After successfully conducting eddy covariance measurements on an extensive green roof in Berlin for several years, we are happy to expand our research…
Prof. Dr. Sinikka Lennartz, Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres, Universität Oldenburg: From a drop to the ocean: Modelling the microbial…
Topic: Size-resolved particle number flux measurements in the urban boundary layer
09.05.22, 11:00 am, online
Philippe Jeanneret (Agroscope (Schweiz)): Impact evaluation of agricultural practices on biodiversity by means of an…
Since 01.04.2022, Dr. Caiyan Feng has been working as a research associate in the Working Group Environmental Geochemistry. She is working on the…
Interview with Lydia Rösel (AG Landscape Ecology & Environmental Systems Analysis) at Deutschlandfunk Nova on her recent publication Roesel, L.K. and…
25.04.22, 11:00 am, online
Josephine Kulow (Thünen Institut): Effects of biodiversity measures and landscape heterogeneity on the abundance and…
On 01.04.2022, Ole Siebeneicher will begin his doctorate within the framework of the Graduate School Gute Küste Niedersachsen at the IGÖ. We wish him…
04.04.22, 11:00 am, online
Niels Hellwig (Thünen Institut): Spatial analysis for wild bee monitoring in agricultural landscapes (preliminary working…
28.03.22, 11:00 am, online
Katrin Ronnenberg (Thünen Institut): Evaluation of land-use effects on Carabus auratus populations with an agent-based…
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