Studying without Language Barriers (S.O.S.)

Learning German in a peer-to-peer format

Even with a good general knowledge of German, for most international students the German language in courses and exams is a big challenge. In the S.o.S. programme, they study together with German speaking students in small learning groups and can practise their subject-specific and their general German language skills. The German speaking students support their international fellow students in understanding the course content and help them with language questions. For this purpose, they receive preparatory training as language coaches.

Videovorschaubild mit dem Titel "Das S.o.S.-Programm"

International students…

  • can improve their technical and general German language skills
  • understand the courses better and achieve better examination results
  • make contact with German and other international students

For international students

Find more information and the registration here!

Language coaches…

  • take part in an intercultural language coach training and gain intercultural experience
  • receive up to 4 credits in the professionalisation area
  • achieve better exam results through the intensive work with the course content.

For language coaches

Find more information and the registration here!

Language coaches of Faculty 6 ...

  • support their international fellow students in improving their language skills
  • gain valuable didactic experience
  • Can participate in the DaF/DaZ study programme or in the profile module Master (PMA)

Languages coaches of Faculty 6

Find more information and the registration here!

About the programme

S.o.S. is a joint programme of the International House, the Institute for Electrical Measurement Science and Fundamental Electrical Engineering and the Institute for Particle Technology.

Based on the experiences from the S.o.S. programme and the feedback from students, recommendations for teachers have been developed that can help support international students in understanding German-language content as effectively as possible.

Download recommendations for teachers (PDF, 1 MB, German)


The S.o.S.-Team

Current changes

No news available.