Dual PhD Program

Dual PhD Program

Dual PhD Program of TRACES

Projektpartner TRACES

TRACES is a European Joint Doctorate network whose main goal is to provide high-level training in the field of in-flight icing to deliver a new generation of high achieving Doctoral Researchers (DR) in the disciplines necessary for comprehending the complexity of ice accretion, including ice crystal icing, and its mitigation in aircraft and aeroengines.

To achieve this, the network supports 15 doctoral students engaged in dual PhD programs across two partner universities. They divide their research time between their host institution, a joint institution, and a brief secondment at one of nine industrial partners. Each student aims to earn two degrees upon completion: one from their host university and another from the joint university. For this reason, TU Braunschweig has established Cotutelle Agreements with Politecnico di Milano and Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE-SUPAERO), the latter in collaboration with the Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA).

Throughout the project's duration, 10 training events and workshops will be conducted for doctoral students, including one scheduled at TU Braunschweig during the last week of September. These sessions include formal lectures and collaborative group projects aimed at enhancing both their soft skills and specialized knowledge. During these events, Doctoral Researcher have also the opportunity to present their work to the entire consortium and engage in discussions with the project partners.

At Institute of Fluid Mechanics at TU Braunschweig , six doctoral students are involved in six sub-projects within the TRACES initiative. Currently, four students are already engaged, with two more set to start in September. Among these, two students have TU Braunschweig as their host institution, while four have it as their joint institution.

For more information you can visit the project website: https://traces-project.eu/