
Header Zukunftswerkstatt

A Zukunftswerkstatt is a method of group work aimed at collaboratively finding creative solutions to complex problems or challenges and developing future-oriented ideas. The method was developed in the 1970s by Robert Jungk and Norbert R. Müller and has since become established in many fields such as business, politics, and education.

A typical Zukunftswerkstatt consists of a moderated one to several-day workshop attended by a group of participants from various backgrounds and experiences. The process involves a systematic analysis of the current situation, a creative phase in which new ideas are generated, and a practical implementation phase in which the ideas are translated into concrete actions.

The Zukunftswerkstatt is a participatory method aimed at promoting the participation and collaboration of participants to develop innovative and sustainable solutions together. The method can be used for a variety of applications, from product and service development to the design of cities and regions.

The offering of the Zukunftswerkstatt by the Knowledge Transfer Team is aimed at groups of up to 15 people, lasts approximately 6 hours (excluding breaks), and is facilitated by a trained moderator. The offering is conducted with the involvement of researchers from TU Braunschweig.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact Dr. Mara Ruth Wesemüller, Coordinator for Knowledge Transfer.

Past events

17.06.2023 | Zukunftswerkstatt on the topic 'Cultural Heritage in a Diverse Society,' in cooperation with the State Theater Braunschweig and the Research Focus Future City. Here's the TU Magazine article


Our offerings in the field of Co-Creation:


Explanation Competence

Call for Impact



Dr. Mara Ruth Wesemüller
Coordinator of Engagement Projects and Co-Creation (Part-time)