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Artini, G., Francalanci, S., Solari, L. & Aberle, J. (2024). "Effects of Leafy Flexible Vegetation on Bed-Load Transport and Dune Geometry." Water Resour. Res., 60, e2023WR036588, doi:10.1029/2023WR036588
Artini, G., Aberle, J., Francalanci, S. & Solari, L. (2024). "Flow resistance in open channels with leafed flexible vegetation and large-scale bedforms." Proc. 11th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2022, November 8-10, 2022, Kingston and Ottawa, Canada. CRC Press, London, doi:10.1201/9781003323037-96
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Branß, T., Aberle, J. & Hentschel, B. (2024). "Free alternate bars in a German sand bed river." Proc. 11th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2022, November 8-10, 2022, Kingston and Ottawa, Canada. CRC Press, London, doi:10.1201/9781003323037-37
Eikenberg, R. & Aberle, J. (2024). "Fish Observations and Hydraulic Measurements on a Nature-Like Unstructured Block Ramp." In: Kalinowska, M.B., Mrokowska, M.M., Rowiński, P.M. (eds) Advances in Hydraulic Research. ISH 2023. GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences. Springer, Cham, pp. 81-91, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-56093-4_7
Eikenberg, R., Aberle, J., Andreasson, P., Aldvén, D. & Persson, L. (2024). "Fish trajectories over a full-scale model of a nature-like unstructured block ramp." Proc. 11th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2022, November 8-10, 2022, Kingston and Ottawa, Canada. CRC Press, London, doi:10.1201/9781003323037-98
Innocenti, L., Paris, E., Aberle, J., Solari, L. (2024). "The effects of the curvature of secondary currents on the large wood transport in rivers: lesson learned from Versilia flood in 1996.” Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 2024;e6048, doi:10.1002/esp.6048
Keimer, K., Kind, F., Prüter, I., Kosmalla, V., Lojek, O., Schürenkamp, D., Prinz, M., Niewerth, S., Aberle, J. & Goseberg, N. (2024). "From seasonal field study to surrogate modeling: Investigating the biomechanical dynamics of Elymus sp. In salt marshes.” Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods, 22(6), 416-436, doi:10.1002/lom3.10616
Kleischmann, F., Luzzatto-Fegiz, P., Meiburg, E., Vowinckel, B. (2024). "Pairwise interaction of spherical particles aligned in high-frequency oscillatory flow." J. Fluid Mech., 2024;984:A57, doi:10.1017/jfm.2024.251
Macías-Lezcano, J., Llull, T. & Aberle, J. (2024). "Scouring induced by a confined propeller jet nearby a vertical quay structure: scale model tests." 8th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors smp’24. 17-21 March, Berlin, Germany. pp. 221-228, doi:10.15480/882.9368
Núñez-González, F., Macias Lezcano, J.A. & Aberle, J. (2024). "Boundary shear stress induced by a ship propeller wake over rough and smooth bed surfaces." Proc. 11th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2022, November 8-10, 2022, Kingston and Ottawa, Canada. CRC Press, London, doi:10.1201/9781003323037-10
Pasquino, V., Cesare Lama, G.F., Peruzzi, C., Chirico, G.B. & Aberle, J. (2024). "Assessing bed shear stress effects on flow resistance of vegetated channel beds by means of Leaf Area Index (LAI)." J. Hydrol., doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132518
Schwartpaul, C., Aberle, J.,Berndt, J., Abdel-Maksoud, M., Pinkenburg, P., Drude, O. & Palm, M., (2024). "Kolkbildung durch Voith-Schneider-Propeller." In: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und technische Hydromechanik (Hg.): Von der Technischen Hydromechanik zu Environmental Fluid Dynamics. Dresdner Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen 72. pp. 207-214.
Wang, K., Abdel-Maksoud, M., Weiss, M., Aberle, J., Pinkenburg, P., Macías-Lezcano, J. & Llull, T. (2024). "Numerical study of propeller slipstream characteristics during berthing and unberthing maneuvers of a RORO vessel." 8th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors smp’24. 17-21 March, Berlin, Germany, pp. 212-220, doi:10.15480/882.9354
Aberle, J., Pinkenburg, P., Macías Lezcano, J., Llull, T., Wang, K. & Abdel-Maksoud, M. (2023). "Propellerstrahlinduzierte Erosionserscheinungen im Hafenbereich." Tagungsband Teil B, HTG Kongress 2023, November 1-3, Bremen (Germany), pp. 16-25.
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Branß, T. & Aberle, J. (2023). "Alternierende Bänke im Bereich der Elbe-Reststrecke". Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 16(9), 594-599.
Branß, T., Aberle, J. & Hentschel, B. (2023). "Impacts on alternate bar geometry and dynamics in a trained sand bed river." Frontiers in Water, doi:10.3389/frwa.2022.1091872
Innocenti, L., Bladé, E., Sanz-Ramos, M., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Solari, L. & Aberle, J. (2023). "Two-dimensional numerical modelling of large wood transport in curved channels considering secondary current effects." Water Resour. Res., 59, e2022WR034363, doi:10.1029/2022WR034363
Innocenti, L., Branß, T.,Zaid, B., Aberle, J. & Solari, L. (2023). "Characterization of trajectories and drag coefficients of large wood in sharp river bends from flume experiments." Earth Surf. Process. Landf., 48(4), 770-781, doi:10.1002/esp.5516
Penaloza-Giraldo, J.A., Hsu, T.-J-, Manning, A.J., Ye, L., Vowinckel, B. & Meiburg, E. (2023). "On the importance of temporal floc size statistics and yield strength for population balance equation flocculation model." Water Research, 233, 119780, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2023.119780
Schwarzmeier, C., Rettinger, C., Kemmler, S., Plewinski, J., Núñez-González, F., Köstler, H., Rüde, U. & Vowinckel, B. (2023). "Particle-resolved simulation of antidunes in free-surface flows." J. Fluid Mech., 961:R1, doi:10.1017/jfm.2023.262
Vowinckel, B., Zhao, K., Zhu, R., & Meiburg, E. (2023). Investigating cohesive sediment dynamics in open waters via grain-resolved simulations. Flow, 3, E24, doi:10.1017/flo.2023.20
Zhao, K., Vowinckel, B., Hsu, T.-J., Bai, B., Meiburg, E. (2023). "Cohesive sediment: intermediate shear produces maximum aggregate size." J. Fluid Mech., 2023;965:A5, doi:10.1017/jfm.2023.380
Aberle, J., Branß, T., Eikenberg, R., Henry, P.-Y. & Olsen, N.R.B. (2022). "Directional dependency of flow resistance in an unlined rock blasted hydropower tunnel." J. Hydraul. Res., 60(3), 504-513,doi:10.1080/00221686.2021.2001596
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Eikenberg, R. & Aberle, J. (2022). "MigRamp – Nachweis von Wanderkorridoren auf naturnahen unstrukturierten Sohlengleiten." In: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und technische Hydromechanik (Hg.): Nachhaltigkeit im Wasserbau - Umwelt, Transport, Energie. Dresdner Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen 68. Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und technische Hydromechanik, pp. 115-124.
Eikenberg, R., Andreasson, P., Aldvén, D., Persson, L. & Aberle, J. (2022). "Construction of a full-scale physical model of an unstructured block ramp." In: Proc. 39th IAHR World Congress, June 19-24, 2022, Granada, Spain, Ed. Miguel Ortega-Sánchez, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research - IAHR, pp. 1361-1370, doi:10.3850/IAHR-39WC252171192022838
Hitzegrad, J., Brohmann, L., Pfennings, K., Hoffmann, T.K., Eilrich, A.K., Paul, M., Welzel, M., Aberle, J., Wehrmann, A. & Goseberg, N. (2022). "Oyster reef surfaces in the central Wadden Sea: Intra-Reef Classification and Comprehensive Statistical Description." Front. Mar. Sci. 9:808018, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.808018
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Martín-Vide, J. P., Fael, C. M., Núñez-González, F., Ferrer-Boix, C., Santos, C. A., Prats-Puntí, A. & Chavarrias, V. (2022). A large bridge pier in an alluvial channel: Local scour versus morphological effects and the role of physical models. J. Hydraul. Eng., 148(8), 05022001,
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Rettinger, C., Eibl, S., Rüde, U. & Vowinckel, B. (2022) "Rheology of mobile sediment beds in laminar shear flow: effects of creep and polydispersity." J. Fluid Mech., 2022;932:A1, doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.870
Sukhodolov, A.N., Sukhodolova, T. & Aberle, J. (2022). "Modelling of flexible aquatic plants from silicone syntactic foams." J. Hydraul. Res., 60(1), 173-181, doi:10.1080/00221686.2021.1903590
Yao, Y., Biegert, E., Vowinckel, B., Köllner, T., Meiburg, E., Balachandar, S., Criddle, C.S. & Fringer, O.B. (2022). "Particle‐resolved simulations of four‐way coupled, polydispersed, particle‐laden flows." Int. J. Numer. Method. Fl. , 94(11), 1810-1840, doi: 10.1002/fld.5128
Zhu, R., He, Z., Zhao, K., Vowinckel B. & Meiburg, E. (2022). "Grain-resolving simulations of submerged cohesive granular collapse." J. Fluid Mech., 2022;942:A49, doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.404
Aberle, J., Eikenberg, R., Branß, T. & Henry (2021). "Technical Note: On the production and accuracy of CNC-manufactured hydraulic scale models." Water, 2021, 13, 916, doi:10.3390/w13070916
Eyal, H., Enzel, Y., Meiburg, E., Vowinckel, B. & Lensky, N.G. (2021). "How does coastal gravel get sorted under stormy longshore transport?" Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL095082, doi:10.1029/2021GL095082
Karmacharya, S.K., Rüther, N., Aberle, J., Shreshta, S.M. & Bishwakarma, M.B. (2021). "Physical modelling of pressure flushing of sediment using lightweight materials." J. Appl. Wat. Eng. Res., 9(3), 251-263, doi:10.1080/23249676.2021.1919224
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Noss, C., Koca, K., Zinke, P., Henry, P.-Y., Navaratnam, C.U., Aberle, J. & Lorke, A. (2021). "Closure to „A Lagrangian Drifter for Surveys of Water Surface Roughness in Streams” by Christian Noss, Kaan Koca, Peggy Zinke, Pierre-Yves Henry, Christy Ushanth Navaratnam, Jochen Aberle, Andreas Lorke", J. Hydraul. Res., 59(1), 178-179, doi:10.1080/00221686.2020.1729267
Núñez-González, F., Hesse, D., Ettmer, B., Gutierrez, R. R. & Link, O. (2021). Development and validation of a novel metric for describing the three-dimensionality of bed forms. Geomorphology, 390, 107856,
Vettori, D., Niewerth, S., Aberle, J. & Rice, S.P. (2021). "A link between plant stress and hydrodynamics? Indications from a freshwater macrophyte." Water Resour. Res., 57, e2021WR029618, doi:10.1029/2021WR029618
Vowinckel, B. (2021). “Incorporating grain-scale processes in macroscopic sediment transport models.” Acta Mech 232, 2023–2050 (2021). doi:10.1007/s00707-021-02951-4
Vowinckel, B., Biegert, E., Meiburg, E., Aussillous, P. & Guazzelli, É. (2021). "Rheology of mobile sediment beds sheared by viscous, pressure-driven flows." J. Fluid Mech. 2021;921:A20, doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.457
Zhao, K., Pomes, F., Vowinckel, B., Hsu, T.-J., Bai, B. & Meiburg, E.(2021). “Flocculation of suspended cohesive particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence.” J. Fluid Mech., 2021;921:A17, doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.487
Aberle, J., Henry, P.-Y., Kleischmann, F., Navaratnam, C.U., Vold, M., Eikenberg, R. & Olsen, N.R.B. (2020). "Experimental and numerical determination of the head loss of a pressure driven flow through an unlined rock blasted tunnel." Water 2020, 12, 3492. doi:10.3390/w12123492
Branß, T., Aberle, J. &Núñez-González, F. (2020). "Influence of bed forms on stage discharge relations in compound channels." Proc. 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2020, July 7-10, 2020, Delft, Netherlands. Ed. by W. Uijttewaal, M.J. Franca, D. Valero, V. Chavarrias, C.Y. Arbós, R. Schielen, A. Crosato, CRC Press, pp. 582-584.,
Dittrich, A., Aberle, J., Huthoff, F., Järvelä, J., Koll, Ka., Kowalski, R., Rauch, H.-P., Schnauder, I., Schoneboom, T., Schröder, P.M. & Stephan, U. (2020, Autoren in alphabetischer Reihenfolge). "Merkblatt DWA-M 524 Hydraulische Berechnung von Fließgewässern mit Vegetation." Hennef: Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (ISBN 978-3-88721-978-9) 92 S.
Gerbersdorf, S.U., Koca, K., deBeer, D., Chennu, A., Noss, C., Risse-Buhl, U., Weitere, M., Eiff, O., Wagner, M., Aberle, J., Schweikert, M. & Terheiden, K. (2020). "Exploring flow-biofilm-sediment interactions: Assessment of current status and future challenges." Water Research, 116182, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2020.116182
Gutierrez, R.R., Lefebvre, A., Núñez‐González, F. & Avila, H. (2020). "Towards adopting open and data‐driven science practices in bed form dynamics research, and some steps to this end." Earth Surf. Process. Landf., 46(1), 47-54,
Innocenti, L., Solari, L., Paris, E. & Aberle, J. (2020). “Flume experiments on wood transport in river bends.” Proc. 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2020, July 7-10, 2020, Delft, Netherlands. Ed. by W. Uijttewaal, M.J. Franca, D. Valero, V. Chavarrias, C.Y. Arbós, R. Schielen, A. Crosato, CRC Press, pp. 1626–1629.
Kopmann, R., Sokol, N., Branß, T. & Aberle, J. (2020). "Simulation of natural levee experiments with TELEMAC-2D/SISYPHE." Online proceedings of the papers submitted to the2020 TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference, Breugem, W.A. et al. (eds)., International Marine & Dredging Consultants, ISBN 9789464207194, pp. 61-67.
Niewerth, S. & Aberle, J. (2020). "Experimental investigations with foliated flexible plants at different levels of submergence." 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2020, July 7-10, 2020, Delft, Netherlands. Ed. by W. Uijttewaal, M.J. Franca, D. Valero, V. Chavarrias, C.Y. Arbós, R. Schielen, A. Crosato, CRC Press, pp. 1504-1508.
Noss, C., Koca, K., Zinke, P., Henry, P.-Y., Navaratnam, C.U., Aberle, J. & Lorke, A.(2020). "A Lagrangian drifter for surveys of water surface roughness in streams." J. Hydraul. Res. 58(3), 471-488. doi:10.1080/00221686.2019.1623930
Núñez-González, F., Martín-Vide, J.P. & Olsen, N. R. B. (2020). "A specific energy diagram for antidunes." 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2020, July 7-10, 2020, Delft, Netherlands. Ed. by W. Uijttewaal, M.J. Franca, D. Valero, V. Chavarrias, C.Y. Arbós, R. Schielen, A. Crosato, CRC Press, pp. 552-558.
Zhao, K., Vowinckel B., Hsu, T.-J., Köllner, T., Bai, B. & Meiburg, E.(2020). “An efficient cellular flow model for cohesive particle flocculation in turbulence." J.Fluid Mech., 889, R3, doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.79
Branß, T., Núñez-González, F. & Aberle, J. (2019). "Estimation of bedload by tracking supply-limited bedforms."In: Proc. Marine and River Dune Dynamics - MARID VI - 1-3 April 2019 - Bremen, Germany, pp.23-28. PDF
Dias, A. J., Fael, C.S. & Núñez-González, F. (2019). Effect of debris on the local scour at bridge piers. In IOP conference series: materials science and engineering (Vol. 471, No. 2, p. 022024). IOP Publishing, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/471/2/022024
Hiller, P.H., Lia, L. & Aberle, J. (2019). "Field and model tests of riprap on steep slopes exposed to overtopping" J. Appl. Wat. Eng. Res., 7(2), 103-117, doi:10.1080/23249676.2018.1449675
Karmacharya, S.K., Henry, P.-Y., Bishwakarma, M., Aberle, J. & Rüther, N.(2019). "Physical modelling of pressurized flushing of non-cohesive sediment using lightweight material." J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1266 012012, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1266/1/012012
Martín-Vide, J.P. & Núñez-González, F. (2019). Experimentos de equilibrio de lechos fluviales de arena y grava. Tecnología y ciencias del agua, 10(2), 260-281,
Niewerth, S., Aberle, J. & Folke, F. (2019). "Determination of flow resistance parameters of blackberry for hydraulic modeling considering plant flexibility." In: E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress, September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama, pp. 5564-5574,
Pedersen, Ø., Aberle, J. & Rüther, N. (2019). "Hydraulic scale modelling of the rating curve for a gauging station with challenging geometry." Hydrology Research, nh2019044, doi:10.2166/nh.2019.044
Qin, J., Aberle, J., Henry, P.Y., Wu, T. & Zhong, D. (2019). "Statistical significance of spatial correlation patterns in armored gravel beds." J. Hydraul. Res., 57(1), 90-106. doi:10.1080/00221686.2018.1459894
Aberle, J. (2018). "Die hydraulische Leistungsfähigkeit von Vorländern." Wasser und Abfall, Ausgabe 11/2018, 52-54, doi:10.1007/s35152-018-0134-0
Aberle, J. (2018). "Aktuelles zur hydraulischen Berechnung von Gewässerentwicklungsmaßnahmen mit Vegetation - Praxis, Zukunft, Grenzen." In: Fließgewässer - Wege zur modernen Gewässerentwicklung und zum effizienten Gewässermanagement. Tagungsband Wasserwirtschaftskurs P/7, 28.02.-02.03.2018, Kassel. DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (Hrsg.), pp. 115 - 128.
Aberle, J., Hiller, P.H. & Lia, L. (2018). "Stabilität überströmter steiler gesetzter Deckwerke." Tagungsbeiträge des 48. IWASA/6. SDS.
Banda, M.S., Niewerth, S. & Aberle, J. (2018). " 2D numerical simulation of meander morphology." E3S Web of Conferences 40, 05062, doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20184005062
Branß, T., Núñez-González, F., Dittrich, A. & Aberle, J. (2018). "A flume study to investigate the contribution of main-channel bedforms on levee formation." E3S Web Conf. 40 02018, doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20184002018
Baynes, E.R.C., van de Lageweg, W.I., McLelland, S.J., Parsons, D.R., Aberle, J., Dijkstra, J., Henry, P.-Y., Rice, S.P., Thom, M. & Moulin, F. (2018). "Beyond equilibrium: Re-evaluating physical modelling of fluvial systems to represent climate changes." Earth-Science Reviews, 181, 82-97, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.04.007
Gutierrez, R.R., Mallma, J. A., Núñez-González, F., Link, O. & Abad, J.D. (2018). Bedforms-ATM, an open source software to analyze the scale-based hierarchies and dimensionality of natural bed forms. SoftwareX, 7, 184-189,
Henry, P-Y., Aberle, J., Navaratnam, C.U. & Rüther, N. (2018). "Hydraulic physical model production with Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) manufacturing techniques." E3S Web of Conferences 40, 05065, doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20184005065
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Monrabal-Martinez, C., Aberle, J., Muthanna, T.M. & Orts-Zamorano, M. (2018). "Hydrological benefits of filtering swales for metal removal." Water Research, 145, 509-517, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2018.08.051
Navaratnam, C.U., Aberle, J. & Daxnerová, J. (2018). "An Experimental investigation on porosity in gravel beds."In: Kalinowska, M.B., Mrokowska, M.M., Rowiński, P.M. (eds) "Free Surface Flows and Transport Processes." GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Springer, Cham, pp. 323-334, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70914-7_21
Navaratnam, C.U., Aberle, J., Qin, J. & Henry, P.-Y. (2018). "Influence of gravel-bed porosity and grain orientation on bulk flow resistance." Water 10(5), doi:10.3390/w10050561
Navaratnam, C.U., Aberle, J., Qin, J. & Henry, P.-Y. (2018). "An experimental investigation on the flow resistance over a porous gravel-bed surface and its non-porous counterpart." E3S Web of Conferences 40, 05073, doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20184005073
Noack, M., Friedrich, H. & Aberle, J. (2018). "Introduction to the special issue of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Stuttgart, Germany: Experimental and measuring/monitoring research related to sediment issues." Int. J. Sed. Res. 33, 1-2, doi:10.1016/j.ijsrc.2018.02.002
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