First-year Students

Welcome to the TU Braunschweig

Information for first-year students

Here you will find important information to help you begin your studies in the Bachelor of Social Sciences.

Study Program Coordination

Eva Rink
Rebenring 58a, Raum 129 / Bienroder Weg 97, Raum 148

Consultation hours:

  • Tuesday 10-12h (consultations on site)
  • Thursday 10-12h (online consultation)

Dates and registration via Stud.IP

Examination Office

Sybille Bläsche
Rebenring 58a, 1.OG, Raum 126

Consultation hours:

  • By telephone or e-mail
  • Consultation hours on campus are only possible after prior appointment booking via StudIP .
Last update: 22.05.2024