Climate change is regarded as one of the greatest social challenges of our time and major efforts must be made not only to protect climate but also to adapt to its changes. Germany is expected to see an increase in extreme weather events and an rise in their intensity. These include heat waves, storms, heavy rain or long periods of drought. In the railway sector, there are a large number of regulations and sets of rules which regulate the technical and operational sequence of the individual subsystems and their interaction. Considering the possible effects of climate change, an adaptation of the existing regulations and rules is necessary. In a first step, appropriate contents and passages for which climate change is relevant must be identified. The Department of Landscape Ecology & Environmental Systems Analysis is analyzing climate change scenarios for this project.
Project Lead Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Siefer (TUBS IVE)
Team Dr. Michael Strohbach
External Cooperation Partners TUBS IVE Institut für Verkehrswesen, Eisenbahnbau und -betrieb
Duration 2017 - 2018
Funding Body Eisenbahn-Bundesamt