe DAB mit suspendiertem Hydrocortisonacetat - Einfluß von Ethanol auf die Mikrostruktur der Cremes, Arzneistofffreigabe und Arzneistoffpermeation durch humanes Stratum corneum.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Christoph Specht
Entwicklung organotypischer Hautäquivalente und ihre Testung auf Eignung für Permeationsuntersuchungen von Arzneistoffen aus dermalen Zubereitungen.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Carolin Bennat
Lichtschutz mit Mikropigmenten - Beitrag zur physikochemischen Charakterisierung, galenischen Stabilisierung und Untersuchung des Penetrationsverhaltens von mikrofeinem Titandioxid und Zinkoxid.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Axel Schneeweis
Kontrollierte Wirkstofffreigabe bei rektaler Applikation durch applikationsinduzierte Phasentransformation invers mizellarer Lösungen in flüssigkristalline System
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Katja Schepper
Optimierung und Charakterisierung von topischen Formulierungen mit Insektenrepellents
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Christian Rose http://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2000/73
Stabilitätsbeurteilung von O/W-Cremes auf Basis der Wasserhaltigen Hydrophilen Salbe DAB 1996
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Christian Wollenweberhttp://opus.tu-bs.de/opus/volltexte/2000/91
Einfluss von Ethanol auf Methylhydroxypropylcellulose stabilisierte Öl-in-Wasser Emulsionen
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Hans-Jürgen Hamann
Wechselwirkungen mesogener Arzneistoffe mit kolloidalen Lecithinassoziaten am Beispiel des Fenoprofens
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Peter Hansen
Untersuchungen und Berechnungen zum Phasenverhalten der Eiweißfettsäurekondensate im Gemisch mit Wasser und Paraffin - pH-Wert- und Kettenlängeneinfluß
Prof. Claus Führer
Martin Thomsen
Einfluß des intestinalen Speichelkreislaufes auf die Plasmakinetik des Theophyllins
Prof. Claus Führer
Michael Baehr
Untersuchungen zur Struktur und zum Bindemechanismus von Cellulosepulvern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung mechanisch zerkleinerter Produkte
Prof. Claus Führer
Hosseinjan Asgari Rad
Einfluß von Gleitmitteln auf die Eigenschaften von Pulvern und ihre Kompressionscharakteristik
Prof. Claus Führer
Holger Gerke
Solubilisationsversuche mit Gallensalz- und lipidhaltigen simulierten Darmflüssigkeiten
Prof. Claus Führer
Thekla Kurz
Ethylcellulose als Hilfsstoff für retardierte Zubereitungen
Prof. Claus Führer
Bernd Riebesehl
Untersuchungen und Berechnungen zur Löslichkeit lipophiler Feststoffe in lamellaren Flüssigkristallen und Ölen
Prof. Claus Führer
Thorsten Batzdorf
Modifizierte Cyclodextrine als Hilfsstoffe für topische Zubereitungen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Dorothea Timmermann
Röntgendiffraktometrische Untersuchungen zum Auftreten von Vorzugsorientierungen und Eigenspannungen in Tabletten
Prof. Claus Führer
Ilona Wilisch
Veränderung der kolloidalen Struktur von Lecithinassoziaten bzw. Stratum corneum durch unterschiedliche Ölkomponenten und Fenoprofen im Hinblick auf Arzneistofffreigabe und -permeation durch exzidierte Humanhaut
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Britta Siekmann
Untersuchungen zur Herstellung und zum Rekristallisationsverhalten schmelzemulgierter, intravenös applizierbarer Glyceridnanopartikel
Prof. Claus Führer
Heike Dinter-Heidorn
Beitrag zur Pharmakokinetik von Ceftazidim
Prof. Claus Führer
Katrin Kriwet
Diclofenac-Diethylamin und seine Assoziate mit Phospholipiden: Charakterisierung der Systeme und Einfluß auf Struktur und Permeabilität humanen Stratum corneums
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Bernd Meibohm
Untersuchungen zur stereoselektiven Pharmakokinetik von racemischen Arzneistoffen am Beispiel des Antiarrhythmikums Mexiletin
Prof. Claus Führer
Wolfram Schütze
Die Struktur lyotroper Assoziate von Polyethylenglycolcetylalkoholethern und deren Wechselwirkungen mit Gelatine
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Martin Folger
Einfluß der Herstellungstechnologie auf die Stabilität flüssigkristalliner Strukturen in topischen Zubereitungen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Thomas Rades
Das Schmelz- und Lösungsverhalten von Fenoprofen-Natrium und seine Wechselwirkungen mit hydrophilen Polymeren
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Ahmet Bülent Ayyüce
Untersuchungen über Oberflächeneigenschaften pulverförmiger Arzneistoffe
Prof. Claus Führer
Walter Heering
Die Struktur des Gelgerüsts der Wasserhaltigen hydrophilen Salbe DAB 8
Prof. Junginger
Wilfried Jettka
Untersuchungen zum viskoelastischen Verhalten pharmazeutisch verwendeter halbfester Zubereitungen
Prof. Claus Führer
Friederike Henniges
Untersuchungen zur Struktur und dem mechanischen Verhalten von halbfesten Zubereitungen mit O-Phosphorsäureestertetraethylenglykollaurylether
Prof. Claus Führer
Michael Wedler
Verbesserung der Freisetzungsrate von Mefrusid durch Variation des physikalischen Zustands
Prof. Junginger
Young-Taek Sohn
Röntgenkristallographische Untersuchungen über Orientierungszustände in Tabletten
Prof. Claus Führer
Reinhard Diedrich
Untersuchungen über die Umwandlungskinetik polymorpher Substanzen am Beispiel des Coffeins: Einfluß pharmazeutisch-technologischer Grundoperationen
Prof. Claus Führer
Georg Heun
Entwicklung von peroral applizierbaren Arzneiformen mit aktiv gesteuerter Gastrointestinalpassage
Prof. Gröning
Udo Janske
Entkeimung und Entwesung pharmazeutischer Zubereitungen und Grundstoffe durch Mikrowellen
Prof. Gröning
Bernard Usselmann
Beitrag zur Strukturaufklärung topischer Zubereitungen mit Fettalkoholpolyethylenglykolethern und Cholesterol als Tensiden
Prof. Claus Führer
Johannes-Heinrich Bartholomäus
Beitrag zur Korrelation zwischen mechanischen Eigenschaften von Gelen und ihrer Struktur
Prof. Claus Führer
Romuald Otto Mbwasi
Einfluß der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit auf die pulvertechnologischen Eigenschaften der Cellulose
Prof. Claus Führer
Kirsten Westesen
Beitrag zur Strukturaufklärung eines arzneistoffhaltigen hochkonzentrierten Tensidsystems und ausgewählter Verdünnungen
Prof. Claus Führer
Franz Häusler
Untersuchungen zur Kristallographie und Kolloidstruktur von pharmazeutisch genutzten Paraffinen und Vaselinen
Prof. Claus Führer
Auzal Halim
Vergleichende Untersuchungen pharmazeutisch verwendeter Stärken
Prof. Claus Führer
Dhana Spangemacher
Evaluierung des Einflusses von Herstellungsparametern auf die Stabilität des Modellproteinarzneistoffs Insulin in Formulierungen fester Lipidnanopartikel (SLN)
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2016
Carolin de Groot
Kolloidale Arzneistoffträger zur Solubilisierung von Arzneistoffen am Beispiel von Coumarin-6 und einem Hyperforin-Extrakt
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2016
Julia Schur
Homogenisieren mit Mikrokomponenten - Untersuchung von Kanalgeometrien und Einflussparametern
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2011
Stefanie Schmid
Physikochemische Charakterisierung von kolloidalen NSAR-Systemen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2011
Christian Kölln
Untersuchung zur Expression von Phase I und Phase II Enzymen, sowie ausgewählter Transporter auf mRNA Ebene im humanen cornealen Epithel, Hemi Cornea Konstrukt und cornealen Zelllinien
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann, Dr. Stephan Reichl
Braunschweig/Halle 2011
Anne Schuldt
Heißemulgierung in Mikrokomponenten
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Greifswald 2011
Andreas Lauterbach
Entwicklung einer Lipidmikropartikel-Dispersion für Tretinoin
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2014
Svea Niemann
Evaluierung des Einflusses von Mikrostrukturen mit verschiedenen Mehrfachblenden auf das Homogenisationsergebnis
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2014
Veronika Spalthoff
Vergleich steriler Einmalsysteme mit klassischen Ansatzgeräten bei der Herstellung und Abfüllung von Parenteralia
Braunschweig/Halle 2006
Christiane Stricker
Produktoptimierung und Prozessvalidierung Kreon® (mms)
Braunschweig/Halle 2006
Birthe Strasdat
Hautanalysegerät Cutometer® MPA 580 - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen bei der Testung des Hautzustandes und von Formulierungseinflüssen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2006
Carlos van Hemelrijck
Einfluss von Isopropanol und Scherung auf eine invers mizellare Lösung aus Lecithin und Isopropylmyristat
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2006
Volker Tiedke
Validierung einer Cleaning-in-place-Prozedur nach erfolgter Lackierung
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2006
Rabea Neubauer
Analyse der unterschiedlichen Herstellungsmethoden von TiO2-haltigen Formulierungen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2008
Kerstin Hohaus
Herstellung und Untersuchung liposomaler Zubereitungen unter Einarbeitung eines Aescinextraktes
Braunschweig/Halle 2008
Katja Königsbüscher
Untersuchung der Formulierbarkeit drei verschiedener Wirkstoffe als Nanosuspension unter Verwendung von zwei unterschiedlichen Präzipitationsmethoden
Braunschweig/Halle 2008
Katharina Dahl
Charakterisierung von halbfesten SLN-Dispersionen mit Phospholipon 90 H
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2010
Bianca Köster
Beitrag zur Charakterisierung der Gerüststruktur von Vaselin und Wollwachsalkoholsalbe - Optimierung einer Vaselin-Rezeptur.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2001
Ulrike Konjer
Beeinflussung der Extraktivausbeute durch die Zumischung von Radix Sarsaparillae bei Drogenextraktionen.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2001
Isabell Joachim
Untersuchungen über Inkorporierung von FITC-Ovalbumin in ISCOMS.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2001
Karen Krauel
Einfluß verschiedener Herstellungsparameter auf die Eigenschaften von Ethyl-2-cyanoacrylat-Nanokapseln.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2001
Eva Rudolf
Vergleich von Hilfsstoffen bei der Direktverpressung von pflanzlichen Trockenextrakten.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2002
Susen Oliczewski
Stabilität und Kompatibilität von Ascorbinsäure in halbfesten Zubereitungen.
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Braunschweig/Halle 2002
Kristin Scheibe
Untersuchungen zur Reinigungsvalidierung einer Wirbelschichtanlage (GPCG 60/200 V).
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Braunschweig/Halle 2002
Stefanie Döhring
Erstellung und Charakterisierung einer Hautschutzcreme.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2003
Meike Harms
Einfluss von Temperatur ung Wassergehalt auf das ternäre System IPM/Lecithin/Wasser.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2003
Meike Neumann
Pharmazeutisch-technologische Untersuchungen neuartiger Polymermatrices zur Entwicklung von Transdermalen Therapeutischen Systemen.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2003
Constanze Bleich
Charakteriserung des Pressagglomerats und Kompaktats einschließlich Ermittlung einer geeigneten Inprozesskontrolle zur Optimierung des Trockengranulationsverfahrens.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2003
Nicole Isabel Werner
Formulierung eines kosmetischen Stiftes zur Hautaufhellung.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2003
Katrin Lübbers
Herstellung und physikochemische Charakterisierung von Hartfettpartikeln in immobilisierten Wasser
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2004
Lieselotte von Bremen
Herstellung insulinbeladener Nano-und Mikropartikel nach der Doppelemulsions-Lösungsmittelverdampfungsmethode und physiko-chemische Charakterisierung
Prof. P. Maincent/ Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2004
Joana Krause
Pharmazeutisch-technologische In-vitro-Charakterisierung neuartiger Haftklebstoffe zur Entwicklung von Transdermalen Therapeutischen Systemen
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2004
Alexandra Boenisch
Einfluss von IR / Wärme auf das UV-Erythem und den SPF von Sonnenschutzmitteln
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Braunschweig/Halle 2004
Juliane Raschke
Scale- up und Scale- down Untersuchungen der Feuchtgranulation von Atenolol
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Braunschweig/Halle 2004
Riem Hussein
Magistrale Rezepturen mit Protopic®
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2005
Luise Meyer
Esteraseaktivität eines organotypischen humanen Cornea-Konstrukts- HCC
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2005
Christian Weber
Untersuchungen zur Permeation von Rofecoxib durch excidiertes humanes Stratum corneum
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2005
Katrin Schreiber
Erstellung eines Dreikomponentendiagramms aus Ibuprofen-Lysinat, Lecithin und Wasser sowie physikochemische Charakterisierung ausgewählter Systeme.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1996
Knut Kulpe
Transepidermaler Wasserverlust und Zytotoxizität von ausgewählten Hilfsstoffen auf HaCaT-Zellinien - Versuch einer Korrelation.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1996
Kai Wassermann
Einfluß von Erythromycin-haltigen topischen Aknetherapeutika, von arzneistofffreien Grundlagen und von Bestandteilen der Grundlagen auf den pH-Wert der Haut.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1996
Hanan Refai
Zytotoxizitätsteste an Hefezellen und Keratinozyten.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1997
Meike Kunkel
Polarimetrische Untersuchungen an Gelatinelösungen.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1997
Ulrike Claudia Großpietsch
Physikochemische Charakterisierung von 5-Aminolävulinsäure in binären und ternären Systemen sowie Erstellung eines Dreikomponentendiagramms.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1997
Axel Winkler
Einfluß des Extraktionsverfahrens auf den Chinolizidin-Alkaloid-Gehalt in Zubereitungen von Baptisiae tinctoriae radix.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1998
Markus Müller
Charakterisierung der timololmaleathaltigen invers mizellaren Lösung als mögliche Retardarzneiform zur Glaukombehandlung.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1998
Carsten Hase
Herstellung und Charakterisierung einer mischmizellaren Lösung aus 5-Amino-Lävulinsäurederivaten, Lecithin und Wasser.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1998
Stefan Gottbrath
Physikochemische Parameter zur Charakterisierung der Gerüststruktur von Vaselin und Wollwachsalkoholsalbe - Versuch einer Korrelation mit dem Wasseraufnahmevermögen von Wollwachsalkoholsalbe.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1999
Alexander Brämer
Stabilisierung homöopathischer Salben.
Prof. Rolf Daniels
Braunschweig/Halle 1999
Timm Große Lackmann
Erarbeitung einer Meßroutine mit dem SPF-290 Analyzer und Überprüfung der Anwendbarkeit des In Vitro SPF-Bestimmungsverfahrens anhand ausgewählter Sonnenschutzprodukte und vier mikropigmenthaltigen Rezepturen.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1999
Martin Schubert
Physikochemische Charakterisierung von Bromhexinhydrochlorid, Lecithin und Wasser in binären und ternären Systemen.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1999
Ingo Friedrich
Physikochemische Charakterisierung invers mizellarer Lösungen zur ophthalmologischen Anwendung.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 1999
Bart Vaningelgem
Physicochemical Characterisation of Reversed Micelles for Ophthalmical Application. - Researchwork to become the degree of industrial-pharmacist.
Prof. A. Ludwig, Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Antwerpen/Braunschweig 1999
Tanja Schicksnus
Vergleich verschiedener Analysenmethoden zur Estradiolbestimmung in wäßrigen Lösungen im Hinblick auf Sättigungslöslichkeit, Adsorption und Stabilität.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2000
Dagmar Demann
Umstellung der Sterilfiltration von Scheibenfilter auf Kerzenfilter - Validierung der Sterilfiltration mit Sartobran P Filterkerzen.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2000
Ilka Brinkmann
Herstellung von Öl-in-Wasser-Emulsionen mit hydrophob gecoatetem Titandioxid und Charakterisierung hinsichtlich Teilchengröße und SPF-Wert.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2000
Christine Hoffmann
Untersuchungen von Lösungen aus Guarkernmehl.
Prof. Christel Müller-Goymann
Braunschweig/Halle 2000