Seminar organiser
Target audience
Kick-off meeting
Thursday 11.04.2019, 17:00
in room 811 (Mühlenpfordtstr. 23)
The students are required to write a report (cca 20-30 pages) about a scientific paper and related references. Additionally the students will present the topic at the end of the semester.
Presentation of results
Friday, 19.07.2019 at 9:30, in the Institute of Scientific Computing
Deep Neural Networks are increasingly used in many areas. The understanding of the working of networks is just beginnning. This seminar will focus on recent research trying to eluminate the mathematical background of why and when and how well they work.
Note further, that most of the topics here are rather advanced and better suited for Master's students. However, if you are a Bacherlor student and want to take a topic proposed here and feel able to, feel free to apply for it.
The topics will be (click on one of the following topics to get more information about it):