Our professor Jessica Agarwal received an award from the TU Braunschweig on February 22nd, 2021. The Agnes-Pockels-Fellowship is awarded to…
TV report about the work of the planet formation group (german)
Am 18. November 2020 verstarb nach längerer Krankheit Akad. Dir. Dr. rer. nat. Günter Musmann. Günter war eine unser Institut wissenschaftlich und…
We warmly welcome Mrs. Dr. Yuna Kwon, who has started a two-year research visit at the IGeP on November 1st. Her visit is funded by the…
The hearing within the appointment process for the Junior Professorship "Urban Geophysics" will be held on 11/04/2020 and 11/10/2020 as a web…
The Venus flyby of the BepiColombo mission of ESA - JAXA went well and the magnetometers from the IGEP have diligently collected data. Another entry…
Jessica Agarwal has delivered a notable talk on Rosetta at Comet Nucleus 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko at the International Space Science Institute.
A nice interview with our student Kristin Pump, who is currently working on her Master´s thesis on Mercury.
An asteroid was named after TU Braunschweig. Thanks to the commitment of Karl-Heinz Glaßmeier, the new name of asteroid "1997 CW5" is…
Am 24.8.2020 verstarb unser langjähriger Kollege Prof. Dr. Ludwig Engelhard im Alter von 81 Jahren. Lutz, wie er meist genannt wurde, war seit 1963 an…
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