Support for a research project on the biogeochemistry of mercury (Hg) in groundwater and soil.
Dr. Marta Pérez Rodríguez on the "Island Impact" expedition
16.01.2023, 11 am, online
Jens Dauber, Thünen-Institut: The conflicting priorities of agriculture and biodiversity protection: a conflict of the…
Dr. Bhavna Arora, Carbon Removal and Mineralization Program, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Reactive transport modeling: Application to…
Adrián Navas Montilla from the Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, arrived on January 2nd for a research stay at the Theoretical Ecohydrology Lab of IGÖ.…
Jerome El Jeitany is writing his PhD thesis on the topic of Water-energy-food nexus and water related ecosystem services in the PhD program of TUBS…
Prof. Dr. Claudia Wrozyna, Institut für Geographie und Geologie, Universität Greifswald: How geographical patterns shape species morphology - examples…
Delfina Cornejo from Spain is a scientist from CEAB (Centre d´Estudis Avançats de Blanes) doing a short-term stay since December 6th, 2022. She is…
19.12.2022, 11 am, online
Verena Seufert, Universität Hohenheim: Ernährungssicherheit und Biodiversität – geht das eine mit dem anderen?
We would like to draw your attention to the exhibition "Max wird Beckmann" at the Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum. The Climatology & Environmental…
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