Prof. Dr. Theo Lange

Prof. Dr. Theo Lange

CV Prof. Dr. Theo Lange


Since 1999 Braunschweig University of Technology, Institute for Plant Biology Professor for Botany
1998 University of Göttingen, venia legendi for Botany
1993-1998 University of Göttingen, Institute of Plant Physiology Research group leader
1993 Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Tokyo, Japan Post-doc (Dr. Yuji Kamiya)
1990-1992 Long Ashton Research Station, U.K. Post-doc (Prof. Peter Hedden)
1987-1989 University of Göttingen Dr. rer. nat (Prof. Jan Graebe)
1981-1986 Universities of Münster and Göttingen, studies of botany, microbiology, and chemistry, finishing with Diploma in Biology


  • Gutenberg Chair at the University Strasbourg of the Region Alsace, France (2016)
  • JSPS-Fellowship for Research in Japan (2008)
  • Heisenberg-Fellow of the German Research Council (1998)
  • Research Award for Foreign Specialists, National Research Institute of Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and Tea, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Japan (1998)
  • Habilitation-Fellow of the German Research Council (1995-1997)