The application for acceptance as a PhD candidate can be sent digitally. Please send everything in small sizes and at least two weeks before the respective meeting of the Board of Professors to:
For rapid processing, we kindly ask you to use the following filenames:
Application letter to the dean of Faculty III, including your home address, phone number, email address, dissertation topic, date and signature.
Diploma or Master certificate and transcript. (Please note: The original certificate or an officially certified copy must be handed in at the latest with the opening request.)
Supervision agreement, signed by candidate and supervisor.
CV, must be dated and signed.
Statement on ongoing or previous PhD applications (according to §4 (3d) of the doctorate regulations): Did you apply for a doctorate before? If yes: when, which topic, which supervisor and at which university? (Please note: The original statement must be handed in at the latest with the opening request.)
Datasheet in accordance with Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz NHG (Lower Saxony university regulations).
If your Diploma or Master`s Degree is not from a German university: Certificate of equivalence according to §3 (4) of the doctorate regulations. The certificate of equivalence can be applied for at International House of TU.
PDF files