After finishing her master thesis on bird diversity at the Braunschweig Ringgleis, Jana Nitsch will support the team in the joint project Energy4Agri…
In the study program Environmental Sciences the exams are changed to online exams. Please inform yourself via the websites of the working groups or…
At Technische Universität Braunschweig an interdisciplinary Junior Research Group on “Future Urban Coastlines” will be initiated soon. It is planned…
From 01.02.21 Dr. Kremena Burkhard and Jonas Lenz support the RUINS project team in the Working Group Landscape Ecology & Environmental Systems…
Since the beginning of January, Matteo Lattuada supports the SeaStore project team as a postdoc in the working group Landscape Ecology &…
For the next weeks IGÖ will take over the Instagram account of the students representatives. Geochemistry has already started with posts on moors,…
The winter semester 2020/21 at TU Braunschweig is a hybrid semester with a mixture of online and on-site teaching. Please check in StudIP whether your…
A contribution from the NDR series Hallo Niedersachsen - Spitzenforschung about the work of Dr. Dania Richter (IGÖ) and of colleagues from the…
The summer semester 2020 will take place as an online semester. All students were informed about the current status via StudIP. If you do not receive…
Interview with Professor Stephan Weber from the Institute of Geoecology (German only).
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