Studium des Umweltingenieurwesens (B. Sc.) und des Bauingenieurwesens (M. Sc.) an der TU Braunschweig
seit Februar 2019 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Fachgebiets Baustoffe am iBMB
seit Januar 2024 Forschungsgruppenleitung "Rheologie und digitale Fertigung"
Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Forschungsthemen
Additive Fertigung / 3D-Drucken mit Beton
Kombinierte additive Fertigungsverfahren für bewehrte Betonbauteile
Vorlesung Baustoffkunde für Architekten
Vorlesung Materialien und Prozesse in der Additiven Fertigung
Betreuung von Bachelor-, Studien- und Masterarbeiten
Kloft, H., Sawicki, B., Bos, F., Dörrie, R., Freund, N., Gantner, S., Gebhard, L., Hack, N., Ivaniuk, E., Kruger, J., Kaufmann, W., Mata-Falcón, J., Mechtcherine, V., Mirjan, A., Wolfs, R., Lowke, D. (2024). Interaction of reinforcement, process, and form in Digital Fabrication with Concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 186, 107640.
Lowke, D., Freund, N., Böhler, D., Herding, F. (Eds.), 2024. Fourth RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham.
Lowke, D., Freund, N., Böhler, D., Herding, F. (Eds.), 2024. Digital Concrete 2024 - Supplementary Proceedings. Presented at the Digital Concrete 2024. 4th RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication. 4th to 6th September 2024 - Munich, Germany, Braunschweig.
Freund, N., David, M., Dröder, K., Lowke, D. (2024). Vibrated Short Rebar Insertion - The Effect of Integration Time on the Resulting Bond Quality. In: Lowke, D., Freund, N., Böhler, D., Herding, F. (eds) Fourth RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication. DC 2024. RILEM Bookseries, vol 53. Springer, Cham.
Dörrie, R., Kloft, H., Sawicki, B., Freund, N., Lowke, D. (2024). Automated Reinforcement Integration in Shotcrete 3D Printing Through Green State Milling. In: Lowke, D., Freund, N., Böhler, D., Herding, F. (eds) Fourth RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication. DC 2024. RILEM Bookseries, vol 53. Springer, Cham.
Dörrie, R., David, M., Freund, N., Lowke, D., Dröder, K., Kloft, H. (2024). Surface Processing of Shotcrete 3D Printed Concrete Elements Using a Rotating Trowel Disc – Influence of Timing on Resulting Surface Quality. In: Lowke, D., Freund, N., Böhler, D., Herding, F. (eds) Fourth RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication. DC 2024. RILEM Bookseries, vol 53. Springer, Cham.
Freund, N.; Dörrie, R.; David, M.; Kloft, H.; Dröder, K.; Lowke, D. (2023). Enclosing Reinforcement Structures in Shotcrete 3D Printing: The Effect of Reinforcement Geometry and Accelerator Dosage on the Formation of the Bond Area. Open Conference Proceedings, 3.
Dörrie, R.; David, M.; Freund, N.; Lowke, D.; Dröder, K.; Kloft, H. (2023). In-Process Integration of Reinforcement for Construction Elements During Shotcrete 3D Printing. Open Conference Proceedings, 3.
Böhler, D.: Freund, N.; Mai, I.; Lowke, D.: Shotcrete 3D Printing -Effect of material-process interaction on the global and local material density, ce/papers 6 (2023), No. 6, (770-776),
Freund, N.; David, M.; Böhler, D.; Mai, I.; Ullmann, S.; Dröder, K.; Lowke, D.: Shotcrete 3D Printing ‐ Interaction of nozzle geometry, homogeneity and hardened concrete properties, ce/papers 6 (2023), No. 6, (746-754),
David, M.; Freund, N.; Dröder, K.; Lowke, D.: The effects of nozzle diameter and length on the resulting strand properties for shotcrete 3D printing. Materials and Structures 56, 157 (2023).
Dörrie, R.; Freund, N.; Herrmann, E.; Bahdadi, A.; Mai, I.; Galli, F.; David, M.; Dröder, K.; Lowke, D.; Kloft, H.: Automated force-flow-oriented reinforcement integration for Shotcrete 3D Printing. Automation in Construction 155 (2023) 105075.
Lachmayer, L.; Böhler, D.; Freund, N.; Mai, I.; Lowke, D.; Raatz, A.: Modelling the influence of material and process parameters on Shotcrete 3D Printed strands – cross-section adjustment for automatic robotic manufacturing. Automation in Construction 145 (2023) 104626.
Böhler, D., Mai, I., Freund, N., Lachmayer, L., Raatz, A., Lowke, D. (2022). Influence of Material and Process Parameters on Hardened State Properties of Shotcrete 3D-Printed Elements. In: Buswell, R., Blanco, A., Cavalaro, S., Kinnell, P. (eds) Third RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication. DC 2022. RILEM Bookseries, vol 37. Springer, Cham.
Freund, N.; Lowke, D. (2022). Interlayer Reinforcement in Shotcrete-3D-Printing : The Effect of Accelerator Dosage on the Resulting Bond Behavior of Integrated Reinforcement Bars. Open Conference Proceedings, 1, 83–95.
Wangler, T.; Flatt, R.J.; Roussel, N.; Perrot, A.; Sonebi, M.; Wolfs, R.; Bos, F.; Lowke, D.; Freund, N.; Stephan, D.; Pott, U.; Reiter, L.; Grünewald, S.; Leal da Silva, W.R.; De Schutter, G. (2022): Printable Cement-Based Materials: Fresh Properties Measurements and Control. In: Roussel, N.; Lowke, D. (eds): Digital Fabrication with Cement-Based Materials. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, Vol. 36, Springer, Cham.
Buswell, R.A.; Bos, F.P.; Leal da Silva, W.R.; Hack, N.; Kloft, H.; Lowke, D.; Freund, N.; Fromm, A.; Dini, E.; Wangler, T.; Lloret-Fritschi, E.; Schipper, R.; Mechtcherine, V.; Perrot, A.; Vasilic, K.; Roussel, N. (2022): Digital Fabrication with Cement-Based Materials: Process Classification and Case Studies. In: Roussel, N.; Lowke, D. (eds): Digital Fabrication with Cement-Based Materials. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, Vol. 36, Springer, Cham.
Mai, I.; Brohmann, L.; Freund, N.; Gantner, S.; Kloft, H.; Lowke, D.; Hack, N.: Large Particle 3D Concrete Printing – A Green and Viable Solution. Materials 2021, 14, 6125.
Lowke, D.; Gehlen, C.; Kloft, H.; Freund, N.; Matthäus, C.: Bewehrungskonzepte beim 3D-Druck von Konstruktionsbeton. BfT International, 02.2021, S. 92.
Freund, N.; Dreßler, I.; Lowke, D.: Studying the Bond Properties of Vertical Integrated Short Reinforcement in the Shotcrete 3D Printing Process. In: Second RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication Digital Concrete 2020: Digital Concrete 2020, 2020, S.612–621.
Dreßler, I.; Freund, N.; Lowke, D.: Control of Strand Properties Produced with Shotcrete 3D Printing by Accelerator Dosage and Process Parameters. In: Second RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication Digital Concrete 2020: Digital Concrete 2020, 2020, S. 42–52.
Harms, J.; Dreßler, I.; Freund, N.; Lowke, D.: Rheometer as a measuring tool for the reproducibility of concrete in the Shotcrete 3D Printing Process. Wissenschaftlicher Kurzbericht des Instituts für Baustoffe, Massivbau und Brandschutz, Braunschweig, Onlinepubl., 2020.
Dreßler, I.; Freund, N.; Lowke, D.: The Effect of Accelerator Dosage on Fresh Concrete Properties and on Interlayer Strength in Shotcrete 3D Printing. In: Materials 2020, 13, 374,