Transfer and knowledge exchange strategy "TIES® with Impact"

What's behind transfer?

Menschengruppe auf Braunschweiger Stadtbild

TU Braunschweig meets the global challenges of our time with a passion for innovation. We offer our students, teaching staff, researchers, employees and partners room to actively shape social transformation processes. We combine concepts of technology transfer , knowledge transfer, relationship management  and profitable contexts of knowledge exchange   into a comprehensive understanding of transfer. Today's challenges regarding the transformation of society and the economy require a strong transfer and exchange of knowledge and technologies from and into research institutions.


Our Vision

Person mit zwei Gießkannen gießt Wasser auf Erde

Sow. Grow. Harvest.

With our transfer activities, we are pursuing a path with the aim of generating impact, i.e. having an effect on society, and jointly shaping the transformation of the present for a better future. For us, transformation also means that we are guided by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and accept our responsibility to contribute to global justice and sustainable development for present and future generations.



Transfer and Knowledge Exchange Strategy of TU Braunschweig

(English version available soon)

TIES(R) with Impact

"Every good idea should be transferred into economic and/or social use and have an impact. Let's launch projects together and explore innovative paths of transfer."

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade

Vice president for Transfer and Innovation at TU Braunschweig

Profilbild Prof. Arno Kwade

Mission statement: Stimulating and shaping transfer and innovation ecosystems

Grafik zeigt vier unterschiedliche Personengruppen, die für ein gemeinsames Ziel arbeiten.

With our transfer and knowledge exchange strategy "TIES with Impact", we are establishing transfer and innovation ecosystems (TIES) by bringing actors from science, business, civil society and politics into an open and multi directional exchange. We firmly believe that networking and collaboration between different innovation partners within and outside TU Braunschweig will lead to innovative solutions that contribute to global sustainable development in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Our six transfer and innovation ecosystems - TIES

Icon Mikroskop für Forschung
TIES Research
Icon zeigt Verträge rund um Patentverwertung
TIES Valorization
Icon für Gründungen, die neues entstehen lassen
TIES Entrepreneurship
Icon Generation Zukunft
TIES Next Generation
Icon Universitätsgebäude
TIES Studying and Teaching
Icon Alumna
TIES Alumni