Relationship Management

Whole view on the Altgebäude - the Historic Main Building


The Relationship Management team works on establishing and maintaining strategic relationship management with friends and sponsors of the university. We support students and academics through scholarships, help with project funding and professional qualification programmes, establish contacts with business and social actors and connect our alumni with people on campus through active alumni work.


Our Offers

Scholarships and Awards

Here you will find applications for all students, for all degree programmes and university semesters

Fundraising and University Supporters

As a company or private individual, do you want to invest in the future of young people or reward outstanding achievements in science in the long term?
Scholarships are particularly suitable for investing in education and thus in the future of science or society.

Financial Support

Since its establishment in 2012, the Carolo-Wilhelmina-Foundation has been able to support more than 250 students with a scholarship on their way to graduation who have found themselves in financial difficulties through no fault of their own.

Alumni and Career Service

The Career Service is your partner on the path from university to the world of work! We provide you with practical contacts and insights into possible fields of work and offer a wide range of advice and training opportunities to prepare you specifically for your career start!

Relationship Management

Henning Karsten
Head of Relationship Management Team
Transferservice - Relationship Management

Rebenring 33
38106 Braunschweig


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