

tu4society – a project for students

Social innovations – practices and organizational forms that offer sustainable solutions to complex societal challenges – play a central role in the transformation towards sustainability. They have the potential to collectively organize our lives and those of future generations better. Thinking about technical innovations in a social context is increasingly important for addressing current and future issues.

We focus on innovative forms of teaching and learning that aim to have a societal (social, ecological or economic) impact on the sustainable transformation of the university, the campus and society. With the Social Innovation Program (SIP), we bring teaching and practice partners together. In this way, students learn to fulfill their role as highly qualified shapers of the future.


Students as future shapers:

Embedding this idea and mindset in study and teaching at TU Braunschweig, collectively envisioning futures, and equipping students with the skills that qualify them as active and courageous future shapers is the goal of tu4society.

Tu4society means integrating technology and social aspects, science and commitment, students and TU Braunschweig working together for sustainable societal change.

With the three focal points – Service Learning, 4LAB, and Public Welfare Oriented Ventures – we enable students to learn, experiment, and apply study contents in practical, commitment-oriented ways.

Review Social Impact Festival

Read here about the Social Impact Festival.

Dr. Saskia Frank
Transfer service | Project management "tu4society"

tu4society on Instagram

Christian Stascheit
Project coordination "tu4society" / Coordination Service Learning and Social Innovations (SQM-financed)