Highlights of funded student projects

Musical afternoon at the TU Braunschweig

Project ‘Joint open-air concert with SingDing and the TU BigBand for all students and employees of TU Braunschweig’ on 19 June 2022


funded by the Carolo-Wilhelmina Foundation Fund 2021

Akademische Bläservereinigung at the TU Braunschweig, AkaBlas e.V. for short.
‘Our aim is to enable students to experience what studying means in a broad sense: it is much more than just listening to lectures in front of a laptop. Studying means meeting people, getting involved in student organisations, going to concerts with friends and getting to know new people.’

Space travel at the TU Braunschweig

Phoebe rocket launch

Project ‘Experimental Rocket, Altitude Research and Mars Rover’


funded by the Carolo-Wilhelmina Foundation Fund 2021 and 2022

ExperimentalRaumfahrt-InteressenGemeinschaft, ERIG e.V. for short.
‘The aim of the ERIG is to provide students with practical experience in space technology in addition to the theoretical courses offered at the TU. The aim is to provide students with knowledge that will help them in their future careers and that is difficult or impossible to convey in lectures.’

Freshly poured fuel blocks
Fire test of the second engine
Rover Orthos

Electric racing cars at the TU Braunschweig

Formular Student EAST

Project ‘Development, construction and testing of a new racing car and successful participation in the Formula Student competitions’


funded by the Carolo-Wilhelmina Foundation Fund 2021

Lions Racing Team e.V.

‘Many things are new this year, including a new wheel section with carbon fibre rims, a new monocoque and the upgrades for autonomous driving. But also new is the high-voltage battery we developed ourselves, which we absolutely need in order to take part in the Formula Student competitions. Formula Student teams can be found at almost every technical university or technical college in Germany. The practical application of the theories learnt during our studies and beyond is unique at our university.’

Practical Automotive Technology at the TU Braunschweig

Learning welding in practice

Project ‘Expansion of the tool inventory to improve the practical teaching of students in the field of automotive technology’


funded by the Carolo-Wilhelmina Endowment Fund 2022

Akademische Kraftfahrzeuggruppe der TU, akaKraft for short
‘akaKraft has set itself the goal of imparting practical automotive technology knowledge to its members and all students at TU Braunschweig and their relatives.

Series of lectures at the TU Braunschweig

Announcement poster of the lecture series

Project ‘Intersectional lecture series about forms of discrimination’


funded by the Carolo-Wilhelmina Foundation Fund 2022

Chaoskollektiv e.V. - an association of students from TU Braunschweig, Ostfalia and HBK Braunschweig
‘The debate on racism, gender inequality and the systemic marginalisation of minorities has become an integral part of the overall social debate of the 21st century.’



The event flyer
The launch event

Agricultural engineering at the TU Braunschweig

Field Robot Event 2022

Project ‘Further development of an autonomous field robot’


funded by the Carolo Wilhelmina Foundation Fund 2022

Field Robot Event Design Team, short FREDT

‘The aim of the association is to develop autonomous field robot systems for the annual international Field Robot Event.’

The field robot at work

Brewing beer at the TU Braunschweig

A new beer is developed

Project ‘SelbstBRÄU - Production of a self-made and brewed beer’


funded by the Carolo Wilhelmina Foundation Fund 2023

Brau-AG Carl-Wilhelms­-Bräu, short Brau-AG

‘The aim of the project is to create the framework conditions for sustainable, innovative and practice-orientated training by offering regular brewing processes, increasing the number of members and taking part in international brewing competitions.’

Brewing a beer
Beer ‘Zopfen’ is developed
Tasting at the Braucontest