Vision & Objektives
TU Braunschweig is characterised by horizontal and decentralised governance with associated business processes. We act transparently in the awareness of common goals. This makes decisions comprehensible and builds trust. The principle of subsidiarity applies.
Administration 4.0: Our innovative university administration is state-of-the-art in terms of its structures and processes, its development dynamics and its own continuous professionalisation. The university administration is service-orientated, responsible, sustainable, transparent, open-minded, digital and communicative. Together, we provide the best service for outstanding research, study & teaching and transfer and create freedom in our other performance and cross-sectional dimensions through our activities.
Goals for the performance dimension of governance and administration:
- We lead the cultural change we have begun to success.
- We contribute to an attractive working environment.
- As a building owner, we are constantly modernising our research and teaching infrastructure and incorporate the interests of the entire university.
- Our administrative staff are characterised by service orientation and agility.