The courses in the Prof.-Programme are geared towards topics relevant to you as an academic leader at TU Braunschweig. In the welcome offer for newly appointed professors, at the Prof.Talk, in the Science and Leadership Forum and in various advisory formats, we offer you the opportunity to take away thematic impulses, discuss your questions and exchange experiences.
As a newly appointed professor, we would like to welcome you to TU Braunschweig. In six modules and three hands-on events, we invite you to talk to the Executive Board and get to know key contact persons from our Designated Offices, Administration and central Facilities.
We will introduce you to our strategic fields of development and would like to offer you an orientation in the structure, organization and culture of TU Braunschweig as well as answers to central questions for your everyday work. In the welcome offer, you will meet other newly appointed professors and have the opportunity to make interdisciplinary contacts.
Digital event, the access link will be sent to you.
In this hands-on event, you will receive an introduction to examination law. The following areas will be covered, among others: Legal bases, examination material, problems in conducting an examination, assessment and legal protection.
Venue follows
Vice President Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kwade welcomes you to the Transfer module and introduces you to this performance dimension of TU Braunschweig. Based on the strategic development of TU Braunschweig, you will learn about the transfer strategy and the activities derived from it. The Transfer Service reports on its task of offering professional services in the areas of technology transfer, knowledge transfer and relationship management so that scientists can enter into a creative exchange with the TU Braunschweig communities. The Technology Transfer Office, the Entrepreneurship Hub and the innovation company iTUBS offer you opportunities to promote a start-up culture and specific services, e.g. to initiate targeted contacts, to market new technologies and patents or to realize spin-offs. The Braunschweigischer Hochschulbund is the friends and supporters association of TU Braunschweig.
Venue: New Senate Hall, Historic Main Building, Pockelsstraße 4
In this module, the President of TU Braunschweig, Prof. Dr Angela Ittel, together with the Designated Office of Strategic University Development, invites you to get to know the strategic orientation of our university and the University Development Concept 2030 in a short kick-off workshop. We will continue with the strategic overarching themes of digitalisation, internationalisation, equality and diversity and knowledge exchange: The Equal Opportunity Office and the Diversity Policies Officer will report on the goals and activities of TU Braunschweig with regard to equality and diversity. The International House introduces itself with its fields of activity and internationalisation projects. The House of Science reports on its background, goals and orientations on the topic of knowledge exchange in cooperation with TU Braunschweig. The full-time Vice President for Digital Transformation and Sustainability, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Krafczyk, will introduce you to his department. Get to know the Green Office, learn about current IT fields of work from the Gauß-IT-Zentrum and the Designated Office oft the CISO (Chief Information Security Officer), hear tips on data protection and discuss your questions with our speakers.
Venue: New Senate Hall, Historic Main Building, Pockelsstraße 4
The module focuses on the central performance dimension of research at TU Braunschweig. The Vice President for Research introduces his department and talks about research priorities, special research areas and future funds, among other things. Against the background of the diverse research funding landscape, the team from the Research Service Office will provide you with an overview of the support services offered by TU Braunschweig in the area of third-party funding acquisition. The Research Funding Network will offer you its experience in an advisory capacity and the University Library will inform you about further services for researchers in the areas of research data management, (open access) publishing and bibliometrics
Venue: New Senate Hall, Historic Main Building, Pockelsstraße 4
We don't want you to communicate more, we want you to communicate better. This event will give you an overview of typical scenarios and instruments of science and university communication. You will get to know typical questions from media representatives and learn how to avoid misunderstandings. You will also reflect on which communication is right for you and which measures you can use: From press releases to websites, social media and events. The Press and Communication Office at TU Braunschweig would like to talk to you about how it can support you in science communication, where you can find templates and image material or where you can get advice in tricky situations.
Venue: New Senate Hall, Historic Main Building, Pockelsstraße 4
In this module, the Vice President Prof. Dr. Baumann welcomes you and introduces you to the strategic performance dimension of studying and teaching at TU Braunschweig. You will be informed about strategic orientations, current projects and future plans in studies and teaching. You will learn about the higher education and media didactic qualification opportunities and fields of action of the Competence Center for Higher Education Didactics for Lower Saxony as well as the topics of the project house. You will also be introduced to the Central Student Advisory Service, the Student Service Center and the Advisory Network BeN, each with their different fields of activity in (student) advisory services. The teaching-learning platform Stud.IP and the campus management system HISinOne are central applications for studying and teaching, hear about the current status and development perspectives here.
Digital event, the access link will be sent to you.
For many newly appointed professors, financial management is an area they have rarely come into contact with before. The module therefore provides an overview of important elements of financial management that are needed in everyday academic life. These include financial architecture, procurement, travel expense management, third-party and special funds administration and appointment funds controlling. You will gain basic knowledge of funding streams, the requirements and implementation of public procurement law and travel expenses law, insights into resource management and budgeting processes as well as contract law and liability law, which must be observed when cooperating with non-university institutions. Take the opportunity to discuss your questions with the central contact persons at TU Braunschweig.
Anja Kübler, Head of the Designated Office of University Controlling
Cathleen Farr, Head of Department 11 - Legal Department
Katharina Philipps and Schaghaiegh Monzavi, Department 11 - Legal Department, Contractual Matters
Venue follows
In this module, the full-time Vice President Dietmar Smyrek will introduce you to the Human Resources department and talk about professorial rights and duties at TU Braunschweig. As a professor, you will be informed about committees and participation rights as well as the handling of secondary employment. The topic of personnel law is of particular importance for you as managers and is covered in this module, as are the topics of personnel responsibility and occupational health and safety. You will also get to know the Central HR Development unit with its services and contact persons as well as the service and support provided by Occupational Health Management.
Venue follows
The quality assurance of appointment procedures, including transparency, duration of procedures, information flow, gender equality and diversity sensitivity, is of crucial importance for the future direction of TU Braunschweig. Every newly appointed person is called upon to participate in academic self-administration and can be appointed as a member of an appointment committee or be entrusted with the chairmanship of the committee. TU Braunschweig has its own appointment law and must ensure the quality of its appointment procedures itself.
In the workshop, you will learn and discuss the basics of the approval and appointment procedure for filling a professorship at TU Braunschweig. The recruitment requirements for candidates according to the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act will be addressed as well as possible procedural hurdles in the work of an appointment committee. The aim of the event is to provide you with the necessary information about the online application management system introduced at TU Braunschweig in order to be able to organise and carry out swift, diversity-sensitive and successful appointment procedures.
Prof.Talk gives you the opportunity to take part in an exclusive discussion about teaching, leadership or your topics as a junior professor or tenure-track professor in a collegial setting among professors.
Once a semester, we offer you two hours of space in a setting moderated by us to bring your specific practical questions and concerns to the table, discuss them with colleagues and take away new ideas for your day-to-day work.
Venue follows
Collegial dialogue on the topic of leadership exclusively for professors.
Venue: New Senate Hall, Historic Main Building, Pockelsstraße 4
Collegial dialogue on teaching exclusively for professors. (3AE)
Venue follows
Collegial get-together and exchange of experiences exclusively for junior and tenure-track professors.
In the Science and Leadership Forum, we offer exclusive events for professors on various leadership topics.
At the events, experienced speakers, coaches and trainers provide all interested professors with inspiration on a variety of leadership topics. Discuss your topic-specific questions, find inspiration for your day-to-day management work and benefit from exchanging experiences with your colleagues. If you have a topic in mind, please contact us with your ideas.
We will prepare the new programme for you.
Consulting and coaching
The challenges of everyday university life require an external perspective from time to time. Our counseling and coaching formats offer you a personal environment in which you have the space to discuss individual and group-related issues as well as process support.
If you are interested in consulting or coaching, please send an e-mail to prof-programm(at) or use the contact form below. We will get back to you and quickly put you in touch with the person you would like to speak to.
In the personal kick-off meeting, we will inform you as a newly appointed professor about the exclusive welcome offer and other offers in the field of university and media didactics as well as the further development of leadership and personal skills. We will contact you to arrange an appointment, but of course you can also contact us at any time.
Junior and tenure-track professors want to talk to successful and established professors - we invite you. Ask me anything: Together with a group of interested junior and tenure-track professors, you can talk online for an hour with your preferred professor about the academic or science management topics that concern you. It's time for the question you've always wanted to ask.
After you have worked at TU Braunschweig for a few semesters, it can be useful to reflect on your individual goals and look at your target agreements. During the pit stop, we will give you an overview of the events and consultations you have completed and discuss any further requirements.
Individual coaching gives you the opportunity to think through specific practical or management issues in a targeted manner. In an initial meeting, you clarify your concerns and goals with the coach and agree on the further course of the process. In confidential discussions, for example, questions about reflecting on your role as a manager, managing employees or time and self-management are dealt with. Ideas from the Science and Leadership Forum can also be taken up and explored in greater depth. Together with your coach, you will develop solutions for specific issues. You will also be supported by your coach during the implementation phase. (AE according to scope)
Prof.-Programme Coaches:
» Anne Ebeling, Rüdiger Freiwald, Karin Leven, Viola Steffen-Kreissel
In (digital) courses, lectures, conferences or meetings - the voice is an important instrument of expression for professors. Speech coaching helps you to use your voice effectively and gently at the same time. The one-to-one sessions of 60 minutes are arranged individually with you and also take place as a video conference. (2 AE)
Trainer: Nikolai Radke, Actor und Speech Trainer
…mit den Schwerpunkten: Personal und Führung, Wandel und Entwicklung von Organisationen sowie Arbeit und Beratung. Seit 20 Jahren ist sie selbstständig tätig als Coach, Organisationsberaterin und Trainerin im Bereich Hochschuldidaktik. Sie hat über acht Jahre im Projekt teach4TU an der TU Braunschweig im Prof.-Programm gearbeitet. Sie verfügt über eine Zusatzausbildung in Systemischem Coaching und ist Gründungsmitglied im Netzwerk Hochschulcoaching.
Ihre Schwerpunkte sind: schwierige Führungssituationen, Veränderungsprozesse, Selbstmanagement und Gesundheit, Potenzial- und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.
... ist Coach und Supervisor (DGSv) u.a. mit folgenden Weiterbildungen: Psychodrama, PEP, Myers-Briggs-Typenindikator, Zürcher Ressourcen Modell, General Management nach Prof. F. Malik. Er hat umfassende Kenntnisse u.a. in den Bereichen Management-Coaching (Volkswagen AG), Moderation, Projektmanagement.
Seine Schwerpunkte sind: Potenzial- und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, schwierige Führungssituationen, persönliche Krisen, Spannungsfeld Beruf und Familie, Entwicklung der Organisation sowie Veränderungsprozesse.
Herr Freiwald bietet auch englischsprachige Coachings an.
... und Dipl.-Ing. Freiraum- und Landschaftsplanung, ist Beraterin mit eigenem Unternehmen. Sie verfügt über Zertifizierungen im systemischen Coaching (DGfC), Supervision (DGSv) und Mediation/Klärungshilfe (IfK) sowie Trainerautorisierungen für die Persönlichkeitsprofile JPP und Persolog-DISG.
Ihre Schwerpunkte sind: Führungskräfte- und Teamentwicklung, Mediation/Klärungshilfe sowie individuelle Coachings zur Kompetenz- und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.
Frau Leven bietet auch englischsprachige Coachings an.
... und M.A. in Soziologie und Politik, war bis 2004 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der TU Braunschweig tätig. Nach dem Schauspielstudium an der Schauspielschule Charlottenburg absolvierte er eine Ausbildung zum Synchron- und Mikrofonsprecher am Institut für Schauspiel-, Film- und Fernsehberufe (iSFF) Berlin und hat an verschiedenen Bühnen, z.B. der Landesbühne Stendal, Landesbühne Dinslaken, Staatsoper Berlin und am Theater Wolfsburg, sowie im TV als Schauspieler und Sprecher gearbeitet.
Seine Schwerpunkte beim Stimmcoaching liegen in der Sprachgestaltung, Stimmschonung sowie in Auftritt und Wirkung.
... ist in der Managemententwicklung bei der Volkswagen AG tätig. Darüber hinaus ist sie Ausbilderin für Systemische Beratung bei con.sentio und selbständige Coachin. Sie verfügt über Zusatzausbildungen wie die Systemische Beratung (SG), Systemisches Coaching und Teamentwicklung, Achtsamkeitstrainerin, Zürcher Ressourcen Modell, Myers-Briggs-Typenindikator und den Qualitätsauditor (GFQ).
Ihre Schwerpunkte sind: schwierige Führungssituationen, Umgang mit Veränderung, Selbstmanagement, Ressourcenaktivierung, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Auftritt und Wirkung, Lebensbalance und Gesundheit.
In the kick-off meeting and at the pit stop, we will discuss which events from the Prof. Programme, university didactics or leadership-related courses can be counted towards your target agreements.
You will receive an overview of the events you have attended and the work units and training days you have completed at the end of each semester or on request.
The mandatory welcome offer of the Prof. program is constantly aligned with the developments at TU Braunschweig and the needs of the professors and currently consists of six modules and three hands-on events.
Participation in higher education didactics courses offered by the Competence Centre for Higher Education Didactics for Lower Saxony (KHN) or the TU Braunschweig Project House is recognized as continuing education within the meaning of the appointment target agreements. Your participation will be recognized in work units (1 AE corresponds to 45 minutes).
Participation in the events offered by the Science and Leadership Forum is recognized as leadership-related further training in line with your appointment target agreements. By combining events in the Science and Leadership Forum with thematically appropriate coaching sessions, you can combine the formats according to your interests and priorities. Your participation will be recognized in work units (1 AE corresponds to 45 minutes).
Please do not hesitate to contact us:
Susanne Sandau
☎ + 49 531 391-14096
Vacancies of TU Braunschweig
Career Service' Job Exchange
Term Dates
Degree Programmes
Information for Freshman
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig
P. O. Box: 38092 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0) 531 391-0