Lecturer Prof. Hermann G. Matthies
AssistantDr. Truong-Vinh Hoang
Lectures: Thu 11:30-13:00 o'clock in room 812, Mühlenpfordtstr. 23 (Seminarraum WiRe)
Exercises: Thu 13:15-14:15 o'clock in room 826, Mühlenpfordtstr. 23 (Computerpool WiRe)
Thursday, 11.04.2018
1. Dongbin Xiu, Numerical Methods for Stochastic Computations, A spectral approach (2010)
2. Peter Whittel, Probability via Expectation (2000)
3. Gilbert Strang, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Fourth Edition (2005)
There is no script yet, but an ongoing effort to create one alongside with the lecture. You can see it here, but be aware that it's far from finished. If you spot any errors or inaccuracies or you have any suggestions, please send them to the lecturer of this course.
You can download the software for this course by issuing the following command on the command line:
git clone git://github.com/ezander/sglib-testing
This will create a directory sglib-testing for you, which will contain all the necessary files. Please start matlab from this directory, so that sglib can do its initialisation.
Tutorial 1-2: basics of probability theory
First tutorial
Tutorial 2: Linear algebra
Tutorial 3: Interpolation and regression
Tuturial 4: Statistical estimators
Tutorial 5-6:
Tutorial 7-8: Maximum Likelihood and the Bayesian update
Tutorial 9: Markov Chain Monte Carlo method
Tutoria 10: Kalman-filter
Tutorial 11:
Whether there will be a test or oral exams will be decided in the course of this semester.