Als Leiter des Instituts für Konstruktionstechnik führe ich die derzeit am Institut bearbeiteten Forschungsthemen fort, baue sie bezüglich meiner beruflichen Erfahrung weiter aus und ergänze sie durch weitere Forschungsbereiche.
Ziel ist es, die Konstruktionsmethodik für eine ganzheitliche Produktentwicklung in allen Bereichen des Maschinenbaus voranzubringen. Schwerpunkte bilden die Integration von Produktentwicklung und Fertigungstechnik, die Integration von Produktentwicklung und Industrial Design sowie der Einsatz und die Weiterentwicklung von CAx-Verfahren in der Produktentwicklung.
Das Institut für Konstruktionstechnik ist gemeinsam mit weiteren TU Instituten verschiedener Fachrichtungen im Niedersächsischen Forschungszentrum Fahrzeugtechnik (NFF) organisiert. Das IK bringt in die Forschungsarbeiten des NFF methodische Kompetenzen zur Karosserie- und Gesamtfahrzeugkonzeptentwicklung ein. Durch einen ganzheitlichen konstruktionsmethodischen Ansatz sollen neue Verfahren für die Fahrzeugtechnik erforscht und damit ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur zukünftigen Mobilität geleistet werden. Die am Institut vorhandene Expertise auf den Gebieten der Konstruktionsmethodik und dem Einsatz sowie der Weiterentwicklung von CAx-Verfahren wird hierzu weiter ausgebaut und durch einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zur Integration von Produktentwicklung und Fertigungstechnik erweitert.
Berufliche und wissenschaftliche Tätigkeiten
1989 - 1994 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Mechanik und Regelungstechnik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.A. Eschenauer, Universität Siegen |
1993 |
Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. im Fachbereich Maschinenbau der Universität Siegen; Thema: Optimale Auslegung von Strukturen aus spröden Werkstoffen |
1994 - 2009 |
Tätigkeit in der Automobilentwicklung bei der Ford-Werke GmbH in Köln |
Seit 2009 |
Universitätsprofessor für Konstruktionstechnik an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig |
Seit 2009 |
Ordentliches Mitglied des NFF (Niedersächsisches Forschungszentrum Fahrzeugtechnik) |
Seit 2009 |
Leiter des Instituts für Konstruktionstechnik an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig als Nachfolger von Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.-J. Franke
1987 - 1988 |
Förderung durch die Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes |
1988 |
Verleihung der Alfred-Schaber-Medaille der Universität Siegen für ausgezeichnete Studienleistungen |
1992 |
Verleihung des Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz-Förderpreises des Bundesministers für Bildung und Wissenschaft für eine Arbeit zur „Entwicklung eines stochastischen Optimierungsverfahrens zur konstruktiven Auslegung moderner Werkstoffe“.
1998 |
„Customer Driven Quality Award“ der Ford Motor Company für ein CAD/CAE basiertes multidisziplinäres Auslegungsverfahren von elastischen Motorlagerungen unter Einbeziehung der Zuverlässigkeit
2001 |
Ruf des Bundesministers der Verteidigung auf die Professur „Maschinenelemente und Konstruktionslehre“ (C4) an der Universität der Bundeswehr München
2008 |
Ruf auf die Professur „Konstruktionstechnik“ (W3) an der technischen Universität Braunschweig; Ruf angenommen zum 01.02.2009
2008 |
Ruf auf die Professur „Konstruktion“ (W3) an der Universität Wuppertal
- International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
- WiGeP - Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktentwicklung
- The Design Society - a worldwide community
- Editorial Advisory Board “Structural and Multidisziplinary Optimization”
- Editorial Advisory Board “Agile Manufacturing Systems” (bis 2000)
"Future Automotive Production Conference 2022".
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden
[ISBN] 978-3-658-39927-6
Freund, Raphael; Sallach, Fynn Matthis; Vietor, Thomas (2023)
"Design Freedoms of Lattice Structures for Interlock Bonding".
Dröder, Klaus and Vietor, Thomas, Future Automotive Production Conference 2022, Zukunftstechnologien für den multifunktionalen Leichtbau, 8, 156–169, Wiesbaden, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
[ISBN] 978-3-658-39927-6
Werner, Yannis; van Hout, Tim; Raja Gopalan, Vijey Subramani; Vietor, Thomas (2022)
"Test and Validation of the Surrogate-Based, Multi-Objective GOMORS Algorithm against the NSGA-II Algorithm in Structural Shape Optimization".
Algorithms, 15
Hilbig, Karl; Nowka, Maximilian; Redeker, Julian; Watschke, Hagen; Friesen, V.; Duden, A.; Vietor, Thomas (2022)
"Data-Driven Design Support for Additively Manufactured Heating Elements".
Proceedings of the Design Society, 2, 1391–1400
Schwolow, Simon; Siddiqui, Muhammad; Amberger, Florian; Menacher, Stefan; Vietor, Thomas (2022)
"Influences of a Drop Tower Test Rig on Dynamic Mechanical Testing of Lithium-Ion Battery Modules".
SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE International400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States
Winter, Jens; Fiebig, Sierk; Franke, Thilo; Bartz, Ronald; Vietor, Thomas (2022)
"Spline-based shape optimization of large-scale composite leaf spring models using Bayesian strategies with multiple constraints".
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65
Freund, Raphael; Philipp, Dirk; Vietor, Thomas (2021)
"Additive Materialextrusion von Glas und mineralischen Materialien".
Lachmayer, Roland and Rettschlag, Katharina and Kaierle, Stefan, Konstruktion für die Additive Fertigung 2020, 1, 183–200, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-662-63029-7
Freund, Raphael; Koch, Stephan; Watschke, Hagen; Stammen, Elisabeth; Vietor, Thomas; Dilger, Klaus (2021)
"Utilization of additively manufactured lattice structures for increasing adhesive bonding using material extrusion".
The Journal of Adhesion, 235
(20), 1–22
Krause, Dieter; Vietor, Thomas; Inkermann, David; Hanna, Michael; Richter, Timo; Wortmann, Nadine (2021)
Bender, Beate and Gericke, Kilian, Pahl/Beitz Konstruktionslehre, 335–393, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-662-57302-0
Kulkarni, Shraddha Suhas; Vysoudil, Filip; Vietor, Thomas (2021)
"Evaluation of Modelling and Simulation Strategies to Investigate the Mechanical Integrity of a Battery Cell Using Finite Element Methods".
Kuschmitz, Sebastian; Ring, Tobias P.; Watschke, Hagen; Langer, Sabine C.; Vietor, Thomas (2021)
"Design and Additive Manufacturing of Porous Sound Absorbers—A Machine-Learning Approach".
Materials, 14
(7), 1747
Kuschmitz, Sebastian; Schirp, Arne; Busse, Johannes; Watschke, Hagen; Schirp, Claudia; Vietor, Thomas (2021)
"Development and Processing of Continuous Flax and Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites by a Modified Material Extrusion Process".
Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 14
Pierri, Erika; Cirillo, Valentina; Vietor, Thomas; Sorrentino, Marco (2021)
"Adopting a Conversion Design Approach to Maximize the Energy Density of Battery Packs in Electric Vehicles".
Energies, 14
(7), 1939
Rahlfs, Sina; Vysoudil, Filip; Dietrich, Franz; Vietor, Thomas (2021)
"Methodology for Defining the Interaction between Product Characteristics and Specific Product Complexity—Evaluated on Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries".
Applied Sciences, 11
(24), 11961
Raulf, Christian; Yarom, O. A.; Zhang, M.; Hegerhorst, T.; Şahin, Tarik; Vietor, Thomas; Liu-Henke, X.; Rausch, A.; Henze, R. (2021)
"autoMoVe - Dynamisch konfigurierbare Fahrzeugkonzepte für den nutzungsspezifischen autonomen Fahrbetrieb".
Proff, Heike, Making Connected Mobility Work, 167–187, Wiesbaden, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
[ISBN] 978-3-658-32265-6
Rothe, Sebastian; Blech, Christopher; Watschke, Hagen; Vietor, Thomas; Langer, Sabine C. (2021)
"Material Parameter Identification for Acoustic Simulation of Additively Manufactured Structures".
Materials, 14
(1), 168
Sanchez Ruelas, Jafet G.; Şahin, Tarık; Vietor, Thomas (2021)
"Development of Decision–Model and Strategies for Allaying Biased Choices in Design and Development Processes".
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7
(2), 118
Watschke, Hagen; Goutier, Marijn; Heubach, Julius; Vietor, Thomas; Leichsenring, Kay; Böl, Markus (2021)
"Novel Resistive Sensor Design Utilizing the Geometric Freedom of Additive Manufacturing".
Applied Sciences, 11
(1), 113
Werner, Yannis; Thiele, Philip; Raja Gopalan, Vijey Subramani; Vietor, Thomas (2021)
"From package and design surfaces to optimization - how to apply shape optimization under geometrical constraints".
Procedia CIRP, 100, 548–553
Zorn, Victoria; Baschin, Julian; Reining, Nine; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas; Kauffeld, Simone (2021)
"Team- und Projektarbeit in der digitalisierten Produktentwicklung".
Mütze-Niewöhner, Susanne and Hacker, Winfried and Hardwig, Thomas and Kauffeld, Simone and Latniak, Erich and Nicklich, Manuel and Pietrzyk, Ulrike, Projekt- und Teamarbeit in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt, 155–178, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-662-62230-8
Altach, J.; Bader, B.; Fröhlich, T.; Klaiber, D.; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Development of a design catalogue for the characteristics- and properties-based selection of generic car body components".
Procedia CIRP, 91, 917–926
Bader, Benjamin; Altach, Johannes; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Approach for assessment of suitable automotive component ranges for the application of multi material design".
Procedia CIRP, 91, 188–193
Baschin, Julian; Huth, Tobias; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, 1, 491–500
Falkenberg, Paul; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Evaluations on the Feasibility of Multi-Material Topology Optimization for Practical Applications".
Guo, Xu and Huang, Hai, Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Dalian University of Technology Electronic & Audio-visual Press
[ISBN] 978-7-89437-208-6
Fuchs, Daniel; Kuschmitz, Sebastian; Kühlke, Kevin; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Identifikation von Zielkonflikten bei der Anwendung von Potenzialen additiver Fertigungsverfahren".
Lachmayer, Roland and Rettschlag, Katharina and Kaierle, Stefan, Konstruktion für die Additive Fertigung 2019, 65, 223–244, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-662-61148-7
Gebhardt, Philipp; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Sensitivity based Composite Design regarding Strengths".
Guo, Xu and Huang, Hai, Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Dalian University of Technology Electronic & Audio-visual Press
[ISBN] 978-7-89437-208-6
Hartogh, Peter; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Schnelle kostengerechte Bauteilgestaltung für die additive Fertigung".
Lachmayer, Roland and Lippert, Rene Bastian and Kaierle, Stefan, Konstruktion für die Additive Fertigung 2018, 23, 77–91, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-662-59057-7
Huth, Tobias; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Systems Engineering in der Produktentwicklung: Verständnis, Theorie und Praxis aus ingenieurswissenschaftlicher Sicht".
Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 84
(1), 169
Meißner, Paul; Watschke, Hagen; Winter, Jens; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Artificial Neural Networks-Based Material Parameter Identification for Numerical Simulations of Additively Manufactured Parts by Material Extrusion".
Polymers, 12
(12), 2949
Raulf, C.; Pethe, C.; Vietor, Thomas; Henze, R. (2020)
"Dynamisch konfigurierbare Fahrzeugkonzepte für das autonome Fahren".
ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift, 122
(12), 46–51
Redeker, J.; Gebhardt, P.; Reichler, A.-K.; Türck, E.; Dröder, K.; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, 1, 2365–2374
Reichler, A.-K.; Redeker, Julian; Gabriel, F.; Falke, F. Kai; Vietor, Thomas; Dröder, Klaus (2020)
"Combined Design and Process Planning for Incremental Manufacturing".
Procedia CIRP, 93, 927–932
Schneider, David; Fröhlich, Tim; Huth, Tobias; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Design for Flexibility – Evaluation Interactions between Product Properties and Production Processes".
Procedia CIRP, 91, 814–818
Schneider, David; Huth, Tobias; Vietor, Thomas; Schumacher, Patrick; Weckenborg, Christian; Spengler, Thomas (2020)
Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, 1, 707–716
Schumacher, Patrick; Weckenborg, Christian; Spengler, Thomas S.; Schneider, David; Huth, Tobias; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Das Potenzial-Modell".
Industrie 4.0 Management, 2020
(6), 25–29
Uerlich, Roland; Ambikakumari Sanalkumar, Karthik; Bokelmann, Tjorben; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Finite element analysis considering packaging efficiency of innovative battery pack designs".
International Journal of Crashworthiness, 25
(6), 664–679
Watschke, Hagen; Gruhn, Hakon; Fischer, Vitali; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Verbesserung der Klebeignung von Polypropylen durch additiv gefertigte Oberflächenstrukturen und Multi-Material-Druck".
Lachmayer, Roland and Lippert, Rene Bastian and Kaierle, Stefan, Konstruktion für die Additive Fertigung 2018, 9, 263–281, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-662-59057-7
Watschke, Hagen; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas; Fischer, Vitali; Stammen, Elisabeth; Dilger, Klaus (2020)
"Additiv gefertigte Bauteile erfolgreich kleben – Teil 2: Konstruktive Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Klebfestigkeit".
Schweissen & Schneiden, 72
(1), 30–35
Wedler, D.; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Potentials for the implementation of emission free autonomous delivery traffic in inner cities".
Bargende, Michael and Reuss, Hans-Christian and Wagner, Andreas, 20. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium, 2020, 105–116, Wiesbaden, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
[ISBN] 978-3-658-29942-2
Weinreich, S.; Şahin, T.; Inkermann, D.; Huth, T.; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Managing Disruptive Innovation by Value-Oriented Portfolio Planning".
Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, 1, 1395–1404
Werner, Yannis; Vietor, Thomas; Weinert, Matthias; Erber, Thomas (2020)
"Multidisciplinary design optimization of a generic b-pillar under package and design constraints".
Engineering Optimization, 232
(8), 1–18
Wilms, R.; Kronsbein, P.; Inkermann, D.; Huth, T.; Reik, M.; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, 1, 1165–1174
Winter, Jens; Fiebig, Sierk; Franke, Thilo; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"NURBS-based shape and parameter optimization of structural components with an adaptive amount of control points".
Guo, Xu and Huang, Hai, Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Dalian University of Technology Electronic & Audio-visual Press
[ISBN] 978-7-89437-208-6
Yarom, O. A.; Zhang, Jie; Raulf, C.; Liu-Henke, X.; Vietor, Thomas (2020)
"Anforderungsmanagement für die modellbasierte Entwicklung mechatronischer Systeme im digitalisierten und vernetzten Umfeld".
Deatcu, Christina and Lückerath, Daniel and Ullrich, Oliver and Durak, Umut, Proceedings ASIM SST 2020, 213–220,
Altach, Johannes; Bader, Benjamin; Fröhlich, Tim; Klaiber, Dominik; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Approach to the systematic categorization and qualitative evaluation of multi-material designs for use in vehicle body structures".
Procedia CIRP, 84, 908–915
Bader, B.; Türck, E.; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Multi Material Design. A Current Overview of the Used Potential in Automotive Industries".
Dröder, Klaus and Vietor, Thomas, Technologies for economical and functional lightweight design. Conference proceedings 2018., 3–13, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Vieweg
Baschin, Julian; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Agile Process Engineering to support Collaborative Design".
Procedia CIRP, 84, 1035–1040
"Technologies for economical and functional lightweight design. Conference proceedings 2018.".
Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg
Fischer, Vitali; Stammen, Elisabeth; Dilger, Klaus; Watschke, Hagen; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Additiv gefertigte Bauteile erfolgreich kleben – Teil 1: Verfahrensbedingte Einflüsse auf die Klebbarkeit".
Schweissen & Schneiden, 71
(12), 814–820
Franke, Thilo; Fiebig, Sierk; Bartz, Ronald; Vietor, Thomas; Hage, Julian; vom Hofe, Anneke (2019)
"Adaptive Topology and Shape Optimization with Integrated Casting Simulation".
Rodrigues, H. C. and Herskovits, J. and Mota Soares, C. M. and Araújo, A. L. and Guedes, J. M. and Folgado, J. O. and Moleiro, F. and Madeira, J. F. A., EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, 1263–1277, Cham, Springer International Publishing
[ISBN] 978-3-319-97772-0
Freund, Raphael; Watschke, Hagen; Heubach, Julius; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Determination of Influencing Factors on Interface Strength of Additively Manufactured Multi-Material Parts by Material Extrusion".
Applied Sciences, 9
(9), 1782
Fröhlich, Tim; Klaiber, Dominik; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Function in a box: An approach for multi-functional design by function integration and separation".
Procedia CIRP, 84, 611–617
Gebhardt, Philipp; Bätge, Tjard; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Algorithm-based Verification of Manufacturing Constraints for a Loadpath Reinforced Fabric".
Procedia CIRP, 85, 347–352
Inkermann, David; Huth, Tobias; Vietor, Thomas; Grewe, A.; Knieke, C.; Rausch, A. (2019)
"Model-Based Requirement Engineering to Support Development of Complex Systems".
Procedia CIRP, 84, 239–244
Klaiber, Dominik; Fröhlich, Tim; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Strategies for function integration in engineering design: from differential design to function adoption".
Procedia CIRP, 84, 599–604
Kuschmitz, Sebastian; Watschke, Hagen; Schumacher, Felix; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Bereitstellung von Lösungsprinzipien für die additive Fertigung zur Unterstützung der Bauteilkonzeption in der industriellen Praxis".
Kynast, Michael and Eichmann, Michael and Witt, Gerd, Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D International Hub for Additive Manufacturing: Exhibition + Conference + Networking, 75–88, München, Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
[ISBN] 978-3-446-46223-6
Lembeck, Hendrik; Schneider, David; Essakly, Amjed; Inkermann, David; Spengler, Thomas; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Bewertungsmethodik für die Prozessintegration von Industrie 4.0-Lösungen in die Produktentwicklung".
Binz, Hansgeorg and Bertsche, Bernd and Bauer, Wilhelm and Spath, Dieter and Roth, Daniel, Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2019 : Stuttgart, 16. Mai 2019, Wissenschaftliche Konferenz, 83–92, Stuttgart : Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO
Reichler, Ann-Kathrin; Gerbers, Roman; Falkenberg, Paul; Türk, Eiko; Dietrich, Franz; Vietor, Thomas; Dröder, Klaus (2019)
"Incremental Manufacturing: Model-based part design and process planning for Hybrid Manufacturing of multi-material parts".
Procedia CIRP, 79, 107–112
Rothe, Sebastian; Blech, Christopher; Watschke, Hagen; Vietor, Thomas; Langer, Sabine Christine (2019)
"Layer-effect by additive manufacturing of acoustic black holes".
Proceedings of inter-noise 2019 48th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 3993–4998,
Şahin, Tarık; Riedel, Leonhard; Inkermann, David; Wilgeroth, Dagmar; Asghari, Reza; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"How to Foster Innovation? A Methodology to Identify Fields for Fostering Innovation Capability in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises".
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, 1
(1), 2269–2278
Schumacher, Felix; Watschke, Hagen; Kuschmitz, Sebastian; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Goal Oriented Provision of Design Principles for Additive Manufacturing to Support Conceptual Design".
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, 1
(1), 749–758
Uerlich, R.; Ambikakumari, K.; Bokelmann, T.; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Finite element analysis considering packaging efficiency of innovative battery pack designs".
International Journal of Crashworthiness,
Watschke, Hagen; Hilbig, Karl; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Design and Characterization of Electrically Conductive Structures Additively Manufactured by Material Extrusion".
Applied Sciences, 9
(4), 779
Watschke, Hagen; Kuschmitz, Sebastian; Heubach, Julius; Lehne, Guido; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"A Methodical Approach to Support Conceptual Design for Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing".
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, 1
(1), 659–668
Wedler, D.; Vietor, Thomas (2019)
"Potentials of modular autonomous vehicles for variable scenarios of public transport".
Bargende, Michael and Reuss, Hans-Christian and Wagner, Andreas and Wiedemann, Jochen, 19. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium, Proceedings, 19, 557–570, Wiesbaden, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden and Imprint: Springer Vieweg
[ISBN] 978-3-658-25939-6
Falkenberg, Paul; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2018)
"Cost and Weight Optimization of Hybrid Parts Using a Multi-material Topology Optimization Approach".
Schumacher, Axel and Vietor, Thomas and Fiebig, Sierk and Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe and Maute, Kurt, Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 1418–1424, Cham, Springer International Publishing
[ISBN] 978-3-319-67988-4
Gebhardt, Philipp; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2018)
"A Lean Method for Local Patch Reinforcement Using Principal Stress Lines".
Schumacher, Axel and Vietor, Thomas and Fiebig, Sierk and Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe and Maute, Kurt, Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 789–798, Cham, Springer International Publishing
[ISBN] 978-3-319-67988-4
Ghaffari Mejlej, Vahid; Falkenberg, Paul; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2018)
"Multidisciplinary Structural Optimization Using of NSGA-II and ɛ-Constraint Method in Lightweight Application".
Schumacher, Axel and Vietor, Thomas and Fiebig, Sierk and Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe and Maute, Kurt, Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 573–589, Cham, Springer International Publishing
[ISBN] 978-3-319-67988-4
Hartogh, Peter; Vietor, Thomas (2018)
"Vorhersage der Fertigungszeit und -kosten für die additive Serienfertigung".
Lachmayer, Roland and Lippert, Rene Bastian and Kaierle, Stefan, Additive Serienfertigung, 22, 69–87, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-662-56462-2
Inkermann, David; Huth, Tobias; Vietor, Thomas (2018)
"Towards Cross-domain Release Engineering-Potentials and Challenges for Automotive Industry".
Rausch, Andreas and Knieke, Christoph and Schranz, Melanie, ADAPTIVE 2018: February 18-22, 2018, Barcelona, Spain, 93–99, Wilmington, DE, USA, IARIA
[ISBN] 9781612086101
Kaluza, Alexander; Fröhlich, Tim; Kleemann, Sebastian; Walk, Wolfgang; Herrmann, Christoph; Krinke, Stephan; Vietor, Thomas (2018)
"Conceptual Development of Hybrid Structures Towards Eco-Efficient Vehicle Lightweighting".
Benetto, Enrico and Gericke, Kilian and Guiton, Mélanie, Designing Sustainable Technologies, Products and Policies, 181–191, Cham, Springer International Publishing
[ISBN] 978-3-319-66980-9
Kumke, Martin; Watschke, Hagen; Hartogh, Peter; Bavendiek, Ann-Kathrin; Vietor, Thomas (2018)
"Methods and tools for identifying and leveraging additive manufacturing design potentials".
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 12
(2), 481–493
Richter, Timo; Watschke, Hagen; Schumacher, Felix; Vietor, Thomas (2018)
"Exploitation of potentials of additive manufacturing in ideation workshops".
DS 89:~Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC2018), 354–361,
Ring, Tobias; Kuschmitz, Sebastian; Watschke, Hagen; Vietor, Thomas; Langer, Sabine Christine (2018)
"Additive Fertigung und Charakterisierung akustisch wirksamer Materialien".
Tagungsband DAGA 2018 - 44. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 451–545,
Rothe, Sebastian; Blech, Christopher; Watschke, Hagen; Vietor, Thomas; Langer, Sabine Christine (2018)
"Numerical modelling of additively manufactured acoustic black holes".
Proceedings of inter-noise 2018 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 2137–2148,
Şahin, Tarık; Cudok, Anja; Rapp, Simon; Inkermann, David; Albers, Albert; Wattenberg, Friedrich; Bursac, Nikola; Vietor, Thomas (2018)
"How to Foster Innovation? Findings and Hypotheses for Collaborations between Research and Industry".
Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference, Design Conference Proceedings, 1945–1956, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia and The Design Society, Glasgow, UK
Watschke, Hagen; Waalkes, Lennart; Schumacher, Christian; Vietor, Thomas (2018)
"Development of Novel Test Specimens for Characterization of Multi-Material Parts Manufactured by Material Extrusion".
Applied Sciences, 8
(8), 1220
Bavendieck, Ann-Kathrin; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Interrelations between processes, methods, and tools in collaborative design - A framework".
Maier, Anja and Škec, Stanko and Kim, Harrison and Kokkolaras, Michael and Oehmen, Josef and Fadel, Georges and Salustri, Filippo and Van der Loos, Mike, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 8: Human Behaviour in Design, 349–358,
[ISBN] 978-1-904670-96-4
Bavendieck, Ann-Kathrin; Ring, Tobias; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas; Langer, Sabine C. (2017)
"Combining online courses, method portal and online exercises for education in engineering design".
Berg, Arild and Bohemia, Erik and Buck, Lyndon and Gulden, Tore and Kovacevic, Ahmed and Pavel, Nenad, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE17), 722–727,
[ISBN] 978-1-904670-85-8
Cudok, Anja; Huth, Tobias; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Life cycle development - A closer look at strategies and challenges for integrated life cycle planning and upgrading of complex systems".
Maier, Anja and Škec, Stanko and Kim, Harrison and Kokkolaras, Michael and Oehmen, Josef and Fadel, Georges and Salustri, Filippo and Van der Loss, Mike, DS 87-5 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17), 209–218, Glasgow, The Design Society
[ISBN] 978-1-904670-93-3
Feldinger, Ulrich Ernst; Kleemann, Sebastian; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Automotive styling: Supporting engineering-styling convergence through surface-centric knowledge based engineering".
Hartogh, Peter; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Unterstützung des Entscheidungsprozesses in der Produktentwicklung additiv herzustellender Produkte mithilfe von Ähnlichkeitskennzahlen".
Lachmayer, Roland and Lippert, Rene Bastian, Additive Manufacturing Quantifiziert, 23, 49–68, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-662-54112-8
Huth, Tobias; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Ein Ansatz für eine integrierte, modellbasierte Anforderungs- und Variantenmodellierung".
Gausemeier, Jürgen and Bodden, Eric and Dressler, Falko and Dumitrescu, Roman and Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm and Scheytt, Christoph and Trächtler, Ansgar, Wissenschaftsforum Intelligente Technische Systeme, Verlagsschriftenreihe des Heinz Nixdorf Instituts, 169–182,
[ISBN] 978-3-942647-88-5
Inkermann, David; Kleemann, Sebastian; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Ein Potentialmodell für die Anwendung neuer Technologien in der Produktentwicklung".
Binz, Hansgeorg and Bertsche, Bernd and Bauer, Wilhelm and Spath, Dieter and Roth, Daniel, Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2017,
Kaluza, Alexander; Kleemann, Sebastian; Fröhlich, Tim; Herrmann, Christoph; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Concurrent Design & Life Cycle Engineering in Automotive Lightweight Component Development".
Procedia CIRP, 66, 16–21
Kleemann, S.; Inkermann, D.; Bader, B.; Türck, E.; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"A Semi-Formal Ap-proach to Structure and Access Knowledge for Multi-Material-Design. Kleemann, S.; Inkermann, D.; Bader, B.; Türck, E.; Vietor, T.:".
Maier, Anja and Škec, Stanko and Kim, Harrison and Kokkolaras, Michael and Oehmen, Josef and Fadel, Georges and Salustri, Filippo and Van der Loos, Mike, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 1: Resource Sensitive Design, Vol. 1: Resource-Sensitive Design, Design Research Applications and Case Studies. The Design Society, Glasgow, 2017, S. 289–298,
[ISBN] 978-1-904670-89-6
Kleemann, Sebastian; Fröhlich, Tim; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"A Methodological Approach Towards Multi-material Design of Automotive Components".
Procedia CIRP, 60, 68–73
Kleemann, Sebastian; Inkermann, David; Bader, Benjamin; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"A semi-formal approach to structure and access knowledge for multi-material-design".
Maier, Anja and Škec, Stanko and Kim, Harrison and Kokkolaras, Michael and Oehmen, Josef and Fadel, Georges and Salustri, Filippo and Van der Loos, Mike, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 1: Resource Sensitive Design, 289–298,
[ISBN] 978-1-904670-89-6
Krasteva, Petia; Tzivanopoulos, Theodoros; Vietor, Thomas; Inkermann, David (2017)
"Zielkonfliktidentifikation zwischen Design, Technik und Ergonomie – Ein Beitrag zur Lösungsfindung am Beispiel der PKW-Maßkonzeption".
Binz, Hansgeorg and Bertsche, Bernd and Bauer, Wilhelm and Spath, Dieter and Roth, Daniel, Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2017, 355–363,
Lu, W.; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Innovative electric vehicle concepts with optimized acoustic performance".
18. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium,
Richter, Timo; Schumacher, Felix; Watschke, Hagen; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Product model-based identification of potentials of additive manufacturing in the design process".
Krause, Dieter and Paetzold, Kristin and Wartzack, Sandro, DFX 2017: Proceedings of the 28th Symposium Design for X, 177–190,
[ISBN] 978-3-946094-20-3-1
Richter, Timo; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Representing the Effects of Product Architecture for Decision-Making in Conceptual Design".
Chakrabarti, Amaresh and Chakrabarti, Debkumar, Research into Design for Communities, Volume 2, 543–553, Singapore, Springer Singapore
[ISBN] 978-981-10-3521-0
Richter, Timo; Schumacher, Felix; Watschke, Hagen; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Product model-based identification of potentials of additive manufacturing in the design process".
Krause, Dieter and Paetzold, Kristin and Wartzack, Sandro, DFX 2017: Proceedings of the 28th Symposium Design for X, 177–190,
[ISBN] 978-3-946094-20-3-1
Watschke, Hagen; Bavendiek, Ann-Kathrin; Giannakos, Alexander; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"A methodical approach to support ideation for additive manufacturing in design education".
Maier, Anja and Škec, Stanko and Kim, Harrison and Kokkolaras, Michael and Oehmen, Josef and Fadel, Georges and Salustri, Filippo and Van der Loss, Mike, DS 87-5 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17), 41–50, Glasgow, The Design Society
[ISBN] 978-1-904670-93-3
Watschke, Hagen; Bavendiek, Ann-Kathrin; Giannakos, Alexander; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"A methodical approach to support ideation for additive manufacturing in design education".
Maier, Anja and Škec, Stanko and Kim, Harrison and Kokkolaras, Michael and Oehmen, Josef and Fadel, Georges and Salustri, Filippo and Van der Loss, Mike, DS 87-5 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17), 041–050, Glasgow, The Design Society
[ISBN] 978-1-904670-93-3
Watschke, Hagen; Rautenberg, Daniel; Waalkes, Lennart; Junior, Christine Susanne; Vietor, Thomas (2017)
"Integration leitfähiger Funktionen mittels Fused Layer Modeling".
Kynast, Michael and Eichmann, Michael and Witt, Gerd, Rapid.Tech - International Trade Show et Conference for Additive Manufacturing, 419–432, München, Carl Hanser Verlag
[ISBN] 978-3-446-45459-0
Bavendieck, Ann-Kathrin; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"Teaching Design Methods with the Interactive Methodos Portal".
Marjanović, Dorian and Štorga, Mario and Pavkovi\,́ Neven and Bojčeti\' ́Nenad and Škec, Stanko, Proceedings of the DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference, 2049–2058,
Bavendiek, Ann-Kathrin; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"Supporting Collaborative Design by Digital Tools – Potentials and Challenges".
Boks, Casper and Sigurjonsson, Johannes and Steinert, Martin and Vis, Carlijn and Wulvik, Andreas, Proceedings of NordDesign 2016,
[ISBN] 978-1-904670-80-3
Falkenberg, Paul; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"An extended cost estimation model for a multi-material topology optimization approach".
PAMM, 16
(1), 685–686
Hasenpusch, J.; Hillebrand, A.; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"Erarbeitung eines Beziehungssystems zur Entwicklung eigenschaftsoptimierter Karosseriekonzepte in Mischbauweise".
Proceedings of the Conference EEE 2016,
Kaluza, Alexander; Kleemann, Sebastian; Broch, Florian; Herrmann, Christoph; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"Analyzing Decision-making in Automotive Design towards Life Cycle Engineering for Hybrid Lightweight Components".
Procedia CIRP, 50, 825–830
Kumke, Martin; Watschke, Hagen; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"A new methodological framework for design for additive manufacturing".
Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 11
(1), 3–19
Lu, W.; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"Structural Robust Design Using Topology Optimization".
Advanced Vehicle Energy Concepts and Structures for China (AVECS), pp. 92--98, 92–98,
Richter, Timo; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"A Framework for Integrated Product Architecture Design".
Boks, Casper and Sigurjonsson, Johannes and Steinert, Martin and Vis, Carlijn and Wulvik, Andreas, Proceedings of NordDesign 2016, 310–320,
[ISBN] 978-1-904670-80-3
Richter, Timo; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"Product Architecture Design as a Key Task within Conceptual Design".
Marjanović, Dorian and Štorga, Mario and Pavkovi\,́ Neven and Bojčeti\' ́Nenad and Škec, Stanko, Proceedings of the DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference, 1337–1346,
Richter, Timo; Watschke, Hagen; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"Produktarchitekturgestaltung unter Berücksichtigung additiver Fertigungsverfahren".
Stelzer, Ralph, Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2016, 375–390, Dresden, TUDpress
[ISBN] 978-3-95908-062-0
Watschke, Hagen; Kumke, Martin; Vietor, Thomas (2016)
"Design for Additive Manufacturing – Praxisnahe Hilfsmittel zur Identifikation und Nutzung konstruktiver Freiheiten".
Brökel, Klaus and Feldhusen, Jörg and Grote, Karl-Heinrich and Rieg, Frank and Stelzer, Ralph and Köhler, Peter and Müller, Norbert and Scharr, Gerhard, 14. Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik 2016, Berichte aus der Konstruktionstechnik, 38–46, Aachen, Shaker Verlag
[ISBN] 978-3-8440-4732-5
Bavendieck, Ann-Kathrin; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2015)
"Methodos – Interaktives Methodenlernportal: Ein Lernportal für Methoden in der Produktentwicklung hält Einzug in die Lehre der TU Braunschweig.".
Newsletter Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktentwicklung WiGeP, Ausgabe 1, , 13–15
Bavendiek, Ann-Kathrin; Thiele, Lisa; Meyer, Patrick; Vietor, Thomas; Kauffeld, Simone; Fingscheidt, Tim (2015)
"Meetings in the product development process: Applying design methods to improve team interaction and meeting outcomes".
Weber, C. and Husung, S. and Cantamessa, M. and Cascini, G. and Marjanovic, D. and Montagna, Francesca, DS 80-3 Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 15) Vol 3: Organisation and Management, 319–328,
[ISBN] 978-1-904670-66-7
Cudok, Anja; Hasenpusch, Jan; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas (2015)
"Vorstellung einer Methodik zur Identifikation von Bauteilen mit Potential zur Gestaltung in Hybridbauweise".
Krause, Dieter and Paetzold, Kristin and Wartzack, Sandro, Proceedings of the 26th Symposium Design for X, 255–266,
[ISBN] 978-3-941492-93-6
Falkenberg, Paul; Franke, Thilo; Fiebig, Sierk; Vietor, Thomas (2015)
"Consideration of adhesive joints for a multi-material topology optimization approach".
20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen,
Lu, W.; Vietor, Thomas (2015)
"Robust Lightweight Design with Hybrid Materials".
Advanced Vehicle Energy Concepts and Structures for China (AVECS), 14–27,
Prüß, Hauke; Vietor, Thomas (2015)
"Design for Fiber-Reinforced Additive Manufacturing".
Journal of Mechanical Design, 137
(11), 248
Richter, Timo; Huth, Tobias; Rahlfs, Sina; Vietor, Thomas (2015)
"Modellbasierte Produktkonzeption in der synergetischen Produktentstehung".
Vietor, Thomas and Herrmann, Christoph and Spengler, Thomas Stefan, Synergetische Produktentwicklung, Berichte aus dem Maschinenbau, 69–104, Aachen, Shaker
[ISBN] 9783844034370
Tzivanopoulos, Theodoros; Watschke, Hagen; Krasteva, Petia; Vietor, Thomas (2015)
"Neue Denkansätze in der Fahrzeugkonzeption".
ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift, 117
(9), 16–21
Tzivanopoulos, Theodoros; Watschke, Hagen; Krasteva, Petia; Vietor, Thomas (2015)
"New Approaches in Vehicle Conception".
ATZ worldwide, 117
(9), 4–9
Lu, W.; Vietor, Thomas (2014)
"A Methodical Approach to Lightweight Design for Modular Product Development".
Advanced Vehicle Energy Concepts and Structures for China, 56–66,
Nehuis, Frank; Kleemann, Sebastian; Egede, Patricia; Vietor, Thomas; Herrmann, Christoph (2014)
"Future Trends in the Development of Vehicle Bodies Regarding Lightweight and Cost".
Innovative Design, Analysis and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, , 13–21
Friedrich, Horst E.; Krishnamoorthy, Sivakumara K.; Nehuis, Frank; Sánchez Ruelas, Jafet G.; Stechert, Carsten; Vietor, Thomas (2013)
"Anforderungsmanagement und Werkzeuge für Leichtbauweisen auf dem Weg zum Multi-Material-Design".
Friedrich, Horst E., Leichtbau in der Fahrzeugtechnik, 177–198, Wiesbaden, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
[ISBN] 978-3-8348-2110-2
Inkermann, David; Stechert, Carsten; Vietor, Thomas (2013)
"Adaptronic Solution Principles: Potential to Flexible Design".
Chakrabarti, Amaresh, CIRP Design 2012, 321–331, London, Springer London
[ISBN] 978-1-4471-4507-3
Nehuis, Frank; Sanchez Ruelas, Jafet; Stechert, Carsten; Vietor, Thomas (2013)
"Robust Conception of Vehicles considering Region Specific Requirements".
Lindemann, Udo and Venkataraman, S. and Kim, YS. and Lee, SW. and Clarkson, J. and Cascini, G., Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED13): Vol.1: Design Processes, DS / The Design Society, 339–348, Castle Cary, Somerset, Design Society
[ISBN] 9781904670445
Nehuis, Frank; Stechert, Carsten; Vietor, Thomas; Hahn, Janna; Hazelaar, Michael; Grote, Karl-Heinrich (2013)
"Methodische Entwicklung eines Fahrzeug-Grobkonzeptes unter Berücksichtigung der Produktumgebung".
Brökel, Klaus and Feldhusen, Jörg and Grote, Karl-Heinrich and Rieg, Frank and Stelzer, Ralph, 11. Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik 2013, Schriftenreihe Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionsmethodik, 123–132,
[ISBN] 978-3-8440-2182-0
Vietor, Thomas; Stechert, Carsten (2013)
"Produktarten zur Rationalisierung des Entwicklungs- und Konstruktionsprozesses".
Feldhusen, Jörg and Grote, Karl-Heinrich, Pahl/Beitz Konstruktionslehre: Methoden und Anwendung erfolgreicher Produktentwicklung, 817–871, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-642-29569-0
Wedemeier, Andreas; Istrate, Adrian; Elvenkemper, Andreas; Vietor, Thomas; Nehuis, Frank (2013)
"Entwicklung einer hoch integrierten Profilbaukastenfamilie für den Automotive- und Transportsektor aus höher- und höchstfesten Mehrphasenstählen mit belastungsangepassten Blechdickenverläufen : HI-PAT: Schlussbericht zum gleichnamigen Forschungsvorhaben: Projektlaufzeit: Juni 2008 - Mai 2012".
Nehuis, Frank; Schmidtchen, Kai; Stechert, Carsten; Schulze, Sven; Vietor, Thomas; Dombrowski, Uwe (2012)
"Methodology for the Objectification of Decisions in the Product Development".
Advanced Materials Research, 488-489, 1199–1203
Alexandrescu, Irene; Franke, H.-J.; Vietor, Thomas (2011)
"Configuration of Complex Custom Products in Early Design Phases Using Dependencies Systems".
Bernard, Alain, Global Product Development, 105–113, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-642-15973-2
Inkermann, David; Stechert, Carsten; Vietor, Thomas (2011)
"Einsatz multifunktionaler Werkstoffe für die Entwicklung einer adaptiven Gelenkachse".
Gausemeier, Jürgen and Rammig, Franz and Schäfer, Wilhelm and Trächtler, Ansgar, Wissenschaftsforum 2011 Intelligente Technische Systeme: 8. Paderborner Workshop Entwurf mechatronischer Systeme,
[ISBN] 978-3942647137
Kubus, Daniel; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas; M. Wahl, Friedrich (2011)
"Joint actuation based on highly dynamic torque transmission elements - Concept and control approaches".
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2777–2784,
Nehuis, Frank; Türck, Eiko; Vietor, Thomas (2011)
"Application of a Sales-Tool for an Optimized Tender Preperation in Small and Medium-Sized Companies".
Innovation in Mechanical Engineering - Shaping the Future, 56,
Pavlović, Nenad; Otremba, Robert; Inkermann, David; Franke, Hans-Joachim; Vietor, Thomas (2011)
"Passive and Adaptive Joints for Parallel Robots".
Schütz, Daniel and Wahl, Friedrich M., Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly, 429–444, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-642-16785-0
Stechert, Carsten; Franke, Hans-Joachim; Vietor, Thomas (2011)
"Knowledge-Based Design Principles and Tools for Parallel Robots".
Schütz, Daniel and Wahl, Friedrich M., Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly, 59–75, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[ISBN] 978-3-642-16785-0
Kirchner, Karsten; Jäschke, Hannah; Franke, Hans-Joachim; Vietor, Thomas; Grote, Karl-Heinz (2010)
"Mechanisch-technologische Eigenschaften generativ gefertigter Bauteile in Abhängigkeit von der Bauteilorientierung".
RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie, 7
Kirchner, Karsten; Röth, T.; Nagle, A.; Vietor, Thomas (2010)
"Standardisierung von Karosseriestrukturen in Materialmischbauweise - Potentiale und Grenzen - Standardised Body Structures in Multi-Material-Design, Potentials and Limits".
Strategien des Karosseriebaus, ,
Sanchez, J. G.; Kirchner, Karsten; Vietor, Thomas (2010)
"Stochastic Analysis in Parametric Finite Element Modelling".
Topping, B. H.V. and Adam, J. M. and Pallares, F. J. and Bru, R. and Romero, M. L., Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 93,
[ISBN] 978-1-905088-38-6
Schmitt, Jan; Inkermann, David; Raatz, Annika; Hesselbach, J.; Vietor, Thomas (2010)
"Dynamic Reconfiguration of Parallel Mechanisms".
Pisla, Doina and Ceccarelli, Marco and Husty, Manfred and Corves, Burkhard, New Trends in Mechanism Science, 5, pp 557-565,
[ISBN] 978-90-481-9688-3
Vietor, Thomas; Franke, Hans-Joachim; Ziebart, Jan R.; Büttgenbach, Stephanus; Boese, Christoph (2010)
"IDeFiX - Interaktives Werkzeug zur Definition mehrdimensionaler Funktionsstrukturen".
Konstruktion, 4, 73 74
Gausemeier, J.; Vietor, Thomas; Franke, H. J.; Ziebart, Jan Robert; Büttgenbach, S.; Boese, C. (2009)
"Definition mehrdimensionaler Funktionsstrukturen mit dem Werkzeug IDeFix: Institut für konstruktionstechnik der TU Braunschweig in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Mikrotechnik".
Berliner Kreis-Mitteilungen. ZWF Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 104, 815–816
Kirchner, Karsten; Vietor, Thomas (2009)
"Methodological Support for the Early Stages of Vehicle Body Development: A Stochastic Design Approach for Passenger Vehicles".
Topping, B. H.V. and Costa Neves, L. F. and Barros, R.C., Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Stirlingshire, UK,