Social Impact Festival

[Translate to English:] Motiv Social Impact Festival

5th June 2024 | 15 to 20 PM

tubraunschweig @ socialimpact

Technology-oriented research and social issues are not contradictory.

How can we make both visible and develop them further together at a technical university? Together with students, initiatives, lecturers and practice partners, we want to collect, discuss and implement ideas. Food sharing projects and teams that want to take care of the greening of the campus are just as welcome as lecturers who are interested in bringing the topic of social impact into teaching. City initiatives, associations or small and medium-sized companies that have already embarked on the path of social and ecological sustainability or are planning to do so in the future are also very welcome.


News from the magazine:

Social Impact Festival @ TU Braunschweig

Gemeinsam soziale und innovative Projekte kennenlernen und aktiv mitgestalten | Getting to know and actively shaping social and innovative projects…

PROGRAM | around the architecture pavilion

Pockelsstraße 4

3 pm

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade, Vice President  Transfer & Innovation

3.15 pm
Dr. Isabel Roessler
, Expert for knowledge transfer
and university ecosystems and senior project manager at the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) talks about social innovations from universities and their social significance.

4 pm
Tobias Henkel
, Chairman of the Board of the Evangelical Foundation Neuerkerode, reports on the foundation's work, explains why it is worth getting involved for others and what social work has to do with sustainable social transformation.

4.45 pm
Dr. Laila Al-Halabi Frenzel
, founder and CEO of Abcalis GmbH, provides exciting insights into the work of a successful biotech start-up from the TU Braunschweig and the pioneering research into antibody production without animal testing or animal components.

5.30 pm
Joschua Gossla
r, Researcher in the field of digital manufacturing with clay talks about the potential of new manufacturing processes to revitalize millennia-old building techniques such as rammed earth construction.

6.15 pm
Sarah Brauns
, Founder and values enthusiast, explains how she came up with the idea for her start-up "Heart Job", how she brings companies and employees together with matching values and what all this has to do with her father.

7 until 8 pm
Matthias Hüttmann
, Co-founder and lead designer of VRalive GmbH, gives insights into the successful transition of a research project into a social impact startup. He shares his experience in developing virtual reality experiences for seniors and gives an outlook for the further development of the company. Afterwards, the audience will have the opportunity to experience the fascinating technology for themselves and immerse themselves in virtual reality.


4.30 bis 8 pm
At the Meetup in the Architecture Pavilion, (student) initiatives introduce themselves and provide information about their work. Among others, the Protohaus, the Erasmus Student Network Brunswick, Engineers without Borders and the AStA will be there.


4.30 until 8 pm

Start your own urban jungle: In this workshop, you will learn how to create a closed ecosystem in glass. You will plant your own individual laboratory test tube for your home or office. Planting materials and coffee are provided free of charge.


4.30 until 8 pm
Thinking social impact together
We want your opinion! What do you think about sustainability and commitment? Technology and social issues are not contradictory: How can we make social and ecological commitment at a technical university visible and develop it further? And what does it take? What kind of support would you like? These questions will be addressed in three participatory theme tents. We will brainstorm and develop ideas. Your commitment will be rewarded with a cool free drink and a party in the inner courtyard of the old building!

Roundnet Lions Eintracht Braunschweig
We play Roundnet! Led by two coaches from the Roundnet Lions of Eintracht Braunschweig, participants and guests can try their hand at this trendy sport.

4.30 until 10 pm
Musik Lounge and afterwards from 7 pm Feierabendbeats
In a relaxed after-work atmosphere, we want to dance together in the inner courtyard of the old building to powerful and lively beats at the end of the Social Impact Festival!

from 4.30 pm
DRK Foodtruck with food & drinks

Flyer and poster download for the Social Impact Festival

Dr. Saskia Frank
Transfer services | Project manager "tu4society"
Christian Stascheit
Coordination project „tu4society" / Coordination Service Learning and Social Innovations (SQM-financed)
Julia Willich
Coordination project „tu4society" / Coordination Sozial Innovations (SQM-financed) (part time)