Our model

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Since July 2021, TU Braunschweig has been pursuing the strategic approach of holistic development. Holistic means that all members of our university develop a self-image in which they align their own work in all performance dimensions and strategic cross-cutting topics with excellent standards as a benchmark.

In order to put this strategic approach into practice, we launched the University Development 2030 initiative, a continuous process within and between the faculties. The first result is the University Development Concept (HEK) published at the end of 2022. Based on this, the Executive Board and the faculties are continuously developing our university and discuss progress and future objectives in annual development meetings.

The basis of every future step should be holistic and sustainable thinking and action.

Our holistic development model

With the holistic development model, we visualise the focus on our performance and cross-cutting dimensions and illustrate the strong connection between all dimensions. It shows our four performance dimensions of research, teaching and studies, transfer and governance and administration, which are consistently linked to our strategically important cross-cutting themes of digitalisation, internationalisation, equality and diversity and knowledge exchange. The individual performance dimensions and cross-cutting topics are not new to us. What is new, however, is the targeted orientation and focus on benchmarks, which should lead us to a new self-image as a university. This orientation is visible in our university development process model. This serves the purpose of constant adaptation and development. We have geared our circular process towards reacting flexibly to external changes. This flexibility is essential for us as a large, partially decentralised organisation in today's world of rapidly evolving transformations. 


Sustainability as a guiding principle

Acting sustainably means scrutinising one's own actions and shaping them in such a way that they are not at the expense of future generations or the environment. All members of our university are therefore required to act in an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable manner. With excellent research on topics relevant to the future, the integration of sustainability aspects into teaching and research, efficient transfer, knowledge exchange and results-orientated administrative processes, we are actively shaping change. Sustainability is firmly anchored at TU Braunschweig.


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Objectives of holistic development

The participatory process of university development is about taking action. We are happy to share our results and the goals that are adapted to them with the interested public because transparency creates trust. Read more about the objectives of the performance/cross-cutting dimensions.



The process

The process of holistic development is designed as a cycle in which we constantly scrutinise ourselves as an entire university and the individual results and continuously adapt our measures with a view to the development objectives we have set ourselves. Find out more about the holistic development process model.