Videos | Podcasts | Magazine articles






Up to date:


Social innovations at the TU Braunschweig | Social Impact Festival | North Campus Community Patio

Engagement and participation with Sandkasten | Sandkasten - DIY Campus | What is the Community Café?

Student pavilion | Hey, Alter! Old computers for young people | Food Teresa opening - Foodsharingcafé Braunschweig

Find out more about engagement-projects at TU Braunschweig!



What is ecology? | What does zero waste actually mean?

Find out more about ecology and zero waste!



17 Sustainable Development Goals | 1. No poverty | 2. No hunger

3. Health and well-being | 4. Quality education | 5. Gender equality

6. Clean water and sanitation | 7. Affordable energy | 8. Decent work and economic growth

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure | 10. Less inequality | 11. Sustainable cities and communities

12. Sustainable consumption and production | 13. Climate protection measures | 14. Life under water

15. Life on land | 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions | 17. Partnerships to achieve the goals

Lecture Braunschweig School | Experiment candy wave machine

Find out more about the “360 degree video of the Braunschweig Kinder-Uni”!


How will we live tomorrow? | Why could we fly ecologically in 30 years? | Why do we want to drive autonomously?

Why do we need individualized medicines? | How can we research the smallest areas with large devices? | Why do we actually want to push the boundaries of what can be measured?

Find out more about the topic “Erstklassige Forschung" - explained for children!

Who was Agnes Pockels? | The mysterious drive | Everything strives ...

Placed on the ... skin

Find out more about the scientist Agnes Pockels and about exciting experiments to try out!



Kinder-Uni podcast

Was there waste in the past? | How can plastic be recycled? | Is there such a thing as “garbage”?

How can we make our wastewater clean again? | How can we build factories in cities? | How can we make our schools more sustainable?


Staff Exchange at Tampere University | Drawing Room [R]Evolution | Social Impact Festival @ TU Braunschweig

Community Café: “Sustainability for pupils in the region” | “Positive mood for change” | An ecosystem becomes visible

Weekly market starts on campus | Keeping your distance for safer cycling | Bringing digitalization to life

In the city: The university among people | Bringing together what belongs together | An enrichment for campus life

Giving something back to society | In the café instead of the garbage can

Knowledge transfer

Find out more about the Transfer Service | Knowledge Transfer!