Postgraduate studies and PhD

PhD in History of Pharmacy

Bettina Wahrig is now in retirement. She continues to supervise the theses that have already  been accepted by the faculty, but does not admit any new candidates.  A small number of PhD theses on the history of pharmacy (graduation: Dr. rer. nat.), can be advised by PD Dr. Ayman Atat. As a preparation, postgraduate studies in the history of pharmacy should be completed. For PhD candidates with a degree in the humanities, a joint supervision with the History Department of the Technical University of Braunschweig. could be discussed, please contact potential supervisors directly.

Pathfinder for potential doctoral candidates in history of pharmacy and science

Faculty 2 is open to doctoral candidates who have a degree in the natural sciences, e.g. a state examination in pharmacy. For further information, please refer to the information provided by the Faculty's  doctoral office.

Before we start working together, we need to make sure that you have the skills, resources and motivation to tackle the challenging project of a doctorate. Therefore it  is necessary for you to attend courses as a guest student. It usually takes four semesters until a topic is found. The design of the program is flexible and can also be done part-time; since our research group has no funding of its own, you would have to find the necessary resources (time and/or money) on your own.

Call for Applications:

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact PD Dr. Ayman Yasin Atat at ( or PD Dr. Alexander von Schwerin with their CV and a cover letter explaining their motivation for joining the PhD programme in the History of Pharmacy and Science.

Application Deadlines:

  • Summer Semester (SoSe): 31 January

  • Winter Semester (WiSe): 31 August

On receiving your application, which should include a CV and a letter of motivation, the prospective mentor will contact you and invite you for an interview. If you are accepted, you may start in the following semester. However, this step does not yet include your being accepted as a PhD candidate by the faculty,  for which you can apply as soon as a potential subject of your research has been agreed upon.

The course catalogue for each semester is published before the start of the semester.

Teaching Program: Acquiring Skills in Three Stages