Call for Impact


Pilot funding for Impact Projects for young researchers

How can research impact the concrete realities of people's lives? This is the focus of the first Call for Impact for the year 2024: Early career researchers are given the opportunity to explore how engagement with non-academic communities can look like.

The funding for individual Impact Projects by the Transfer Service of the TU Braunschweig is aimed at early career scientists. They are to be enabled to interact with societal groups in multidirectional and co-creative ways, enriching their own research through new ideas and perspectives.

Out of seven applications, three projects have been selected for funding for the calendar year 2024, with an additional project receiving co-funding from the Braunschweig University Association.

Impact Projects 2024

Our offerings in the field of Co-Creation:


Explanation Competence

Call for Impact



Dr. Mara Ruth Wesemüller
Coordinator of Engagement Projects and Co-Creation (Part-time)
Call for Impact