Get to know our research for a day: on Girls'/Boys'Day 2023, 9 schoolchildren were able to carry out fine dust investigations in the Climatology and…
On 01.04.2023, Tim Kramer will start as a PhD student in the Climatology and Environmental Meteorology group. Tim will work in our research group on…
Hi, my name is Svitlana. I'm from Ukraine. War divides my life into "before" and "after". I decided not to stop and look for new opportunities and…
On 01.03.23 Niklas Markolf starts as a PhD student in the Climatology and Environmental Meteorology group. He will be conducting research in the…
Hemant Kumar from Amrita University, Coimbature, India, is staying with the Theoretical Ecohydrology Lab at IGÖ since February 16. He'll be here for…
Hydrological models usually have a high computational cost. If we run them on GPUs, the simulation time reduces significantly. Our new publication…
Support for a research project on the biogeochemistry of mercury (Hg) in groundwater and soil.
Dr. Marta Pérez Rodríguez on the "Island Impact" expedition
16.01.2023, 11 am, online
Jens Dauber, Thünen-Institut: The conflicting priorities of agriculture and biodiversity protection: a conflict of the…
Dr. Bhavna Arora, Carbon Removal and Mineralization Program, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Reactive transport modeling: Application to…
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