
At the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, the following degrees can be obtained as part of a doctorate procedure:

  • Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.)
  • Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.)

General information on the doctorate (brief overview)

The doctoral procedure consists of two steps. Firstly, you apply for acceptance as a doctoral candidate (admission procedure). Then you begin your research phase, which often lasts several years.

This is followed by the application to open the doctoral procedure (opening procedure) with the submission of the dissertation. You complete the doctoral procedure with the defence and publication of your thesis.

The procedures are based on the current doctorate regulations of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, which you can find in the downloads section, along with all templates and documents:


Meeting dates of the Board of Professors of Fakultät 3

Promotionsgremium Department Bauen und Umwelt | Meeting dates of the Board of Professors Department of Building and Environment:

Sommersemester 2025 | Summer semester

  • 25.04.2025
  • 06.06.2025
  • 11.07.2025

Wintersemester 2025/26 | Winter semester

  • 07.11.2025
  • 12.12.2025
  • 06.02.2026

Promotionsgremium Department Architektur | Meeting dates of the Board of Professors Department of Architecture:

Sommersemester 2025 | Summer semester

  • 29.04.2025
  • 27.05.2025
  • 17.06.2025
  • 15.07.2025

Wintersemester 2025/26 | Winter semester

  • 04.11.2025
  • 09.12.2025
  • 03.02.2026

Documents for acceptance as a doctoral candidate (admission procedure) and for the opening of doctoral procedures (opening procedure) must be submitted digitally. We require the documents two weeks before the respective meeting of the respective Board of Professors.

Please send the documents to:  promotionen-fk3(at)

Please note:

The dissertation must be submitted at least two days before the meeting of the respective Board of Professors. Exception: At the last meeting of the Board of Professors before the lecture-free period, an early opening can take place and the dissertation can be submitted later.

Contact person for doctoral degrees

Dipl.-Jur. Anja Groß / Dipl.-Sozialwiss. Stefanie Theil M.A.
Mühlenpfordtstraße 23 | Room 007 / 011
38106 Braunschweig, Germany

phone: +49-531-391-2317 / -2305