Schimke, S., Poarch, G., Öwerdieck, D., Gastmann, F., & Hopp, H. (under review). Heuristic strategies in first and second language processing: evidence from online and offline comprehension of wh-questions in adolescents.
Von Holzen, K., Wulfert, S., Schnieders, M., & H. Hopp (under review). Segmentation in pre-foreign language learners: An investigation of meta-linguistic and linguistic knowledge.
Jackson. C.N., Hopp, H., & Grüter T. (under review). Does syntax constrain semantic predictions in L1 and L2 processing?
Hopp, H., van Dijk, C., & Şafak. D. (under review). Cross-linguistic effects in the priming of novel grammatical structures and the psycholinguistic mechanisms of language change.
Van Dijk, C. & Hopp, H. (under review). Structural preferences in language learning across languages: Evidence from verb bias effects in cross-linguistic L1-to-L2 and L2-to-L1 priming.
Hopp, H., Schimke, S., Öwerdieck, D., Gastmann, F., & Poarch, G. (under review). Learning via processing: Structural priming across grammatical structures and languages in early L2 development.
Şafak, D. & H. Hopp (2025). Learning L2 grammar from prediction errors? Structural priming from comprehension to production. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-17. DOI: 10.1017/S1366728925000033
Hopp, H., Reifegerste, J., & Ullman, M.T. (2024). Lexical effects on second language grammar acquisition: testing psycholinguistic and neurocognitive predictions. Language Learning. DOI: 10.1111/lang.12672
Hopp, H. (2024). Lexical effects in second language syntactic processing. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431
Hopp, H., Schimke, S., Gastmann, F., Öwerdieck, D., & Poarch, G. (2024). Processing to learn noncanonical word orders: Exploring linguistic and cognitive predictors of reanalysis in early L2 sentence comprehension. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 46, 686-709. DOI: 10.1017/S0272263123000451
Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2023). Cross-linguistic differences in predicting L2 sentence structure: The use of categorical and gradient verb constraints. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1-27. DOI: 10.1017/S0272263123000256
Hopp, H. & Jackson, C.N. (2023). Asymmetrical effects of cross-linguistic influence in L2 learners: Activation versus inhibition in cross-linguistic structural priming. Applied Psycholinguistics, 44(2), 205-236. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716423000164
Hopp, H. (2023). Sentence processing – Linguistic approaches. In A. Godfroid & H. Hopp (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics (pp. 216-228). New York: Routledge.
Klassen, R., Kolb, N, Hopp, H., & Westergaard, M. (2022). Interactions between lexical and syntactic L1-L2 overlap: Effects of gender congruency on L2 sentence processing in L1 Spanish-L2 German speakers. Applied Psycholinguistics, 4(3), 1221-1256. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716422000236
Sturm, S., Jakisch, J., Kieseier, T., & Hopp. H. (2022). Plurilingual Foreign-language Teaching in Early EFL: Exploring Student Perspectives and Profiles. International Journal of Multilingualism.International Journal of Multilingualism. DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2022.2105849
Hopp, H., Thoma, D., Jakisch, J., Kieseier, T., Sturm, S. (2022). Early plurilingual foreign language teaching in mixed classrooms: Linguistic and metalinguistic development of majority-language and minority-language students in EFL classes. System, 108, 102828. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2022.102828
Kieseier, T., Thoma, D., Vogelbacher, M., & Hopp, H. (2022). Differential effects of metalinguistic awareness components in early foreign language acquisition of English vocabulary and grammar. Language Awareness, 31, 495-514, DOI: 10.1080/09658416.2022.2093888
Hopp, H. (2022).Universal Grammar and individual difference factors in SLA. In S. Li, P. Hiver, & M. Papi (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of SLA and individual differences (pp. 1-15). Chapter 1: Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition: Theories, Research, and Pedagogy. New York: Routledge.
Sturm, S., Jakisch, J. Kieseier, T., Thoma, D., & Hopp, H. (2022). Pedagogical translanguaging in early foreign-language teaching and its effects on minority-language and majority-language students. In. S. Dietrich-Grappin, L. Wei, & B. Hufeisen (eds.). Compétence plurilingue - TL im schulischen Tertiärsprachenunterricht. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Hopp, H. (2021). Prediction and grammatical learning in L2 sentence processing. In E. Kaan & T. Grüter (Eds.). Prediction in Second Language Processing. (pp. 167-186). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Hopp, H. & Grüter, T. (2021). The time-course of L1 syntactic co-activation in L2 sentence processing: Evidence from cross-linguistic syntactic priming. Second Language Research. DOI: 10.1177/02676583211009586
Grüter, T. & Hopp, H. (2021). How permeable are native and non-native syntactic processing to crosslinguistic influence? Journal of Memory of Language, 121, 104281. DOI: 10.1016/j.jml.2021.104281
Hopp, H. & Thoma, D. (2021). Effects of plurilingual teaching on grammatical development in early foreign-language learning. Modern Language Journal, 105 (2), 464-483. DOI: 10.1111/modl.12709
Hopp, H., Kieseier, T., Jakisch, J., Sturm, S., & Thoma, D. (2021). Do minority-language and majority-language students benefit from pedagogical translanguaging in early foreign language development? Multilingua. DOI: 10.1515/multi-2020-0164
Hopp, H., Kieseier, T., Vogelbacher, M., & Thoma, D. (2021). Cognitive and linguistic profiles in early foreign language vocabulary and grammar. In A. Steinlen & T. Piske (Eds.). Cognition and Second Language Acquisition. Tübingen: Narr.
Henry, N., Jackson, C.N., & Hopp, H. (2020). Cue coalitions and additivity in predictive processing: The interaction between case and prosody in L2 German. Second Language Research. DOI: 10.1177/0267658320963151
Hopp, H. & Thoma, D. (2020). Foreign Language Development During Temporary School Closures in the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Education, 5, 601017. DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2020.601017
Hopp, H., Jakisch, J., Sturm, S., Becker, C., & Thoma, D. (2020). Integrating multilingualism into the early foreign language classroom: Empirical and teaching perspectives. International Multilingual Research Journal, 14(2), 146-162. DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2019.1669519
Jackson, C.N., & Hopp, H. (2020). Prediction error and implicit learning in L1 and L2 syntactic priming. International Journal of Bilingualism, 24(5-6), 895-911. DOI: 10.1177/1367006920902851
Hopp, H. (2020). Morphosyntactic adaptation in adult L2 processing: Exposure and the processing of case and tense violations. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41(3), 627-656. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716420000119
Hopp, H. & Jakisch, J. (2020). Mehrsprachigkeit im Fremdsprachenunterricht. In I. Gogolin, A. Hansen, S. McMonagle, D. Rauch, & P. Leseman (Eds.). Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung. (pp. 195-200). Berlin: Springer.
Hopp, H., Bail, J., & Jackson, C. (2020). Frequency at the syntax-discourse interface: A bidirectional study on fronting options in L1/L2 German and L1/L2 English. Second Language Research, 36(1), 65-96. DOI: 10.1177/0267658318802985
Hopp, H., Steinlen, A., Schelletter, C., & Piske, T. (2019). Syntactic development in early foreign language learning: Effects of L1 transfer, input and individual factors. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40(5), 1241-1267. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716419000249
Hopp, H., Vogelbacher, M., Kieseier, T., & Thoma, D. (2019). Bilingual advantages in early foreign language learning: Effects of proficiency in the minority and the majority language. Learning and Instruction, 61, 99-110. DOI: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.02.001
Hopp, H. (2019). Cross-linguistic influence in the child L3 acquisition of grammar: Sentence comprehension and production among Turkish-German and German learners of English. International Journal of Bilingualism 23(2), 567-583. DOI: 10.1177/1367006917752523
Rankin, T., Grüter, T., & Hopp, H. (2019). Investigating co-activation of L1 syntax during processing of wh-questions: eye-tracking evidence from L1 German-L2 English. In R. Slabakova, J. Corbet, L. Dominguez, A. Dudley, & A.J.F. Wallington (Eds), Explorations in second language acquisition and processing (pp. 154-170). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.
Lemmerth, N. & Hopp, H. (2019). Gender processing in simultaneous and successive bilingual children: Effects of lexical and syntactic cross-linguistic influence. Language Acquisition, 26(1), 21-45. DOI: 10.1080/10489223.2017.1391815
Hopp, H., Vosburg, N., & Putnam, M. T. (2019). Derivational complexity vs. transfer effects: Long-distance wh-movement in heritage and L2 grammars. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 9(3), 341-375. DOI: 10.1075/lab.17014.hop
Hopp, H., Kieseier, T., Vogelbacher, M., & Thoma, D. (2018). L1 effects in the early L3 acquisition of vocabulary and grammar. In A Bonnet & P. Siemund (Eds.) Foreign language education in multilingual classrooms (pp. 305-330). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Hopp, H. (2018). Kasus – und Genusverarbeitung des Deutschen im Satzkontext. In S. Schimke & H. Hopp (Eds.). Sprachverarbeitung in der Zweitsprache (pp. 141-168). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Hopp, H., & Schimke, S. (2018). Fragestellungen, Modelle und Methoden in der Zweitsprachverarbeitung. In S. Schimke & H. Hopp (Eds.). Sprachverarbeitung in der Zweitsprache (pp. 1-30). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Hopp, H., & Lemmerth, N. (2018). Lexical and syntactic congruency in L2 predictive gender processing. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 40(1), 171-199. DOI: 10.1017/S0272263116000437
Hopp, H., Kieseier, T., Vogelbacher, M., & Thoma, D. (2018). Einflüsse und Potenziale der Mehrsprachigkeit im Englischerwerb in der Primarstufe. In G. Mehlhorn & B. Brehmer (Eds.), Potenziale von Herkunftssprachen: Sprachliche und außersprachliche Einflussfaktoren (pp. 57-80). Tübingen: Stauffenburg.
Jackson, C. N., Massaro, A., & Hopp, H. (2017). The impact of L1 structural frequency and cognate status on the timing of L2 production. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29(5), 535-550. DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2017.1299156
Henry, N., Jackson, C. N., & Hopp, H. (2017). Cue additivity and adaptivity in predictive processing. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience32(10), 1229-1249. DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2017.1327080
Hopp, H., Kieseier, T., Vogelbacher, M., Köser, S., & Thoma, D. (2017) Mehrsprachigkeit und metalinguistische Bewusstheit im Englischerwerb in der Grundschule. In I. Fuchs, S. Jeuk, & W. Knapp (Eds.), Mehrsprachigkeit: Spracherwerb, Unterrichtsprozesse, Schulentwicklung (pp. 55-76). Stuttgart: Fillibach bei Klett.
Hopp, H. (2017). Cross-linguistic lexical and syntactic co-activation in L2 sentence processing. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 7(1), 96-130. DOI: 10.1075/lab.14027.hop
Hopp, H. (2017). Individual differences in L2 parsing and lexical representations. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 20(4), 689-690. DOI: 10.1017/S1366728916000821
Hopp, H. (2017). The processing of English which-questions in adult L2 learners: Effects of L1 transfer and proficiency. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 36(1). DOI: 10.1515/zfs-2017-0006)
Hopp, H. (2016). Lexical contributions to inflectional variability in L2 predictive processing. In J. Scott & D. Waughtal (Eds.). Proceedings of the 30th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 169-183). Boston: MA. Cascadilla Press. 169-183.
Hopp, H. (2016). Learning (not) to predict: Grammatical gender processing in adult L2 acquisition. Second Language Research, 32(2), 277-307. DOI: 10.1177/0267658315624960
Hopp, H. (2016). The timing of lexical and syntactic processes in L2 sentence comprehension. Applied Psycholinguistics, 37(5), 1253-1280. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716415000569
Hopp, H. & León, M. (2016). Structural and inherent case in the non-native processing of Spanish: Constraints on inflectional variability. Second Language Research, 32(1), 75-108. DOI: 10.1177/0267658315605872
Hopp, H. (2015). Differential learning of prediction. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism,5(4), 476-481. DOI: 10.1075/lab.5.4.06hop
Hopp, H. (2015). Semantics and morphosyntax in L2 predictive sentence processing. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 53(3), 277-306. DOI: 10.1515/iral-2015-0014
Hopp, H. & Putnam, M. T. (2015). Syntactic restructuring in heritage grammars: Word order variation in Moundridge Schweitzer German. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 5(2), 180-214. DOI: 10.1075/lab.5.2.02hop)
Roth, C., Hopp, H., & Thoma, D. (2015). Effekte von Fort- und Weiterbildung auf die Sprachförderkompetenz frühpädagogischer Fachkräfte. Frühe Bildung, 4, 218-225. DOI: 10.1026/2191-9186/a000230
Hopp, H. (2014). Working memory effects on the L2 processing of ambiguous relative clauses. Language Acquisition, 21(3), 250-278. DOI: 10.1080/10489223.2014.892943
Schmid, M.S. & Hopp, H. (2014). Comparing foreign accent in L1 attrition and L2 acquisition: Range and rater effects. Language Testing, 31(3), 367-388. DOI: 10.1177/0265532214526175
Hopp, H. (2014). Individual differences in the L2 processing of object-subject ambiguities. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(2), 129-173. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716413000180
Hopp, H. (2013). Critical Period Theory; Full Transfer/Full Access Model; Interlanguage; Language Acquisition Device; Poverty of the Stimulus. In B. Kortmann (Ed.), Theories and Methods in Linguistics (Wörterbücher zur Sprach-und Kommunikationswissenschaft). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK) Online):
Hopp, H. (2013). The development of L2 morphology. Second Language Research, 29(1), 3-6. DOI: 10.1177/0267658312465304
Hopp, H. (2013). Grammatical gender in adult L2 acquisition: Relations between lexical and syntactic variability. Second Language Research, 29(1), 33-56. DOI: 10.1177/0267658312461803
Hopp, H. & Schmid, M.S. (2013). Perceived foreign accent in L1 attrition and L2 acquisition: The impact of age of acquisition and bilingualism. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34(2), 361-394. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716411000737
Hopp, H. (2012). The on-line integration of inflection in L2 processing: Predictive processing of German Gender. In A. K. Biller, E. Y. Chung, & A. E. Kimball (Eds.) BUCLD 36: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 226-245). Cascadilla Press.
Hopp, H. (2011). Internal and external factors in the child L2 development of the German determiner phrase. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 1(3), 238-264 DOI:10.1075/lab.1.3.02hop
Hopp, H. (2011). Extended patterns and computational complexity. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 1(1), 43-47. DOI: 10.1075/lab.1.1.04hop
Hopp, H., Thoma, D., & Tracy, R. (2010). Sprachförderkompetenz pädagogischer Fachkräfte: Ein sprachwissenschaftliches Modell. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 13(4), 609-629. DOI: 10.1007/s11618-010-0166-z
Hopp, H. (2010). Ultimate attainment in L2 inflectional morphology: Performance similarities between non-native and native speakers. Lingua, 120(4), 901-931. DOI: 10.1016/j.lingua.2009.06.004
Hopp, H., Frank, S., & Tracy, R. (2009) Evaluationsstudie - Sprachförderung mit dem Elefanten: Abschlussbericht. Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Jugend und Frauen. Berlin [207 S.].
Hopp, H. (2009). The syntax-discourse interface in near-native L2 acquisition: Off-line and on-line performance. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 12(4), 463-483. DOI: 10.1017/S1366728909990253
Bouma, G. & Hopp, H. (2007). Coreference preferences for personal pronouns in German. In D. Bittner & N. Gagarina (Eds.), Intersentential Pronominal Reference in Child and Adult Language. Proceedings of the Conference on Intersentential Pronominal Reference in Child and Adult Language (ZAS Papers in Linguistics. Volume 48, pp. 53-74). Berlin: Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung.
Hopp, H. (2007). Cross-linguistic differences at the syntax-discourse interface in off- and on-line L2 performance. In A. Belikova, L. Meroni & M. Umeda (Eds.), Galana 2 - Proceedings of the Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition- North America 2 (MA, pp. 147-158). Somerville: Cascadilla Press.
Hopp, H. (2006). Syntactic features and reanalysis in near-native processing. Second Language Research, 22(3), 369-397. DOI: 10.1191/0267658306sr272oa
Hopp, H. (2006). Subject-Object ambiguities in L2 parsing. In D. Bamman, T. Magnitskaia, & C. Zaller (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 281-292). Boston: MA. Cascadilla Press.
Hopp, H. (2006). Effects of L1 and proficiency on L2 parsing. In A. Belletti, E. Bennati, C. Chesi, E. Di Domenico, I. Ferrari (Eds.), Language Acquisition and Development.Proceedings of GALA 2005. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Bouma, G. & Hopp, H. (2006). Effects of word order and grammatical function on pronoun resolution in German. In R. Artstein & M. Poesio (Eds.), Ambiguity in Anaphora Workshop Proceedings - ESSLI 2006 (pp. 5-12).
Hopp, H. (2005). L2 processing of German word order variation. In K.U. Deen, J. Nomura, B. Schulz, & B.D. Schwartz (Eds.), The Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition-North America (pp. 137-148), Honolulu: University of Connecticut Occasional Papers in Linguistics.
Hopp, H. (2005). Constraining second language word order optionality: scrambling in advanced English-German and Japanese-German interlanguage. Second Language Research, 21(1), 34-71. DOI: 10.1191/0267658305sr246oa
Hopp, H. (2004). Syntactic and interface knowledge in advanced and near-native interlanguage grammars. In S.H. Foster-Cohen, M. Sharwood Smith, A. Sorace, & M. Ota (Eds.) EUROSLA Yearbook (Vol. 4, pp. 67-94). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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Hopp, H. & Schwartz, B.D. (2002). Case, (re-)set and match: functional features in the L2 German nominal domain. In J. Costa & M.J. Freitas (Eds.), Proceedings of the GALA 2001 Conference on Language Acquisition (pp. 112-120). Lisboa: Associacao Portuguesa de Linguistica.