The funding is only available for specific projects applied for by student associations registered at TU Braunschweig that improve study conditions and/or teaching at TU Braunschweig. Projects applied for must be realised by the applying student association itself. The association must have been registered in accordance with the current version of the ‘Regulations for the Registration of Student Associations at the Technical University of Braunschweig’. The purpose of the student association's statutes must include the improvement of teaching and/or study conditions at TU Braunschweig.
In relation to the specific funding application, a statement from a professor at TU Braunschweig is required, indicating the extent to which the project will improve teaching and/or study conditions at TU Braunschweig. The statement should comment on how the application relates to the Foundation's funding objectives. The projects must be open to all students at TU Braunschweig. Individuals and projects whose realisation and success only benefit a small, closed group of students in the long term are generally not funded. In the case of projects for which special funding programmes from other sponsors exist, the Foundation Fund only provides funding after these possibilities have been exhausted. In general, projects must be carried out in a cost-effective manner.
The amount of funding depends on the specific individual case; a maximum limit is not defined. When making funding decisions, the foundation committees will generally take into account the project volume applied for and the premise of diversity and balance of the approved projects and their duration. The maximum funding period for a project may not be longer than three years. In justified individual cases, the Foundation Fund may enter into a longer-term partnership.
During the selection and approval of projects, the following aspects are taken into particular consideration:
On request, applied projects must be presented to the advisory committee of the Foundation Fund in person. The funding decision is made by the Board of the Carolo Wilhelmina Foundation on the recommendation of the advisory committee of the Carolo Wilhelmina Foundation Fund. Once approved, projects may only be changed on the basis of a substantiated application to the Foundation following prior written approval.
Applications must be submitted by e-mail by 15 April of each year.
After a project has been completed - annually in the case of multi-year funding - written documentation including photos must be prepared and submitted to the Foundation in due time without being requested to do so. All mid-term and final reports must comment on the extent to which the defined objectives/impacts have been achieved. Completed projects must also be settled with the Foundation. In addition, contact should be made with the TU Braunschweig press office in order to present the projects to the public.
Legal recourse is excluded.