Certificate of Intercultural Competence (ZiK)

Certificate of Intercultural Competence
  • Do you help foreign students find their way around Braunschweig?
  • Are you an active member of an international student group?
  • Have you spent time abroad on an exchange?

Who can apply?

Anyone who is enrolled as a student or doctoral candidate at the TU Braunschweig can apply.

What is the ZiK?

  • a recognition of your intercultural commitment
  • a formal proof of your intercultural competence
  • an additional certificate you can include in your future applications


The Certificate of Intercultural Competence (Zertifikat für interkulturelle Kompetenz – ZiK) is also a networking project. It aims to boost the visibility of the TU Braunschweig's many international and intercultural activities and facilitate participation.

The Certificate of Intercultural Competence requires a minimum of 30 ZiK credits, divided as follows:

  • Ambassador component:
    10 - 20 ZiK credits
  • Academic component:
    10 - 15 ZiK credits
  • International experience:
    up to 10 ZiK credits




Certificate of Intercultural Competence (ZiK)

Dott. Francesco Ducatelli

 ☎  +49 531 391-14 373

Office hours

by arrangement, room 302, 3rd floor
Bültenweg 74, 38106 Braunschweig