Dr. Christine Klaas, Alfred Wegener Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven: Biological processes and the Southern…
Since 01.01.2022 Alexandra Alten strengthens the team Environmental Geochemistry. She works in the project BiFoQueck (Bindungsformen von Quecksilber).…
Unfortunately, today's talk had to be cancelled.
Prof. Dr. Mark Gessner, Seelabor, Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei: Environ…
We warmly welcome Leonardo Inforsato to the IGÖ. He joins the Department of Soil Science and Soil Physics and will conduct research on inverse…
A drought in the rainforest? - difficult to imagine, but certainly a realistic scenario. To find out how trees behave during such a dry phase, one of…
Gerling, L. and Weber, S., 2021. Atmospheric transformation of urban particle number size distributions during the transport along street canyons as…
In the TU Magazine our new colleague, Prof. Ilhan Özgen, introduces himself and describes the relevance of his research field and his visions for the…
In the TU Magazine, Gabriel David introduces the interdisciplinary junior research group "Future Urban Coastlines". The group with researchers from…
PhD Position Project Gute Küste
Dr. Christoph von Redwitz, Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Ackerland und Grünland, Julius-Kühn-Institut, Braunschweig: Unkraut: Konkurrent und…
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