FeatureIDE is an Eclipse-based IDE that supports all phases of feature-oriented software development for the development of SPLs: domain analysis, domain design, domain implementation, requirements analysis, software generation, and quality assurance. Different SPL implementation techniques are integrated such as feature-oriented programming (FOP), aspect-oriented programming (AOP), preprocessors, and plug-ins.
Contact: Thomas Thüm
DeltaEcore ist eine Tool-Suite für die delta-orientierte Software-Produktlinien-Entwicklung in Verbindung mit Feature Modellen. Hauptfunktionen der Tool-Suite sind:
Enthaltene Tools: grafischer Feature Model Editor, textuelle Delta Modul Editoren, Analysefunktionen, Shell zur Variantengenerierung per Kommandozeile, Webservice zur Variantengenerierung auf einem Server
Kontakt: Christoph Seidl
DarwinSPL is a software project to model and analyze evolving software product lines.
Contact: Michael Nieke
DeltaJava is a powerful delta-oriented programming language, designed to comfortably create Software Product Lines within the Java environment.
Contact: Adrian Hoff
CorC is an editor to construct algorithms following the Correctness-by-Construction approach.
Correctness-by-Construction (CbC) is an approach to incrementally create correct programs. Guided by pre-/postcondition specications, a program is created using refinement rules, guaranteeing the resulting implementation is correct.
Contact: Tobias Runge and Tabea Bordis
The e4Compare Framework is a plugin-based white and black box framework for the rapid development of prototypes.
It provides the following features:
- Publisher/Subscriber Event System
- Model-based dependency injection
- Reusable algorithms for the comparison of strings
- Project Explorer with a file-system
- Feature Modell Editor with FeatureIDE support.
- Meta-Modells for different languages and file formats
- Support and integration for ANTLR created parser
Contact: Kamil Rosiak
The Variability Analysis Toolkit is a developed application for detecting code clones in IEC 61131-3 variants and variation points between variants to migrate software families into a software product line.
Contact: Kamil Rosiak